There's a Madman Sharpening His Knife at Night

Chapter 97 Checkpoints in the City

Lu Hu wiped off the stains on his body, stretched his muscles and bones, and felt full of energy.

The damaged kidneys also made up for the damage due to the strength of the bone marrow.

Lu Hu opened his mouth, "Puff! Puff!"

He spit out two fallen teeth in succession.

"The magical power of food-eating has enhanced the effect of my qi-taking method, allowing me to gain far more from the medicated bath than others. If I can combine the tiger and leopard thunder sounds with the six-yang qi-taking method, that would be great!"

When Lu Hu thought of this, he laughed first. He laughed at himself for being so greedy. He didn't even enter the viscera training stage, but he was trying to merge the two breathing methods together. He was greedy enough to swallow the elephant!

But at this moment, he suddenly thought of the torn pages in the Six Yang Method of Taking Qi, "The reason why the medicinal bath prescription does not mention using the method of taking Qi to cooperate with it must be for Yin people." , this prescription and the Six Yang Qi method were probably obtained by Scarface from one person.

There was nothing wrong with the prescription, but without the breathing method, Scarface's marrow training efficiency became extremely slow, and a lot of money was wasted to suppress his strength.

From this point of view, the martial arts realm of the person above Scarface is not much higher than that of Scarface. Otherwise, he would not be so careful to guard against Scarface. He should be in Zangzang Realm! "

After Lu Hu guessed a little, he figured out more.

He murmured, "Once or twice, Scarface might not be able to notice it, but after three or four times, you can already see that there is an important link missing. This is when that person throws away the Six Yang Conquering Qi Technique again." Come out as a reward next time.

Moreover, the Six Yang Conquering Qi method given also left a hook for the next reward.

In this way, every time there is a restriction, Scarface can be suppressed, making it impossible for him to get beyond his control.

This kind of style, at first glance, looks like a veteran who has been in officialdom for a long time, not a gangster trick. Dao Scarface is a bandit, and the person above him is not the Senluo Society, but an official figure in Anyang Mansion.

Black and white take it all, the officials and bandits belong together! What a good idea! "

Lu Hu sneered again and again, and he once again understood the benefits that a deep understanding of martial arts would bring to him.

For martial arts obtained from others, who knows whether they have tampered with it.

After all, the human heart is so far apart that even one’s own master cannot be fully trusted!

Those like Scarface are pretty good, but they just hide part of it. If someone with a more evil heart leaves a backdoor or directly changes the key places to the opposite meaning, what should go up should go down, and what should be suppressed Yes, you can let it out and your life will be lost!

"People still have to rely on themselves. Now that they have a deep understanding of martial arts, if I don't say too much, I can at least tell the authenticity of the techniques.

But this is still not safe. If someone practices nine truths and one falsehood, it will be difficult to tell the difference. What is really safe is to build your own martial arts system and way of thinking and understanding, and use this set of models to obtain martial arts in the future. to absorb.

Focus on your own martial arts and use new martial arts as a foundation to absorb the nutrients. In this way, even mistakes can be avoided! "

Lu Hu's way of thinking cannot be said to be completely correct. The main reason is that the martial arts he is exposed to now are too low-level. If he encounters any magic or miraculous skills in the future, he will find a new way. If he can't understand it, then he will have no choice but to be blind.

But these are all things for later. How can magic and miraculous skills be so easy to obtain? Lu Hu was too far away at this time and was not something he needed to consider at the moment.

After Lu Hu's marrow training greatly increased, he felt that his height and weight had increased again.

It feels like the bones are not only getting thicker, but also becoming denser.

"Perhaps the so-called horizontal training method is a method specifically designed to increase bone density?"

Lu Hu felt that his guess was not unreasonable. After all, all skills were created by humans.

Perhaps the earliest horizontal martial arts training was during the marrow training period. The density of human bones increased and some people paid attention to it. They created a martial arts technique and then later generations optimized and improved it time and time again on this basis.

"So, the so-called martial arts, the most fundamental thing is the human body. The ancestors are constantly understanding and developing the human body. There are countless attempts and explorations. If a successful person survives, his path will be passed on to the world. In future generations, those who fail will die immediately, and there will be no need to talk about the rest.”

"This path is reasonable. It turns out that in the novels and movies I watched in my previous life, I always liked to talk about ancient exercises, how powerful they are, and how they defy the heavens. The people who co-authored them are all ancient people, and today's people are all It is useless and completely ignores the progress and development of human knowledge.

Unless there is a catastrophic disaster in history that causes the entire civilization to retreat, the most powerful exercises will always be the latest ones! "

Thinking of this, Lu Hu was immediately disenchanted with the so-called magical power.

After Lu Hu took the medicinal bath, his stomach was already hungry. He went back to his room, opened the food he bought and started to eat it.

Originally, he bought it based on his two meals, but now that he has eaten them all, he is only 80% full.

"The food intake has increased again, and the money is even less expensive!"

Lu Hu originally wanted to continue practicing his sword skills after finishing his meal.

But he was not in the mood now, and it happened to be dusk, so he put on his hat and went out.

Go around the city, find out where the wealthy families are, and pick out one that is suitable in all aspects, and then prepare to rob the rich and give to the poor.

Rob their wealth and give to your own poverty!

As for how to judge wealthy people, it's too simple. The further you go to the center of the city, the better the sanitary conditions of the streets, the larger the facade of the house, and the richer you are.

Especially Baishui Street behind Baishui City Yamen.

The county magistrate of Baishui City lives in the official residence behind the Yamen. The street immediately behind the county magistrate's official residence is the safest place in the county and the place closest to power.

The entire street is paved with bluestones, which can accommodate three batches of carriages running parallelly at the same time. The facade is also a bright gate, and there is a deep courtyard inside. There are horse hitching posts on the side of the door. There are no pedestrians coming and going, only carriages and sedan chairs.

The servants in the house also enter and exit through the back door.

This is the only street in the entire Baishui County where police officers patrol it at night.

Although there are no explicit regulations, ordinary people do not dare to go to this street.

Lu Hu was going to run away before he wanted to do anything, so he had better let the house on Baishui Street go. When he planned to leave Baishui City, he could consider doing something.

Now, let’s pick a soft persimmon and squeeze it.

Lu Hu walked on the street at dusk. The setting sun stretched his reflection very long. The vendors on the street closed their stalls and went home. There were fewer and fewer people on the road.

Lu Hu stepped on three points in a row. At this time, he was leaning on the wall at the corner of the street, looking sideways at the house across the street, and evaluating the house in his mind.

Suddenly, the door of the house opposite opened, and two boys gave a drunk man a gift, and at the same time, they also put a lantern in the drunk man's hand.

The light flickered and shone on the drunk man's face, causing Lu Hu's one eye to squint, and a lot of evil energy came out.

The only people who can make Lu Hu do this are those acquaintances who have dealt with him!

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