There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 113 H-009 Wuhu, shopping is the most enjoyable!

Fang Xuan, who was shocked by his son, decided to ignore Fang Che for an hour. He had been guarding the Liuli Secret Realm for many years, but he had not found a perfect quality secret treasure. Fang Che went in twice and took out the treasure as if he came home.

If he wasn't sure that Fang Che was his biological son, Fang Xuan would have doubted whether he had been cheated on by Arceus.

After all, if he is not the illegitimate son of the Creator God, then why do all the good things go to him!

The matter of the dark crystal came to an end, and Fang Xuan and Su Ya didn't ask too many questions. Anyway, they just wanted to be good to their son and their son's elves.

Except for some confidential areas, everything in the secret realm is ownerless, and those who can take it can take it. Fang Xuan and the others are not afraid that someone will come to them and say that they have lost some perfect quality secret treasure and demand compensation from their family.

If there were such people, Fang Xuan would definitely give them a thumbs up.

After stroking his hair, which was still a little stiff from the wind, Fang Che came to Kirby. He rubbed Kirby's belly, questioning Kirby for selling him so quickly.

Kirby was confused. When did it promise to keep Fang Che's secret?

Moreover, its trainer is Su Ya, so it can't hide anything from Su Ya.

Seeing Kirby's honest appearance, Fang Che rubbed its soft belly again with some helplessness.

Su Ya had already gone to prepare a feast with her baby. After talking about the gains in the secret realm, Fang Che also found out that all three of his elves had reached the elite level, which shocked Fang Xuan again.

It seemed that it was near the end of his third year of high school when he trained three elite elves.

That year, he put his hands in his pockets and defeated all the U18 Pokeball Cup invincible players. However, even so, his most powerful Pokemon were only at the elite level, with only five in number. Fang Che had just started school and had already caught up to half of him. The progress has been made. I don’t know how far Fang Che can grow in the next year.

Could it be that the U18 Poké Ball Cup, one of the most watched events in China, would be turned into a baby cup by Fang Che?

Fang Xuan shook his head, probably not. If nothing else, that boy from the Long family has the qualifications to be a king, and none of the elves he has subdued is good. Fang Che has not subdued the quasi-god yet!

"It's time to go find the old man. Ah Che has now trained three elite elves, and he can now free up his hands to train quasi-gods."

Generally, aristocratic families will not let their children raise quasi-gods as their first elf, because the growth cycle of quasi-gods is too long.

A new trainer who has just become a trainer, no matter how good his academic performance is in the past, does not have much energy to train multiple elves at the beginning. Even Fang Che was a little neglected before.

With just one baby quasi-god, those new trainers might not be able to go anywhere.

There are not many geniuses like Long Yingxiang and Fang Che who can easily cultivate elves to the growth stage and elite level. Most of them can only cultivate a few growth stage and one elite in their entire senior year of high school. It is possible for all levels to enter the U18 Poké Ball Cup municipal league!

With Lu Qiling's help, Lu Hui only managed to cultivate all three elves to the growth stage. If nothing unexpected happened, he would not be able to cultivate Prince Bo to the elite level until the U18 Poke Ball Cup started.

Of course, that was what Fang Che had thought before. Now Lu Hui has obviously embraced the Gu family. Although he doesn't know what the current situation is, Lu Hui can obtain many more resources than before.

In the evening, Fang Che, Lucario and the others enjoyed a feast, seemingly to reward their son. Su Yako and Guanbao prepared a large table of dishes, and Lucario and the others also had a richer meal than usual. At least twice as much, which made Kodora so happy that she almost forgot who she was.

The Boss Cordoras, who had not yet been returned to the old man by Fang Xuan, watched the food happily. Cordoras, whose strength had exceeded the elite level, was extremely happy. It turned out that following Fang Che was the wisest choice.

After dinner, Fang Che came to the pavilion in the lake in the backyard. Half a month ago, there was a beautiful woman beside him who accompanied him to watch the stars and the moon. Now he felt a little cold alone.

"The mall has been refreshed."

Taking a sip of the black tea brought to him by the baby, Fang Che felt that the coldness on his body had dissipated. It had been a full month since the last automatic refresh of the mall. It was time to buy something!

After opening the Little Penguin Mall, Fang Che watched as the refresh countdown changed from minutes to seconds, and finally turned into a refreshable state. He pressed it without hesitation.


Following the brisk voice, five products suddenly appeared on the empty shelves of Little Penguin Mall. Fang Che rubbed his hands and immediately focused on the refreshed products.

The first item was very familiar to Fang Che. He had only seen a lot of it a week ago.

[Advanced secret treasure·Water Stone contains a large amount of water energy and has less impurities. It can speed up the growth of water Pokémon and also allow some special elves to complete their evolution. Selling price - 100 ball coins]

Fang Che had just discovered a vein of high-quality water stone in the secret realm, and there was no shortage of it. To be honest, the first product made Fang Che a little disappointed.

Quickly passing the water stone, Fang Che looked at the second compartment of the shelf, where he saw a beautiful watch.

[Ancient gold watch, a watch left in the past by time travellers, is suspected to be able to open spaces that theoretically do not exist. Selling price - 500 ball coins]

Fang Che was a little surprised that an ordinary-looking gold watch actually sold for 500 ball coins.

Because in this world, to be honest, the market for luxury goods is not very good. Everyone prefers to show off the powerful or beautiful and handsome elves they own, such as gold watches and jewelry. Unless it is a dance or banquet, there will be no one at all. bring.

This gold watch was not very beautiful in terms of workmanship. Even Fang Che doubted whether this so-called gold watch was made of pure gold. No matter how he looked at it, he felt that it seemed to be gold-plated.

"However, the watch that the time traveler left in the past contains a lot of information in this sentence!"

Fang Che rubbed his chin and then decided to take off the watch.

In any case, this watch has the special ability to open spaces that theoretically do not exist, and it may be useful in the future.

Nowadays, Fang Che only has 400 ball coins in his account, but his private alliance account has more than 100 million Xia Yuan. This is what Fang Qian called Fang Che today after he asked someone to explore the water stone veins in the secret realm. , regarded as a reward for Fang Che.

Fang Che calculated that the value of that water stone vein was one billion. However, after careful investigation, Fang Qian discovered that there were more than twenty pieces of perfect quality water stones in this vein. These alone were worth three billion. Billions of dollars!

Coupled with other high-quality water stones, if they work well, they can be sold at a good price.

It can be said that after excluding mining costs, Fang Qian can earn at least 1.5 billion, so giving his nephew another 100 million in pocket money is not a problem at all!



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