There's a Madman Sharpening His Knife at Night

Chapter 89 Listening to books in the teahouse

Along the way, Lu Hu visited gambling houses, medicine shops, blacksmith shops, brothels, and martial arts schools.

Among them, brothels and martial arts schools are what interests him the most.

The brothel in Baishui City was called Furong House. Lu Hu originally wanted to go in and experience the world, but he had no other ideas. He was just out of curiosity.

But when I looked inside at the door, I saw the menu prices hanging on the wall.

"Is a simple meal so expensive?"

He thought about the little money he had and decided to come back later when he had more money. There was no need to spend so much just to satisfy his curiosity.

As for the martial arts school, he went in and asked about the price of martial arts training, and walked out with a sigh.

A complete teaching of a low-level boxing technique in the martial arts school costs eighty taels of silver. It only lasts for three months, and the fee will be renewed once the time is up.

Lu Hu asked about the types of martial arts. There are three types in total, one is "Sky Palm", the other is "Smashing Stone Fist", and the last one is a kick method "Tornado Leaf Sweeping Kick"

If you want to learn intermediate martial arts, you must study in a martial arts school for half a year before you are qualified to teach it. As for what kind of martial arts it is, Lu Hu can't ask.

In addition, the martial arts school also cooperates with the escort bureaus in the city, and outstanding students can directly enter the escort bureaus to become escort masters.

"Learning martial arts is really expensive!"

Lu Hu left the martial arts hall and walked around the city. The sun was dimming, but there was still some time before the sun set.

He heard cheers coming from the building diagonally across the street.

Curious, he went over to take a look and found that it turned out to be a teahouse. There seemed to be a storyteller inside. He thought it would be a good time to kill the afternoon, so he stepped inside.

As soon as we entered the teahouse, we saw a lot of people sitting inside. There was a storyteller on the table in front of him who was talking eloquently.

People need entertainment.

Even ordinary people need some entertainment to relieve the boredom in life.

It's just that whether it's a theater, a brothel, or even a death fighting venue in the Senluo Society, the cost is too high. It's okay to go there once in a while. If you go there too often, people can stand it, but your wallet can't stand it.

For the general public, listening to books is the most cost-effective pastime.

For only a dozen cents, you can eat, drink, and listen for a whole day, which is a great deal.

As soon as Lu Hu came in, a waiter came to entertain him. He asked for a tea seat on the second floor, ordered a pot of tea, and two plates of snacks. After he had just sat down, the previous paragraph happened to be finished, and another person came up.


There was a clear and loud sound.

On the high platform set up in front of the teahouse, a newly arrived old man wearing thin clothes took pictures of Xing Mu.

With a quick glance, the originally lively teahouse suddenly fell silent. Even a few people who wanted to talk shut their mouths under the glares of the onlookers.

"There are many guests here, some are new and some are familiar faces. Let me briefly explain what I said last time to the new guests, and also review it for the guests who have heard it.

The last time we talked about the big bandit Shi Qingshan, he killed officials in anger and massacred more than 400 people. Xuzhou was shocked. The state leader Zhao Wenjie was so angry that he personally led the "Xuzhou Guard" to pursue him thousands of miles away! "

"Zhao Wenjie, the lord of Xuzhou, comes from a wealthy family. He showed amazing talent when he was young. At the age of 16, he was ranked among the top three in high school and became famous all over the world.

Later, he abandoned his writing and joined the army. He fought fiercely on the border for thirty years and developed martial arts that shocked the world.

The Xuzhou Guard is even more famous. It has been 400 years since I followed Yang Yuanhua, the great ancestor of the Sui Dynasty, and fought for world supremacy. He has always been successful in cutting down mountains and destroying temples.

The purpose of this dispatch was to use the power of thunder to kill Shi Qingshan in Xuzhou. Don't let him escape out of the state."

The storyteller was very skilled, and he told the story so vividly and vividly that the onlookers were so excited that they dared not speak out.

Some people even put themselves into the stone green mountain, only to feel that there is no light in the world, and there is no way to survive, and they can't help but break out in cold sweat.


The folding fan sways.

The storyteller smiled softly, and a boy came forward, holding a bamboo basket in his hand, nodding and bending past each table of guests.

"Thieves snatch birds! They only know they want money!"

"Speak quickly, speak quickly! I heard this very well, can you still give me a reward?"


All the spectators burst into laughter, and some even generously threw out copper plates and pieces of silver.

"Here I go, the level of this chapter is really not bad!"

This kind of behavior of asking for rewards can be given or not, and it depends on one's mood. If you are happy, you will be given three melons and two dates. If you are unhappy, just pretend not to see it. It will not make any difference except that your face will be dull.

When the young man came to Lu Hu, he was not stingy. After all, he was in the death arena and he wanted to be rewarded.

Lu Hu threw five cents in.

As for the people sitting next to him, they would turn a blind eye until the boy passed by.


Seeing this, the boy coughed twice and handed the bamboo basket again.

This kind of behavior is actually to attract the attention of people around you, make people look at you sideways, embarrass the person, and force the person to pay. It is a harmless little trick.

But that man also had profound skills. He was holding tea, his eyes wandering, and he pretended not to hear.

The boy had no choice but to leave angrily.

After all the money was collected, the storyteller woke up again.

There was a ‘pop’ sound.

The whole hall was silent.

"...Zhao Wenjie came with threats and murderous intent. Others like the 'Yanshan Twelve Bandits' would have fled long ago.

But who is Shi Qingshan? His martial arts skills have already shaken the world. In his first anger, the wind and clouds changed, in his second anger, the mountains and seas moved, and in his third anger, the stars shifted! "

After several undefeated battles, it finally came to an end when Zhao Wenjie was slightly injured and Shi Qingshan was seriously injured and escaped from Changliu Mountain. "

"It's just ridiculous that Zhao Wenjie never imagined that he could force out a green forest hero who is proud of the four states and eighteen mansions!"


After thirty years of inaction, one moment he becomes powerful and the world is overturned! Wenjie does not recognize true heroes, but his reputation spreads far and wide with his smile! "


With a crisp sound, Mr. Storyteller lifted his robe, cupped his fists and bowed:

"If you say it well, please support me. If you say it badly, please bear with me."

Having said that, exit.


The whole room cheered, and Lu Hu couldn't help but nod. It has to be said that people who rely on their craftsmanship to make a living are really good, even if Lu Hu has been baptized by various forms of entertainment in his previous life.

I also listened to this passage with great interest.

Even this content is too exaggerated, and the martial arts is not that powerful.

He waved and called the waiter over, "What I just said are all fabrications. They are actually pretty good!"

"Ah? Master, this is an old book. Have you never heard of it before? It is adapted from the true story of our Sui Dynasty!"

"What? The martial arts fighting there is also real?"

"Look what you said, how can I, a waiter in a tea house, know whether this is true or false? Everyone just says so."

Lu Hu couldn't help but be surprised. If the martial arts in this book were real, then the martial arts after the Zang training stage would be increasingly outrageous!

At this time, the sky outside was already dark, and everyone in the teahouse had also left.

Lu Hu also followed him out, still thinking about the stories in the book in his mind, thinking that this spread would become more and more exaggerated as it spread, otherwise no one would want to hear it?

When passing by a small stall selling mutton soup cakes, he ordered two portions of mutton soup and six large cakes from the stall. He ate so deliciously that sweat broke out on his forehead, and then he walked towards the house he rented.

When I arrived at the house, I opened the door and walked in. There was an unknown man squatting on the ground eating sesame cakes.

When he saw Lu Hu, he stood up and said that the house had been tidied up and the door locks had been replaced with new ones. After giving the key to Lu Hu, he turned around and left.

Lu Hu turned around, and sure enough, all the dust had been cleared away, the window lattice had been replaced, and all the necessities needed for daily life were put in place. Even the fallen leaves in the front and back yards were swept away.

“It’s really worth the money!”

Lu Hu sighed in admiration, and then sat at the table in the bedroom, which was also thoughtfully placed with pens, ink, paper and inkstones.

He immediately took out the technique from his arms, lit a candle, and under the candlelight, copied the unknown words on the paper.

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