There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 191 H-086 One trick, eaten all over the world?

After walking around the laboratory several times, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi half-searched and half-guessed their way to the entrance, or rather the exit, of the laboratory.

However, this door, which looks similar to a wall, is already broken. It can only be completely destroyed using the skills of the elves.

However, it was impossible for Fang Che to take rash action without knowing the situation outside the door. At this time, the Variety Monster needed to take action again.

The Variety Monster that transformed into a ghost stone easily passed through the wall. It carefully explored the situation outside the laboratory, and then was surprised to find that the laboratory was actually in a cave.

The location where Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi are located is just a training room outside the laboratory. There are at least five other training rooms similar to this!

"Interesting! Are there five laboratories similar to this one?"

After the Variety Monster returned and informed the situation outside, Fang Che became completely interested.

There are already king-level iron thorns in this room, so what kind of elves will be in the other rooms!

Driven by this curiosity, Fang Che released Boscodora, and using Boscodora's sharp claws, they easily broke open the door of the laboratory.

Although all the elves here are in a dying state and cannot recover at all, this does not prevent Fang Che and the others from preserving the place perfectly and waiting for the development of the alliance.

Although they haven't been here for a long time, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi can already feel the wonder of this special place. Maybe this is the place Di Wenxing wants to set foot in, a secret realm that has not yet been discovered!

After leaving the training room where Iron Thorns was, Fang Che followed Variety Monster's guidance to the second training room. Boss Cordora destroyed the door with ease and then walked into the laboratory first.

Fortunately, this laboratory is quite big, otherwise Boscodora wouldn't even be able to get into it.

"Is this the laboratory of the [Resurrection] Messenger Bird?"

Zhao Wanxi looked at the culture tank placed on the wall of the laboratory. She was quite surprised and took a step forward to take a closer look.

All the people placed in the cultivation tank are elves that look like messenger birds, but their entire bodies are made of metal.

"Iron baggage, does it have ice and water attributes?"

Fang Che squinted his eyes and looked at the data panel of Iron Baggage. The strongest Iron Baggage in this laboratory was about the same level as the Iron Thorn in the previous laboratory. They were both at the Heavenly King level in their seventies.

Obviously, the experimental materials in this laboratory are extremely advanced. Although the timeline of this laboratory is so-called one billion years later, Fang Che does not believe that humans will be able to mass-produce king-level elves in one billion years.

Like the previous laboratory, all the iron baggage in this room were in a dying state, without any vitality.

The third room contains iron tracks that resemble Dunjia. I have to admit that these elves that were simulated and reproduced after "a billion years" have a more sci-fi feel than the original ones, especially the iron tracks. Ruts are alien scientific weapons that often appear in science fiction novels.

When Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi came to the fourth room, they finally discovered something different.

The elves in this room are roughly divided into two types, one is the mechanical bionic Gardevoir, and the other is the mechanical bionic Aluredo. It is obvious that this is the laboratory of bionic Larulas.

"Ache, look here!"

Just when Fang Che was looking around, trying to find some clues that were different from other laboratories, Zhao Wanxi saw a broken culture tank in the corner of the room.

If Zhao Wanxi hadn't reminded him, Fang Che wouldn't have noticed anything wrong with this culture tank at all, because several other laboratories also had broken culture tanks.

"Is there still culture fluid left here?"

When Fang Che stepped forward to check, he was surprised to find that there was still a little culture fluid left at the bottom of the culture tank. You must know that the broken culture tanks in the previous laboratories seemed to have been abandoned for many years, and there were some spots on the edges. The rust softened.

Obviously, the elves in this cultivation tank have just left the cultivation tank not long ago!

"I don't know if it's Gardevoir or Aluredo who lives here."

Fang Che looked around. There were no signs of destruction in this room, and there were no hiding elves. It was obvious that the elves in this training tank had left the room using space skills such as teleportation.

When the Variety Monster quietly detected it just now, he didn't find any elf. There is a high probability that the elf has left the laboratory.

"Iron Warrior..."

When he came to the sign in front of the cultivation tank, Fang Che used the power of data to "translate" as usual, and directly obtained the identity information of the elf in the cultivation tank.

However, none of the elves in this room are called Iron Warriors. Is there something special about this elf?

With full of doubts, Fang Che and the two came to the last laboratory. Here was a group of elves that resembled fire god moths. The name was Iron Poison Moth, which was very similar to the naming style of insect elves, but its attributes were different. It's fire and poison.

After walking around the laboratory several times and finding nothing special, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi came to the fourth laboratory. Only this laboratory was the most special, so they thought there might be some information left here. Maybe.

Fang Che collected the remaining culture fluid in the culture tank. After taking this thing back, Zhao Wanxi or the researchers from the alliance can study it carefully, and maybe they can replicate the same culture solution.

After collecting the culture fluid, the two wandered around again. After making sure they found nothing, they were ready to leave the laboratory and go to the cave outside to take a look.

After leaving the laboratory, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi were very close. After all, the cave outside was much darker than the laboratory. Even the long-tailed fire fox could not disperse the darkness three meters away.

As a last resort, Fang Che could only release Lucario, because Lucario's waveguide power should be a good guide.


Lucario immediately released the power of the waveguide for sensing after coming out, and then guided Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi in a direction to leave the cave.

This cave was very big, very dark, and very long. Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi thought silently in their hearts for a few seconds. After about fifteen minutes, they saw a glimmer of light.

As we all know, whether it is a bright light in a cave or an oasis in the desert, when you see it, it does not mean that you are close. It may be thousands of miles away.

Fortunately, Lucario did a good job in guiding the road. The next road was all flat and straight. Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi also released the Black King and Bai Xue as mounts, heading towards the place that represents "freedom" The light spot rushed past.

Black King and Bai Xue are much faster than Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi. Although there is a saying that a horse can run to death while looking up the mountain, it also depends on what kind of mountain it is and what kind of horse it is.

When both Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi could smell the free air outside, Lucario, who had been following Fang Che, suddenly stood in front of Fang Che with a nervous expression. Black King and Bai Xue also stopped instantly. The two elves stopped walking, looking at the hole in front of them with a hint of human fear.

At the entrance of the shimmering white light, an elf that looked like Gardevoir and Elledor slowly stood up, holding a pink double-edged sword in its hand!

This is the first "future" elf that Fang Che has seen with its own weapons!

"Iron Warrior (Genderless) (Severely Injured)

Level -75 (King of Heaven)

Attributes-Fighting, Fairy

Qualification-King of Heaven

Characteristics - Quark Charge [When carrying driving energy or on an electric field, the ability with the highest value will be increased by 1 level]

Special Ability - Mechanical Body: The damage received from physical attacks is reduced by 10%

Special Ability - Fairy Skin: Transformed into fairy attributes when using normal moves


Moves - Immobilization, Shadow Sneak Attack, Shadow Clone, Continuous Slash, Hypnosis, Feint Attack, Future Prediction, Magic Sparkle, Mental Blade, Secret Attack, Leaf Blade, Power of the Moon, Close Combat, Shoot Down

Special moves - Electric Field, Mental Shock, One Hundred Thousand Volts, Meditation, Sword Dance, Shadow Ball, Soul Blast, Ideological Hammer, Fire Fist, Thunder Fist, Freeze Fist, Phantom Light, Kick Down, Teleportation, Swallow Return

Intimacy -0”

The iron warrior, the elf blocking Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi in front of them, was surprisingly the iron warrior who escaped from the cultivation tank in the fourth laboratory!

"Is this guy Gardevoir or Eluredo? Judging from the attributes, it seems to be a combination of Gardevoir and Eluredo?"

Fang Che was a little confused. Fighting plus fairy attributes, it seems that there has never been a similar combination of attributes in the outside world.

It has to be said that this combination is quite strong. After all, except for twice weak poison, flying, super power and fairies, other attributes are more or less resisted by this attribute.

Especially the insect attribute, dragon attribute, and evil attribute. If the skills of these three attributes fall on the iron warrior, it is equivalent to a wasted effort.

"Lucario, prepare to fight!"

Fang Che released the giant swamp monster and Boss Cordora. Although the iron warrior in front of him was at the king level, the power of the data showed that the opponent was seriously injured.

The brave ones are exhausted and the timid ones are starved to death. Now they have no way to leave here. They can only break through the iron warriors' defense line and rush out of the cave.


Before the giant swamp monster could launch an attack, the iron warrior at the entrance of the cave took the lead in attacking Fang Che and the others. A terrifying pink slash struck at Fang Che. Fang Che pulled Zhao Wanxi and dodged sideways to avoid it. He fired this slash.

The pink slash landed on the rock wall behind Fang Che, directly opening a rather terrifying crack.

"What's this trick?"

Fang Che shook his head. It seemed like this iron warrior was an elf who was good at physical attacks. Why was he so good at long-range attacks?


Seeing its trainer being attacked, Swampert was so angry that its lungs were about to explode. It walked on the huge waves towards the Iron Warrior without hesitation. Even though it did not master the skills to restrain the Iron Warrior, it relied solely on its own strength. With special abilities, it is absolutely no problem to pester the iron warrior for a period of time.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lucario aimed at the Iron Warrior and released a wave missile. This move could only cause half the damage after hitting the Iron Warrior, but what Lucario wanted was just a chance to get close to the Iron Warrior.

Just when the Iron Warrior raised the sharp blade in his hand and was about to attack the giant swamp monster, Lucario came directly behind the Iron Warrior in an exchange of places, and pressed his merciless metal claws directly on the Iron Warrior's "slender" waist. On the limbs.


A discordant sound suddenly came from the iron warrior's body, and its attack speed on the giant swamp monster also slowed down a lot.

The giant swamp monster seized the opportunity of the iron warrior's attack to slow down, and a move of Water Splitting and Sky Fist landed directly on the iron warrior's chin. The terrifying strange power directly led the iron warrior into the ceiling of the cave entrance.

Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi returned to the backs of Hei Wang and Bai Xue, and they sprinted towards the entrance of the cave.

Boscodora has completed his floating trio, and even after evolving, he has not forgotten this almost instinctive combo.

When the iron warrior broke free from the shackles of the cave ceiling and wanted to attack Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi again, Boscodora had already rushed out of the cave carrying the iron warrior like a cannonball.

The free air was so fresh and wonderful. Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi looked at the lush grass outside the cave. Even though they were still in the middle of the battle, they felt very relaxed and happy.

"Boscodora, metal explosion!"

"Swamp Monster, the water breaks!"

"Lucario, Giant Pincer Mantis, Metal Claw!"

"Black King, Morning Light."

After taking a deep breath, Fang Che turned his attention back to the battle. He had to admit that the iron warrior was very powerful. Even in a seriously injured state, he still seemed to be able to face the continuous attacks of several elves from Fang Che.

However, the weird sounds that kept coming from its body made Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi very expectant and worried.

So, what is the sound?


After the Iron Warrior ate one of Lucario's metal claws, it seemed to want to release some skill, but the yellow current dissipated directly into the air before it could break through its body.

From the beginning to the end, the only skill used by the iron warrior was the pink slash he used to attack Fang Che in the cave.

Is it possible that this guy can't use his skills?

Just as Fang Che was thinking this, the iron warrior spun the sword in his hand, and pink slashes shot out of the air, falling directly on the unsuspecting elves. In the next moment, all but Lucario released Except for those who guarded and blocked the slash, all the other elves were pushed back hundreds of meters by the iron warrior's move.

The giant pincer mantis was the worst. It dodged two slashes, but was directly hit by the third slash and lost consciousness.

The king-level elves are so terrifying!

"Come back, Giant Pincer Mantis!"

Fang Che withdrew the giant pincer mantis with a frown. He looked at the iron warrior who was in a sluggish state after releasing a move and half-kneeling in front of Lucario. After thinking for a while, he directly threw a Premium ball.

He wanted to conquer this powerful iron warrior.

But it's a pity that the high-level ball was bounced away!



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