There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 106 H-002 Learn to be an apprentice and kill the master’s enemies! (Please order for the fir

In the next three days, Desert Dragonfly was really conscientious in teaching all the dragon moves she knew to Lucario and Cocodora. However, due to racial reasons, Cocodora learned Dragon Tail and Dragon Claw, but cannot learn Dragon Wave.

Lucario learned the Dragon Wave on the first day, but it was unable to understand the Dragon Tail and Dragon Claws. However, according to the way the Dragon Claws were used, Lucario successfully understood the Double Split on his own.

When Lucario used his bone rod to unleash a double slash, even the Ultrasonic Larvae at the same level as him couldn't resist this move.

On the afternoon of the third day, Cocodora finally understood the dragon tail. This was not because Cocodora didn't study hard, but simply because of her body.

Before evolving into Boscodora, Cocodora's tail was just like a rabbit's tucked-in tail, pitifully short.

If you want to use the dragon tail, you can only condense an energy tail yourself, which stumps Kokodora.

Energy condensation is a very difficult test for Kokodora, whose special attack racial value is very low.

After Cocodora learned the dragon tail, the desert dragonflies became visibly depressed. In the past few days, Fang Che provided them with a large amount of elf food and energy cubes, as well as a lot of tree fruits, which made the mandible ants Eating quite happily.

Now that these good days are coming to an end, how can the desert dragonfly not be depressed.

The mandible ants also came to Cocodora's side gloomily. They had become friends with Cocodora and did not want to be separated from Cocodora.

Feeling the enthusiasm of her friends, Kokodola came to Fang Che rather hesitantly. She tugged on Fang Che's trousers and asked if the mandible ants could be taken out as well.

Fang Che shook his head. Although it was not a problem for their family to have a nest of mandible ants, the head could not be opened.

Otherwise, will he have to take a whole family of elves out every time he goes to the secret realm in the future?

Cocodola sighed, it also knew the difficulty, but it still wanted to try it.


Just when Cocodola sighed, Lucario walked over and passed on important information to Fang Che.

About ten kilometers away from these hills, there is a small oasis.

There are two red-faced dragons living in the oasis, and they are the mortal enemies of the desert dragonfly clan.

Originally, desert dragonflies and mandible ants lived in oasis. Although there were not many fruit trees in the oasis, there were many wild fruits and a large amount of water resources.

Relying on the water source, the desert dragonfly got along quite well with the elves outside, and exchanged a lot of resources for the growth of the mandible ants. The ultrasonic larvae evolved with the help of these resources.

However, almost a year and a half ago, two red-faced dragons broke into the oasis. They injured the ultrasonic larvae and desert dragonflies, and drove them out arbitrarily.

The oasis behind was occupied by the red-faced dragon, and the surrounding elves also lost their stable water source, and finally had no choice but to relocate their habitat.

"Oh, a small oasis?"

Fang Che raised his eyebrows. He really didn't expect that something like a desert oasis would be so close to him.

It just so happened that Fang Che, who had not bathed for four or five days, really wanted to take a bath. Although he brought a lot of water, it was not suitable for bathing. It would be great if he could encounter an oasis.

The desert dragonfly taught the skills it knew to Lucario and Cocodora, so it naturally became the teacher of Lucario and Cocodora.

The teacher taught the apprentice, and the apprentice naturally wants to take revenge on the teacher!

"What are the strengths of those two red-faced dragons?"

Fang Che asked Lucario. In fact, he was not nervous at all. They were just two red-faced dragons. Could they still break through the King-level bottleneck?

Don't be kidding, the red-faced dragon has a name in this world, and that is the shame of the dragon clan!

What is the shame of the Dragon Clan?

Its racial value is the lowest among the dragon elves in their final evolution, and there is no way to improve it. Therefore, ordinary red-faced dragons will never be able to break through the bottleneck of the king level in their lifetime.

You know, although most dragon elves grow slowly, it is much easier to break through the bottleneck of the king than ordinary elves.

Lucario used the waveguide to share the information about the red-faced dragons with Fang Che. They were two elite-level red-faced dragons.

However, their level is obviously higher than that of the desert dragonfly, so the desert dragonfly and the ultrasonic larvae are not their combined opponents.

Hearing that the red-faced dragon was only at the elite level, Fang Che subconsciously glanced at Lucario's level.

Level 34!

Five days after entering the secret realm, excluding the next three days of move training, Lucario had improved by 4 levels in the first two days.

If these two red-faced dragons can be defeated, Lucario will definitely be promoted to level 35!

"I will let Cocodora and the desert dragonfly wrap around one of the red-faced dragons, and leave the other one to you."

Fang Che patted Lucario on the shoulder. He didn't care at all about letting Lucario fight at a higher level.

When elves raised by trainers face wild secret realm elves, as long as they don't cross a large realm, they have enough room to fight.

If the carefully cultivated elves can't even compare to the elves with insufficient resources to grow in the wild, then what's the use of having trainers.

When it heard that Fang Che was going to help his family take revenge on the red-faced dragon, the desert dragonfly was so excited that it almost jumped up. It volunteered to become Fang Che's mount and led Fang Che towards the oasis.

The ultrasonic larvae take the mandible ants with them, eager to return to their original home.

Ten kilometers seems like a long journey, especially in this endless desert.

However, with the efforts of Desert Dragonfly, Fang Che only took five minutes to see the edge of the desert oasis. This speed was not much different from that of his modified motorcycle.


The moment they approached the oasis, two thunderous roars reached Fang Che's ears. It was obvious that the red-faced dragon had discovered the arrival of the desert dragonflies, but they didn't expect that the opponents they had to face were not just the desert dragonflies.

"Go, Lucario, wave missiles!"

Fang Che threw the elf ball the moment the desert dragonfly entered the oasis. Lucario's figure appeared on the branches of a big tree, and then he put his hands on his waist, and when he pushed it out again, it had already condensed There were multiple wave missiles shining with blue light!


The sound of bombardment resounded endlessly in the oasis. Lucario was like a fort constantly bombarding the red-faced dragon with wave missiles, directly suppressing the two red-faced dragons in the open space next to the lake in the center of the oasis. superior.

Taking this opportunity, Fang Che successfully released Cocodora. Next, Cocodora cooperated with the desert dragonfly to beat up a red-faced dragon, and then Lucario single-handedly challenged another red-faced dragon!

Let’s start the revenge battle for our master!



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