There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 140 H-035 What is the protagonist’s halo!

After passing through the southern jungle, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi came to the border of the central lake. Standing on the hillside and looking at the sparkling lake in the distance, they suddenly felt relaxed and happy.

Although the environment in the forest is not bad, and one or two elves will pop up from time to time to interact with you, but after watching it for a long time, you will still feel that the forest is a bit dark.

"Let's go around to the trail. In about half an hour we can reach the lake and set up camp."

Zhao Wanxi pointed to the downhill path next to her. They had to stay in this secret place for a full month. It would be very uncomfortable if they didn't find a good place to set up camp.

Generally speaking, students who entered the secret realm in previous years would choose to camp by the lake. On the one hand, it makes themselves more comfortable and does not have to worry about getting water for washing. On the other hand, most of the elves in the secret realm need to drink water, so First of all, there is a greater chance of meeting an elf that suits your needs.

Only those trainers who want to pursue ice or rock elves will plunge into the mountains.

Following the tree-lined path on the side of the hillside, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi walked leisurely towards the central lake. They were not in a hurry to find the nearby auspicious egg group. After all, they had just come in and were unfamiliar with the place. It doesn't make sense to go forward and prepare to conquer someone else's "adopted son".


While Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi were discussing the difficulties of the breeder's assessment, such as whether rock snakes and spiny shells could lay eggs, the Variety Monster on Fang Che's wrist suddenly trembled.

When Fang Che came to his senses, a small and cute elf had jumped out of the grass on the roadside and stood in front of him and Zhao Wanxi.


A slightly soft and cute voice sounded in their ears, and both Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi's eyes lit up.

"Didn't I say that the three Yus in the secret realm only have Bulbasaur? What's going on with this water-leap fish?"

What appeared in front of Fang Che and the others was the Water Leaping Fish from the three water-type Yusan Family. It is very popular in China and even the world. After all, the giant swamp monster that evolved from the Water Leaping Fish is not only strong, but also very adaptable to all kinds of creatures. This kind of combat system allows him to even join the Sandstorm Team and have a try.

Zhao Wanxi knelt down directly. She looked at Shui Yueyu with a cute smile in front of her, and then stretched out her hand to touch it.

Shui Yueyu rubbed Zhao Wanxi's hand very sensibly, and then lay down in front of Zhao Wanxi.

Its eyes were closed tightly and its whole body was twitching, as if it could no longer breathe. It was still mumbling something in its mouth.


Zhao Wanxi was stunned when she heard Shui Yueyu's slightly rogue yell.

Was she touched by an elf?

Fang Che was laughing so hard that he could hardly stand upright. When the Water Jumping Fish appeared, the Variety Monster and Lucario all gave Fang Che a warning, because before the Water Jumping Fish came out of the grass. The cry means the fat sheep is coming!

Obviously, the water leaping fish often "blocks and robs" on this road, and it is very likely that what it robs is the trainer who comes into the secret realm in the past.

Zhao Wanxi looked helpless at Shui Yueyu who was constantly twitching. She had no choice but to take out an energy cube from her pocket and hand it to Shui Yueyu, hoping that Shui Yueyu would take it as soon as he could.

However, Shuiyueyu is a veteran, how could it just give up when it gets good? What can this energy cube do?


A blue shadow passed over Zhao Wanxi's palm, and then the energy cube in Zhao Wanxi's hand disappeared.

Chewing the energy cube in his mouth, Shui Yueyu's eyes lit up. This was much more delicious than the energy cube it "begged" for in the secret realm two years ago!

The woman in front of me is a wealthy person!


Fang Che pulled Zhao Wanxi to his side. The speed of the fish jumping out of the water just now was a bit strange.

Logically speaking, this campus secret realm was prepared by No. 1 High School for students like them, which means that there cannot be too strong elves in it.

Judging from the information given by Xu Yanyan, it is quite good to have an elite-level elf in each group. The water leaping fish in front of him obviously does not have a group, but it has a speed that makes Fang Che's eyes light up. .

Is it possible that this water-jumping fish has an amazing talent for speed?

"Come out, Cordora."

After releasing Cordora casually, Fang Che prepared to test the body of this water-jumping fish.

Seeing the behemoth that suddenly appeared in front of him, the water leaping fish was startled. It opened its mouth and spat out a huge stream of water, and then Cordora was swept back several meters by the current.

Zhao Wanxi was pulled to the side of the trail by Fang Che, and the two of them looked at Shui Yueyu with different eyes.

Water cannon?

That move just now was definitely a water cannon!

"A water leaping fish, living in a secret realm on campus, actually learned a water cannon?"

Zhao Wanxi covered her mouth with one hand, her eyes full of surprise.

You know, even many elite-level water elves cannot learn water cannon. This move not only requires a very strong body to support it, but also has enough water affinity to use it.

Looking at the appearance of the water leaping fish, it is obvious that using this trick is completely effortless!

"Kadora, Volt Attack!"

Fang Che snapped his fingers. No matter what, just looking at Shui Yueyu's speed and the water cannon just now, one of the three places he will get this time will definitely be Shui Yueyu!

The galloping thunder and lightning wrapped around Kodora's body. The sudden water cannon of the water leaping fish just now really caught Kodora off guard. If Kodora hadn't received special water resistance training, it would have been killed by this move just now. Already seriously injured.

After the evolution of the water jumper, the marsh jumper and the giant swamp monster both have ground attributes. Electric-type moves have no effect on them. But unfortunately, the current water jumper has not evolved yet. Voltage attacks are doubled to restrain the water jumper. !


Being hit head-on by Kodora who was charging with all his strength, the water leaping fish screamed under the attack of thunder. It never expected that it was just out to "ask for a living" and was attacked.

However, Shui Yueyu didn't resist. After all, it knew that it was reckless just now and it deserved to receive this blow.

It fired a water cannon at Kodora, who responded with a volt attack, and the two sides were evenly matched.

Looking at Shui Yueyu slowly getting up from the jungle in the distance and preparing to leave, Fang Che opened his mouth but couldn't say anything.

Good guy, is this water jumping fish a blood cow?

He was hit head-on by the Volt attack powered by the thunder lord amplification of Kodora's special talent, and yet he was still able to stand up?

This is almost three times the damage!



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