There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 189 H-084 Is there something wrong with your brain?

"Variety Monster, please trouble you."

Fang Che tapped his wrist, and the Variety Monster immediately transformed into a ghost. Then he took a small monitor handed over by Fang Che and got into the lighting control room.

After a while, the Variety Monster returned to Fang Che with the monitor that recorded important information, and then it teleported and took Fang Che back to the small room where Zhao Wanxi made the culture solution.

Fang Che took the monitor handed over by Variety Monster, then took out the data card and inserted it into his computer to start reading. Soon a clear image appeared in front of him.

In the picture, Qian Gang entered the lighting control room and quietly placed several small devices next to the control buttons. In the dim control room, if he didn't have particularly good eyesight, he might not be able to see clearly those few devices. Something shaped like a button.

When Fang Che saw clearly the device Qian Gang had installed, he felt that Qian Gang was crazy because the button-shaped device was a kind of miniature bomb.

Its power is comparable to the self-destruction of a gym-level thunder ball.

As for why Fang Che was so familiar with such dangerous items, it was because he had seen such items in the Shadow Group's backend mall.

"Qian Gang, is he from the Shadow Group?"

Fang Che scratched his head. Although he knew that many geniuses in the alliance would go to the shadow group to "gild" and "fish", it was obvious that Qian Gang was not the one.

This guy dared to cause trouble at an international exchange conference. Could it be that he was too brave?

You know, the number of king-level trainers here can be counted on both hands. How dare he, a little bastard, dare to cause trouble?

With a trace of doubt, Fang Che started fast forwarding. He directly skipped the process of Qian Gang planting the bomb. Anyway, the Variety Monster saw it all, so he could just let the Variety Monster dismantle it all later.

After planting the bomb, Qian Gang seemed to be very professional and took out his mobile phone to take a photo, then after a few tinkerings he sent a voice message.

"Lord Ji Wenxing, I have placed the bomb to control the lights at the venue and set it to explode at the time you requested."

Qian Gang looked like a star, even talking into his mobile phone, but he didn't expect that there was a ghost stone that turned into a monster and was filming close to his face.

This is not because Qian Gang ignored the possibility of being monitored. The key is that there is a hidden dragon on his shoulder that is constantly guarding Qian Gang. It is a pity that the strength of this hidden dragon is only elite level. I can't find any monsters at all.

After sending the voice message, Qian Gang carefully left the room and then disappeared into the crowd.

The video screen was short and clear. Fang Che waved to the Variety Monster. The Variety Monster immediately returned to the lighting control room with understanding and defused all the bombs that Qian had just placed.

To be honest, the places Qian Gang chose to place the bombs were quite good. Unless you saw the process of placing the bombs with your own eyes, you might miss one or two even if the super elves came.

Soon, the Variety Monster returned to Fang Che with a handful of button bombs, which left Fang Che speechless.

Such a dangerous thing must be taken to a place where no one is around and destroyed secretly. What if it suddenly explodes when it is left here?

Fortunately, Fang Che's elves were still able to withstand bombs that only had the self-destruction power of gym-level lightning balls, but these bombs were a bit too much.

"Thirty-three, good fellow, this place is rich enough!"

Fang Che scratched his head. The lighting control room was just an ordinary control room. There were no rare treasures in it. Why were there so many bombs placed there?

These bombs are enough to blow up a reinforced concrete building.

"There must be some fraud involved."

Fang Che logged into the Shadow Group's internal website and after some inquiries found no discussion about the exchange conference.

He thought for a moment and immediately decided to go to Mr. Zhao to report the situation. The Shadow Group had already reached out to the exchange conference, and no one knew what they wanted to do.

But no matter what they want to do, they must not be allowed to succeed!

Zhao Weimin and Vernon were still talking about mutual cooperation between the two alliances. When Fang Che arrived, the old man had just finished an impassioned speech.

"Well, Ah Che, what can I do for you?"

Seeing Fang Che rushing over in a hurry, Zhao Weimin was a little confused. In his impression, Fang Che was very calm.

Fang Che looked at the curious Vernon and others. He walked to Zhao Weimin and informed Zhao Weimin about the shadow group's troubles at the exchange conference.


Zhao Weimin narrowed his eyes, and a chilling air suddenly attracted the attention of everyone in the room. Vernon and others looked at each other, completely unaware of why Zhao Weimin became so serious.

"Ache, are you sure you can take responsibility for your words?"

Zhao Weimin looked at Fang Che. What Fang Che said was not a trivial matter. If there was no definite evidence, Fang Che might be charged with slandering others.

In response to Zhao Weimin's inquiry, Fang Che just stretched out his hand and handed Zhao Weimin a memory card.

Zhao Weimin did not check the information in the memory card. He just waved to Xu You who was standing aside, "King Xu Tian, ​​please seal off the entire stadium. Anyone who wants to leave cannot be let go."

Now that he knew that the shadow group had ideas about the exchange conference, it was naturally impossible for Zhao Weimin to let them act casually in the stadium.

Xu You happens to be here, and with his elf abilities, he can completely seal off the entire venue and beat the dog.

Fang Che exited the room when he saw Zhao Weimin starting to make arrangements. He was going to take Zhao Wanxi out first. After all, the venue might be in chaos next, so it would be better for the two of them to stay with Zhao Weimin.

When Fang Che found Zhao Wanxi, she was still learning from Sun Qian and the others how to make elf food based on the special habits of various elves. It could be seen from her hand that couldn't stop recording that she was today The harvest is very much.

"Ache, what's wrong?"

Seeing Fang Che's arrival, Zhao Wanxi was a little confused. Didn't Fang Che go shopping by himself just now? Why did he come back so soon?

Fang Che put it into Zhao Wanxi's ear and explained the situation. Zhao Wanxi's expression suddenly changed from confusion to disbelief, and finally to a heavy look.

"Seniors, I'm sorry, some of us have to leave beforehand."

Zhao Wanxi apologized to several seniors, and then she thought for a while and decided to whisper to Sun Qian about the changes that occurred in their venue. Several senior breeders immediately became vigilant, and after looking at each other, they made a decision decided to act together.

They are all old friends who know each other well. The probability of members of the shadow group appearing inside is very small, and it is safer to act together.

After bidding farewell to several old men, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi came to the backstage. Zhao Weimin was still mobilizing troops and generals, preparing to kill all the shadow group members in the venue.

Although Fang Che only met one Qian Gang, it does not mean that there was only one Qian Gang among the shadow group members at the venue.

I'm afraid that there are already many flaws inside the venue. In order to ensure that there are no problems with the operation, Zhao Weimin chose to bring in people from outside.

Soon, the venue was blocked, and a large number of alliance security personnel entered. The senior breeders who were still communicating enthusiastically were all separated. They looked at more and more people in the venue in confusion. For a while, Haven't figured out the situation yet.

However, they did not wonder for too long. Zhao Weimin directly teamed up with the Vernon King Group to send a message to all the breeders and trainers present. After learning that members of the Shadow Group were mixed in the venue, these breeders and trainers were worried. Angry and anxious.

What makes them angry is that the shadow group dares to take this opportunity to cause trouble. Isn't this a slap in their face?

The urgent thing is that if the exchange conference is affected by this incident, the subsequent cooperation between the two countries may be affected, and they have been looking forward to this exchange conference to take them further.

In the venue, a middle-aged man with an ordinary face had a gloomy expression. He looked at the security guards who were constantly moving around the venue with a sinister look in his eyes.

"What a bunch of trash!"

Di Wenxing was roaring crazily in his heart. He shouldn't believe those losers who had just joined the organization. The plan he had painstakingly planned for so long was ruined like this!

"Researcher Carl, King Vernon invites you to go."

While Diwenxing was still cursing in his heart, a Sand Bear trainer came over and woke up Diwenxing who was still wandering in the sky.

"I understand, I'm going to find King Vernon right now."

Earth Star Karl's voice sounded very smooth, without any sense of urgency that his plans were disrupted, but only he knew how angry and nervous he was.

Following the trainer, Carl found Vernon, who was planning with Zhao Weimin how to capture the shadow group members in the venue.

"President Zhao, this is our alliance's outstanding researcher, Researcher Carl."

Vernon introduced Carl to Zhao Weimin, and Carl immediately expressed his honor to meet Zhao Weimin.

"Karl, I hope you can help us find the members of the Shadow Group lurking in the venue. I know that your dream-inducing tapir is very good at hypnosis. At present, we have captured a low-level member of the Shadow Group and hypnotized him to help us get it. List of shadow group members at the venue.”

Vernon expressed his thoughts. Carl's dream-inducing tapir was still very famous among the sand bears, but generally speaking, the alliance would not allow someone to use elves to hypnotize others, even if that person was a prisoner.

Now is a special situation, special things should be done, so Vernon found Karl.

"Please feel free to leave it to me."

Karl immediately patted his chest and released his dream-inducing tapir. Then he saw several security personnel from China walking in front of him, holding down a young man who was struggling.

When he saw Qian Gang's appearance clearly, although there was still a smile on Karl's lips, he began to roar crazily in his heart.

It was this idiot who exposed the existence of the Shadow Group and ruined his plan!

"Dream-inducing tapir!"

Karl snorted coldly, and then glanced at the dream-inducing tapir beside him. The dream-inducing tapir immediately walked up to Qian Gang and used hypnosis to hypnotize Qian Gang without waiting for Qian Gang to say anything.

As the dream-inducing tapir man's hypnosis continued to penetrate into Qian Gang's brain, Zhao Weimin also began to interrogate Qian Gang.

Karl stood next to Zhao Weimin, his expression very calm. Although Qian had just exposed his plan, this guy had only joined the organization not long ago and was a simple bottom-level cannon fodder. Even though he knew that the command of this operation was his. Wen Xing, but does not know his true identity.

Therefore, even if Qian Gang was hypnotized, Karl was not worried that he would be confessed.

After interrogating Qian Gang, Zhao Weimin frowned because Qian Gang simply didn't know anything about his questions.

He only joined the Shadow Group for resources, and this time he was just chosen by Diwenxing by chance.

He knew nothing except that Di Wenxing had told him to place a bomb in the lighting control room.

Not to mention Diwenxing's true identity, he didn't even have a list of other shadow group members in the venue.

"Hey, Ah Che, whose phone belongs to you?"

Among the crowd, Zhao Wanxi discovered that Fang Che was fiddling with a mobile phone, which made her feel a little strange. After all, she had never seen Fang Che use this brand of mobile phone.

This is a new model of mobile phone issued by the alliance on the west coast. Except for some young people who prefer that culture, almost no one in China uses this kind of mobile phone.

"This belongs to Qian Gang. I heard Qian Gang send a voice message before, so I wanted to see if I could find any clues in it."

Fang Che shook his head. There were no important clues in Qian Gang's cell phone. When the Variety Monster took the photo, he happened to miss the content displayed on Qian Gang's cell phone, so Fang Che didn't find any clues.

"Oh? Ah Che, are you sure Qian just used this phone to notify Di Wenxing?"

Sun Qian, who didn't know when he came to Fang Che, suddenly became interested. He took Qian Gang's mobile phone from Fang Che's hand, then held the mobile phone in one hand and placed the other hand on an elf ball on his waist. superior.

"If that's the case, then this little guy should be able to help."

Under Fang Che's gaze, Sun Qian's elf ball opened, and an elf similar to a toy duck appeared in front of Fang Che. The elf just nodded to Sun Qian, and then got directly into the money Just in the mobile phone.

3D Dragon Type 2!

Also known as Porygon Type 2, Virtual Elf, this is the network maintenance "programmer" designated by the alliance!

In addition to the alliance, any trainer who holds a 3D dragon privately will be wanted by the alliance, because any stray 3D dragon will have an impact on the alliance's network.

As a backbone researcher in the alliance, it is understandable that Sun Qian has a 3D dragon to protect his research results.



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