The sword manual of Bloody Battle in All Directions is extremely concise. Even the names are not fancy. Instead, the key points of the sword moves are extracted, so that Lu Hu can have a general understanding of the sword moves just by looking at the names.

From this point of view, the person who compiled the sword manual must also be a battlefield general, neat and efficient.

"The knife facing the sky, the knee-setting knife, the pushing knife, the tiger-pressing knife, the back-carving knife, the shoulder-carrying knife, the oblique cutting knife, the step-turning knife, and the lifting knife left and right!"

Lu Hu was holding a long sword, and his movements were not fast. He used the nine sword moves according to the sword manual.

After practicing it over and over again nine times, the complete set was completed, and it already looked a bit like a tiger and a tiger, and the sword was flashing.

Lu Hu possesses two perfect fist and palm skills, and his basic skills are extremely solid for practicing weapons.

When getting started with a knife, you need to be steady, accurate, and ruthless!

This was nothing to Lu Hu. After getting familiar with the center of gravity of the long sword, these three points were directly achieved.

You can get started with sword skills in just a few moments, but after you get started, if you want to continue to advance, you have to reach the point where you can carry your sword with you!

"Walking a knife with you, if you don't simply swing the knife while walking, this kind of knife is discontinuous, and anyone can do it. The real walking with a knife requires that the center of gravity of the body and the center of gravity of the knife cooperate with each other to exert force. One, coherent!”

Lu Hu stopped the movements of his hands, and began to pace slowly in the courtyard with the knife. He straddled his left leg diagonally, and after making a diagonal slash, he twisted his waist, and the knife that had already reached the lower left was carried by his body. , another blow!

And the body just turned upright again!

Then Lu Hu stopped.

"No, on the surface, it seems that the knife comes out with the inertia of the body's energy, but after all, it is slower than the body. It is the body that moves first and walks with the knife. Although it is only a moment slower, in the middle of the fight, It’s enough to be fatal!”

Although Lu Hu didn't have a master by his side to teach him, he already had a lot of fighting experience, so he could just use the standards of actual fighting.

Anyway, martial arts is for killing people. As long as you can kill quickly and well, then it is right.

Grasping from the fundamental source, although it may be a little slower, at least it will not be wrong!

"The sword goes with you. The word Sui should mean together. Together, in an instant, the body and the sword become one. Just like what was said in the previous life, the man and the sword become one. Now I just need the man and the sword to become one." Yes! To achieve this, the starting point is still to focus on the focus.

Boxing is simply a center of gravity. With more weapons in the hand, there is an additional center of gravity. How to deal with the relationship between these two centers of gravity is the foundation of swordsmanship, or in other words, all weapons. fundamental! "

After he thought about this problem clearly, he started trying again and again.

There is no elaboration on this issue in the sword manual. It only gives a one-word practice method, kill! kill!

Martial arts is never about tenderness. It is always for the purpose of killing people, and actual combat can improve one's martial arts skills!

When you kill enough people and survive successfully, your mind may not know some things yet, but your body will naturally know them!

Lu Hu himself thought that there should be some convenient training methods, similar to using some equipment or special venues, but the purpose of compiling this sword manual is to improve the strength of army soldiers. For soldiers, Without the conditions for cultivation, killing is the most direct method!

But this is undoubtedly a lazy way of knowing what is happening and not knowing why.

Practicing martial arts in a hazy manner will not help your understanding of martial arts, and it will be difficult to achieve success in the future.

Lu Hu has already tasted the benefits of improving his understanding of martial arts since he perfected Black Tiger Fist, and he has followed a path to fully understand every martial arts he has acquired.

After chewing up every martial art and swallowing it, you can turn it into food for your body and help you grow.

If Fupi scrawled casually chews twice in his mouth and then swallows it hard, it will not be digested in the stomach. On the contrary, if this kind of indigestible martial arts accumulates in the stomach, he will become the kind of person who knows everything and is loose in everything. status.

This kind of person has a high level of martial arts, but his mind is still like a blur. Even if he gets lucky and acquires peerless magical skills, he still cannot practice. If he practices forcefully, he will have a high chance of going crazy and destroying himself.

Lu Hu continued to practice until the moon was in the middle of the sky when his lower back began to hurt again and he stopped.

At this time, I was sweating all over my body. There was a large water tank in the yard, which was filled with water in advance by the people working in the dental industry.

It has to be said that the previous promise of the dental store to arrange all the daily necessities is not empty talk, it has been done in every aspect, and the money spent will not be a loss at all!

Lu Hu opened the wooden cover of the water tank. There was a water ladle inside. He took off his clothes, filled the water with the ladle and started taking a bath.

Late at night in late autumn and into winter, the temperature was already very low, and the cold water was bitingly cold, but when it was poured on Lu Hu, it gave him a refreshing feeling.

"After practicing marrow and blood training, my body is now not afraid of the severe cold!"

Lu Hu smiled while washing his body.

In the past, conditions did not allow it. He was dirty and smelly, so that was it. But now that he has the conditions, Lu Hu lives a decent life. Going to bed with a smelly sweat would be too sloppy, and he would not feel comfortable.

After taking a shower, he put on the last of his clean clothes, because in his own home, his clothes were just around him.

He sat at the table in the room and put out the tiger bone wine he had made.

This tiger bone wine has only been soaked for two days. It stands to reason that the medicinal effects in the tiger bones should not have been soaked out by the wine.

But when Lu Hu made wine, he crushed the tiger bones into pieces and called it tiger bone wine, but tiger powder wine was more appropriate.

He pulled out the cork and smelled it. Sure enough, among the originally fragrant wine smell, there was an indescribable strange smell.

He raised his neck and took a sip into his mouth.

When the wine was swallowed into his stomach, it immediately turned into streams of warm water. Most of this warm water flowed into Lu Hu's kidneys.

All of a sudden, the aching kidneys became warm and extremely comfortable.

"It is indeed an aphrodisiac wine, and it is exactly the right drink for my current kidney deficiency!"

Lu Hu laughed, then smacked his lips, "Tsk, tsk, why does this extra taste sound a bit like chewing tree bark?"

Lu Hu was naked in his robe and looked at the bright moon in the night sky through the bamboo curtain hanging on the door.

I just feel that looking at the moon inside this curtain is very elegant.

At this time, the sky and the earth are silent. There is a breeze when entering the room, and there is only a bright moon when drinking.

"I have nothing to do. I sit and lie down as I please. Even though I have coarse clothing and light food, I still have some real fun!" He sighed with a smile, drinking against the moon.

The night wind made the bamboo curtains sway.

As the saying goes, good times and beautiful scenery will make everyone drunk even if they are not drunk with wine.

After drinking half a bottle of wine, he felt the wind blowing under his crotch, and the cool breeze caressed his skin slowly, making him squint his eyes comfortably, as if he wanted to ride the wind away.

It wasn't until a cloud covered the moon that he staggered to the bed.

With a shake of his shoulders, the robe he was wearing fell to the ground, and he immediately got into the bed, clung to the pillow, and fell asleep immediately.

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