There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 226 H121 It’s very simple!

Chapter 226 H-121 is very simple!

Please, the person standing in front of them now is a great god with divine power level 45. Although Fang Che doesn't know what the average level of other divine beasts is, but with Darkrai's power of 45 times the peak of the champion, it casually throws A wave of evil could destroy a city.

Could it be that what this great power requires them to do is very simple!

Hearing Fang Che's slightly resistant words, Darkrai was not surprised or disappointed, it just shook its head silently.

"I have no way to get over. The altar is under a barrier. Only humans and elves subdued by humans can enter through the barrier. Don't worry, although the elves inside are powerful, I will prevent them from attacking you. "

Darkrai explained, "As long as the Castle of Fear launches an attack on the altar, those guys you call the King level or above must come out to stop them. In other words, all you have to deal with is the obstruction of some people below the King level. .”

After hearing Darkrai say that the obstacles they would encounter were only those below the Heavenly King level, Fang Che suddenly felt no longer sleepy.

Fang Che is not afraid of anyone below the level of a Heavenly King, even a quasi-Celestial King.

After all, the combined elves he has now can defeat at least three to five quasi-kings.

Although Xia Li and Xu Jue are not as powerful as him, it is not a problem to jointly deal with one or two quasi-kings.

Although Zhao Wanxi could only deal with elite and gym-level elves at most, she was responsible for covering and cleaning up the mobs, so there was no problem.

The only thing that needs to be confirmed now is that Darkrai didn't lie and it didn't maliciously deceive them.

To be honest, if the person in front of him was not Darkrai but Cresselia, Fang Che would definitely not have any doubts.

Lucario appeared in front of Fang Che and nodded to Fang Che. Although he could not see through Darkrai's heart due to his strength, he could still barely tell whether Darkrai was lying with the power of the waveguide. .

After putting away the dark crystal, Fang Che and the others accepted the task assigned by Darkrai, and now they needed to understand the details of the task.

"Darkrai, I want to know who is the elf sealed by the altar, and who set the seal."

Fang Che asked Darkrai very seriously. They couldn't work for a long time without knowing who the elf they were saving was, let alone offend a god who might be as powerful as Darkrai just for a secret treasure.

Darkrai showed a smile. It was obvious that Fang Che's question had reached its heart. It had wanted to talk about it in the first place.

"The one who was sealed was Cresselia."


Everyone gasped.

What the hell?

The sealed object is Cresselia, the God of Dreams?

No, who would seal a mythical beast with a reputation that is "harmless to humans and animals"?

Speaking of Cresselia’s enemy, there is probably only one Darkrai, right?

However, the names and powers of Darkrai's Nightmare God and Cresselia's Dream God almost all come from the legends they carry.

In fact, Darkrai may not be the kind of mythical beast that does evil things and has bad character, but Cresselia does have a good reputation.

Rumor has it that more than two hundred years ago, people in a small town were suddenly infected with a nasty disease. The local alliance had made up their minds to blockade the small town to prevent the spread of the nasty disease. The people in the small town also lived peacefully in the small town. Medium to death.

At this time, Cresselia appeared, giving everyone in the small town a good sleep and a sweet dream.

When they woke up from the dream, all the people who were infected with the disease had recovered. Even those who were not infected with the disease but had other illnesses also recovered.

This legend has been widely circulated around the world, and countless people hope to receive the blessing of the Dream God. Unfortunately, Cresselia has never appeared again.

"I think you should know the legends about Cresselia from the outside world."

Darkrai sighed, "That time, Cresselia used her power to affect reality, which is not allowed. Therefore, it was sentenced to two hundred and fifty by Zygarde, the god in charge of order. Year seal.”

"There are still less than ten years until it breaks the seal, but Zygard has also set a condition for breaking the seal in advance, which is to require humans to break through the many obstacles it has set up and release Cresselia with their own hands."

Fang Che didn't know what to say at Darkrai's words. He remembered that Zygarde should be very "humane", and was Zygarde in charge of this order?

Oh, the human-minded Zigerd is the little softie who was subdued by Yurika in the anime. The god who protects order in this world is a pure Zigerd.

In addition, the power of gods affects reality. Unless they are performing their divine duties, such as Suicune purifying water sources, Entei appeasing volcanoes, etc., other things will have an impact on the real world. The secret world that appears based on the real world will naturally be affected. Influence, it is a matter of course that Zygarde takes action.

"Uh, Darkrai, I want to ask, Groudon and Kyogre, who caused commotion in the real world before, were also sealed?"

Fang Che asked Darkrai weakly. In fact, what he wanted to ask more was that Darkrai had made "dangerous" actions in the real world before. Why wasn't Darkrai being sealed?

Perhaps Fang Che's eyes were too direct, but Darkrai could see what Fang Che was thinking at a glance.

"Groudon and Kyogre have their own bosses to manage them. As for me, before I went out to the real world, I applied with Zygarde."

Darkrai's voice was very calm, but when he mentioned Groudon and Kyogre, his expression was obviously stiff.

Fang Che nodded clearly. One of the two was the creator of the earth and the other was the creator of the ocean. As the God of Order, Zigerd was really not good at managing the dispute between the earth and the ocean. He could only let Lie Sora went to reconcile.

The most important thing is that Cresselia and Darkrai are different from Groudon and Kyogre. They are phantom beasts. According to the ratings of games or animations, their level should be at the level of second-level gods.

Maybe Darkrai is stronger, but he definitely can't defeat Groudon and Kyogre, especially after their original return.

Zygarde can control Darkrai and Cresselia, but it may not be able to control Groudon and Kyogre.

In addition to Groudon and Kyogre, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Black and White Dragon, Kyurem, and the Three Dragons of Sinnoh, these are all first-level gods or even exceptional beings, Ziggard... ·Probably can’t control it.

"Ahem, that means we won't be blamed by God Zygarde for releasing Cresselia, right?"

Xu Jue coughed lightly, and she figured out what Fang Che understood, so in order to avoid Ganka, she immediately stood up and smoothed things over.

Darkrai nodded. In fact, if this secret space was not only accessible but not accessible, Cresselia would have been able to break the seal long ago. In which era of mankind has there not been a king of champions? As long as they come in, they will be able to break the seal. Cresselia will definitely be released.

Unfortunately, the level of this secret realm is too high. Under the restrictions of Palkiya and Zygarde, unless a human discovers this secret realm first, the elves in the secret realm cannot leave.

The white sea lion that led Fang Che and the others could only be regarded as an accident. Even Darkrai didn't understand how the white sea lion got out.

Perhaps the white sea lion was released by Zygeld?

After all, if it doesn't attract humans, the conditions it set for early release of Cresselia will be like farting.

Putting these violations aside, Darkrai ordered the elves in the Castle of Fear to launch a full-scale attack on the seal altar. In this way, all the elves in the altar would mobilize to resist, and then Fang Che and the others would be able to swagger in. Cresselia has been unblocked.

Things also developed as Darkrai imagined. All the elves in the seal altar worked hard to "stop" the elves from the fearful castle. At the same time, they intentionally or unintentionally opened a way for Fang Che and the others. This It was as if they couldn't wait to release Cresselia.

In fact, this is indeed the case. In order to "protect" the altar, Zygarde specially selected the long-lived ghost type, the majestic evil type, and the fast-reproducing insect type elves to guard Cresselia. .

Originally, these elves only had to guard it for dozens or hundreds of years before they could complete their mission and receive Zygeld's reward.

As a result, two hundred and fifty years have almost passed, and humans still haven’t arrived!

Not only was Zygarde unable to sit still, but even the guarding elves were tired of it, especially the insect elves, who were now guardians for who knows how many generations. They were eager for humans to hurry in and release the genocide. Where is Reselia!

In this way, with the efforts of the three parties, Fang Che and the four of them came to the seal altar without any bloodshed. Xu Jue even tricked a little dream demon with the potential to be a king to lead the way for them.

Until they reached the edge of the altar, no elves stopped them, which made Fang Che and the others feel that Darkrai's dark crystal seemed a bit too easy.

Stepping up the steps, the four of them came to the huge stone elf ball. They looked at each other, not knowing how to unlock Cresselia's seal.

Darkrai has never taught them.

"Return to your old self, Cresselia!"

Xu Jue was the first to stand up. She took a deep breath, pointed her hands at the real elf ball, and then shouted a spell to release the seal from a certain anime, but the stone elf ball was completely indifferent.

Seeing her somewhat disappointed look, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi didn't know whether to laugh or laugh wildly for a moment.

Charlie coughed lightly, and she stood in front of the stone elf ball in a decent manner. She also stretched out her hand, her movements were exactly the same as Xu Jue's, and then a string of words that Fang Che was very familiar with kept popping up from her mouth. out.

"Those who are facing a battle are all marching forward in formation! Seal, lift! Come out, Cresselia!"

Listening to Xia Li's slightly shameful lines, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi shuddered involuntarily.

"Well, first of all, first of all, let me remind you, Sister Xia Li, what you said is a nine-character secret phrase unique to us, and it does not lift the seal!" Fang Che reminded Xia Li with a little embarrassment, Ji. Gerd is not the patron saint of the Eastern Alliance. Will it set spells that are unique to the Eastern Alliance?

"Moreover, this spell must be paired with corresponding gestures. Just shouting is useless."

Xia Li was not embarrassed when she heard Fang Che's words. She just flicked her hair gently and said, "I just wanted to shout, and Xiao Jue has made a fool of herself. I have to accompany her, otherwise I will be thin-skinned." I’m afraid Xiaojue will die of shame~”

Xu Jue was really shy at first, but after hearing Xia Li's words, her expression suddenly changed. She wanted to bite Xia Li to death!

Fang Che sighed. In fact, when he came to the altar, he had already dumped the power of data on the huge elf ball.

[Mysterious stone elf ball: a special elf ball made by the god of order, Zygarde, to seal the erring dream god Cresselia. The way to open the elf ball is the healing bell. Note: This healing ringtone must be released by a human trainer to be effective. 】

"Wanxi, let the lucky egg come out and use the healing ringtone."

Fang Che patted Zhao Wanxi on the shoulder, Zhao Wanxi nodded, and then released the auspicious egg.

Geely Egg looked at his owner in confusion, and then released the healing bell at Zhao Wanxi's signal.

Xu Jue and Xia Li looked at each other and immediately took a step back.

They knew that Fang Che couldn't do anything useless, which meant that the healing bell could really unlock Cresselia's seal?

As the healing bells of the auspicious eggs continued to ring, the elf balls placed on the altar also continued to crack.

Finally, with a soft sound, the elf ball shattered. The fragments did not scatter in all directions, but turned into a ball of sand and disappeared on the altar.

A huge, extremely elegant and beautiful elf appeared in front of the four of them. Even Fang Che couldn't help but be distracted by Cresselia's charm for three seconds.

"Cresselia (no gender)

Level -45 (God)

Attributes-Superpower, God


Properties - Floating

Special ability - Sweet Dreams: The healing effect provided to sleeping elves is increased by 100%

Special ability - God's power: all attributes increased by 4500%

Special ability - Majesty of God: When attacked by non-divine spirits, the damage will be reduced by 45%.

Special ability - Divine Sanction: Attacks non-divine elves, damage increased by 45%

Item - Dream Stone: After wearing it, Cresselia can enter super evolution.

Moves - Psychokinesis, Mental Transfer, Shadow Clone, Crescent Dance, Mysterious Guard, White Mist, Aurora Beam, Future Prediction, Moonlight, Mental Blade, Mental Power, Moon Power, New Moon Prayer (100%)

Special moves - Freezing Wind, Help, Trick, Magic Reflection, Character Swap, Swap Site, Thought Hammer, Teleportation, Freezing Beam, Poison, Solar Flame, Wall of Light, Reflection Bin, Guard, Mysterious Guard, Food Dream, Awakening Power (Dragon), Praying for Rain, Sunny Day, Tying Grass Knot, Charging Beam

Intimacy -100”

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