There's a Madman Sharpening His Knife at Night

Chapter 66 The filth of water and fire, the house of yin and yang

The sun has set halfway, and the clouds are still embedded with golden edges.

The diluted sunset light was thin and translucent, all falling in Lu Hu's eyes.

Lu Hu was in a good mood and came to the riverside, happily preparing for today's dinner.

The smell of tiger meat became even more unpleasant. Lu Hu tore off all the better-quality meat, stacked it aside piece by piece, and then cleaned out the tiger's spine.

Tiger bones are also a good thing. In previous lives, they were brewed into tiger bone wine, which is a supreme tonic.

Strengthens the kidneys and essence, strengthens muscles and bones, replenishes qi and blood, and unblocks blood vessels!

Although Lu Hu couldn't make wine now, it didn't stop him from putting away the tiger bones and saving them for later use.

"This tiger is really a treasure. It was said in the previous life that tigers are pure Yang bodies. The benefits of killing one are really great!" Lu Hu thought to himself.

Speaking of tiger treasures, there is another thing that cannot be ignored.

Tiger whip!

When Lu Hu saw the huge and long tiger whip in his hand, the expression on his face was wonderful.

"This is the tiger whip that countless men dream of!"

It's just that this tiger whip has an extremely fishy smell, and the smell can make people dizzy. This is just the smell. If you really want to eat it, even Lu Hu, who is not afraid of coldness, will find it difficult to accept it.

But for Lu Hu to give up, he felt that it would be a waste.

This is tiger whip. It strengthens yang and nourishes yin, resists aging and prolongs life. It can also directly replenish the marrow!

Just when Lu Hu was struggling in his heart, he suddenly laughed.

"I'm really, why do you have to make yourself so embarrassed? If there are difficulties, you have to face them. If there are no difficulties, don't create difficulties yourself! Wouldn't it be delicious to just light a fire and eat barbecue? It will make you look like a primitive man!"

Recently, Lu Hu had made great achievements in martial arts. He thought that this could be regarded as a celebration for himself.

He now has nothing else, and if he wants to make a fire, he can only use the most primitive drill wood to make fire.

Although there was heavy fog this morning, the continuous sunny weather also made the grass and trees dry. After Lu Hu collected the required materials in the forest, he squatted on the ground and rubbed the sticks with his hands quickly.

With great strength, the weak sparks quickly flew out from the friction point.

The sparks fell on the withered grass and made a rustling sound. Lu Hu blew gently on the withered grass.

Under his boast, the withered grass turned slightly red.

He took a long breath and blew evenly and densely, getting brighter and brighter. Finally, with a pop, a small flame ignited.

Seeing the flames igniting lit up his heart. The hay burned reluctantly, and the flames were weak, looking like they would go out at any time.

He lifted up the withered grass, turned it in circles, and shook it slowly. The flames burned bigger and bigger, and suddenly they burned into a bright ball.

Then he quickly placed the fire ball in his hand under the large pile of hay. White smoke rose from the hay pile, and a bitter aroma spread.

The white smoke became thicker and thicker, and it seemed that you could reach out and catch it. Finally, with a bang, golden flames jumped out.

The white smoke immediately faded. The dazzling fire roared, illuminating a large wilderness.

In the night in the mountains, the bonfire danced, like shining stars in the dark night.

Lu Hu used wooden sticks to string up the food and grilled it on the bonfire.

The night wind blew and the firelight swayed. The orange-red firelight made him feel extremely safe and peaceful.

The roasted tiger meat tastes good, and the fishy smell of the tiger penis is also greatly reduced.

After Lu Hu finished eating, his whole body was wrapped in warmth, and he seemed to be able to hear the sound of his own blood flowing in his body.

He wiped the beads of sweat from his forehead, looked down, and saw that a tent had been set up below, as hard as iron.

"It's truly the ultimate aphrodisiac, with immediate results!"

Lu Hu stood up and practiced standing exercises, and felt the heat in his body slowly flowing into his lower back. There were two points on his lower back that were jumping in and out.

"These are my two kidneys!"

He recalled the description of the kidneys from Chinese medicine in his previous life.

The kidney is one of the five internal organs, similar to the bladder. It is located in the waist of the human body, one on the left and one on the left.

It is the foundation of innateness, containing Yuanyang. It is the internal organ that stores essence. It stores innate essence and acquired essence, and governs development, growth and reproduction. Therefore, it is known as the "house of water and fire" and the "house of yin and yang".

The kidneys govern the bones, and the bones produce the marrow. The brain is the sea of ​​marrow, so if the kidney essence is sufficient, you will naturally be full of energy, quick thinking, enhanced memory, strong muscles and bones, and agile movement.

"Zang training is supposed to strengthen the five internal organs of the human body. Now I only rely on tiger penis food supplements, and my kidneys have been nourished!"

Lu Hu felt that after the heat in his body entered his kidneys, it then flowed towards his brain.

After entering his mind, the heat turned into a refreshing feeling, strengthening his mental power.

Saliva was constantly flowing out of his mouth like a fountain, forcing Lu Hu to swallow it down one bite at a time.

With every mouthful he swallowed, Lu Hu felt that his mental strength was getting stronger and his ears were becoming sharper.

"The kidneys control the water organ and regulate body fluids. I am refining the essence to restore the brain!"

Refining essence to return to the brain and refining essence to transform qi talk about the same thing, and they are both Taoist words for internal refining.

There is a poem that goes: Tears, saliva, essence, fluid, qi, blood, seven kinds of spiritual things are all yin. If this thing is made into an elixir, you can get a flying god to penetrate the jade capital!

“The marrow of the human body is divided into three types: brain marrow, spinal cord, and bone marrow. The marrow that is hidden in the cranial cavity is called the brain marrow; the marrow that is hidden in the spinal canal is called the spinal cord. The spinal cord goes up to the brain marrow and down to the coccyx; What is inside the cavity is the bone marrow. They are collectively called the three marrows.

The marrow is transformed by the innate essence and nourished by the acquired essence. It has the function of nourishing the brain, nourishing the bones, and transforming into blood.

In my marrow training, I have only trained on the bone marrow and spinal cord before. Now I have really trained on the brain. I have practiced all three marrow once, and then I have completely entered the marrow training stage. Before, it was just a bone marrow. Just step out the door!

When I officially enter marrow training, it will definitely affect both kidneys. Even if I don't know the existence of zang training, I can naturally deduce it after practicing here. "

The so-called success comes naturally.

Lu Hu didn't know these principles before, but now that he has mastered them, he naturally understands them.

The time for refining essence and returning it to the brain is extremely short, and it will be over in a short while.

The kidneys stopped beating, the saliva in the mouth returned to normal, and the heat flow turned into food was consumed.

Lu Hu felt a pity in his heart and really wanted to use another tiger whip.

But tigers live alone and have a strong sense of territory. The reason why Lu Hu was attacked by a tiger before was because it regarded him as a member of the same species and thought it was infringing on its territory and came to fight.

In the mountains and forests around him, there should be only one big tiger.

At this moment, a mountain wind blew behind him, and Lu Hu's ears suddenly moved, and he heard strange noises in the forest from the wind.

The sound didn't sound like that of an animal, and it was slowly approaching him.

After a while, Lu Hu heard someone whispering!

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