There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 154 H-049 We still don’t know what Jamie did that day!

"King Yanwu (female)

Level-57 (Gym level)

Attributes-Fire, Fighting


Characteristics - Sacrifice

Special Ability - Jiemi's Blessing: She has a natural affinity for grass energy, can learn a few grass skills, reduces the damage received from grass skills by 50%, and increases the power of grass skills by 50%!

Props - Charcoal

Moves - Thrust, Scent Detection, Circle, Charged Flame Attack, Mist, Roll, Slam, Vicious Pursuit, High Temperature and Pressure, Double-edged Head Hammer, Jet Flame, Flash Charge, Bodybuilding, Self-motivation

Special moves - Destructive Death Ray, Sunlight Flame, Earthquake, Venomous Poison, Shadow Clone, Guard, Substitute, Sleep, Big Character Explosion, Powerful Whip, Fallen Flowers, Rock Collapse, Bluff, Grass Knot, Awakening Power (Grass), Sunny Day , Rock Blockade, Pointed Stone Attack, Ultimate Impact, Crazy Volt

PS: Intimacy: 59”

Looking at King Yanwu's panel in front of him, the first thing Fang Che saw was King Yanwu's gorgeous special abilities that were as gorgeous as the Swampert, and then there was a skill pool that exceeded his imagination.

Good guy, King Yanwu has learned almost all the skills he can learn, right?

He is truly worthy of being the elf of the vice-president of the alliance. These skills and resources are so satisfying!

"What's wrong, Ache, do you see anything?"

Zhao Wanxi looked at Fang Che with a surprised expression, and she immediately asked Fang Che.

After being with Fang Che for so long, she vaguely felt that Fang Che had a special ability, which was to see through the nature of the elf's talent.

Whether it was Cordora or a giant swamp monster, Fang Che could easily see through the legendary power behind them.

Is it possible that there is a legend behind King Yanwu?

Fang Che opened his mouth. He didn't know what to say to Zhao Wanxi. After all, the person standing behind King Yanwu was not Emperor Yan, nor any other fire-type magical beast, but Jiemi!

Zhao Weimin narrowed his eyes and glanced at Fang Che. He grinned and said, "It doesn't matter if it's inconvenient to say it. Anyway, King Yanwu is my elf now, and he is very happy here."


King Yanwu raised his arms in the posture of a bodybuilding champion, and he quite recognized what Zhao Weimin said.

I think back then, when I was still a Nuannuan Pig, I had to compete with other elves for even a bite of food in the secret realm. How could I not be as comfortable as I am now.

Fang Che glanced at the second senior brother who was smiling heartlessly, and sighed faintly. Even if the power of data transmitted specific information to him, he could not accept that the second senior brother and Jie Mi were related.

"Grandpa Zhao, I think you can give King Yanwu a miracle seed and let him learn some grass-type tricks."

Although it is difficult to directly reveal Jiemi's existence, Fang Che can still provide some suggestions for King Yanwu's growth.

Zhao Weimin was stunned for a moment, and then he nodded seriously.

Let a fire elf wear a miracle seed and let it learn grass-based skills. If King Yanwu didn't have this talent, and Fang Che was the one chosen by Shui Lord, another person, Zhao Weimin, would have sprayed him.

Isn't this misleading?

But since it was Fang Che's suggestion, it would be better for him to listen to it.

King Yanwu scratched his head. He didn't know much about the specific situation, but he was still very close to grass-type energy. It would be good to learn more grass-type moves to deal with water elves and ground elves that he hated.

This "trial battle" ended anticlimactically. Fang Che's powerful swamp monster was surprising. Zhao Weimin's trio also showed how extraordinary King Yanwu was. Generally speaking, although the battle lasted It's very short, but it's quite enjoyable for everyone to watch.

Back in the living room, Lan Ying made some side dishes, and Zhao Weimin and Fang Tianyang started to talk about some interesting things in the past.

Because Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi were adults, the alliance's legal regulations had little control over them, so they were also given a glass of wine by Fang Tianyang.

However, compared to Fang Tianyang, who seemed to be able to drink a thousand glasses of wine, Fang Che's drinking capacity did not seem to be very good. After a glass of Wanguo wine, his face immediately turned red, and he was obviously drunk.

Zhao Wanxi just took a sip of Wanguo wine, and then the long-tailed firefox and the others shared the rest.

"Let's go for a walk in the yard."

Looking at Fang Che, whose face was flushed and his eyes were slightly blurred, Zhao Wanxi helped him to the courtyard. Fang Che's spirit instantly felt much better when the cool night breeze blew.

Zhao Wanxi looked at the crescent moon above her head, and she suddenly asked Fang Che, "Is it Jiemi or Celebi standing behind my grandfather's King Yanwu?"

There are not many fire-type elves in this world who are proficient in grass-type moves. What's more, King Yanwu has long been identified by Zhao Weimin. He has at least the potential of a heavenly king. The elves who want to affect this potential are definitely phantom beasts.

Currently, the only grass-type fantasy beasts known to the alliance are Celebi and Jamie.


Fang Che let out a breath of alcohol. He was in good mental condition, but his body felt a little dizzy.

Since Zhao Wanxi asked this, he had no intention of hiding anything.

The old man has already trained King Yanwu so well. Knowing that Jamie is standing behind King Yanwu, he will only be more attentive.

Zhao Wanxi curled her lips and said, "I regret it a little. Grandpa said that he would leave Nuannuan Pig to me, but I actually gave up."

Now it is obvious that she cannot conquer King Yanwu. Even if she has this idea, she must at least wait until she can train the long-tailed fire fox to the gym level.

As the vice-president of the alliance, Zhao Weimin spent five years cultivating an elf to the gym level, and it would probably take her even longer.

When she was almost thirty years old and finally broke through to the gym level, King Yanwu would probably have already reached the heavenly king level.

Fang Che grinned. If Zhao Wanxi wanted King Yanwu, he could fly the long-tailed fire fox to the gym level, and then directly take down King Yanwu.

However, even if he obtains King Yanwu, Zhao Wanxi's fighting talent may not be able to reach its full potential.

After admiring the moon in the courtyard for a while, Fang Che felt that he had sobered up from the wine, and the two of them returned to the villa together.

Fang Tianyang and Zhao Weimin were already drunk. They drank one of the two bottles of Wanguo wine, and the remaining bottle was hidden by the confused Zhao Weimin. What they were drinking now was Zhao Weimin's national wine collection, although it was not as good as Wanguo wine is precious, but this thing is also a treasure that can be used to hire people to do things with just one bottle of wine.

"Ah, Mom, why did Dad get involved?"

When Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi entered the villa, the first thing Zhao Wanxi saw was Zhao Qiansun who got drunk between the two old men. God knows how he got involved in the conversation between the two old men.

Lan Ying was a little helpless. The old men were all very happy today. Zhao Qiansun drank along with them, so she couldn't stop them.

"Wanxi, please take Ah Che to rest first. I'll take care of him here."

Lan Ying waved her hand to Zhao Wanxi, and then she began to prepare some warm water and towels.

Taking care of a drunk person is not easy, it is a very tiring task, but fortunately, the elf is here, which can greatly reduce Lan Ying's burden.

Zhao Wanxi didn't say much. She just took Fang Che to the guest room, and then returned to her room.

Perhaps it was because the Wanguo wine was getting stronger again. Fang Che fell asleep not long after returning to the guest room. In a daze, he suddenly thought that today's dinner seems not to have been prepared for Cordora and the others!

The next day, Fang Che, who was sleeping soundly, felt a cold hand constantly pushing his face. Fang Che opened his eyes helplessly, and saw the aggrieved Kodora. Standing next to him were Lucario with a serious look on his face, Swampert and the Giant Pincer Mantis.

"Dana! Dana!"

Seeing that Fang Che was awake, Dora narrowed her eyes happily and pointed at her mouth, her meaning very clear.

It's hungry!

Fang Che rubbed his temples. Although he was woken up by Cordora, he felt quite energetic.

Fang Che got up and went to the window. Fang Che opened the curtains. The genius outside was dimly lit. It was obviously not the time when he usually got up.

"Sorry, Dora, I fell asleep yesterday and didn't prepare dinner for you guys."

Fang Che rubbed Kedora's head. This was indeed his negligence. It was really unreasonable for a foodie like Kedora to endure hunger all night.

After preparing breakfast for several elves, Fang Che went into the bathroom to wash up. After only ten minutes, he returned to the room feeling refreshed and dazed.

At this time, it is obvious that no one in the Zhao family is up, and it is not easy for him to go out to train elves or do something that makes a lot of noise.


Fang Che slapped his forehead. He remembered something important to do, and then he took out a boxing glove and a CD from the Twenty-Four Bridge Moonlight Night.

Unlimited skill learning machine-Farmer’s three punches!

The perfect secret treasure-King’s Gloves!

Fang Che had decided to give these two sets to Giant Pincer Mantis, but he had been staying with Zhao Wanxi before, so he didn't take them out.

Now is a good opportunity to cheat the Giant Pincer Mantis.

Fang Che walked up to Giant Pincer Mantis. Giant Pincer Mantis immediately stood up straight and looked at his trainer. Swampert and Cordora, who were busy eating beside them, also couldn't help but raise their heads.

"Giant Pincer Mantis, haven't you always wanted to be a boxing champion? I'll give you this glove."

Fang Che handed the red gloves to the giant pincer mantis, which made the giant pincer mantis slightly stunned. Cordora and the giant swamp monster on the side also scratched their heads in confusion.

No, the two large pincers of the giant pincer mantis do look like fists, but it can't wear gloves, right?

Before the Giant Pincer Mantis could say anything, Fang Che placed the King's Glove on its pincers.

The next moment, a crimson light shrouded the giant mantis's pincers, and then the glove stuck on it like a film. If you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all.


The giant pincer mantis felt the rising power in its body, and it moved its pincers in disbelief.

If its perception is correct, the power of its own bullet punch seems to have improved a lot.

"Well, it fits very well."

Fang Che looked at the seemingly unchanged large pincers of the Giant Pincer Mantis and nodded with satisfaction. To be honest, he was still afraid that the King's Gloves would be exposed, so that others could tell at a glance that something was wrong with the Giant Pincer Mantis.

This is good now, domineering and restrained!

"By the way, there's also this."

While the Giant Pincer Mantis was feeling the King's Glove in his hand, Fang Che handed it the farmer's three-punch skill machine. The next moment, the Giant Pincer Mantis jumped up excitedly hugging Fang Che.




Seeing the crazy behavior of the giant pincer mantis, the other three elves who were enjoying breakfast all showed doubts. Did the giant pincer mantis not take medicine this morning?

Oh, no, it's not sick, so it means it took the wrong medicine?


After being excited, the giant pincer mantis put Fang Che down, and then raised its pair of pincers very excitedly. Flames appeared on one of the pincers, and frost appeared on the other!

The three elves who were eating were immediately stunned, and then Lucario immediately realized that the Giant Pincer Mantis used the same treasure as himself and learned the Fire Fist and Freeze Fist!

If its guess is correct, Giant Pincer Mantis may have even learned the Thunder Fist.

"Giant Pincer Mantis (Male)"

Level-28 (Growth Stage)

Properties-Insect, Steel

Qualification-King of Heaven

Features-Technical Expert

Special ability - Power of Steel: The power of steel attribute moves is increased by 20%

Special ability - Fist of the King: The power of boxing skills is increased by 33%, and the power of fighting skills is increased by an additional 50%. This effect does not affect the characteristics of technical experts and iron fist characteristics.

Props-King’s Gloves

Moves - Tornado Knife, secret attack on vital points, pursuit, split, point to point, high-speed movement, baton, energy gathering, steel wing, bullet punch, lightning flash, metal claw, continuous slash, iron wall, cross scissors

Special moves - Insect Bite, Tailwind, Grind, Sword Dance, Shadow Clone, Guard, Awakening Power (Water), Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Freeze Punch

Intimacy - 185”

Looking at the new panel of Giant Pincer Mantis, Fang Che felt quite pleased with it.

"Oh, by the way, the giant pincer mantis has learned sword dance and sharpening. If it learns self-motivation or other amplification skills, can it replicate King Yanwu's trio?"

Fang Che had a sudden thought. Zhao Weimin's trio yesterday really caught him off guard. In addition to Cordora, other elves can also integrate multiple skills into one. He looked down on the world a little.


The Giant Pincer Mantis scratched its head and tried to fuse several skills together. That would require a strong skill talent. Can it do it?


But Dora's eyes lit up, and she was no longer sleepy when it came to skill combinations.

Pushing the rice bowl, Dora wiped the corners of her mouth clean, and then she waddled in front of the giant pincer mantis.

To be precise, it was inserted between the giant pincer mantis and Fang Che.

When Giant Pincer Mantis and Fang Che were both confused about what Cordora wanted to do, Cordora patted her chest confidently.

It's up to Giant Pincer Mantis to learn the skill set!



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