There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 132 H-028 How about changing your profession to become a vixen? !

"Kyuubi, a fox elf, the evolved form of Six-Tails. It has body hair as brilliant as gold and nine flexible tails. It is said to have a very long life."

Looking at the introduction of Kyuubi in the illustrated book, Zhao Wanxi couldn't hold back her inner surprise, so she walked forward and hugged Kyuubi's supple neck.

Although this is not her first elf to evolve, it is her first elf to finally evolve.

This sense of accomplishment of watching one's elf grow is something that trainers without a sense of responsibility cannot experience.


After the evolution, the Nine-Tails' voice became very soft and melodious, giving it a sense of nobility and elegance.

Fang Che stood aside quietly. He looked at the soft hair of the Nine-Tails and couldn't help but feel a little emotional. He was worthy of being an elf from a high-level breeder. The Nine-Tails cultivated were truly flawless.

"Speaking of which, the characteristic of the Nine-Tails is the relatively rare Sunshine. Wanxi can definitely form a Sunny Team with the Nine-Tails as the core, but she doesn't seem to want to be a fire elf trainer."

Rubbing his chin, Fang Che felt a little regretful. After all, the Nine-Tails' talent was really good. It could perfectly control its own characteristics during the Six-Tails period. Even elves that were five or six levels beyond it might not be able to compete. Seizing control of the weather.

It would be absolutely great if Team Sunny was formed with Kyuubi as the core.


Here Fang Che was still sighing, while Zhao Wanxi next to him had already learned the skills after becoming familiar with Jiuwei's evolution.

As a fire elf who is proficient in superpowers, Nine-Tails has mastered moves such as flame spray, mysterious guardianship, will-o'-wisps, seals, and magical powers as soon as it evolves. When it levels up, it learns tricks, meditation, and other moves. After having Purgatory, he can definitely become the ace Vulcan in Zhao Wanxi's hands.

Coupled with the long-tailed fire fox who will be more proficient in super powers in the future, it is not impossible for Zhao Wanxi to become the super queen.

"Eh? Something seems wrong?"

Fang Che was confused for a moment. He looked at the magnificent flames spitting out from Kyuubi's mouth and fell into deep thought.

That thing seems to be a magic flame, right?

Is magic flame a skill that Kyuubi can automatically learn?

Fang Che didn't know, and he didn't dare to ask. After all, no one stipulated that Nine-Tails couldn't learn the magic flame on its own.

"This is the skill machine of Iron Tail and Awakening Power."

After Zhao Wanxi and Jiuwei exchanged feelings, Fang Che sent two skill machines to Zhao Wanxi. One of these two skills was a pure luck skill of lottery, and the other was the core of Jiuwei. Skill.

As a fire elemental elf that is doubly restrained by water, ground and rock elements, Nine-Tails can barely resist special attacks from the water element with its superpowers.

However, most of the ground and rock-type skills are head-to-head contact physical attacks. If Kyuubi wants to compete with them, he needs to prepare corresponding countermeasures.

First of all, the Nine-Tails with the sunshine attribute can learn the grass-type ultimate move of Sunshine Flame. The grass-type can restrain the rock, ground and water types, which perfectly makes up for the blind attack surface of Nine-Tails' skills. However, Fang Che does not always have Sunshine Flame at home. This skill machine.

Therefore, I had to use the next-level iron tail instead.

It can cause double damage to ice, fairy and rock elves. In addition, Nine Tails itself is resistant to ice and fairy types. After mastering the iron tail, Nine Tails can be called an ice and fairy killer.

In addition, Kyuubi has nine long tails. Normal elves can only use the Iron Tail once, but Kyuubi can multi-task and use it nine times!

This is a routine developed by a certain Kyuubi trainer. Since then, Iron Tail has become a must-have skill for Kyuubi.

Even if the Nine-Tails is not good at physical attacks, the damage caused by the Nine-Tails Iron Tail cannot be resisted by ice, fairy and rock elves of the same level.

Among the three types of elves, except for the rock type, the other two types of elves are basically squishy.

Taking the Nine-Tails back into the Poké Ball, Zhao Wanxi used the skill learning machine to let Nine-Tails learn the awakened power and iron tail. What made the two of them even happier was that the attribute of Nine-Tails' awakened power turned out to be a super power type!

This can further enhance Nine-Tails' control over super powers. In the future, it may be able to develop super powers that are not weaker than those of super elves by virtue of its identity as a fire elf.

"How about you raise another sun elf?"

After dinner, Fang Che looked at Zhao Wanxi who was busy feeding the two foxes. He suddenly thought that among the super-type elves, there was a sun elf who was suitable for Zhao Wanxi.

At present, Zhao Wanxi's two elves are not suitable to be carried around, and the Galar little fire horse and Gardevoir that she wants to conquer in the future are not elves that can be kept by her side at all times.

Then, it is necessary to cultivate a sun elf.

After all, the Eevee family are small elves that can be held in your arms or followed around.

In addition, the Ievee family is born with keen spiritual perception, and it is basically impossible to recognize people with evil hearts as trainers. Even evil-attributed moon elves will only recognize ambitious trainers, not those who want to become trainers. Evil people who want to do evil.

Therefore, the Eevee family is one of the few elves that can be released anywhere and on any means of transportation.

"Sun Elf?"

Zhao Wanxi raised her head and began to think seriously.

If you really want to be a trainer of the super and fairy types, you can really get one from the sun elf.

After all, there are not many superpowers who are suitable to be placed outside as protective elves.

Natural finches and Monini are considered the best among small elves, but their potential is generally very low, and their appearance is not as good as that of sun elves.

As for the high degree of intimacy required to cultivate Ibrahimovic into a sun elf, Zhao Wanxi has never worried about this.

She treats elves really well, whether they are long-tailed fire foxes or nine-tails, they all like her very much.

Using Fang Che's data power to detect it, her intimacy with the elves would be at least 190 or more!

You know, as a new trainer, this is already very impressive.

"Then do I want to tame a Zoroa, or Thief Fox?"

Suddenly, Zhao Wanxi seemed to have thought of something. The corners of her mouth curved slightly, and then she looked at Fang Che with a smile in her eyes.

Fang Che was suddenly stunned because he completely failed to understand the meaning of Zhao Wanxi's words.

In teams with super powers and fairies, do evil fairies need to fill in the blind spots?

The only steel attribute that can dually restrain the super-type and fairy-type, the Nine-Tails and the Long-tailed Fire Fox can solve it.

Looking at Fang Che's dazed look, Zhao Wanxi sighed softly, why didn't this man know how to tease?

"I already have a long-tailed fire fox and a nine-tailed fox. If you ask me to conquer another sun elf, do you want me to become a vixen who specializes in cultivating foxes?"



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