There's a Madman Sharpening His Knife at Night

Chapter 7 The Second Death Battle

"I will never lose!" Lu Hu shouted firmly!

Everyone in the venue couldn't help bursting into laughter when they heard Lu Hu's arrogance.

"Hahaha, what a madman!"

"This Death Fighter is really different from what I saw in the past. It's not like those beasts and stupid ones."

Lu Hu's words also succeeded in making Mr. Ning laugh, "Haha, your courage is commendable, rewarded!"

He subconsciously touched the silver coins on his body, but suddenly realized that Lu Hu wanted food and looked at an old man sitting next to him.

This person was different from the surrounding audience. From the beginning to the end, his eyelids were drooping, as if he was asleep. He was not even interested in glancing at the people on stage.

"Can you bring food with you?"

"Sir, before I went out, I brought your favorite snacks as usual. The snacks are so precious, how can they be eaten by a lowly dead slave?"

"Stop talking nonsense and give it to me!"

The man called himself an old slave, and he was obviously a slave with the same status as Lu Hu, but he was still a dead slave. He looked down on Lu Hu, but he didn't dare not listen to Master Ning's words, so he had to listen to a slave behind him. From the wooden lunch box, a plate of exquisite snacks was taken out.

Mr. Ning grabbed the plate and threw it directly at Lu Hu, "Reward!"

Lu Hu laughed and clasped his fists at Master Ning, "Thank you very much for the reward, Master. Lu Hu will definitely live up to Master Ning's expectations!"

He smiled and picked up the snacks scattered on the ground, stuffing them into his mouth while picking them up.

No matter whether it was stained with blood on the stage.

With Mr. Ning taking the lead in feeding, other spectators in the venue were also interested.

He smiled and threw the food at hand towards the table.

Lu Hu didn't care if it was leftovers or not, he accepted all comers, and one even threw down half a roast chicken!

For Lu Hu, this was a rare taste.

He quickly gathered the food into a pile, sat cross-legged on the table, and devoured it like a gust of wind.

It seemed that he didn't care about the type of food. He grabbed a handful with his big hands and stuffed it into his mouth. He chewed it hastily with the teeth in his mouth, then his Adam's apple shrank up and down, and he swallowed it.

Lu Hu has the magical power of taking food. It doesn't matter if he chews it. As long as the food reaches his stomach, he can quickly extract the essence.

The food that was originally piled into a hill around him was quickly destroyed by Lu Hu under the naked eye.

"Hahaha, he is really a hungry tiger, his eating habits are really amazing!"

"Don't tell me, look at how delicious this guy's food is, it's making me hungry too!"

"Haha, I didn't expect to see this kind of performance tonight, it's quite interesting!"

Likewise, in the boxes above the stands.

"Hahaha, look, this is talent!"

When he saw Lu Hu begging for food from the audience, Coach Li was about to send someone to stop him, but he was stopped by the fat manager.

Seeing Lu Hu making the audience laugh, he also grinned widely, and the fat on his face trembled with laughter.

"Not bad, not bad, it's finally interesting. This is what I want to see!"

"It's just a crooked way! Even if a warrior eats a lot before a fight to the death, his body's blood supply will be insufficient, and his strength will be greatly reduced. Not to mention him, this is just a way to kill!"

Coach Li didn't know why, but he always disliked Lu Hu, and he still didn't approve of his actions at this time.

"Instructor Li, you just don't understand this truth. You always measure it from a martial arts perspective. After all, we are in business. We should think more about the audience!" the fat manager said with a smile.

The old man also smiled and stroked his goatee, "You are just too rigid and always get into trouble. You have fallen from the B-level death arena to the D-level. Don't you still understand this?"

For some reason, when the fat man who was the general manager spoke, Coach Li would say a few more words. After the old man who was the supervisor spoke, Coach Li stopped talking.

When Lu Hu finished eating all the food, he was enjoying the state where the energy transformed from the food was rapidly replenishing his body.

The host came on stage again, gave Lu Hu a cold look, and said in a voice that only Lu Hu could hear.

"Humph, you are seeking death and eating decapitated food!"

After the host finished speaking, he turned around, and the chill on his face suddenly turned into a warm smile in the spring breeze.

"I've kept you guys waiting for a long time. The Death Fighter is already in place. This time is unusual. He has won three games in a row. I wonder if you still remember his name, Niu Biao!

This is a leapfrog death match. If Lu Hu is really a tiger and a big insect, compared to the second death match he just fought, a cow can still be dealt with. Let's wait and see! "

After the host finished speaking, a tall man with a 1.8 meter Chinese face walked out of the passage. Unlike Wang Er, this man had a very strong body, steady steps, and no sense of malnutrition and weakness.

"Fuck, can't you practice martial arts after three fights? Damn it if you didn't tell me earlier, I just put money on Lu Hu!"

"What the hell are you doing to deceive me?"

"What the hell is there to see?"

Thanks to Lu Hu's previous performance, he gained good popularity among the audience. While Lu Hu was eating, everyone put their money on Lu Hu.

Now that they knew that Lu Hu's opponent was actually a martial arts expert who had won three games in a row, they all began to curse.

After all, they all know how big the gap is between a person who has practiced martial arts and an ordinary person.

It was agreed that Lu Hu could not win.

But the host remained unmoved by the abuse, and the smile on his face did not diminish at all.

Everyone could only curse. Even Mr. Ning did not dare to take any further actions. After all, the Senluo Society was a behemoth that dominated the country. Within the rules, no matter how much trouble was made, it would be fine. Once something happened, Outside the scope of the rules, the ferocious face of the Senluo Society will be revealed.

When everyone saw this, they immediately changed their focus and cursed Niu Biao.

"Damn it, what kind of rubbish does it deserve to have us remember its name?"

"It's just a D-level death fighter. He's not even a death fighter. He's going to die at any time. What's his name?"

"I don't think we will necessarily lose. Practicing martial arts also takes time. Looking at the dead look on his face, what kind of tricks can he do?"

"That's right, Lu Hu, damn you, beat him to death, don't let me roast chicken in vain!"

Everyone first gave Lu Hu food, and then placed money on him. After their efforts, they had a natural affection for Lu Hu. At this time, they all turned one side towards Lu Hu.

It's like Lu Hu's home court at this time!

Of course, there are also those who don't believe that Lu Hu can win two games in a row, and put their money on Niu Biao, hoping to make a windfall, so they also speak up for Niu Biao at this time.

"Isn't he just a bastard who came from a refugee background? As for that? Niu Biao, go ahead and beat him to death!"

As soon as this man shouted, the people sitting next to him immediately became unhappy.

"Grass, what do you mean?"

"Fuck you, what do you mean?"

The two people immediately started scolding each other. The death arena was full of blood, and everyone was in a state of excitement. If they were left outside, the two people would not argue over such a trivial matter. But at this time, everyone was fighting with the irritable It's like a powder keg, it will explode at a moment's notice.

That is to say, due to the majesty of the Senluo Society, otherwise the two of them would have fought.

There are also neutral people among them, who have always been relatively clear-headed. They are here to have fun. Seeing people complaining about things on stage makes me happy. I think this is the right time. I didn’t expect that today’s scene will have so much fun. Look!

Niu Biao was scolded all the way to the stage, and he was also very angry. Sen Luo would arrange it, it's none of my business.

But he didn't dare to yell back, after all, he was just a slave!

I can only blame all my anger on Lu Hu, and feel fierce in my heart. I won't let you die easily on stage!

Wait for Niu Biao to stand still on the death fighting platform. The host is about to leave and announce the start of the fight to the death.

But Lu Hu suddenly shouted to the audience, "Don't worry, everyone, I, Lu Hu, will never die here today!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience was shocked!

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