There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 181 H-076 Transnational Breeder Exchange Conference is on!

After showing Fang Xuan Boscodora again, Fang Che was ready to leave the base. After all, he had to go back to attend the exchange conference.

Fang Xuan and Su Ya didn't feel at all reluctant to see their son again after a long separation. In fact, they wished Fang Che wasn't by their side so they could enjoy themselves as much as they wanted.

Holding the bronze secret key in hand, Fang Che just nodded to Long Xingyuan and said hello before choosing to leave. Of course, before leaving, he did not forget to use Xuantian Baolu on both Fang Xuan and Su Ya's elves. , this is the purpose of his coming here.

On the plane back to the imperial capital, Fang Che kept playing with the bronze secret key, still recalling the words of the bronze bell in his mind.

If human beings cannot break through the fiftieth floor in the next year, or if they fail to break through the twentieth floor, they will completely lose the right to contact Palkia.

The point of this sentence is not that humans may lose a precious opportunity to talk to God, but why Palkiya left such an opportunity.

The fact that the bronze bell can deprive humans of this opportunity may mean that Palkiya actually doesn't care much about whether humans can get this opportunity, so it leaves it to his own gods to decide.

Or, one year is the final deadline. After one year, if the standards set by the Bronze Bell cannot be met, then the goal that Palkiya wanted to achieve by leaving this opportunity will not be achieved.

"The twenty-first floor... In one year, have you underestimated me?"

Fang Che put one hand behind his head and picked up the bronze key, with a confident smile on his lips.

He has only been a trainer for half a year, and he has already trained the elves to the elite level, with real combat power approaching the gym level.

If you give him another year, it's hard to say what level he can reach.

Moreover, once he acquires Quasi-God, completes his team, and opens more malls, his growth rate will become faster and faster.


Putting away the bronze secret key, Fang Che squinted his eyes and began to check the Black King's data. Before getting on the plane, he gave the spiritual seeds to the Black King for use. However, this kind of seed cannot be absorbed instantly once used. , it still takes some time to digest.

"Little Fire Horse (Gallar) (Flash) (Male)

Level -23 (growth level)



Features-pastel curtain, danger prediction

Special ability - King's majesty: Reduce the enemy's offensive ability by 10%.

Special ability - King's Will: Reduce the damage taken by yourself by 10%.

Special ability - Spiritual Heart: The power of super skills is increased by 100%

Props-Soothing Bell

Moves - Crash, tail wagging, telekinesis, fairy wind, high-speed movement, double combo, horn drill, make a scene, morning light, repay a favor

Special moves - wide-area combat power, hypnosis, overwhelming, sleeping, foreseeing the future, bouncing, gravity, seal, mental wave (120+), blockade recovery, supernatural power, rain praying, sunny weather, teleportation

Intimacy - 158”

After using the spiritual seeds, Black King gained a special ability, the spiritual heart. It also became the only elf in Fang Che's hands that had dual characteristics and three special abilities. The panel was luxurious.

In addition, the spiritual seeds also come with Bronze Bell's insights into the use of super-power skills. This wave directly enriches Black King's skill panel a lot.

Whether it's the recovery block that blocks the opponent's recovery, or the mind-shifting object that allows the Black King to step into the air more easily, they are all pretty good moves.

As for gravity and weather skills, they can also play a very good supporting role at certain times.

What surprised Fang Che the most was that Bronze Bell actually gave him the skills he learned when he broke through to the Heavenly King level. The mental wave with a basic power of 120, plus the mental heart of the little fire horse, could exert more than 300 The power of six, and the special abilities unique to the mental wave can also be increased according to the strength of the user.

The original mental wave should have an increase range of 0.5-1.5, but with the help of the Bronze Bell, the little fire horse can get the maximum increase every time he uses the mental wave.

In other words, the power of this mental wave will be 540 when it is finally launched!

What is this concept?

A level 23 little fire horse could barely kill a level 40 crispy elf that was restrained by the super power system with one move of mental wave!

"I have to do some research after I go back and let the Black King learn to teleport. Then I won't need to trouble you so much."

Fang Che touched the wrist guard on his wrist. He had always relied on the Diverse Monster to move instantly, but every time the Diario Monster used teleportation, there would be a certain degree of stiffness. This is something that all super-type elves have. It cannot be avoided, and the only thing that can be done is to continuously shorten the time of immobility.

For ordinary elves, there is nothing wrong with being so stiff, but for the Variety Monster who wants to protect Fang Che, even a second of stiffness is very fatal.

Moreover, every time you use teleportation, it means that the versatile monster needs to be active. Even if it has the ability to partially transform, it is easy to be discovered.

A defender who can be discovered loses the need to hide!



At the Imperial Capital Airport, Zhao Wanxi raised her wrist for the third time to reveal her watch to check the time. Xu Jue, who was standing next to her, yawned for no reason.

"I said, Wanxi, isn't the exchange meeting something that happens the day after tomorrow? Why does your family Fang Che have to rush back all night?"

When Fang Che went to Xicheng, there were only three days before the start of the exchange meeting. He arrived in Xicheng from the Imperial Capital to the Western Base, and then returned to the Imperial Capital. It was already two o'clock in the morning.

Zhao Wanxi knew that Fang Che's flight was at this time, so she took Xu Jue to the airport to pick him up without hesitation.

As for why Xu Jue was here, it was entirely because her father was visiting Mr. Zhao at Zhao's house, so she went to Zhao Wanxi's room and prepared to sleep with Zhao Wanxi all night. Who would have thought that before she slept for long, Was pulled up by Zhao Wanxi.

"He said he had one more thing to do tomorrow, so he came back early. Moreover, the plane coming back from the western base tomorrow is also in the afternoon, and he didn't want to waste any more time there."

Zhao Wanxi answered Xu Jue's words casually, and then she saw a plane slowly parked on the tarmac, and the cabin door opened quickly.

As soon as Fang Che came out of the plane, he saw Zhao Wanxi and Xu Jue waiting in the waiting area. After all, there were not many people who could come out to pick up the plane at night, not to mention that Zhao Wanxi and Xu Jue were both relaxed and relaxed people. A beauty who can be spotted at a glance among thousands of people.

The passengers who came out with Fang Che saw the two women who were picking up Fang Che, and their stomachs suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

"Why don't you rest? You'll get acne if you go out at night."

Although he was very happy inside, Fang Che still made a little joke.

Xu Jue's face suddenly turned bitter. Did she not want to sleep?

She was pulled up by force, right?

Zhao Wanxi looked at Fang Che. She found that Fang Che was in good spirits and did not feel tired from spinning around. "Should we go home or go to the Elf Alliance?"

Fang Che had told Zhao Wanxi before that he would go to the Elf Alliance to find Fang Tianyang tomorrow. Zhao Wanxi remembered it in his heart and then pulled Xu Jue out.

After all, Xu Jue's elf is much more skilled in teleportation than her long-tailed fire fox.

"Go to the alliance headquarters. My uncle and aunt should have gone to bed, so I won't disturb them."

Fang Che thought for a while and decided to go to the alliance headquarters. After all, it was too late now. Going to Zhao Wanxi's house wouldn't disturb others. Besides, he also had to discuss the "publicity" matters of Xuantian Baolu with his grandfather. This was Fang Che's decision. Can the family become a thousand-year-old family?

With Xu Jue yawning and Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi constantly communicating in low voices, the three of them arrived at the Elf Alliance headquarters.

Xu Jue didn't want to go in, but if she didn't go in now, there would be no place to go back.

Fang Che was afraid of disturbing Zhao Wanxi's parents, and she didn't want to disturb her father and Mr. Zhao when she went back, so she just spent the night in the Elf Alliance.

However, as soon as Fang Che came back, her soft, fragrant and fragrant Zhao Wanxi pillow was ruined.

The three of them booked three rooms in the Elf Alliance Center, and then went back to their rooms to rest. There would be no activities in the second half of the night.

When Xu Jue woke up in her room, Zhao Wanxi had already brought her an exquisite breakfast. As for herself, she followed Fang Che to Fang Tianyang's place.

"Quite a conscience."

While eating the still tender milk and bread, Xu Jue looked at his chest, and then felt a little depressed.

She is older than Zhao Wanxi, why can't she grow up?

"Perhaps I can consider eating some tree fruits?"


In Fang Tianyang's mansion, looking at the jade slips placed in front of him, the old man felt that his world view had been impacted for the first time.

Zhao Wanxi, who was standing next to Fang Che, was also stunned because she had never thought that Fang Che would display such a precious secret treasure in front of her so openly, not to mention that all her elves had used it. Got it!

"Xuan Tian Bao Lu... is truly worthy of the name of treasure!"

After a long silence, Fang Tianyang could only use dry words to praise Xuantian Baolu. He really didn't know how to describe the power of this secret treasure.

It is true that the Xuantian Treasure Record may not be that powerful compared to the dragon-type secret treasures that may exist in the Long Family, but it is better than being universal and simple!

There are no absorption conditions, and there are no talent restrictions. You can complete the improvement with just one step. In the past, anyone who said this would be ridiculed by Fang Tianyang.

"Grandpa, please keep this Xuantian Baolu by your side. The second uncle has already spread the news to the outside world. When the time comes, you can accept whoever comes to you, but let the second uncle negotiate the terms."

Fang Che thought very simply. The old man would be in charge of the family while the second uncle would explore the market. All he had to do was sit back and enjoy his achievements.

Oh, no, he also wants to provide a Xuantian Treasure Record, and the one who really enjoys it is his father Fang Xuan!

"By the way, if Grandpa Zhao, Uncle Zhao, and Aunt Lan come to see you, there is no need to charge."

Fang Che suddenly thought of something, he scratched the back of his head, and then blinked at his grandfather.

Fang Tianyang burst out laughing. Being a smart man, he naturally knew that his grandson was teasing Zhao Wanxi. Listening to Fang Che's teasing and Fang Tianyang's smile, Zhao Wanxi was not shy. Instead, she held Fang Che's hand gracefully. hand.

She is Fang Che's, how can the family still speak the same language?

Moreover, with Mr. Zhao as a guarantee, at least no one in the alliance would dare to have any evil intentions.

This is the so-called strong alliance!

After telling Fang Tianyang the secret of Xuantian Baolu, Fang Che began to ask about the iron dumbbells and baby tits that he had been thinking about for a long time.

He is about to become a gym-level trainer, but the iron dumbbells and baby tits are still missing. Is this reasonable?

Seeing his grandson's slightly dissatisfied look, Fang Tianyang could only show a wry smile.

He originally wanted to pay more attention to Fang Che, but who would have thought that Fang Che would have grown to this point in just three months.

Compared to his grandson, Fang Tianyang felt that he had lived on Tutu Dog for decades.

"As for the iron dumbbell, I haven't found a shiny one yet, but I did get an egg for you from a young tit.

Its parents are both quasi-king-level elf overlords in the secret realm, and it has been cared for by a champion-level flying elf. Although it is far inferior to your Cordora and Swampert, it is definitely not inferior to Lu in terms of talent. Kallio. "

Fang Tianyang showed a proud smile. After such a long time, he finally found a suitable elf egg, and it was not in vain that he had been using his personal connections.

"The care of a champion-level elf? Hiss!"

Fang Che thought of his own Black King. Is it possible that that champion-level elf is also a god's favor?

As if he had figured out Fang Che's thoughts, Fang Tianyang's mouth twitched. Is it so easy for the gods to appear?

"It's just an ordinary flying elf, but it gave its refined feathers to the baby tit. This little guy is equivalent to bringing a secret treasure of perfect quality with him when he is born."

Fang Tianyang was a little sad. He also wanted an elf with a perfect quality secret treasure, but now he didn't have that much thought to cultivate a new elf.

Even the Qixi Blue Bird, which has always been given to Fang Che, was only trained by Fang Tianyang when he had nothing to do.

"Grandpa Fang, what kind of elf is that championship-level flying elf?" Zhao Wanxi was a little confused. What kind of elf would condense its power into feathers?

"Warrior Eagle."

Fang Tianyang raised a finger. The connection he trusted was from the Star-Spangled Alliance. Warrior Eagle was also a regional elf there.

Hearing the name Warrior Eagle, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi immediately understood some information. The old man must have spent a lot of thought on how this chick's egg came out from here.

"Elven eggs? That's perfect. Let's see if we can get some special culture solution formulas at the Breeders Exchange Conference. It would be great if we could get the formula for giant calcium tablets!"



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