Facing Lu Hu who was constantly exerting high pressure, even though the man had exceeded his own limits, the Black Tiger Fist was gradually moving towards great success in his hands.

But he was still suppressed by Lu Hu.

This feeling of frustration and powerlessness suddenly affected the despair and hesitation that the man had when he faced the huge waves of his fate.

"Is it my life to die here? No! I don't admit it, I want to win!"

The man originally wanted to risk his life to severely injure Lu Hu in order to avenge Lu Hu's contempt for him!

But at this time, the flame of life was burning in his eyes. What stood in front of him was no longer Lu Hu, but his own destiny.

Five months ago, when the bandits came down from the mountain to plunder the village, he stood at the entrance of the village and had just returned from hunting. In front of him was the burning village, piercing cries, and the bloody smiles on the bandits' faces, and the steel knife with a cold light in their hands!

Fear, the boundless fear of death defeated him in an instant.

Let him flee all the way without taking care of his wife, children, and parents at home.

"Even if I go in, I will still die. I can't do anything at all! This is fate! To live, you have to accept your fate!" He said to himself.

However, every night after that, when darkness fell, pain and regret caught up with him, eating at his body and torturing his nerves.

Only then did he realize that there were still things in the world where life was worse than death.

By chance, he joined the Senluo Society and became a death-fight slave, which allowed him to briefly escape from this pain in one death-fight after another.

Practice martial arts in a masochistic way, exhausting all your energy before night falls, so that you can sleep peacefully.

Relying on this method, he successfully numbed himself and stopped thinking about: what if he had

Today, he met Lu Hu. Under his powerful, insurmountable, and irresistible pressure, he once again tasted the feeling of standing at the entrance of the village.

Are you about to accept your fate again?

"Anyway, I can't beat this man no matter what. Now I'm just being played by him, so why are I still fighting like this? Just accept your fate, give up resistance, and be beaten to death by him, and you will be free!"

This voice came to his ears.

But this time, he didn't want to do this. This time, he wanted to see if fate was really irresistible!

The reluctance and regret that had been stored in his heart for a long time broke through the dam he had built in one fell swoop.

Emotions were rushing like a flood, boundless anger was rising, and his eyes were bloodshot, red and bloodshot!

The village with black smoke and blazing fire appeared in front of him again. That was his home!

The energy flow from the lower abdomen is transferred to the fists.


The man suddenly yelled!

With a complete burst of energy, Lu Hu's downward punch was shattered. The force of this punch was more than twice as strong as before, which shocked him in his heart.

The next moment, he heard bursts of tooth-gripping sounds from the man in front of him.

His face, which was already as red as blood, became even redder, and the bulging veins were like loaches writhing crazily under his skin!

The man's arms suddenly shook, and he clenched his fingers tightly, hitting Lu Hu hard from top to bottom.

"Come die!"

The sound of violent shouting shook the whole place, the sound was like the desperate roar of a desperate tiger, the howl was stirring, and the power of the king of beasts burst out from the man!

The audience in the audience was startled by the man's sudden roar, and their hearts palpitated. Everyone's faces turned pale, and they involuntarily held their chests. Some of the less courageous people's legs began to tremble.

It felt like the tiger on the stage would pounce down at any time and devour anyone. Even the iron net around the death fighting stage could not give them a sense of security.

The people in the audience were like this, let alone Lu Hu, who was facing the man directly.

As soon as this roar came out, Lu Hu's heart suddenly began to beat "bang bang bang!" and the blood in his body flowed faster. He saw waves of evil aura emerging from the man's blood-red eyes. The evil spirit turned into a black tiger, with its mouth wide open, and rushed towards him.

At this moment, Lu Hu finally got what he wanted.

If Black Tiger Fist wants to achieve perfection, it needs this divine will from the King of Beasts!

His two thick dark eyebrows were raised, and two veins popped up at the corners of his eyes, and the power he had been suppressing began to surge.

The energy that was already as big as an egg flowed into the fist, and the fist suddenly swelled.

"Okay!" He also roared, his chest trembled violently, and the tiger roared in the forest!

Facing the man, he also used his own black tiger to dig out his heart!


A loud bang exploded on the death fighting platform, and the strong wind wrapped in the fists collided and scattered around.

The audience sitting in the front row leaned back suddenly, but the strong wind still inevitably blew on their faces, making their eyes sore!

The eyelids closed instinctively!

But as soon as they closed their eyes, they immediately opened them regardless of the differences in their eyes. In the haze of tears, they looked at the results on the stage!

In the blur, two black figures were seen standing opposite each other.

Rubbing away the tears with his hands, he saw that Lu Hu's fist had penetrated the man's chest, and the man's arm was twisted into a weird shape, hanging downward, with blood beads dripping from his fingertips.

When the audience saw this result, instead of shouting excitedly as usual, they all fell silent.

As for the reason, they didn't know. They just felt like there was a big stone pressing on their chests and they couldn't breathe.

Even the host in the audience was dumbfounded, staring, muttering to himself: "Fist intention?"

Lu Hu's face was pale, he lowered his head, and used his left hand to tear his chest. The clothes on his body were torn, and he saw a dark fist mark on his chest.


He pulled his fist out of the other man's body.

"what is that?"

In the collision just now, Lu Hu clearly broke the opponent's arm with one punch!

But in his eyes, the black tiger did not stop and slapped his chest with a claw!


A mouthful of blood could no longer be held back and spurted out!

Immediately, Lu Hu staggered back, and suddenly the world was spinning, and he fell on his back on the stage with a bang.

Lu Hu's fall to the ground immediately caused an uproar in the audience!

"What happened?"

"What happened to the crazy tiger? How did the good one fall?"

"Who wins now?"

"Nonsense, standing on the stage!"

"You farted and your chest was penetrated. How can you still live?"

The host immediately came on stage, glanced at the man with a fearful face, and then quickly walked to Lu Hu, only to see that Lu Hu had just passed out.

"Crazy Tiger is unconscious, the game is not over yet! Continue!"

He yelled, then pulled away and came to the edge of the stage.

"Lu Hu is unconscious and the man is fatally injured. Now just wait until the man falls to the ground and dies!"

He thought to himself.

But the man stood upright, his eyes staring straight into the void. A large amount of blood flowed out of the hole in his chest, and his feet were soon stained red.

Not to mention the injuries on his body, the massive blood loss was enough to kill someone.

But the man was still not dead and was still standing on the stage.

The audience in the audience watched this scene in shock. They sensed the existence of a force in the man. It was this force that had been supporting him, still standing, and not dead yet!

And they also guessed the host's thoughts.

"Declaration of the verdict!" someone shouted, breaking the silence.

Suddenly, like a mountain collapsing, everyone shouted, even the people who suppressed Lu Husheng didn't care at this moment!

"The verdict is announced!"

"The verdict is announced!"

The noise was terrifying, but the host was unmoved.

Suddenly, a man in black came to him and whispered something.

The host was immediately relieved and came to the man's side.

"The winner of this game is Gao Shan!"

When Gao Shan heard his victory, his face as white as paper and his lips moved, "It turns out that fate can be defeated!"

After saying that, he seemed to see something in his eyes, and there was a bright light, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The appearance of a smile, like the spring breeze, made the frost that had been covering his face for a long time disappear!

"Cui Cui, father... mother~!"


The man fell to the ground!

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