There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 199 H-094 Little Penguin Mall is awesome!

"Is this a win?"

Roaring Tail stayed next to Zhao Wanxi. It looked at the Styracosaurus lying motionless on the ground, and then moved closer to the Styracosaurus and gently slapped the Styracosaurus with its tentacles.

The corner of the Styrophysosaur's mouth twitched, but it didn't have any thought of moving.

It hadn't completely fainted yet, but it no longer had any strength to resist. The pain all over its body made the forest overlord, who usually had a bad temper, become calmer.

Although it didn't know where its old enemy Roaring Tail found these guys, it lost, and it could only let Swamp Monsters deal with them.

Fang Che would not take action against the Styrophysosaurus that had lost its fighting ability. Even after getting the secret treasure "contributed" by the Styracinosaurus, he had already asked Zhao Wanxi to treat the Styracophosaurus.

"Hey, is the secret treasure this time actually a move learning machine?"

Looking at the secret treasure in his hand, Fang Che looked at the Styrophysosaurus with some surprise. He thought that the quasi-king-level Styrosophora would give him a perfect quality trophy, but he didn't expect it to be a move learning machine.

[Move Learning Machine·Great Sword Assault: Wraps the whole body with dragon-type power, launching a foolhardy and sacrificial attack on the enemy like a giant sword. The attack damage received within three seconds after use is doubled. 】


Looking at the information on the move learning machine, Fang Che was silent. This was the first time he had seen such a... strange skill?

The power of the giant sword attack is pretty good, with the skill panel showing a full 120. At the same time, this is a dragon-type skill. If used with those dragon-type elves who are already powerful, the power will definitely be good.

However, after using this result, the attacks suffered in the next three seconds will be doubled!

Don't forget, Great Sword Assault is a close-to-face ultimate move. If it hits the enemy, it means that the probability of the enemy's attack falling on the user will be greatly increased.

If you are facing an opponent like the Giant Pincer Mantis, a talented martial artist who can use seventeen punches in two seconds, then using this move is simply suicidal.

Originally he only had to take seventeen punches, but he ended up with thirty-four punches. Why bother?

However, even the power of data showed that this giant sword attack was a foolhardy attack. What else could he say?

The only elf in Fang Che's hands who could learn giant sword attack was Bo Dang Shui, but he didn't want Bo Dang Shui to become a foolhardy man.

Although it has not been tested by an authoritative authority, Fang Che still does not know the bias of Bo Dang Shui's race value, but judging from the power shown by Bo Dang Shui, it should be an elf leaning towards the special attack end. Let it learn such a move to kill a thousand enemies, and it will harm itself. A physical attack skill of at least 800 is really out of his mind.

Let's wait until we are brought back to the real world and exchange skills suitable for them with others.

After placing the giant sword assault skill machine into the moonlit night of Twenty-Four Bridges, Fang Che subconsciously glanced at the Little Penguin Mall, which would be refreshed in more than a week.

I have to say that compared to the Little Penguin Mall, the move and skill machines produced in this secret realm are really inferior.

It's not just an unlimited move learning machine, but it also has such terrible negative effects, which is simply outrageous.

You must know that even the close combat used by Lucario will only reveal flaws when used, and the enemy may break through the defense. This giant sword attack is indeed double-attacked and cannot be confused at all.

Although Fang Che was not satisfied with the secret treasure "contributed" by Styracosaurus, life would go on, and they would continue to challenge other overlords before they found a way to leave this space.

With Roaring Tail as their guide, they naturally didn't have to take a long way around. After leaving some medicine and elf food for the Styrophysosaurus, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi returned to the mountainous area under the leadership of Roaring Tail.

This place is different from the place where Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi came. The rubble everywhere and the barren wasteland really don't look like a place where normal life lives. However, it seems like a paradise for rock elves.

Roaring Tail led the way while chirping to introduce to Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi that the place they were going to now was the territory of a very scary overlord. That overlord, like Styracosaurus and Bodangshui, had dragon attributes. However, compared to Bodangshui and Styrophysosaurus, the dragon-type overlord who lives in the mountains can fly.

"Tsk, why do you feel that the overlord of the secret realm you are meeting now is either a dragon attribute or has something to do with it?"

Fang Che sat on the back of the waves and complained to Zhao Wanxi. In the real world, dragon attributes and super attributes are both called the strongest attributes, while ghost attributes, evil attributes and fairy attributes are the weirdest attributes. , as for the steel attribute, it is reduced to ordinary attributes such as fire and fighting.

Unexpectedly, in the secret realm "a billion years" later, the dragon attribute is still dominated by one family.

Speaking of which, Fang Che seems to have never encountered an elf with the steel attribute so far. Could it be that after a billion years, the steel attribute has disappeared in the long river of history?

Just when Fang Che was still confused, Roaring Tail had already brought the two of them to the top of a mountain, where a rather ferocious-looking terrifying monster was staring at them with merciless eyes.

Fang Che subconsciously threw the power of data at the monster in front of him, and then his whole body felt bad.

"Roaring Moon (Genderless)

Level -77 (King level)

Attribute-evil, dragon


Trait - Ancient Active

Special ability - Evil Overlord: The power of evil attribute moves is increased by 30%, and the damage received from evil attribute attacks is reduced by 30%.

Special ability - Dragon Overlord: The power of dragon attribute moves is increased by 30%, and the damage received from dragon attribute attacks is reduced by 30%.

Props-Driving Energy

Moves-Dragon Breath, Bite, Headbutt, Fearful Face, Dragon Claw, Psychotic Hammer, Jet Flame, Secret Attack, Dragon Dance, Dragon Dive (100%), Fly, Abyss Thrust, Hold on in a pinch, Broad Domain destruction, scale shooting

Special moves - Sunny Day, Mount Tai, Slam, Water Cannon, Destruction Beam, Flame Vortex, Earthquake, Digging, Hold, Stand, Big Explosion, Rock Fall, Reverse Scale, Metal Claw, Loud Sound, Swallow Return, Downwind, Meteor Swarm, Acrobatics, Dragon Tail, Tai Jing Explosion

Intimacy -99”

This is a king-level evil dragon overlord!

Moreover, it also has a special ability panel that is almost exactly the same as Bo Dang Shui!

"Ache, this elf looks a lot like a flying dragon!"

Zhao Wanxi moved closer to Fang Che. She didn't know if it was because the Roaring Moon in front of her didn't release her heavenly power. Whether it was the waves, the roaring tail, or even Zhao Wanxi couldn't feel it. Only the roaring moon is terrible.

Fang Che wiped the sweat from his forehead unnaturally. Have they been tricked by Roaring Tail?

Even if all of Fang Che's elves fight to the death, it would be impossible to stop this terrifying overlord for more than ten seconds.

[Human, you are finally here. 】

Just when Fang Che wanted to take a step forward and greet Hong Hong Yue first, Hong Hong Yue spoke first, shocking Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi.

"Have you spoken?"


Zhao Wanxi and Fang Che looked at each other, the shock in their eyes was quite obvious.

In addition to the super-powered elves and the waveguide elves who master waveguides, are there other elves who can achieve telepathy with humans?

[I am the overlord of this paradoxical world and the ancient sky, the Roaring Moon! 】

Roaring Moon stood up, although its height seemed not as high as Bo Dangshui's, only about three meters.

But when its wings unfolded, Fang Che seemed to understand why the outside world would spread the word about Tyrannosaurus as a terrifying monster that could tear the sky apart.

The wingspan of nearly ten meters is enough to cover the sky, completely disconnecting people from the light that represents hope.

Under this figure, no one can maintain a steady breathing.


Zhao Wanxi unconsciously took a step closer to Fang Che. She didn't want Fang Che to face this terrifying opponent alone.

Roaring Tail, who was standing next to Zhao Wanxi, was immediately confused. Is Roaring Moon really a novice and evil dragon who had fought with them many times before, and was on par with them?

Even if Roaring Tail has never seen a real king-level elf, just by feeling this aura, it can understand clearly that it was Roaring Moon who was teasing them all the time!

"Dear Overlord, what do you mean when you just said that I am finally here? Could it be that you have been waiting for me?"

Fang Che asked with some confusion. Bo Dang Shui had previously said that it had been waiting for him. Could it be that the king-level overlord Hong Ming Yue in front of him was also ready to give it away for free like Bo Dang Shui?

He can't afford it!

Roaring Moon glanced at Fang Che, as if it could see through Fang Che's heart, [Human, stop thinking about it, I am the ruler of the ancient sky and one of the eight kings of this paradoxical forest. It is impossible to be with the people around you. That little guy follows you. 】

[However, what you just said is correct. I have indeed been waiting for you here for more than seventy years. 】

"Please wait!" Fang Che interrupted Roaring Moon without hesitation. He knew that Roaring Moon's powerful lifespan is naturally much longer than that of humans. Even though Roaring Moon seemed to be in its prime, maybe its Less than one-tenth of the lifespan has passed.

However, even so, Honghongyue's statement of waiting for him for more than seventy years was too outrageous.

"Roaring Moon, I am only seventeen years old this year and I just celebrated my birthday!"

Fang Che emphasized his age. At the same time, he was very sure that he was not the reincarnation of some great power, and there was no supernatural agreement.

Roaring Moon gave Fang Che a white look. She thought Fang Che was surprised, but it turned out to be such a trivial matter.

[As early as two hundred years ago, my god had predicted the imminent disaster that enveloped the universe. In order to avoid the destruction of the world, my god used his power to divide the entire world into countless small pieces and rearrange the combinations, thus forming a paradox. world. 】

[After splitting the world, my god exhausted his power and fell into a deep sleep. Before falling asleep, my god told us creatures that two hundred years from now, that is, in the past few years, there will be a human trainer who will come to one of the infinite paradoxical worlds to experience. His body contains power beyond the limits of the world. That trainer, there is still the possibility of recovery in our world in the future. 】

Hong Hongyue told what happened two hundred years ago. While Hong Hongyue was talking, Fang Che discovered something was wrong.

The story, or history, told by Roaring Moon is inconsistent with all the secret realms discovered by humans!

Is it possible that the world where Roaring Moon is located has nothing to do with the earth and the secret space?

"Hiss! Roaring Moon, is the god you talk about Arceus?"

Regarding the god mentioned by Roaring Moon, Fang Che's first reaction was Arceus. After all, Arceus was the god who created the elven world. Even the real world where Fang Che lived was probably created by Arceus.

In addition, all Arceus walking in the world are all phantoms of the power of the real Arceus, the God of Creation. It is impossible to appear in a certain world, which will only bring the end to that world.

Roaring Moon was slightly startled, perhaps because it was wondering why Fang Che thought so.

[Although God Arceus is also the god we believe in, the god I am talking about is not the God of Creation, but the god who gave us the power of life, Talebagos! 】

When he said the name of Tailebagos, Roaring Moon's expression was obviously much more respectful. Roaring Yue did not show this respect even when he said the name of Arceus.

Fang Che nodded thoughtfully, this Tailebagos might be a first-level god like Wujutana, Rayquaza, Ho-oh, and Lukia.

Below Arceus, above the world.

However, since this Tailebagos can give life energy to the elves like Roaring Moon, its position should be as close to humans as Xerneas and the Phoenix King. This is a good thing.

Among the currently known first-level gods, except for King Feng who barely protects humans, the other first-level gods don’t take humans seriously at all.

If it weren't for the orders of the Great God Arceus, they might not even care about the disasters that walking on the earth would bring to humans. Details can be seen in the submerged Sakura Island and the Yin Yang Kingdom that was almost completely wiped out.

Now there is an additional first-level god who is close to humans. Even if this first-level god is sleeping, it is a good thing worthy of celebration for humans.

"So, what does Tailebagos want from me?"

Fang Che did not hesitate to accept the identity of the human trainer predicted by Tailebagos from Roaring Moon's mouth who could save the paradoxical world. After all, in his opinion, Little Penguin Mall did have the potential to transcend the world.

Although Diwenxing from the Shadow Group had entered here before, if you want to say that Diwenxing was the person predicted by Taile Bagos, then Fang Che felt that humanity might be hopeless.

[It’s very simple, just follow your own heart. 】

Roaring Moon showed a smile. Although she was a little unhappy with Fang Che calling their gods by their names, it was more important than anything else that Fang Che could shoulder the responsibility of prophecy.

Thinking of this, Roaring Moon looked up to the sky and roared, and a stream of light fell directly from the sky and landed in front of Fang Che.

It was a dazzling crystal that looked similar to a diamond. Even if Fang Che didn't use the power of data to detect its information, he could feel the infinite energy contained inside it!

【God·Infinite Crystal Stone······】



There was a loophole in the last chapter. When the Styracosaurus evolves, it can learn the 120-power powerful sword attack of this type of dragon. Because this move has never appeared before the ninth generation, the author of the game did not notice it at all.

Sorry sorry!

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