There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 165 H-060 Some people fall into a pit while running!

On the border coastline of Yaoguang Island, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi landed from their flying mounts. After the exciting and refreshing flying experience, it was a simple and leisurely sailing trip.

Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi didn't have any large water elves that could be used as water vehicles. Even the giant swamp monster couldn't carry two people, so Fang Che prepared an automatic inflatable boat in advance. With this, they could let the giant swamp monster ride on the water. The Swamp Thing dragged them forward.

That is to say, the rules in the secret realm are very confusing, and many automated tools cannot be used. Otherwise, Fang Che would have wanted to bring a small yacht in. Anyway, his Twenty-Four Bridges on the Moonlit Night can fit it.

Just imagine, other people are sitting on their own elves in misery, letting the sea wind and waves hit their bodies, but he can embrace the beauty's delicate body and stand on the deck of the yacht to imitate a wave of jack and shredded meat. How romantic.

He could even name the yacht Titanic. Anyway, even if it encounters an iceberg, the elves can crush it, or there will be elves who can rescue it after falling into the sea.

It's a pity that modern tools such as yachts are absolutely impossible to move in the secret realm. It may be to protect the environment, which makes Fang Che feel uncomfortable.

However, compared to the unstable water elf mount, the inflatable boat that Fang Che took out is already a pretty good means of transportation, and the interior space is also very spacious. Zhao Wanxi can even release the long-tailed fire fox to keep the two of them away from the cold. After all, The temperature difference at sea is too great.

"According to the map, we are at least 370 nautical miles away from Kaiyang Island No. 6. By the time we arrive at Kaiyang Island, it will be almost three o'clock in the morning."

Zhao Wanxi looked at the time, and then looked at the map. It wasn't that they didn't want to enter the secret realm directly from Kaiyang Island. It was because the ferry from Yaoguang Island to Kaiyang Island only ran every three days. Their luck was relatively bad. It just so happened that the ferry had left just one day ago.

It is also dangerous for the elves to cross the ocean directly, because since the arrival of the secret realm of the Whirlpool Islands, the ocean currents and climates between the seven islands have become quite strange. Even experienced fishermen do not dare to leave the islands too far.

Only large ferries with relatively large tonnage that can withstand most winds and waves can safely travel between several islands.

The ocean area inside the Elf Secret Realm is larger than the outside world, so even if there is a giant swamp monster pulling the boat, it will take them at least ten hours to reach Kaiyang Island.

"It's three o'clock in the morning. Then we don't need to make the Swamp Monster so tired. Let's just walk around and rest."

Fang Che glanced at the endless sea, and then released the giant swamp monster.

Swamp Monster has only seen the central lake in the secret realm. In his opinion, it is the largest body of water in the world, so this endless sea is still very shocking to it.

Elves are very magical animals in this world, because there are very few aquatic elves who can distinguish between fresh and salt water. When everyone enters the water, it feels like they are back home.

The Swamp Monster entered the water, and Fang Che hung the traction rope of the inflatable boat around its waist, so that the Swamp Monster would not cause any bumps to the inflatable boat when it swam.

When everything was ready, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi got on the inflatable boat.

To be honest, switching from a high-speed flying mount to a slow inflatable boat really makes people feel a little anxious, especially after the giant swamp monster has been swimming for half an hour, Fang Che can still see Along the coastline, this feeling is even weirder.

Zhao Wanxi took out the tea set, and then asked the long-tailed fire fox to brew a pot of tea over a slow fire. She placed the tea cup in front of Fang Che and herself, "Let's have a cup of tea first. There are not as many voyages on the sea as there are on the land." Thrilling."

"If you feel bored, you can read a book first."

Before coming, Zhao Wanxi had already done her homework. Generally, trainers who enter the secret realm of the Whirlpool Islands will travel together. After all, this can prevent people from being overwhelmed by the loneliness of personal travel.

At the same time, they will also prepare some interesting readings, or some less important research to enrich themselves during the trip. After all, there are really not so many entertainment projects when people are on the sea.

Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi sipped tea, and then each held a book and read it with gusto.

What Zhao Wanxi is holding is the [Advanced Breeder Development Direction Guide], which contains many development directions for advanced breeders. Zhao Wanxi is going to start from one of these directions and start sprinting towards the top breeders.

The books in Fang Che’s hands are [On the Self-cultivation of Actors] and a politically-themed novel about the Sand Bear Alliance with a hint of comedy [That’s not it, Lord Champion! ], he is not as studious as Zhao Wanxi, and the trainer does not have to memorize some teaching materials all day long, so his reading direction is very broad.

[On the Self-cultivation of Actors] It was prepared for the shadow group activities last year. After all, he had to participate in transnational operations. If Fang Che still showed an image of an ignorant newcomer trainer, it would be a bit disappointing. Doubted.

As for [That’s not the case, Mr. Champion! 】Fang Che simply used it to kill time and get to know the temperaments of some trainers from the Sand Bear side. He will participate in the Transnational Breeder Exchange Conference next month, and the Sand Bear Alliance will definitely bring a group of elite trainers by then. Coming home, Fang Che had no intention of letting go of the opportunity to express himself on such an occasion.

As the saying goes, a gentleman hides his weapons and waits for the time to move.

He is the grandson of the King of the Chinese Alliance, and he is a member of the Alliance at heart. The better he performs, the happier the Alliance will be, and the more training he can receive.

Fang Che has no intention of becoming a new-age Joey Boy. He feels that the current alliance is very good, so it is naturally impossible to give up the support and training from the alliance.

"Tsk, the Riddler really makes people want to beat them to death."

In the evening, Fang Che put aside the book "On the Self-cultivation of Actors" on hand. The various descriptions in this book made Fang Che feel quite uncomfortable, because that kind of completely hiding oneself and self, depending on the specific situation The feeling of releasing a completely false super-ego image to the outside world is not acceptable to ordinary people.

As the old saying goes, one of the most valuable abilities of a person in this world is to speak human words when meeting people, and to tell ghosts when meeting ghosts. For a young and vigorous young man like Fang Che, speaking to people is fine, but ghosts are not. He just greeted him with his fist, so this book is not suitable for him.

"Actually, if you want to prevent others from discovering your identity, you can take advantage of people's fear."

Zhao Wanxi prepared dinner. Because it was on the sea, it was not easy for Fang Che to release the Cordorans. Fortunately, they could also eat in the Poké Ball, but there was no such joy as having everyone eat together. feel.

"A sense of fear? You mean, let me create a ruthless and high-ranking image?"

Fang Che became interested, which coincided with his initial thoughts.

Because he didn’t know much about the Shadow Group, Fang Che originally planned that if he participated in the Shadow Group activities, he would hide all his information and use false information to the outside world. At the same time, he would not allow anyone who provoked him to do so. Maybe he will let it go easily and establish an image in the shadow group that is not easy to mess with.

As a result, not many people would risk being punished to investigate him.

Of course, doing this will definitely attract the attention of a lot of people in the upper echelons, and it will depend on whether Uncle Zhao can resist it.

Zhao Wanxi smiled slightly. She took [On the Self-cultivation of Actors] from Fang Che's hand, then opened it to a certain page and handed it to Fang Che.

Fang Che took a look and saw that this part was about how to create a character with a completely different inner spiritual image on the outside, that is, how to violate the saying that things come from the heart.

The well-dressed executioner, the charming nun, the pure nightclub beauty... The difficulty of shaping these characters is no less than cultivating an elf with mediocre talent to a height that does not belong to it.

"You don't need to hide your identity and yourself, but you can't let others explore at will. I suggest you pretend to be a madman who enjoys fighting mentally. As long as there are one or two battles that make people hurt, you can It’s enough to scare others from exploring you anymore.”

Zhao Wanxi's eyebrows were curved. Having grown up in the imperial capital, she knew clearly that if you want to intimidate a group of arrogant people, you have to be more arrogant and ruthless than them.

Why can Long Xingyuan be the leader of a small group at the Imperial Capital Elf Academy?

Not only because of his identity as the grandson of a dragon, but also because when he was a new trainer, he led the elves to defeat an elf theft gang.

The entire younger generation in the imperial capital knew that Long Xingyuan used a rattling bone stick to smash all the bones of the boss of the theft gang with his own hands.

After this kind of thing was publicized by people, it added a sense of fear to Long Xingyuan that ordinary people should not approach. Although Long Xingyuan is essentially a passionate young man who is very kind and friendly, no one will bet on whether he has any It may have violated Long Xingyuan's bottom line.

It is precisely because of this that the small group was convinced of Long Xingyuan's intimidating power and made him the boss.

Zhao Wanxi felt that Fang Che could also create such a character.

Although there are many people from the alliance in the shadow group, there are still many trainers with bad tempers inside.

Using them to scare Fang Xiaoxiao is a good choice for Fang Che.

With the strength of the giant swamp monster, at the same level, it is not difficult to make the opponent completely lose the ability to resist in a few times, or even be unable to get up for life. This is enough for Fang Che to establish his authority among the Earthly Evil Stars.

Fang Che nodded thoughtfully. As the last cadre of the Earthly Evil Star group, the strength of the Earthly Dog Star would generally be questioned by many members of the Shadow Group. Although the previous Earthly Dog Star was killed by Kirby, But based on his strength, Fang Che could beat him with his eyes closed now.

Most of the members of the Shadow Group are weaker than the Earth Dog Star, but it would be outrageous to say that only one hundred and seven members are stronger than the Earth Dog Star.

When someone comes up to provoke him, he can be beaten to death with a stick so that no one dares to approach him casually. In this way, he will reduce the risk of exposure.

"Sure enough, this book is of no use to me."

Fang Che threw [On the Self-cultivation of Actors] into his pocket. Rather than saying what he said in a fog, Fang Che still liked the sand bear joke [That's not it, Mr. Champion! 】.



In the early morning, when the first ray of sunshine in the secret realm shines on the land of Kaiyang Island, the morning haze accumulated overnight gradually dissipates, and dewdrops hang on the bushes along the coast, giving people a different kind of feeling. Cool feeling.

Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi jumped off the inflatable boat. After half a day and a night of sailing, they finally arrived at Kaiyang Island. Fortunately, they did not encounter any unlucky things like elves robberies along the way. They were safe and sound. Arrived at destination.

"This is Kaiyang Island. Can you tell us where we are currently?"

Fang Che rubbed his hands. To be honest, the temperature at the beach in the early morning was really low, especially since they had been floating on the sea all night.

If the long-tailed fire fox hadn't been shining brightly for them, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi might have caught a cold.

Even so, Zhao Wanxi was still wearing Fang Che's coat. After all, few of her clothes could be layered.

After landing, the long-tailed fire fox was not able to dispel the severe cold for them. Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi suddenly felt chills in their bodies.

"Let me take a look." Zhao Wanxi took out the map, compared it and gave up. Unlike Yaoguang Island, which has a clear terrain, Kaiyang Island has no obvious terrain undulations. This is an island with a central An island based on mountains and surrounded by plains, grass and shrubs.

Under this situation, Zhao Wanxi felt that they could only move towards the central mountain in the center of the island before they could identify the direction.

Fang Che nodded, he rubbed his hands again, and directly summoned the elves such as Cordora. They had breakfast first, and then roasted their bones to warm up before moving forward. Otherwise, if they flew directly into the air in their current situation, they would just I'm afraid I can't even sit still.

Zhao Wanxi found a flat area with leeward wind and started preparing breakfast. Fang Che put away the inflatable boat. When he walked towards Zhao Wanxi, he felt his feet were empty and fell directly into a deep pit.

Zhao Wanxi, who heard the commotion, immediately ran over with the elf. When she poked her head out of the pit, she found that the pit was at least one meter in diameter and about five meters deep. How could such a hole be dug on the coast? A deceiver is definitely not an ordinary elf.

"Damn, am I so unlucky?"

Fang Che was very surprised. He had always thought that his luck was quite good, but why did it become so bad after arriving at Kaiyang Island.

The beach was so big, but he just stepped on the pit.

Fortunately, there was a variety of monster body guards that wrapped Fang Che's body in time, thus preventing Fang Che from being injured due to falling from a high place.

Under Zhao Wanxi's concerned call, a pair of small wings suddenly sprouted from Fang Che's back, and then he took off.

Looking at those cute little wings, if Zhao Wanxi hadn't known that it was a strange transformation, she would have thought that Fang Che had transformed into a dragon.



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