There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 210 H-105 I am guilty and I will repent!

Teaching Iron Dumbbell and Genesect to learn skills naturally fell on Zhao Wanxi, and then Fang Tianyang returned to the Zhao family villa in one step.

"Grandpa Fang seems to want to get close to Genesect."

Zhao Wanxi was teasing the iron dumbbells with some freshly prepared elf food in her hand. Genesect had a very calm temperament and would not show any joy for a little food, so she preferred to feed facial expressions. and iron dumbbells with rich body expressions.

Of course, this does not mean that Zhao Wanxi does not like Genesect or does not care about Genesect. In fact, in order to satisfy Genesect, Zhao Wanxi has prepared thirteen different recipes for it. Zhao Wanxi didn't stop mixing until Genesect was very satisfied.

Fang Che shrugged. He touched the soft mane of the Black King next to him, and then gently patted the Black King's back. "As for any trainer who specializes in the steel system, who wouldn't aspire to have it?" Where’s a Genesect?”

You know, the properties of insects and steel are quite good. In addition to four times the weak fire, the resistance properties are as high as nine!

Among them, the insect attribute is resistant to fighting attributes and ground attributes, and the steel attribute is resistant to super attributes, dragon attributes, and fairy attributes. You must know that these attributes are very popular attributes.

Basically, the main elves held by trainers above the elite level all have related attribute elves.

The elves with the attributes of insects and steel are also the favorites of many trainers who are good at field combat, whether it is Fritos, who has nail spreading, nail removal, and self-destruction skills, or the giant pincer mantis, a master of red flash technology. , or the ace warrior knight snail are all very popular elves.

Fang Che had subdued a Giant Pincer Mantis before, but because it had always participated in battles far beyond its own strength, its performance was not as good as that of other big brothers and sisters.

In fact, Giant Claw Mantis is powerful enough for a single elf to break through the U18 Poké Ball Cup.

Ordinary steel insects are so powerful, let alone the super ancient insect god who is named as a god.

After the genetic disorder has been corrected, Genesect is incredibly powerful. It has a high-tech light cannon with full attribute switching. It also has a special ability called "Insect King Skin", which can double the damage of normal skills. In other words, if Genesect's high-tech light cannon is selected as a general attribute, it is equivalent to two shots at once!

Although Fang Tianyang didn't know the special abilities of Genesect, Genesect was the only Genesect controlled by humans for hundreds of years. This special feature alone was enough for this veteran king who was used to seeing the wind and rain. He expressed his envy, jealousy and hatred towards his grandson.

After Zhao Wanxi finished feeding the iron dumbbell, she stood up and stretched her waist. She kept squatting there, and her waist was a little sore.

She walked to Fang Che's side and then sat down against Bai Xue.

Under the moonlight, she leaned next to Fang Che, with Black King and Bai Xue behind her. The scene was quite beautiful.

"Grandpa asked me to participate in the U18 Poké Ball Cup, and he also said he wanted me to come back with a top eight finisher."

Zhao Wanxi raised her head and looked at the moon in the sky, and she casually complained about her grandfather.

A long time ago, Zhao Wanxi revealed that she had no talent in training and fighting, and Zhao Weimin never thought about letting Zhao Wanxi take over their family's class.

However, after Zhao Wanxi had the experience of "rubbing" with Fang Che for such a long time, Zhao Weimin was surprised to find that his granddaughter, who seemed not good at fighting, actually had the strength to surpass the first echelon of the imperial capital's geniuses?

With Zhao Wanxi's current hand-held elf, if she goes to play in the U18 Poké Ball Cup, she can reach the top 16 of the national competition.

If you are lucky and don't meet those geniuses from the first tier, then it is absolutely guaranteed to enter the quarterfinals.

"The top eight?"

Fang Che raised his eyebrows in confusion, and then scratched his cheek thoughtfully.

Now, Zhao Wanxi has a total of four elves with combat power, the nine-tails at level 35, the demon fire red fox at level 37, the almost-doll at level 33, and the auspicious egg at level 33.

There is also a quality Larulas that has not yet been successfully hatched. Before the start of the U18 Poké Ball Cup National Competition, Fang Che felt that he should be able to "fly" with Zhao Wanxi to the peak of the elite level, and then bring the five elite levels with him. Elf, if Zhao Wanxi doesn't say that gods will kill gods and Buddhas if they block Buddhas, at least they will kill them one by one!

Especially the Long Yingxiang from the Long family. His handheld elf was basically defeated by Zhao Wanxi.

If you are unlucky and meet Zhao Wanxi before the top 16, Long Yingxiang, who was previously considered the number one seed, may be eliminated directly in the top 17!

"Since we want to participate, we must set a bigger goal!"

Fang Che took Zhao Wanxi into his arms. He pointed at the starry sky and drew a huge circle, "The top eight are nothing, we will win the championship and runner-up directly!"

If only the champion didn't have a chance to fight the King, he didn't even think it mattered who the champion was.

Anyway, even if Zhao Wanxi wins the championship, she will choose a perfect secret treasure suitable for Fang Che.

"Runner really dare to think about it."

Zhao Wanxi sighed and glanced at the elves lying on the ground not far away, leaning on each other. After following Fang Che for so long, she also discovered that Fang Che had a magical power that could quickly increase the strength of the elves.

She tested it in various ways and was sure that this magic power would not have any side effects on the elves, so she kept it in her stomach without saying anything.

Zhao Wanxi is supportive of the rapid growth in strength of the Demon Fire Red Fox and Nine Tails.

Don't think that the children of the big family are so aloof. Zhao Wanxi has already identified Fang Che, and she will definitely stand by Fang Che's side in the future.

If the enemy Fang Che faces is too powerful, will she still become a burden to Fang Che?

During this period of time, while Fang Che was fighting the wild elves, Zhao Wanxi was taking care of their elves, while also learning Fang Che's fighting ideas and experience in order to maximize her fighting ability.

Even if she is separated from Fang Che, she must at least have the ability to protect herself.

The moon gradually shifted, and the starry sky turned from bright to dim.

Black King and Bai Xue very gently covered Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi's bodies with their tails. They exuded a gentle warmth, ensuring that Zhao Wanxi and Fang Che would not catch a cold due to the cool night wind.




Under an unknown abyss abroad, in a secret room made entirely of steel, a man holding a secret message slapped the table. The tattoo on his face that resembled an artistic portrait of a dog was faintly glowing with black light. .

"Xugou, why are you crazy! You are blowing your beard and staring in front of us!"

In the secret room, the man in black robes who also had an artistic pig tattoo on his face glanced at the man patting the table. He couldn't understand why his temper seemed to be getting louder when there was clearly something wrong with the place managed by Xu Gou.

"Haizhu, if you don't speak, no one will treat you as a mute!"

As soon as Xu Gou opened his mouth, it was clear that he was from Laozuan. He stood in front of Hai Zhu's nose and cursed, "If it weren't for your Di Wenxing to cause trouble, how could the Chinese Alliance launch a sweeping attack on us? It wasn't because of her , how could the research base on Seni Island be discovered!"

What happened in Donghai has been publicized within the Shadow Group. Many Shadow Group cadres are confused because they don't know that there is a research institute in Donghai.

After several inquiries, many Tiangang Star officials were horrified to discover that the secret research institute on Seni Island in the East China Sea was actually arranged by Xu Gou, one of the top twelve generals at the core of the Shadow Regiment.

Except for a very small number of Tiangang Star cadres who are directly managed by Xu Gou, no one knows what this research institute does, so they have no idea about the seriousness of the Shadow Group losing this research institute.

And it is precisely because this research institute is so important that Xu Gou is so angry.

"Xugou, that's it."

Just when Xu Gou was about to scold Haizhu, a fluent French voice sounded in the secret room, and the clear voice was like a clear spring in the mountains.

"That Earth Star was just good luck that encountered the paradoxical space, so it wanted to cause trouble. This time the God-making Research Institute on Seni Island was taken into custody, and each of us is responsible."

The French woman who stopped the dog stood up. Her height was actually a little taller than the 1.7 meter dog. You know, she didn't even wear high heels!

As the French woman flicked her golden hair, the tattoo of the artistic image rabbit hidden on her neck began to glow with black light.

She is none other than Maotu, one of the top twelve generals of the Shadow Regiment!

"Because Genesect's experiment failed, we relaxed our vigilance about that place. This incident reminds us that if we want to complete the perfect world plan, we must cheer up and never make any mistakes again. Mistake!”

Maotu's voice was very soft, and the sound like mountain spring water fell like thunder in the hearts of Xugou and Haizhu.

The two of them cannot defeat Mao Tu, and their status among the twelve generals is not as good as Mao Tu, so they can only choose to listen to Mao Tu's "warning" and cannot choose to refute it.

After Maotu restrained Xugou and Haizhu, the last person left in the room put down his mobile phone with interest. He had already read all the events from the internal network, "I gave birth to Fang Tianyang's grandson." A trace of curiosity, how did he save Genesect? You know, even mine...can't save a genetically disordered elf!"

The man was a little hesitant when he spoke, as if he wanted to hide something.

"Haha, Wu Ma, I admit that your... is indeed very strong, but healing is not its strong point."

Xu Gou sneered. He also did not tell Wu Ma's secret, but it was obvious that Xu Gou was afraid of Mao Rabbit, but not afraid of Wu Ma!

Hai Zhu sat aside and wanted to win over the fire. The internal fighting among the twelve generals was not small, but everyone was working hard for the same goal, so they were still very united externally.


Seeing that Xu Gou was about to quarrel with Wu Ma again, Mao Tu felt helpless. A trace of displeasure flashed across her delicate face, and a black shadow slowly rose from her shadow, finally covering her whole body. stand up.

Seeing this scene, Xu Gou and Wu Ma closed their mouths without hesitation.

If the quarrel continues, Maotu will hit someone!

The secret room finally became quiet, and Maotu breathed a sigh of relief. She snapped her fingers, and the shadow returned to her shadow. "The most important thing now is whether the plan for the Javanese national treasure can be carried out smoothly. In China, It seems that the manpower of the Ministry is not easy to mobilize, do you want to transfer people from the French Alliance?"

Wu Ma shook his head without hesitation. Are you kidding me, transferring someone from the French Alliance?



You know, ever since the Alliance War intensified and ended abruptly due to God's intervention hundreds of years ago, France has entered a strange stage of negative population growth due to its sparse population.

In order to prevent the number of citizens from getting smaller and smaller, the president of the French Alliance at the time chose to liberalize immigration and brought in many Nicos. Now, 80% of the shadow group members within the French Alliance are Nicos.

Wu Ma is a Chinese with upright roots, but he hates Nico very much.

Let him take Nico with him, and he will definitely kill all those guys in the Java Kingdom.

"No, our manpower cannot be mobilized at will. Once something is leaked, it will be over! Whether the national treasure of Javaland can be obtained safely will have a certain impact on our plan, so we must not make any mistakes."

Haizhu also shook his head. The reason why they wanted to use an excuse to launch an operation against the Elf Research Institute outside China was to deceive others and divert all the attention of the Chinese Alliance and surrounding alliances to that research institute.

If the current actions against the institute are suspended, their actions to obtain national treasures will also have to be slowed down.

Xu Gou and Mao Tu were also lost in thought. They really didn't expect that the Chinese Alliance's suppression of them would accidentally force them into a very embarrassing situation.

Without using the power within the Chinese Alliance, it will be difficult for them to secretly obtain the national treasure of the Java Kingdom. The problem now is that the Chinese Alliance is strictly guarding it, and their shadow group's power within the Chinese Alliance cannot be mobilized at all.

"I suggest, how about we take action personally? As long as we take action, even the Java Kingdom has championship-level trainers and they will not be our opponents."

Haizhu put forward his own suggestion. He looked confident when he talked about the champion trainer of the Java Kingdom. It was obvious that he was sure of being a champion trainer.

However, upon hearing Haizhu's words, the expressions of the three people present instantly changed.



"If you want to die, don't hurt us!"

Three consecutive curses fell on Haizhu, and Maotu entered the state of shadow possession again, and her voice like a clear spring in the mountains also became terrifying.

"Haizhu, if you forget the regulations within our organization, I don't mind letting Darkrai teach the next Haizhu. I'm sure that Darkrai can teach him to memorize the regulations thoroughly!"



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