There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 1 A-001 Some people are born in Rome, and some people are bullies all their lives!

Liuli City No. 1 Middle School, Class 1, Grade 2, class teacher Xu Yanyan stood on the podium. Her eyes gradually softened as she looked at the students below, and then her expression gradually gained a hint of solemnity.

"Starting from the day after tomorrow, it will be your two-month summer vacation. When the summer vacation ends, you will be senior students in high school. I think you all know what I am going to say next."


The students in the classroom gave their class teacher a positive answer in unison, and many students were even so excited that they couldn't help themselves.

"Haha, I have been waiting for this day for almost eighteen years!"

"Finally, I can finally get my own elf!"

"I want to become the strongest trainer!"

"Shit, I am the man who wants to become the strongest trainer!"

Amidst the noise, childish words kept coming out one after another. Xu Yanyan looked at the passionate students, and she showed a helpless smile.

These children are really lively, but when she was this age, didn't she also have the same enthusiastic expectations for the future?

"Be quiet for a moment and listen to what the teacher has to say. I know you are very excited, but the teacher would like to remind everyone here that becoming a trainer is indeed a great thing, but becoming a trainer is also a very important thing. It’s a dangerous thing, and it’s also a big test for your own family.”

"The teacher thinks that you should go back and discuss with your parents first, whether to enter the ordinary class or the elite class for cultivating trainers in the third year of high school. The school has already taken care of registering as a trainer. I know that many people have already done so. You’ve made your choice, but the teacher still wants to remind you again, you must choose carefully and don’t regret it in the future.”

"Okay, school is over!"

After Xu Yanyan finished saying what she wanted to say, she quickly put away her textbooks and walked out of the classroom. After she left, the originally quiet classroom suddenly became extremely lively, and the noise was enough to make people at the school gate The doorman could hear it.

If it were normal times, I'm afraid the dean of students would have come to give a warning, but today the dean seemed to have disappeared. In fact, he couldn't do anything to warn him, because the entire second year of high school was making ghostly howls like wolves. .

"Ache, you must have entered the elite class."

Among the crowd, a boy with black-rimmed glasses and a gentle appearance walked to the window in the back row of the classroom. He put his hand on the shoulder of the boy with short blond hair.

Fang Che raised his head and glanced at his best friend, "Aren't you talking nonsense? If I choose the ordinary class, my old man and my old man will definitely break my legs."

Although there was a hint of disgust in his tone, his best friend who had been playing with Fang Che for more than ten years could understand Fang Che's excitement hidden under the calm.

After almost eighteen years, he could finally have an elf of his own!

Fang Che turned his head to the window. Several Bobos were making love to each other on the tree outside the window, completely ignoring the angry looks of many single dogs in the school.

No one knows that Fang Che is a time traveler. He traveled from the world called Earth to this planet that is nine levels similar to the Earth.

The only difference between this world and his previous life may be that there is a magical creature called an elf living in this world, and this elf is the character in the most popular game in Fang Che's previous life.

As a senior cloud fan, Fang Che could be said to be so excited after knowing that he had actually traveled to such a world. Especially after he found out about his family, he almost felt so excited.

Fang Che is the grandson of Fang Tianyang, the current steel-type king of the Chinese Elf Alliance, and the son of Fang Xuan, the gym leader of Liuli City. His mother is a top coordination trainer and a senior breeder, and his aunt is a famous perfume master, and she is also a [stinky girl]. The president of the Stinky Flower Perfume Group], he also has an uncle who is a mine owner who owns a mine with more than double digits.

With such a family, Fang Che can say that his future life will be smooth, and he will hardly encounter any obstacles on his way to becoming a top trainer.

In Fang Che's previous life, there was a saying that all roads lead to Rome, which means that as long as you work hard, you will succeed one day.

But in Fang Che's opinion, it's useless that you have access to Rome. It's no match for some people who were born in Rome, not to mention that all roads lead to Rome. You're just a higher-level cow and horse when you come to Rome!

In this case, if it weren't for the strict upbringing of the Fang family, Fang Che would have chosen to lie down.

The elves in this world appeared five hundred years ago. At that time, people were extra vigilant when they first came into contact with magical creatures like elves. After all, these creatures are extremely destructive, and some elves are even destructive enough. Comparable to today's most powerful thermal weapons.

At the beginning, there was a war between humans and elves for almost a hundred years. Countless elves and humans died in each war. In the end, the mythical beasts couldn't stand it anymore and took action to stop the war.

Human beings were extremely desperate after seeing the destructive power of the mythical beasts, because they thought that the mythical beasts would destroy humans and leave the elves alone.

However, the mythical beasts did not impose any oppression on humans. Instead, they reached a peace agreement with the higher-ups of humans. They want elves and humans to coexist peacefully on this planet and support each other and make progress together.

After hundreds of years of development, humans and elves have long become an inseparable community, and elves play a very important role in the human world.

Trainers who can cultivate elves and master powerful powers have become the highest-status profession in human society. Countless people aspire to become trainers.

However, in order to prevent the abuse of elves and violations of laws and disciplines, the Elf Alliance formed by high-level humans strictly stipulates that only those who become trainers can legally possess elves.

If you want to become a trainer, you must first be over 18 years old, and your parents and immediate family members have not committed serious illegal and disciplinary acts. This is to prevent some naughty children from getting the elf trouble in advance under the pampering of their parents. Make trouble.

This kind of situation has happened from time to time in the past few hundred years, and it is also quite common for children who are young and have not learned enough to abuse elves. The rules of the alliance are not only to protect order, but also to protect elves.

Of course, this regulation also has a hidden constraint, which is to bring the entire society to the same level so that all children can be on the same starting line, at least on the surface.

Otherwise, if a child from a noble family has been cultivating elves since he was a child, wouldn't it be possible for him to take a powerful elf everywhere and do whatever he wants when he is seventeen years old? This is extremely difficult for a child from a commoner family. of blow.

The Alliance is looking at the future of mankind as a whole. They will never allow wealthy families to control the world!



Due to force majeure, Jiangnan City was renamed Liuli City, and Xia Kingdom was renamed Hua Kingdom.

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