There's a Madman Sharpening His Knife at Night

Chapter 40 Carrying a knife but not an umbrella on a rainy night

When the autumn water comes, hundreds of rivers flow into the river, and the runoff is so great that there are no cattle or horses between the two rivers and the cliffs...

In the dark night, there was heavy rain, continuous muffled thunder trembling in the sky, strong winds raging around the world, heavy rain pouring down like the Milky Way, the ground soon became muddy, waterfalls hung from the eaves, and the sound of water was heard!

First he was knocked down by the smoke, and then he was fed the drug. Lu Hu was carried by the black shadow on his shoulders, and the heavy rain blown by the strong wind soaked him in an instant.

The devouring magical power was operating silently and rapidly, and the cold night rain made Lu Hu's eyelids hidden in the darkness begin to twitch.

Coach Li stood on the roof in the dark night and witnessed the whole process of the black shadow taking Lu Hu away.

He originally wanted to take this opportunity to see who the black figure was, but it rained heavily tonight and was covered by a rain curtain, so he couldn't see carefully. The only thing he could be sure of was that this person was not Mr. Song!

After the black shadow took Lu Hu away, he jumped off the roof. When he arrived at Lu Hu's room, there was already a dead body in his hand.

With a body similar to Lu Hu's, he threw him onto Lu Hu's bed and then turned around and left.

Death Arena, Ximen.

A black carriage stood silently in the rain. Occasionally, lightning flashed, and then two people wearing bamboo hats were seen sitting silently on the shaft in front of the carriage.

The raindrops hit my body, splashing with white spots.

Suddenly, the two of them turned their heads at the same time and looked at the courtyard wall on one side, and then a black shadow came out over the wall.

"Pa!" The water on the ground splashed under his feet.

When the black shadow saw the two people on the carriage, he didn't say anything, and directly lifted Lu Hu in front of them.

"The medicine has been administered, tomorrow at noon!"

A hoarse and old voice sounded.

The two men took out a fire certificate from their arms and quickly waved it in front of Lu Hu. With the faint light of the fire, they identified who was behind them and put Lu Hu into the carriage behind. Then they shook the reins in their hands.

The carriage drove toward the darkness ahead.

Lu Hu lay slumped in the carriage. He was actually in the courtyard of the Death Arena. He was struck by the strong wind and cold rain, and he immediately became conscious.

However, the effect of the medicine in his body was too strong. Even though he had regained consciousness, he was still unable to move. His eyelids were so heavy that he could not even open them.

He was extremely furious in his heart. What kind of trouble had he been involved in?

He was actually kidnapped from the Senluo Society.

If no one from the Senluo Society was involved in this matter, he would never believe it.

He worked hard to practice, just because he wanted to be able to control his life in his own hands.

But now, it was still in vain, being manipulated and manipulated at will. If it weren't for the magical power of swallowing, which quickly dissolved the drug in the body, maybe he wouldn't even know how he died!

Even though Lu Hu was furious, he still couldn't open his eyes.

"Is it because I swallowed the ghost pill and survived?" After thinking about it, he could only think of this reason.

Only for this reason is it worthwhile for someone to spend such means on a slave of his.

"No, I have to open my eyes quickly and get out of this carriage, otherwise if I am dragged to my destination, I don't know what will be waiting for me!"

He roared in his heart, and after being unable to open his eyes several times, he began to visualize the black tiger in his mind.

The black carriage almost blended into the night, like a ghost, walking slowly through the rainy streets.

I don’t know how long I walked.

Suddenly, "Crack!"

A flash of white light split through the thick clouds, illuminating the world instantly.


The carriage shook, and a man sitting outside fell on the carriage, his eyes widened, and a slender flying knife was inserted between his eyebrows. His head was nailed directly to the carriage, and blood suddenly spurted out from the knife. out.

The technique and timing of releasing this flying knife were extremely clever, covering up the sound of breaking through the air with the loud noise of lightning. Even under the heavy wind and rain, it was still precise and powerful!

It wasn't until the companion next to him was stabbed to death that the person sitting next to him realized what he was doing.

Suddenly he pulled out a short knife from under his seat.

"Ding!" The sparks flashed out in the dark night.

Based on the direction of the flying knife, the man in the hat has already locked the source.

He looked sternly over there, and with his super eyesight, he saw a black figure standing up from the roof in front of him in the darkness.

But then his expression turned into fear, and next to the black shadow, three figures suddenly stood up at the same time!

Just relying on the flying knife technique just now, he knew that the person who intercepted and killed him was extremely powerful. If there was only one person, he would still have a chance to fight, but if four people were surrounded, how could he survive?

The four people on the roof immediately jumped down from the top, and the unsheathed sharp blades flashed with white light, making the cold windy and rainy night even more biting!

Just when this man was in despair, suddenly, someone came from behind the carriage.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!"

Continuous sounds of breaking through the air sounded, and several figures wearing bamboo hats rushed out from the darkness behind.

Go straight to the person opposite.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The sound of gold and iron clashing is endless.

In the collision between knives and knives, a man suddenly waved a knife in front of the carriage. The blade cut through the wind and rain, and blocked four flying knives that hit the carriage.

Then the man jumped onto the carriage, grabbed the reins from the corpse, and pushed the corpse under the carriage.


The man shouted loudly, and then shook his hands violently. The horse stood upright, neighed, and then galloped away!

Lu Hu heard everything going on outside the carriage.

While it made him frightened, it also made him more anxious.

The bumps of the carriage and the smell of blood outside made Lu Hu's brows knit together tightly, and veins popped out in his temples.

"Open your eyes, open your eyes~!" He was yelling in his heart!

The horseshoes trampled on the stagnant water on the street, the horseshoes and the bluestones collided, making a clicking sound, and the wheels sparkled.

The exposed carriage was speeding through the city, smashing the rain curtain, and waves of rain and mist were rising on both sides of the carriage and behind it!

The two drivers stood up, one was driving, and the other was scanning the darkness on both sides.

"I guess I can't catch up!"

The two of them were thinking.

Suddenly, the running horse let out a scream, and then all the legs of the front horse were severed.

A large amount of blood spurted out, exposing the twisted wires hidden in the night!

The galloping horse hit the iron wire. Although the iron wire was broken immediately, it also cut off the horse's hoof. The horse fell to the ground and screamed continuously.

The two people in the car were instantly overturned by the strong inertia.


On the roof in front, there was a muffled sound of stomping, and then a black shadow flew down. A thin sword was pulled out from his arms, and the tip of the sword shook left and right, and two bloody holes suddenly appeared in the throats of the two men.

When they reacted and covered it with their hands, it was already too late. The blood could not stop flowing out.

The two of them could only make a whine, like a broken bellows sound, and fell into the stagnant water, dyeing the street red!

The momentum of the visitor continued unabated and he was about to rush into the carriage.

But Lu Hu was locked with murderous intent at this moment, his whole body felt cold, and the hairs all over his body stood up!

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