There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 218 H-113 What happened this summer!

The reason why Lu Hui talked about the old grandma of the Gu family was that he suddenly recalled what grandma Gu said after seeing him.

“The gears of destiny are turning, and God’s eyes are fixed on the future.”

Lu Hui didn't know the meaning of this sentence, but what Lu Hui knew was that Grandma Gu used to only say the second half of the sentence every time, so people in the family thought she was a bit nagging, and they all thought Grandma Gu Maybe my mental state is not good anymore.

However, after the first half of the sentence came out together with the second half, no one thought that Grandma Gu had a mental problem. They only thought that the world might undergo some different changes.

After all, Grandma Gu was an all-powerful champion trainer more than seventy years ago. She had visited more secret realms than they had ever heard of, so she might know some secrets.

Lu Hui, who let Grandma Gu say the first half of the sentence, was naturally warmly received by the Gu family. No one would ask about the affairs between him and the little princess of the Gu family.

After all, regardless of whether Lu Hui is the gear of fate as Grandma Gu said, he is already witnessing the future that the gods are watching.

After returning from the Gu family, Lu Hui had been thinking about what the gears of fate had to do with the gods, but after seeing Fang Che feeding Genesect at noon, he immediately thought of Fang Che.

"Perhaps the gear of fate that Grandma Gu talked about is you, Ache."

Lying on the ground, Lu Hui breathed a sigh of relief.

If the object of God's gaze is Fang Che, then he doesn't have to worry at all.

After all, Fang Che has never disappointed anyone since he was a child. Even if he is under the gaze of God, he will definitely do his best.

Fang Che sat up again. He stared at Lu Hui and his expression became serious, "Are you sure that the old lady of the Gu family said this while looking at you?"

Lu Hui was a little confused. Could it be that he understood it wrong?

When Lu Hui nodded, Fang Che immediately looked at the elf ball on Lu Hui's waist, "Release all your elves and show me."

If Fang Che's guess was correct, the old lady of the Gu family seemed to have "seen" something, or she knew something, so she said those words to Lu Hui.

You know, although Fang Che's identity as a divine envoy is not a secret within the alliance, the old lady of the Gu family can't say anything about it in front of Fang Che's friends.

In other words, Grandma Gu’s words may have been spoken only to Lu Hui!

Lu Hui was a little confused, but he still released his elf.

Prince Bo, Laplace, and Big-billed Gull.

Unlike Fang Che, Lu Hui did not conquer any more elves, because he was planning to form the Rainy Day Team, and the remaining main players must conform to Lu Hui's wishes. He is not the kind of reckless trainer.

"Big-billed Gull, no problem. Laplace, no problem...Prince Bo..."

Fang Che kept scanning Lu Hui's elves with his eyes of data. There were no problems with Big-mouthed Oull and Lapras. Their levels were also close to the peak of their growth stage, which was enough to show that Lu Hui had not been slacking off and was very attentive. They are cultivating their own elves.

However, when he saw Prince Bo, Fang Che was stunned because there was something wrong with Prince Bo's data.

In other words, it was a little beyond Fang Che’s expectations!

"Prince Bo (male)

Level-27 (Growth Stage))



Trait - Riptide

Special ability - Competitiveness: When the ability is reduced, the special attack attribute is increased by 100%

Special ability - Blessing of the Prince of the Sea: The power of water skills is increased by 100% (not unlocked)

Special Ability - The Attention of the Sea God: Can master all storm skills, while increasing the power by 50% (not unlocked)

Props-Mysterious Water Drops

Moves - Metal Claw, Foam Beam, Water Play, Peck, Ultrasonic Wave, Frozen Wind, Feather Dance, Water Ring

Special moves - Water oath, water cannon, high-speed movement, surfing, freezing light, blizzard, poison, waterfall climbing, sleeping, guarding, repaying favor, awakening power (electricity), rock blockade, splitting tiles, swallow return, cyclone attack (not unlocked)

Intimacy -70”

First of all, Prince Bo's potential was directly upgraded to the championship level. If he remembered correctly, Prince Bo's potential before was only at the king level.

Secondly, Prince Bo has three more special abilities than before. Although the two unlocked ones are more worthy of evaluation, the competitiveness alone combined with Prince Bo is also very powerful.

Not to mention the remaining two, the blessing of the Prince of the Sea and the attention of the God of the Sea.

Who is the Prince of the Sea?

Phantom beast Mana Fei!

Who is the God of the Sea?

Level 1 God Lugia!

When did Lu Hui come into contact with these two guys?

"Big Mouth, what exactly did you encounter at the beach this summer?"

For the first time, Fang Che discussed with Lu Hui his previous trip to the beach. Although Fang Che had known before, Lu Hui subdued two elves when he was at the beach and also rescued the little princess of the Gu family.

But now it seems that the situation is not that simple.

Lu Hui was also a little confused by Fang Che's expression. He recalled it carefully, and then told everything that happened at the beach before.

It was also the first time for Lu Qiling to hear her brother describe in detail his encounter with the little princess of the Gu family.

It was a sunny afternoon. Lu Hui took Prince Bo to swim in the sea. After he was tired from swimming, Lu Hui inhumanely asked Prince Bo to take him to swim in the sea. Prince Bo actually had a lot of fun.

Just as they were far away from the coast, a wave emerging from the distant sea caught their attention.

When Lu Hui noticed that Lang Hua turned out to be a girl who seemed to be drowning, he immediately asked Prince Bo to take him there to rescue the girl.

That girl is the little princess of the Gu family, Gu Ya.

Gu Ya seemed to be in shock after being rescued by Lu Hui. She kept holding Lu Hui and looked at the sea with fear in her eyes.

Lu Hui didn't pay too much attention to this matter at the time. He just thought that Gu Ya had developed a fear of the sea because of drowning, so he asked Prince Bo to take them back to the shore.

After that, the Gu family came over anxiously and took Gu Ya away, and expressed their gratitude to Lu Hui.

"I have kept in touch with Xiaoya since then."

Lu Hui spread his hands. In his opinion, his experience was not unusual at all, but Fang Che and Lu Qiling discovered a blind spot.

"Xiao Hui, have you ever thought about why Gu Ya appeared in the sea? You know, you were already far away from the coastline at that time. How could Gu Ya without an elf go deep into the sea to that place!"

Lu Qiling looked at Lu Hui very doubtfully. She was originally happy that Lu Hui saved the little princess of the Gu family, but now it seems that she is full of doubts.

Lu Hui waved his hand, "Hey, this is a coincidence. At that time, Xiaoya was playing with a gem starfish at the beach. Who would have thought that a child by the swimming pool suddenly released a Pichu? Pichu Frightened by falling into the water, he released an electric current, and then Gem Starfish subconsciously used teleportation to bring Gu Ya to the sea outside the seaside bathing pool."

Speaking of this matter, Lu Hui actually asked about it before, and Lu Hui accepted the explanation given by Gu Ya.

Fang Che and Lu Qiling looked at each other. The ability to transport a little girl from the seaside bathing pool directly to the sea far away from the coastline. The strength of this gem starfish was at least gym level.

Would a gym-level Gem Starfish be afraid of an electric shock from a tiny Pichu?

And you were so scared that you teleported away?

Besides, if you want to teleport, just teleport, and it's quaint. This doesn't make sense.

Here, either the Gu family is lying, or Gem Starfish is up to something!

The grandma of the Gu family has "approved" Lu Hui, so it is impossible for the Gu family to trick Lu Hui, because the glory of their family is supported by the grandma.

In other words, there is something fishy about Gem Starfish, or there is something wrong with Gu Ya.

Lu Qiling was very worried, but Fang Che felt that Lu Hui had stepped on King Feng's excrement, otherwise how could he be blessed and watched by two gods all at once.

With Prince Bo's current attributes, when it grows up, its achievements will definitely be no less than those of Fang Che's Boscodora and Swampert.

"Take good care of your Prince Bo, his future is limitless."

Fang Che lay down again. Now that he was sure that Lu Hui was not going to suffer, but was just lucky, Fang Che had no intention of continuing to pay attention.

Lu Hui has his own life and his own opportunities. The faster Lu Hui grows up, the happier Fang Che will be. After all, there are not many friends around him. Lu Hui has been his best friend since childhood. He can I don’t want the story of Brother Xun and Brother Yu to be staged here.

As for the "restrictions" on Prince Bo, Fang Che really didn't know how to help Lu Hui lift them. After all, the power of data only described Prince Bo's attributes, and there was really no matching "unlocking" plan.

Lu Hui glanced at his Prince Bo thoughtfully. He knew that Fang Che was very special. Since Fang Che had said so, it seemed that Grandma Gu was probably talking about him at that time.

"It seems that Xiaoya and I are going to visit grandma again."

Lu Hui secretly made a decision in his heart. After the U18 Poké Ball Cup regional competition is over, he will visit Grandma Gu again, hoping to get some advice.

The mysterious drop of water that Prince Bo brought him now was no longer given by Lu Qiling, but a "meeting gift" given by Grandma Gu.

Although it is also of high quality, it is of perfect quality that has absorbed some energy and fallen. As long as there is enough time, this mysterious water drop can be restored to perfect quality.

The leisure time at noon was very short, and soon it was time for Lu Hui's battle.

Arriving at the battle site, this time Fang Che and Lu Qiling were in the audience cheering Lu Hui on.

Originally, Lu Hui planned to use Big Mouth Oull or Lapras to participate in the regional trials, but because of Fang Che's words at noon, he felt that it might be a good thing for Prince Bo to accumulate more combat experience, so he He went directly to fight Prince Bo.

The opponent was using a Big Mouth Bat, which had no restraint in terms of attributes, but Prince Bo had mastered Rock Blockade and Freezing Light, two skills that could defeat the Big Mouth Bat.

Following Lu Hui's order, Prince Bo first used ultrasonic waves to put the big-mouthed bat into a state of chaos, and then fired a freezing beam that directly froze the wings of the big-mouthed bat, making it unable to fly in the sky.

After losing its flexible flying ability, the Big-mouthed Bat became Prince Bo's target. Prince Bo easily used a rock blockade to bury the Big-mouthed Bat directly inside.

Unlike the opponents that Fang Che encountered, Lu Hui encountered a real newbie. Although Big Mouth Bat also had the strength to grow, he was no match for Prince Bo.

After easily defeating his opponent, Lu Hui made a "yeah" gesture to the audience. Fang Che and Lu Qiling were also happy for Lu Hui.

Although it was only the first game of the regional selection, I was happy to win after all.

Who says you can’t open champagne after winning a handful of baby cups!

But the champagne can't be opened now, because Lu Hui has a game this afternoon.

After the first game, Fang Che and the other three started wandering around the venue, hoping to see if they could meet any players that stood out to them.

Soon, they saw that Zhu Kai, who was participating in the loser group, easily defeated his opponent. When facing Fang Che, Zhu Kai was a little weak, but when facing opponents of the same level, Zhu Kai's messenger bird was very strong.

In addition, Zhu Kai seemed to have really good luck today. His Messenger Bird sent a freezing beam and a gift with a power of over 80, directly sending away the opponent's Big Rock Snake.

The player holding the big rock snake looked unwilling, because he had already lost in the lower bracket, which meant that there would be nothing to do without him this fall!

In other words, the U18 Poké Ball competition that he has been looking forward to for 17 years has nothing to do with him anymore.

"It's a pity. His big rock snake has been cultivated very well. Whether it's the chain moves of making noise and sacrificing attacks, or the mastery of substitutes and digging holes." Lu Hui was a little emotional. Although Zhu Kai easily solved his opponent, but It's really not that the opponent is too weak, it's just that Zhu Kai's messenger bird is very strong.

Zhu Kai's opponent's Big Rock Snake mastered digging holes, substituting, and sacrificing attacks. It stands to reason that as long as he does not encounter grass, water, and ice elves, it is possible to reach the top eight. However, he encountered Zhu Kai's messenger. bird.

Although the Big Rock Snake's body is powerful, its resistance to energy-based attacks is not high. It is not easy to withstand a blast of freezing light.

If it is a large rock snake at the gym level or above, it may be able to block some attacks by using the energy of the rock system, but during the growth period...

All I can say is that the future is promising!

The first day of the regional selection competition ended quickly. Because the schedule was relatively tight, there were people playing in both the preliminary round and the resurrection round, so you can see the winners who played two rounds directly, and you can also see the winners who were eliminated in a double defeat. Loser.

The snack street outside the stadium was full of young people who came to get drunk. Some cheered for victory, while others were worried about defeat.

But in the end, everyone drank together. After all, young people rarely have the kind of real bad eggs before they have experienced a psychological blow.

Of course, the most important thing is that the contestants outside the gymnasium are basically from famous schools, and their family education is first-class, so naturally no one will cause trouble.

Fang Che and the other three also participated in this little carnival, but their carnival was a pain for the street barbecue master.

The assistant Fire Dinosaur in one of the most popular shops burned himself into a Flash Fire Dinosaur because he kept burning coal!



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