There's a Madman Sharpening His Knife at Night

Chapter 46: Fist Intent on the Body

Lu Hu has been making rapid progress since he started practicing martial arts.

Although he knew that there was a natural chasm between Dacheng and Consummation, he still did not expect that this natural chasm could trap him for so long.

This step is so difficult.

At this time, he finally realized how shocking it was for Gao Shan to punch with his small-advantage state on the death fighting stage!

Lu Hu himself now has the powerful palm as a stone for others, and he has personally experienced the power of the black tiger's fist, and he has imprinted the visualization diagram in his mind.

Tonight, first, anger rushed into my head, my chest was vibrated by thunder, and the progress of the visualization chart greatly increased. Then, under the life and death of the flying knife, the Fengchi point was opened, my mental power increased greatly, and the Black Tiger visualization increased again. .

Then, after seeing the showdown between Scarface and the man in gray, and the exquisite sword skills, my horizons widened, and I had a glimpse of the vastness of the world, and my understanding of martial arts increased.

These three times of growth finally accumulated enough strength for him to take the final step in the Black Tiger Fist.

Lu Hu was being chased by two forces tonight, and the killing intent in his heart was overflowing. After seeing the opportunity to fight back, he didn't hesitate at all, and all the killing intent burst out from his chest.

The black tiger roared loudly in his mind and jumped out of his mind.

With one step, he flew across the chasm, the Black Tiger Fist was perfected, and the intention of the fist came out!

"Fist intention, how is it possible! A boxing technique has been perfected!"

Scarface saw a fierce black tiger charging towards him fiercely from the darkness.

My heart can't help but tremble. The state of perfection is so difficult. It only requires sweating day and night and a little understanding to achieve it.

Perfect martial arts, spirit, understanding of martial arts, and understanding are all indispensable. There is also a ray of inexplicable and unknown opportunity that can break this shackles in one fell swoop and melt out the intention.

At this point, one can have the reputation of a master in the world. After that, it is no longer a matter of setting up another school and opening a gym to teach boxing. Wherever he goes, he can have his own position and he is already a figure!

The ferocious power of the black tiger is extremely terrifying, and has a shocking effect on people's hearts. If an ordinary person faces it, he will be frightened to death, his body will be stiff and unable to move, and he will be killed by his neck!

But Scarface was killed from among the dead, and there were countless innocent souls killed by the sword. How could he be intimidated by this intimidation?

Immediately cut across the chest.


There was a loud noise, and the blade of the long knife trembled violently, buzzing, and the blade was almost broken by this punch!

Scarface took two steps back, the scar at the corner of his eye had turned blood red, the flesh on his face was twitching, and his expression had become ferocious and terrifying!

"So what about the fist intention? It's just a low-level Black Tiger Fist. It's just a slave in the muscle training period. It still wants to overturn the world!"

Facing another punch from Lu Hu, he turned his wrist, faced the peak of the fist, took a diagonal step, and drew the knife sideways!

I have to cut off Lu Hu's five fingers with one knife!

Unexpectedly, when Lu Hu was fisting and the sword was about to collide, he turned his fist into a palm, pressed his wrist, and slapped the sword hard with the heel of his palm.

After the Black Tiger Fist was perfected, Dali Palm was naturally integrated into the changes in the boxing technique by Lu Hu.

The powerful palm struck down, and the force was amplified under the influence of leverage. Scarface could no longer hold the handle of the knife in his hand. Fly out.


This person was able to pull off his own knife. As a person who licks blood from the knife edge and can't even hold the knife, it is a shame in itself!

Of course, there is also the reason why Scarface fought several masters that night, and his physical strength was greatly consumed at this time.

But Scarface himself finds it difficult to accept this reason!

After Tiger Palm slapped the knife away, he didn't stop and swung it towards Scarface's chest.

The tendons of the hand tensed up like steel cables, turning the palm into claws, and in Scarface's eyes, it was like sharp tiger claws piercing out of the palm.


The sharp claws cut through the air, making a short and rapid scream.

Lu Hu looked at the thatch and a layer of flesh and blood on his hand and was very dissatisfied.

With this claw, Scarface took half a step back at the critical moment. Coupled with the thick raincoat he was wearing, it only tore off a layer of flesh and did not seriously injure Scarface.

Just when Lu Hu took a step forward, he continued to close his eyes tightly, not giving Scarface a chance to breathe, and wanted to take down one person in one go.

Suddenly, the soft sound of a blade sounded behind him.

The man in gray had quietly touched behind Lu Hu, and when he stepped forward, he slashed at the back of his neck with a knife.

Lu Hu fought against the two of them several times, and he already had a feeling in his heart. Although the two men were both very strong in martial arts, their styles were indeed very different.

Scarface's moves are ruthless, and he uses wide open and close moves to hide his murderous intent.

As for the man in gray, his martial arts are more delicate and subtle. He likes to seize the moment when the opponent's center of gravity changes and kill him with one move!

The flying knife before was like this, and the short knife that was slashed now was like this!

If Lu Hu had been there ten seconds ago, he would have been unable to do anything about this sneak attack.

But now he is completely different.

The man in gray saw that when the black tiger leaped, the tiger's tail whipped backwards.


Lu Hu kicked the man in gray on the wrist, and with such force, the short knife flew out.

The way Lu Hu displayed his fist power was different from Gao Shan's.

Gao Shan struck out with the power of a black tiger with one punch, and the power of his fist penetrated three inches from the peak of his fist. Lu Hu blocked the fist at that time, but failed to block the power of the punch, and was penetrated into the chest by the power of the punch.

Lu Hu's current fist intention is to visualize the upper body of a black tiger in his mind, as if he has transformed into a tiger, and his body has the fighting instinct of a black tiger.

Just like him now, he has obviously never practiced leg skills. In previous battles, he did not dare to lift his legs easily.

But at this time, his body followed the instinct of the Black Tiger Fist and turned his legs into tails, resolving the crisis behind him.

The man in gray was also amazed by Lu Hu's kick. He already regarded Lu Hu as his equal enemy and had no intention of scorning him any more.

With just a few steps, the people distanced themselves.

Scarface also took this opportunity to take a breath, took three steps back, and regrouped!

Three people are on the roof, each occupying a position and standing in a triangle.

The man in gray suddenly laughed and shook his right arm. The evil energy that Lu Hu injected earlier had blocked the energy and blood in his right arm and made him unable to exert force smoothly. Now that the evil energy was finally resolved, his right arm has returned to its original state.

Scar face, the scar on his face was now as bright red as a red centipede, the corners of his mouth were raised, revealing a sinister smile, his hands slowly clenched into fists, and his muscles and bones made crisp sounds.

Lu Hu gasped for air, and every time he exhaled, a low buzzing roar came from his chest, like a vigilant hungry tiger in the mountains!

Tonight was the longest night Lu Hu had ever spent.

But no matter how long the night is, there is always a break of dawn.

The heavy rain that had been pouring all night finally slowed down, from dense to light, from heavy to thin.

The strong wind that had been roaring all night seemed to have become hoarse, gradually calmed down, and then turned into a breeze.

But unfortunately, the three people who had been fighting all night had consumed a lot of physical strength, but their own murderous intent was constantly accumulating and rising, and they had reached their respective peaks!

A ray of skylight cut through the iron-like darkness of the night and broke out from the thick clouds arrogantly.

The appearance of morning light immediately caused the darkness to quickly recede.

"It's almost dawn!"

"Yeah, I actually spent the entire night!"

"It's time to end it!"

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