Lu Hu saw the village women start cooking consciously, nodded with satisfaction, went to another room, and pulled out the long Scarface knife stuck in the wall.

Looking carefully, he saw that Scarface's knife was indeed extremely well maintained.

The spine is thick and the blade is thin. The blade is completely white with no traces of rust. The blade is sharp and cold.

The feel in the hand is also better, the weight is slightly pressed against the hand, and the center of gravity is centered forward, which is conducive to exerting force in slashing.

Lu Hu waved it twice in his hand and felt that the force was flowing smoothly, which was extremely advantageous!

"There is really a clear difference between a good knife and a broken knife. I will use this knife from now on!"

After taking over all of Scarface's inheritance, Lu Hu headed towards the earthen stove.

When the village women saw Lu Hu coming with a knife, they screamed in fright, their eyes filled with fear.

Lu Hu looked at it and held the knife behind his arm.

"Okay, stop yelling, what kind of food are you cooking!"

The village woman was slightly shocked when she saw Lu Hu put away the knife.

Although Lu Hu tried his best to tone down his tone, his appearance was still too fierce. These people lowered their heads and did not dare to look at him. The person at the front replied in a low voice: "Sir, it's just simple cooking. !”


Lu Hu walked to the stove and opened the lid of the pot. A cloud of white steam came out with the scent of rice. He saw that in addition to the rice, some vegetables were simmering inside.

“It smells pretty good!”

Lu Hu's mouth was already salivating, but before the heat was up, he covered the pot lid and went into the cellar to check.

The cellar was unremarkable, just a space dug underground and built with wooden ladders.

After entering, I saw bags of grain and vegetables piled together in a mess.

There are actually several wine jars on the other side.

When Lu Hu came up again, he was holding a wine jar with bowls and chopsticks stacked on it.

"Is the rice ready?"

These village women were now like wooden figures. When Lu Hu told them to move, they stood motionless without saying anything.

After hearing Lu Hu's words, one person went to check, "It will be ready soon!"

After Lu Hu put the things in his arms on the ground, he sat down cross-legged and opened the mud seal of the wine jar.

Immediately I smelled a faint aroma of wine.

When Lu Hu came to this world, he had never drunk the wine here.

After seeing the wine jar, I also thought about trying it.

In my previous life, when I watched martial arts TV series, the people in them liked to pick up wine jars and drink heavily.

It made him greedy when he was a child. Later, when he grew up, he drank white wine, beer, red wine, and rarely rice wine. At this time, Lu Hu wanted to try what this ancient wine tasted like.

He picked up the jar and took a big gulp into his mouth.

When the wine enters your mouth, the taste is very light, the alcohol content is not high, and there is a faint sweetness.

The taste can't be said to be delicious, but at least it's not as good as the drink in the previous life.

It's more like mash mixed with water, and the alcohol content is not as high as beer!

"That's it? Can this make people drunk? No wonder these bandits drink and drink all night long. This is too dull!"

Lu Hu felt a little disappointed, but thinking about it, maybe for people in this world, this thing is already a rare drink, after all, it still has a little sweetness.

Without industrial sugar-making technology, sweetness was still scarce.

Then Lu Hu drank sip after sip and slowly waited for the meal to begin. It was not until he asked for the third time that he finally got the news that the meal was ready.

Lu Hu stood up and dug a full bowl for himself in the pot with the bowl in his hand.

He picked up the chopsticks and put them into his mouth.

The rice was a bit dry, but it didn't matter. After Lu Hu quickly finished a bowl, he looked up and found that the village woman was still standing there.

"What are you doing standing here? Eat!"

The village woman didn't dare to move. Lu Hu continued to speak, but she still didn't move until Lu Hu's eyes widened and his voice rose a little.

Then they each gingerly took their bowls and served themselves rice.

After eating three bowls in a row, Lu Hu finally calmed down his hunger, and Lu Hu began to eat slowly.

"Where do you come from?"

"Sir, we are all from Gaojiacun!"

"Do you know the way back?"

The few people looked at each other in confusion after hearing this. Lu Hu was confused for a while. It was easy to kill people, but the aftermath was really troublesome.

"Do the people in the village know that you were kidnapped by bandits and taken to the mountains?"

Hearing this, their expressions of grief showed on their numb faces.

"At that time, bandits entered the village, killing people and setting fires. People in the village died and ran away. Gaojia Village is gone!"

Lu Hu frowned and sighed, "I have killed all the bandits in this village, which can be regarded as avenging you. I will take you out of the mountain later, find a place to settle, and give them to you." Give me some money, find a man, and live your life again, but remember, after you come down from the mountain, you will be said to be a refugee fleeing from famine, and you must not mention this experience, do you understand?"

Several people heard that Lu Hu not only wanted to take them down the mountain, but also gave them money. How could such a thing happen in this world?

Everyone was stunned. The more courageous village woman who often spoke to Lu Hu reacted quickly, put down the bowl in her hand, immediately knelt on the ground, and kowtowed to Lu Hu.

When others saw this, they followed suit.

Even though it was land, the banging on his forehead made a loud banging sound, he was working extremely hard!

Lu Hu couldn't stand others kneeling down, and he also couldn't accept others kneeling down for him.

Immediately he raised his hand and pulled the village woman in front of him up, "No need! Don't knock any more!"

But these village women seemed to have forgotten Lu Hu's ferocity, turning a deaf ear to his words at this time, and continued to kowtow.

Lu Hu let go of the person in front of him and was about to pull others. Unexpectedly, as soon as he let go, the village woman knelt down and kowtowed again.

Lu Hu was helpless. He quickly put the remaining rice in the bowl into his mouth, then took two empty bowls, filled them with rice, and ran to Scarface's room to eat.

After entering the room, Lu Hu sighed again, "Oh, this world..."

While eating in the room, Lu Hu saw the baggage he had untied, which contained tiger bones, Qi and Blood Pills, golden sore medicine, and three heavy money bags.

Coupled with his current long sword, these are Lu Hu's entire net worth in this world.

He finished the rice in the bowl, took a clean cloth from the broken wardrobe, wrapped the things again and tied them to himself, and at the same time took a Qi and Blood Pill and swallowed it.

The high-grade Qi and Blood Pills were indeed more powerful than the low-grade ones he used to take.

As soon as it enters the belly, the billowing heat begins to spread.

Just when Lu Hu was about to use his energy-eating power to treat his body's injuries, he suddenly heard footsteps, and then the village women ran to his room.

"Sir, someone is coming!"

Lu Hu's eyes widened and he leaned out. He saw several figures jumping down from the left and right walls of the village, and people kept entering.

When Lu Hu saw some of them wearing official uniforms, he guessed that these people were here to suppress bandits.

"It seems that the government here is not in ruins yet. They will still send people to kill these gangsters who do all kinds of evil!"

"These people are all official officials. I have committed a crime. You can't follow me anymore. Hurry over and let them take you down the mountain!"

As he spoke, Lu Hu quickly took out a money bag from the bag. After opening it, he thought for a moment and simply put the money bag into the hands of the more courageous village woman.

"The money is hidden, remember my words, go back and live anonymously, and start your life again! Go quickly!"

Lu Hu thought to himself that these village women were all victims of mountain bandits, and official officials would not embarrass them.

The village woman received the heavy money bag in her hand and was in a daze for a while. It wasn't until Lu Hu pushed her that she realized she was about to kowtow to Lu Hu again, but Lu Hu quickly stopped her.

"Hurry, before they notice my presence, I'm going to run from behind now!"

After hearing this, the village woman put her money bag in her arms, then went out and ran towards the official, and several others quickly followed.

Lu Hu took advantage of these people to attract the attention of the official and was about to walk to the back wall of the room.

There were two layers of logs on the back wall and the village wall. Lu Hu struggled to break open a big hole and escaped from the village.

Just when he was gathering his luck, he suddenly heard the sounds of sharp knives being unsheathed from behind.

Immediately afterwards, familiar voices came out.


The evil energy all over Lu Hu's body burst out, and blood immediately oozed from the black cloth that tied his left eye. He leaned against the door frame and looked sideways.

I saw the heads of the village women flying high in the air.

The courageous village woman before had fallen to the ground, her head rolling on the ground, facing Lu Hu. Her eyes were full of despair before she died!

It will be available on the shelves early Saturday morning. I hope you will support it! ! !

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