There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 206 H-101 The quasi-god is finally found!

"what's the situation?"

In the courtyard, seeing the excited expressions of Fang Tianyang and Zhao Weimin, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi looked at each other in confusion.

What is it that can make people of their level look so shocked and delighted?

Fang Tianyang snapped his fingers, greeted Metagross, and then explained to Fang Che, "A Che, do you still remember what grandpa promised you before?"

Fang Che thought about it for a while, and found out that Fang Tianyang had a lot of guarantees for him, but the only thing that could be counted recently was that if he won the U18 Poké Ball Cup, he would help him find a Metagross, right?

In fact, even if Fang Che doesn't win, Fang Tianyang will definitely find a golden golden monster for Fang Che.

If Fang Xuan's Metagross hadn't been too special, Fang Tianyang wouldn't have let his son choose an ordinary Metagross. That is, that Metagross was extremely powerful and could learn to change gears. This alone was enough. It surpassed 90% of the glittering Metagross.

"Is it possible that there is news about shiny iron dumbbells?"

Fang Che's eyes lit up. Even though he now had more than six main players, he still yearned for the Metagross.

After all, the silver and gold color scheme coupled with the powerful strength are really hard to give up.

Fang Tianyang nodded, "Just now, the Alliance visited a shadow group's den and discovered a group of captured wild elves, including a shining iron dumbbell."

"They asked the alliance for instructions on how to deal with it, and the alliance immediately thought of you."

Zhao Weimin also added that the current alliance can be said to attach great importance to Fang Che. Although it will not put all the resources of the alliance on Fang Che, as long as Fang Che needs it, his needs will be appropriately met by the alliance. of first place.

A shining iron dumbbell snatched from the shadow group and used to invest in Fang Che, it couldn't be more perfect!

"Grandpa, let's go quickly!"

Fang Che immediately stretched out his hand and grabbed the corner of Fang Tianyang's clothes, and he seemed a little impatient.

Flashing quasi-god!

If you don't get it early, there's a chance that someone will take it in advance and take it away.

Fang Tianyang smiled and waved his hand to Zhao Weimin, "Don't worry, since the alliance has decided to give you the shining iron dumbbell, no one dares to touch it. Let's go there now, Old Zhao, I'll take it with you A'che and Wanxi moved over instantly, and you can pass slowly."

After that, Metagross released a thought that fell on Fang Tianyang, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi. It wasn't that Fang Tianyang didn't want to take Zhao Weimin and Zhao Qiansun with him, it was just that he couldn't.

Zhao Weimin is also a champion-level trainer. He has an elven force field formed by the elven energy emitted by the champion-level elves. If other elves do not break through this force field, they will not be able to use their skills on Zhao Weimin.

Fang Tianyang didn't have the time to wait for Zhao Weimin to remove the elf force field, so he simply let Zhao Weimin take Zhao Qiansun and Lan Ying away with him.

As Metagross's super power fluctuated, Fang Tianyang and the others disappeared into the courtyard. Zhao Weimin also summoned a fire-breathing dragon, and then motioned for Zhao Qiansun and Lan Ying to follow.

The reason why he brought them with him was entirely because Zhao Weimin's identity allowed him to "keep" a group of elves in advance for "research" and "cultivation".

He is already "old" and does not have that much thought to cultivate new elves, but Zhao Qiansun is different, he is still very young.

In another twenty years, Zhao Qiansun will almost be able to break through to the championship level. When the time comes, he will take over the class of the old man from the Xia family and become the Fire King.

After all, although Xia Yan has a son, it is a pity that his son failed to inherit his talent as a trainer.



East China Sea, Senyi Island.

This is an uninhabited desert island that is located on several commercial routes and is known to many people.

This island is not big, but it has a large jungle and lake.

Located on the route, it should have become an important place for ships to supply supplies, but the islands marked on the map before and after it are too prosperous, so Seni Island sandwiched in the middle seems a bit embarrassing.

In addition, because this small island has no resources except for the quaint natural scenery, even the Alliance has not sent anyone to station here.

However, such a small island that was subconsciously ignored by people turned out to be an important base of the Shadow Regiment.

Deep underground on Seni Island, in a huge mechanized base, elite cadres of the alliance are cleaning the battlefield.

They found this place through clues provided by insiders of the Shadow Regiment. Because there were insiders working together, they didn't even pay any price when they captured this place.

Well, if I have to say it, it was probably an elite agent from the Alliance who accidentally slipped and fell when he was going down the tunnel. The rest was nothing.

"I didn't expect that the Shadow Group was actually doing genetic research here. Fortunately, we destroyed its hideout in time. Otherwise, if it spread out, it would ruin the reputation of our Chinese Alliance!"

A king-level agent of the Alliance took a deep breath while looking at the mountains of information in front of him. This base has existed for more than five years. In the past five years, this base has been continuously conducting experiments on elf gene mixing. It seems that it wants to To create an elf that completely goes against the ethics of reality.

However, no matter how many times they tried, they all failed.

Perhaps it was because their experiment was too dark and bloody that the alliance undercover agents within the Shadow Group immediately chose to report it after getting the relevant information, so that the alliance could take down this den.

After destroying the underground research institute of this shadow group, the alliance agents rescued more than a thousand elves of various attributes, including more than ten quasi-god elves!

Among them, there are two quasi-god cubs of the desert tyrant Bankiras, Young Gilas.

The bloody phantom in the sky, the quasi-god cub of the Tyrannosaurus, and the three baby dragons.

The brutal three-headed evil dragon, the quasi-god cubs of the three-headed evil dragon, and the three single-headed dragons

There is also a Heart Scale Treasure, and a shining quasi-god cub, Iron Dumbbell!

The other elves were not in a very good mental state, but the platinum-skinned iron dumbbell was in a very active state of mind, as if he had not been abused at all.

In fact, it has not been abused. According to the records of the Shadow Group Research Institute, this iron dumbbell has been at the research institute for more than seven months. However, apart from regular data analysis on it, they really have not done anything. What an intense experiment with iron dumbbells.

After all, Iron Dumbbell's body is almost entirely made of steel, and ordinary genetic experiments cannot be performed on it.

According to the speculations of the agents, the Shadow Group's research institute probably wants to first study the special features of this iron dumbbell, and then cultivate it into Metagross, and then let Metagross be stationed in this research institute.

On the one hand, the Flashing Metagross is powerful enough to resist the invasion of outsiders.

On the other hand, the Flashing Metagross can also continue to differentiate and reproduce, bringing more powerful flashing quasi-gods to the shadow group.

"Tsk, I heard that the shiny iron dumbbells have been reserved by a big boss, really..."

Among the crowd, an agent looked at the flashing iron dumbbell in the glass cover not far away with some sourness. He also really wanted to have a flashing quasi-god, especially a quasi-god like the iron dumbbell, which could be used instantly. Divided into two, two into four!

With an iron dumbbell, you can cultivate it into a Metagross. Even if it only differentiates and reproduces once, you can earn back the resources used on the Flash Metagross.

"Shh! You don't want your life!"

Before the detective could finish his sour words, his companion immediately covered his mouth.

Are you kidding me? Talking about the boss's decision in a place like this is asking for death.

Moreover, if he guessed correctly, the owner of this shining iron dumbbell must be the grandson of the current King of Steel, Fang Tianwang, who is the youngest elite trainer who has made a lot of money for the Chinese Alliance. Fang Che.

That kind of genius is not something they can talk about behind his back!

The agent whose mouth was covered also knew that he had made a mistake. He nodded quickly to indicate that he had come to his senses, and then stood silently waiting for the arrival of the alliance's top brass.

Soon, Fang Tianyang brought Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi to Seni Island, and the three of them entered the research institute under the leadership of the alliance officer.

Looking at the rather sci-fi decorated research institute, Fang Che scratched his head unnaturally. Why did this kind of place look more formal than the research institute of Zhao Qiansun he went to before?

After following the path inside the institute twice, they entered the institute's training room. Fang Che saw the shiny iron dumbbells in the glass cover behind the crowd at first sight.

That platinum-gold body is so recognizable.

When the alliance agents stationed in the cultivation room saw Fang Tianyang appear, they immediately stood up straight and saluted and said hello, and Fang Tianyang nodded in response.

The others glanced at Fang Che, who was standing next to Fang Tianyang, and their suspicions were confirmed.

Sure enough, this shiny iron dumbbell was reserved by the youngest elite trainer!

Gee, it was obviously less than half an hour before they took down the research institute!

Sure enough, no matter how hard you try, it's not as good as having a good life!

In the envious, jealous and hateful eyes of everyone, Fang Che's expression became a little confused.

He quickly walked to Iron Dumbbell's cultivation tank, and then looked at Iron Dumbbell's body seriously.

There seems to be something wrong with the data of this iron dumbbell?

"Iron Dumbbells (Genderless)

Level-15 (growth level)

Attributes-steel, super power


Characteristics-Eternally Pure Body

Hidden Features - Light Metal

Special ability - Telekinesis Master: The power of telekinesis skills is increased by 50%


Moves - Crash, slam

Special moves - iron hoof light, iron wall, mental hammer, iron head

Intimacy - 51”

The data is very mediocre, and there is no unique feature that the flash elf should have.

In other words, this iron dumbbell is not a flash elf at all!

Fang Che glanced at the glove he was wearing on his left hand. The Variety Monster was also a flash elf, and it actually marked the word flash on the data panel.

The Black King also has a flashing mark. What is going on with this iron dumbbell?


Fang Che noticed a slight difference in the iron dumbbell chassis flying up and down. It was different from the platinum color scheme elsewhere. There was actually a little bit of blue luster mixed in the platinum chassis?

Is it possible...

Fang Che's mouth twitched. Could it be that this iron dumbbell was "glitter" created by artificial paint?

A feeling of disappointment surged into Fang Che's heart. He thought he could get a powerful flash of quasi-god, but he didn't expect that it was just a "flash" created artificially. This feeling of loss is nothing more than that of your eight-carriage sedan. Sweetheart, it turns out that eight months later your sweetheart gives you a child who drank too much soy sauce.

Do you want to give up this iron dumbbell?

Fang Che looked around. He saw that the alliance had gained a lot this time. There were nearly ten quasi-gods. Although the other quasi-gods were not shining, they each had their own characteristics.

If he wanted to, he could take two quasi-gods with him.


Just when Fang Che was considering whether to change his quasi-god, the iron dumbbell in the cultivation tank met his eyes. The next moment, the iron dumbbell's eyeballs turned into happy crescents, and then a figure directly hit it. On Fang Che's chest.


Fang Che was hit so hard that he wanted to vomit blood. Even if the iron dumbbell had light metal properties, it weighed at least one hundred kilograms. How could Fang Che react to this sudden attack.

"Hiss, that's not right!"

Suddenly, Fang Che discovered something was wrong. How did this iron dumbbell pass through the cultivation tank?

Fang Che applied the power of data to Iron Dumbbell again, and then he saw a panel that stunned him.

Telekinesis (120%)!

Teleport (50%)!

Mental strength (30%)!

On the originally barren skill panel, there were suddenly three more skills with brackets and percentages.

Fang Che understands the introduction of the skill panel very well. This means that this iron dumbbell has three breakthrough skills in its growth stage!

Among them, telekinesis skills have already achieved breakthroughs and reached the realm of breaking through the limits.

What's happening here?

Did this iron dumbbell grow up eating Jirachi?

Fang Che touched Tie Dubell's head, and Tie Dubell's intimacy level instantly rose to 150. Fang Che hadn't lost the elf ball yet.

Is this iron dumbbell familiar to me, or does it really fit me very well?

Fang Che couldn't make up his mind, but when he saw Fang Tianyang's expectant and encouraging eyes, he gritted his teeth and took out the elf ball!

Even if this iron dumbbell is not shiny, so what if these three breakthrough skills and its talent alone are absolutely the best among the quasi-god elves in this research institute.

Moreover, the power of Little Penguin Mall is unlimited, and the power of money is unlimited!

The iron dumbbell is a fake flash now, but it may not become a real flash in the future!

Pressing the high-level ball against the iron dumbbell, with a flash of red light, the elf ball stopped shaking without even moving.

Iron dumbbell, conquer successfully!



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