There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 108 H-004 People as handsome as me are usually the protagonists! (Please order for the first

The red-faced dragon never imagined that he would have to withstand four waves of attacks in one day!

Lucario's Dragon Wave and Double Slash, Desert Dragonfly's Dragon Breath and a series of dragon-type moves, Cocodora's Dragon God Dive, and now even a Kirby can unleash the dragon's ultimate move, Reversal. scale.

In comparison, these two elves with orthodox dragon bloodline seem to be really useless?

Just when the red-faced dragon was doubting its bloodline, Kirby had already completed five consecutive blows against the scales. Its palms were like whips and struck the red-faced dragon's face crazily, directly slapping the cheeks of both red-faced dragons. Swollen.

When the red-faced dragon was so dizzy that it didn't know where to go, Lucario and Cocodora jumped out again and gave them a fatal blow.

This wave, this wave is about grabbing heads, gaining experience, and leveling up!

Kirby doesn’t need this experience anyway, so it’s better to upgrade Lucario and Cocodora.

After gaining the experience of two elite-level elves, the levels of Lucario and Cocodora have been improved.

One has reached level 35, and the other has reached the peak of growth, level 29!

Next, Fang Che's main focus should be on Cocodola's leveling up.

If Kokodora can evolve in the remaining week or so, then his probability of winning this U18 Poké Ball Cup can be increased by at least 5%!

The red-faced dragons, who were violently beaten by a group of elves, completely lost their ability to fight. After Lucario kindly applied some wound medicine to them, they left the oasis in despair.

For a long time to come, they will probably be immersed in doubts about whether their bloodline is pure or not.

Fang Che looked at the red-faced dragon staggering away from the oasis without any sympathy. The weak will eat the strong, and the fittest will survive. This is the secret realm.

Although he intervened in the battle between the elves in the secret realm, he did not need to find any reasons for his actions.

If I have to say it, it’s that Fang Che is a face-controller. The Desert Dragonfly is taller and more handsome than the Red-faced Dragon, and is so hospitable. If he doesn’t help the Desert Dragonfly fight the Red-faced Dragon, how can he help the Red-faced Dragon, the shame of the dragon clan?

Compared to the red-faced dragon, Fang Che felt that the shining single-headed dragon he saw earlier was much more handsome.

Thanks to the Desert Dragonfly family, Fang Che chose to camp in the oasis that day.

After driving away the red-faced dragon, Fang Che was in the mood to wander around this oasis.

The area of ​​the oasis is not large. If it is full, it will only occupy one-half of the area occupied by Fang Che's gymnasium.

However, even this small area actually includes lakes, grasslands, jungles and fruit trees. Looking at this almost complete green structure, Fang Che looked thoughtfully at the lake.

Why is there so much greenery in just a small oasis?

Moreover, this lake is obviously not connected to the outside world, so why can it be guaranteed to be clear and sweet all year round without being exhausted?

There must be a secret in this!

"Lucario, go down and take a look at what's under this lake."

Fang Che gave instructions to Lucario. Due to physical reasons, desert dragonflies don't like getting their bodies wet, so their family has never gone deep into the lake.

The red-faced dragon often bathed in the lake, but these two stupid guys didn't notice anything wrong with this oasis at all.

In the dark, Fang Che had a premonition that he seemed to be getting rich!

Stretching out his hand to wipe his still wet hair, Fang Che showed a smile, "A handsome guy like me would be the protagonist in other stories. Adventures in secret places, encountering treasures in lakes, etc. Once, there must be a second time!”

Previously, in the lake outside the Liuli Secret Realm, he encountered Gyarados and Ugly Fish, as well as the beautiful scales that Gyarados tore off from a gym-level Menas in the core of the secret realm.

Now, this peripheral desert oasis may also bring him some surprises!

Lucario is very good at swimming, or fighting-type elves are very good at swimming, because they have perfect control over every muscle in their body.

However, they are not like water elves who can take a breath underwater, so Lucario has to return to the surface to take a breath every once in a while.

Fortunately, the lake was not big, and it did not seem to be deep, so Lucario only took a few breaths to explore all the conditions below through the waveguide.

There are no elves in this lake other than ordinary fish, not even the Carp King and the Ugly Fish, two elves that can survive in extremely cruel environments.

Through the waveguide shared by Lucario, Fang Che discovered a wonderful place, that is, the lake actually showed a perfect funnel-shaped structure.

what does that mean?

Ordinary lakes are generally dish-shaped or irregular. Most of the causes of funnel-shaped pits in nature are shock waves from bombardments from the sky.

Is it possible that this lake was left behind after the impact of a meteorite from outer space?

So at the bottom of this lake, are there the remains of meteorites from the sky?

Thinking of this, Fang Che immediately took out his snorkeling suit, and then followed Lucario's guidance to the bottom of the lake.

Looking at the glorious bottom of the lake, Fang Che stepped forward and touched it curiously. Unlike the muddy bottom of ordinary lakes, the bottom of this lake was as hard as steel!

Even the metal claws used by Lucario could only leave a little mark on the bottom of the lake.

"The desert dragonfly is really our noble one!"

Fang Che couldn't help but sigh, and he accelerated towards the center of the bottom of the lake. In this case, if there was any secret treasure, it must be in the center of the bottom of the lake.

When Fang Che brought Lucario, who was also wearing a snorkeling device, to the center of the lake, what they saw was a blue crystal.

Lucario's whole body trembled, and Fang Che was also shocked by the scene in front of him.

Water stone vein!

On the outskirts of this secret realm, in a small oasis in the desert territory, there is actually a vein of water stone!

You must know that although there are many water stones in the outside world, not many mineral veins have been discovered. Most of the mineral veins are in the hands of the alliance, and only a handful of people are qualified to mine them.

Fang Che's uncle, Fang Qian, is one of the people qualified to mine.

Although he still didn't know the quality of the water stone vein in front of him, Fang Che could conclude that this vein could definitely change a family's status.

"If I took 500 million Xia Yuan from my second uncle and gave him a water stone vein, I think he would laugh to death."

Fang Che casually took out the locator and threw it into the lake. With this, when others come in, they can find this place based on the signal transmitted by the locator.

As the depth of diving becomes deeper and deeper, the blue halo emitted by the water stone also makes the surroundings look less dark.

Lucario carefully cut a water stone with a metal claw and put it into Fang Che's pocket. Fang Che was going to taste the quality of the water stone after going out.

"It turns out that there are veins of water stone underneath. It's no wonder that this lake can stay clear and not dry up."

"The secret realm is really a good place!"

Every year, one or two people will obtain treasures that change their lives in the secret realm. Although this vein of water stone is not enough for Fang Che to change his life, at least if he uses money later, he will definitely be confident to reach out to Fang Qian!



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