There's a Madman Sharpening His Knife at Night

Chapter 48 The prison listens to thunder!

"Sir, I was caught by the Yamen!"

"Trash!" After an angry rebuke, an inkstone flew out of the room.

Scarface half-knelt on the wet blue bricks in the courtyard, his eyebrows lowered and he did not dodge or dodge, letting the inkstone hit his forehead.


The inkstone collided with the head and was knocked out, while a line of red flowed down the forehead.

"Last night, a total of five teams were sent out. Your team suffered the most casualties, and people were also lost!"

There was an angry sound in the room, and then it fell silent.

After a cup of tea, the voice came to mind again.

"You said that among the people who intercepted and killed, there was a knife-throwing master?"

"Yes, that man's martial arts are exquisite and precise, and he is suspected to be from a sect, but my subordinates have tried all over the city, but they can't figure out the identity of this man!"

"Hmph! How can I let you easily guess my identity if I can use it? Okay, you have worked hard all night. After you receive the money, go back and rest. Someone will treat your injuries later!"

"Yes, sir!"

"That man's martial arts skills are suspected to be from the military, but there is no one in the city who can match him!"

A room in a deep courtyard of another mansion in the city.

Two people were sitting in the room drinking tea.

“If there’s none in the city, maybe there’s none outside the city?”

"Oh? Your Majesty means, on the mountain outside the city."

"Haha, let's not go into details about this matter. This errand was done well, and we were able to capture someone alive. I will mark this as your first achievement. Go down and rest!"

"Yes, sir!"

Anyang Mansion, prison, three underground floors!


Lu Hu lay on the ground, his eyes closed tightly, and the sound of long breathing came from between his mouth and nose.

After he opened his eyes, he found that he was thrown into this prison. No one came to see him during this period. It was as if Lu Hu's existence had been forgotten and he was left to fend for himself.

Fortunately, the knife wound on his chest was hastily applied with golden sore medicine, which stopped the bleeding. The flying knife on his back shoulder was still in the flesh, but it only stopped the bleeding around the wounds.

This kind of careless treatment made Lu Hu know that his life was probably not saved. The reason why he still stopped the bleeding was because it was not his time to die yet!

The first time after he woke up, he checked the light curtain in his mind.

[Supernatural Power Master]: Lu Hu

[Race]: human

[Supernatural power]:

Swallow (98%): Swallow the essence to strengthen your body.


The devouring magical power is still only 2% short of progress. This is only 2%. In normal times, Lu Hu can easily make up for it by just eating normally, but now, this 2% is as difficult as reaching the sky!

The luck has soared to 8.0, which was provided by those who died at the hands of Lu Hu last night.

However, magical powers cannot be promoted, and no matter how much luck one has, one cannot spend it.

Lu Hu also gave up the idea of ​​using magical powers to break the situation this time.

After understanding his current situation, Lu Hu began to look for a glimmer of hope for himself!

The heavy rain all night made the weather even colder. At this time, Lu Hu's breath could already spurt out white air.


There was a faint sound of thunder outside.

And Lu Hu was lying on the ground, leaning his ears on the ground, like a big tiger resting in its nest.

After the Black Tiger Fist was perfected and the intention of the fist came to his body, the current Black Tiger Fist, for Lu Hu, became like building blocks that he could play around with and build at will.

At this time, Lu Hu deduced the Crouching Tiger Stake from the Black Tiger Stake.

At this time, Lu Hu put his ears to the ground, quietly listening to the vibration of the ground caused by the thunder.

He discovered that after the thunder in the sky, it only passed briefly between heaven and earth, while the earth extended the sound of thunder much longer.

The low buzzing sound lasted endlessly.

And Lu Hu is here right now, listening to thunder!

He listened to the thunder and kept changing his breathing rhythm.

In the past life, when practicing martial arts, there was a saying that the tigers, leopards, thunder sounded, and the muscles and bones roared together.

And this world also has the realm of muscle training and marrow refining.

Lu Hu naturally connected it.

When I used to perform the Black Tiger Fist, my chest would vibrate on its own and let out a tiger roar.

And when he was knocked unconscious by the drug, thunder exploded in the sky, shaking his chest, and then his body seemed to be activated, and let out a tiger's roar naturally, allowing him to completely recover.

Lu Hu connected all these together, and in his mind, he also conceived a way to break through to the core.

Listen to thunder!

Scientific research in his previous life told him that the formation of lightning is essentially a discharge phenomenon.

The upper part of the cloud is dominated by positive charges, and the lower part is dominated by negative charges.

Therefore, a potential difference develops between the upper and lower parts of the cloud.

When the potential difference reaches a certain level, a discharge will occur, and lightning will occur.

The human body is composed of vibrations and frequencies of various particles.

Among them, the movement of charged particles and the magnetic field generated by that charging constitute the human electromagnetic biofield.

Therefore, the reason why Lu Hu's chest resonated with the thunder at that time was the result of electromagnetic induction between the human body's electric field and the mine field of heaven and earth!

In previous lives, sufficient research has been done on the electromagnetic biofield of the human body.

A top biology expert once said, "There is almost nothing in the world that does not occur or change without the occurrence of electrical phenomena."

"Electrocardiogram" is the electrical waves generated by the beating of the heart, and "electroencephalogram" is the brain waves generated by the brain's activity.

The human diaphragm and its action nerves can produce large myoelectricity, which is the generator in the human body.

The human body is like a battery. The body is filled with salt water that can conduct electricity. Every cell membrane in the human body carries an electric charge, and each organ system also has an independent electromagnetic field.

When the voltage of the human body is high, there will be sufficient electricity passing through the cell membrane to keep the body functioning smoothly, allowing people to handle larger charges, so that they can be energetic and healthy and strong.

The limit of the previous life has reached here, but this world is different!

Lu Hu is now constantly listening to the thunder sound resounding from the earth, using his breathing to try to adjust his body, to find the feeling that resonates with his chest and the thunder sound at that time.

As long as he can find it, he may be able to use Lei Yin to break through to the marrow training stage.

Only in this way can I find a glimmer of hope in this prison!


The smell in the prison was extremely turbid and foul.

But Lu Hu had the previous experience of being a refugee preparing to fight to the death, so he didn't care about the stench of the air and continued to breathe.

I don't know how long it took, but finally, during Lu Hu's breath, his chest trembled and he let out a gentle cry.

This shocked Lu Hu, who had gradually lost his energy.

Quickly maintain this breathing rhythm.

"Breathe in!"

As Lu Hu's breathing time lengthened, the amplitude and scope of the tremors in his chest began to gradually increase.

Gradually, Lu Hu's whole body began to vibrate.

and back shoulder, there was a sharp pain.

The wound burst, blood oozed out, and the golden sore medicine applied outside was immediately soaked!

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