There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 216 H-111 This is a wonderful number!

Does the protagonist exist in the real world?

Fang Che felt that it should exist.

Otherwise, what words should be used to describe a winner in life who is so handsome, has such a good family, is so powerful as an elf, and has a golden finger, and now even has a girl?

Yellow hair?

On the way home, Fang Che leisurely looked at the scenery on both sides. He used to like riding motorcycles, which made him feel as if he was riding a motorcycle lizard.

But now, he prefers to ride the Black King!

The level of shock that the flashing alienated flame horse brings to the world is much greater than that of a cricket motorcycle lizard!

Didn't you look at the men, women, and children on both sides of the street, and the eyes staring at the Black King almost melted the Black King?

After returning to the gym, Fang Che did not go to the front to disturb Lu Qiling, who was still busy. The chief apprentice, who was worried about the gym, took a guaranteed salary and did work that even Cybertronians found terrifying. Fang Che Che felt that when Fang Xuan came back, he would ask Fang Xuan to increase Lu Qiling's salary!

"Everyone come out."

In the courtyard, Fang Che released his own elves. Boss Cordora, Swampert, and Genesect were all larger elves. They were not good at school, so they were released, so they had been there all afternoon. They haven't come out to breathe.

After releasing all the elves, Fang Che prepared food and energy cubes for them one by one. Zhao Wanxi had prepared these in advance and placed them with Fang Che to prevent them from being picky eaters.

Especially Boss Cordora, who has obviously evolved into such a big guy, but in the end he is still as picky as a child and won't put anything unpalatable into his mouth at all.

That is to say, it can accelerate three times in a row very smoothly. Otherwise, with its size, it would probably have to take a breath every time it moves.

"Let me see, the regional selection competition starts on the third day. The rules of the selection competition are that each person uses one elf and has one chance to revive the defeated team?"

After finishing his work on the food issue for his cubs, Fang Che lay on the belly of the Kirby beast conjured by Variety Monster and began to read the relevant rules of the regional selection competition.

Because we only select players who are strong within the region and can participate in the U18 Poké Ball Cup main competition, the rules of the regional selection competition are quite simple.

Each registered player has a number, which is unique and cannot overlap.

After the trials begin, super-powered elves will be randomly drawn and paired for one-on-one battles. Each contestant can only use one elf, with the winner going up and the loser going down.

However, in order to prevent some geniuses from using new accounts to fish and get bitten by the fish, the regional selection competition also has a unique rule, which is the resurrection tournament mechanism for the defeated team.

All losing players have another chance. In the end, the top four of the losing team challenge the last four of the top eight in the main draw, and the eight strongest players in the region are selected to participate in the main draw.

In other words, even if Fang Che uses Blue Jay to fry fish and gets knocked over by the fish, he doesn't have to worry about missing out on the U18 Poké Ball Cup, because there will be other elves who will take the blame later.

However, will Fang Che miss?

"Come on, Blue Jay, let's expand your skill pool first."

Fang Che waved to the blue crow, and then took out a few skill discs and put them on the skill machine. The blue crow obediently returned to the elf ball. It also knew that it had to become stronger in order to help him. trainers get more wins.

The skills Fang Che prepared for Blue Crow were very simple. They were the trick that can greatly improve his special attack, and the air blade that can release the wind slash. In addition, he also used Blue Crow's skills such as sleeping, guarding, and avatar. The crow learned.

It doesn’t require too much precision, but it must at least be usable.

In addition to the Blue Crow, Fang Che also plans to use the Iron Dumbbell to compete in this U18 Baby Cup. Although the Iron Dumbbell is only level 15, its real combat power is definitely not inferior to the Blue Crow.

What's more, there are still more than one day left before the start of the competition. Although one day is not enough for Fang Che to go to the secret realm to level up the Iron Dumbbell, Fang Che can definitely level up the Iron Dumbbell through the gym competition.

The requirements don’t have to be too high, just reach the peak of growth like the Blue Jays.

The most important thing is that Iron Dumbbell can evolve into a metal monster during its growth period. After evolving into a metal monster, it can learn many skills.

Fang Che first prepared a CD of skills that Iron Dumbbell would learn in the future, and then logged into the league's internal official website to check the regional competition groupings.

Ordinary students have to wait for notification from the school, but in fact these groups have been assigned before the registration deadline, and Fang Che can see his number and group in advance.

"Well, is it No. 10086 in Liuli City? In the Eastern Division, my first opponent is No. 4396? This number feels a bit strange."

Fang Che curled his lips and checked his opponent's information. The relevant information had been loaded into the alliance's internal network.

That is to say, Fang Che's level is very high, second only to researchers like Zhao Qiansun. Ordinary people really can't see the information about the contestants.

"Zhu Kai, a student from Class 3 of the Thirteenth High School Trainer, the initial Elf Little Mountain Boar, the hand-held Elf, the Messenger Bird and the Doudou Pigeon? Tsk, who are you paying tribute to!"

Fang Che wanted to complain, but he was afraid that the power in the dark would cast a curse on him, so he finally chose to give up.

Although both the numbers and the hand-held elves have their shortcomings, we have to admit that Zhu Kai is still very strong.

As an elf with no evolved form, Messenger Bird's initial strength is definitely higher than that of Yu Sanjia at this stage.

Not to mention anything else, just one hand of this type of ice light is enough to make opponents who are weak in ice miserable.

Not to mention that the messenger bird can also learn poison, stand-in and defense. Although the poison-guarding tactic is a bit ideal in reality, in the fish pond of the U18 Poké Ball Cup Regional Tournament, the messenger bird can definitely fry fish. .

In addition, the Alliance has two records about Zhu Kai's messenger bird, that is, Zhu Kai's messenger bird has inherited two unique skills.

The super power system predicts the future, and the ice system freezes drying!

"Hiss! Is this Zhu Kai who has developed quietly in Thirteen Middle School ready to make a big splash?"

Fang Che touched his chin. Zhu Kai was not included in the list of strong opponents provided by Lu Hui.

With the power of predicting the future and freeze-drying, shouldn't Messenger Bird just randomly fry fish in the fish pond in No. 13 Middle School? How come it doesn't have a good reputation?

Obviously, this guy is also a scumbag, just waiting for the U18 Poké Ball Cup to become a blockbuster.

If Fang Che had just used Blue Jay, he might have really suffered a big setback with Zhu Kai.

When the time comes, the media will definitely report that the champion of the U18 Poké Ball Cup National Competition almost missed out in the first round of the regional competition, and he will become famous again.

"The day after tomorrow, I'll let you appear first."

Fang Che touched Tie Du Ling's head, and Tie Du Ling rubbed Fang Che's hand happily.

No matter whether Zhu Kai plans to use a small boar or a messenger bird, he will not be able to overcome the barrier of iron dumbbells!

November 3rd came so quickly, Fang Che didn't even feel it, and he had already arrived at the regional selection venue.

The regional selection competition is held in a gymnasium, which has ten standard small competition venues, which is very suitable for holding some baby cups.

Fang Che took his number plate and found the No. 7 arena where the first match was held. At this time, his support group had already arrived in the audience.

Siblings Lu Hui and Lu Qiling were holding cheering sticks and waving them constantly. People who knew Fang Che around them were also cheering for Fang Che.

It's a pity that Zhao Wanxi also has a competition today, otherwise she would also be here.

Fang Che walked to the auditorium and slapped Lu back out of curiosity. Yesterday, Lu came back to see him for pre-match sparring, but was beaten up by the blue jay and ran away.

Later, Fang Che took Iron Dumbbell to gain a wave of experience. Although he had not reached the peak of his growth stage, Iron Dumbbell had evolved smoothly.

What surprised Fang Che was that the white gold paint that seemed to be applied on the iron dumbbell actually expanded after it evolved.

If it weren't for the fact that there was still a "hole" the size of a finger's finger in the metal monster's chassis, Fang Che might have really thought that his metal monster was a glittering metal monster.

In Fang Che's opinion, this weird paint seemed even stranger than a perfect secret treasure.

"Big Mouth, don't you want to compete?"

After high-fiving, Fang Che glanced at the ring. His opponent hadn't arrived yet, and then started talking to Lu Hui.

Lu Hui shook his head. He had two games today, both in the afternoon.

So you can come and cheer for Fang Che first.

During the conversation, Fang Che's opponent Zhu Kai had already arrived at the battle site. He first showed a smile to Fang Che, and then revealed a trace of bitterness in his brows.

Just as Fang Che thought, Zhu Kai hid his strength just because he wanted to make a splash in the regional trials.

Originally, in his opinion, it was easy for him to reach the top eight in the region. Even if the aces from other schools did not hide their strength, there was some hope that he would reach the top four.

However, who would have thought that he would defeat the entire resurrection competition as soon as he came up!

Although there are rumors outside that Fang Che from No. 1 High School will use the new elf he just obtained to play in the game, which is very likely to overturn, but Zhu Kai still doesn't have any confidence.

After all, Fang Che is a man who can compete with the King of Heaven!

Following the referee's order, Fang Che and Zhu Kai played a coin guess. Zhu Kai needed to release the elf first, and he also gained the right to attack first.

"Go, messenger bird!"

Although Zhu Kai really wanted to use the little mountain boar to hide his strength, Zhu Kai finally chose the messenger bird.

Anyway, in this first game, let’s show off our momentum first!

As the elf ball flashed on, the messenger bird carrying a small bag soared over the field.

Even though the messenger bird does not have the ability to make snow fall, when it appears, the ice energy emitted from its body still causes the temperature of the venue to drop by one or two degrees.

Zhu Kai's move of releasing the messenger bird shocked all the audience, because among the information they collected, Zhu Kai did not have such a "trump card"!

Lu Hui's expression became solemn. If Fang Che used Blue Crow to fight, this battle might be a little difficult.

"Your messenger bird has been well cultivated. It can be seen that it likes you as its trainer."

On the battlefield, Fang Che first commented on Zhu Kai's messenger bird. He had to admit that Zhu Kai's luck or family background was very good. This messenger bird actually has the potential of a king, and in addition to predicting the future and freeze-drying, It also inherited a move with the same fate.

In a one-on-one battle, if both sides fall at the same time, the result is a double defeat, so Zhu Kai is very likely to pull one person into the water by relying on the messenger bird.

"Your opponent is this guy."

Fang Che threw the high-level ball, and a platinum flash appeared in the field. The gasps from the surrounding audience suddenly became louder!

Quasi-god, metal monster!

And, it’s still shiny!

"Metal Monster (Genderless)

Level-25 (growth level)

Attributes-steel, super power


Characteristics-Eternally Pure Body

Hidden Features - Light Metal

Special ability - Telekinesis Master: The power of telekinesis skills is increased by 50%


Moves - Crash, slam, telekinesis (120%), teleportation (50%), telekinesis (30%), steel fist double tap, metal claw, bullet punch, electromagnetic levitation, cannon light cannon, iron hoof beam, meteor beam

Special moves - iron hoof light, iron wall, mental hammer, iron head, repay favor, freezing fist, thunder fist, earthquake, high-speed movement, light wall, reflective wall, rock avalanche, substitute, hold, sludge bomb, freezing wind, Shadow Ball, Iron Wall, Cosmic Power, Iron Head

Intimacy - 195”

As an elf that Fang Che couldn't even figure out, the metal monster's skill panel seemed to be very luxurious, and in fact it was so.

Originally, after evolving yesterday, Fang Che only planned to let the metal monster learn earthquake, and the iron wall was guarded by a substitute. However, the metal monster showed Fang Che what a "skill master" is!

As for any skill learning machine, the metal monster can complete the absorption and learning in just an instant, and even directly enter the realm of "small success".

You know, for ordinary elves, in order to master a skill thoroughly and polish it to the point where it can be used in any situation, it will take at least a week to a month of hard training.

The effort required during this period depends on the elf's potential.

Even Blue Jay, after learning the air blade and tricks, would sometimes not be able to perform well after just one day of training.

As a result, the metal monster ate a bunch of Fang Che's skill discs and directly obtained an almost perfect skill attack surface.

To be honest, Fang Che was increasingly doubting whether his metal monster was related to Jirachi. After all, he couldn't think of anyone other than phantom beasts and legendary beasts who could have such an exaggerated skill learning speed. What other elf can do that?

"The shiny metal monster! Hiss! Boss Fang, you really think highly of me!"

Zhu Kai said that his sore teeth were about to fall out. He was just hiding a messenger bird. Do you need to directly use the ultimate move of Flash Aimer?

Facing an opponent that resists flying and ice-based skills, and even four times resists super-power-based skills, even if Zhu Kai has the right to attack first, he doesn't know how to fight!

The messenger bird also looked back at its trainer in confusion. It pointed at the metal monster with its small wings, and then pointed at itself.

The meaning is obvious.

[You want me to type this? 】



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