There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 235 H130 This is called real infiltration! (Additional update 15 for the boss)

Chapter 235 H-130 This is called real infiltration! (Additional update 15 for the boss)

In the silence of Fang Che and Lin Xiaosheng, the luxury car gradually left the green town, and then turned into a small road along the main road.

I don’t know if this car has been modified, but Fang Che didn’t feel any bumps even when walking on a slightly bumpy road, which was very amazing.

After walking along the path for who knows how long, Fang Che and the others stopped on the side of the road. Looking out from the car window, they could see the dense forest on both sides of the road. It seemed that this was a tree-lined path specially opened for the forest rangers. Thinking of the Earthspeed Star, he accidentally broke in and found traces of the Skeleton Group.

After getting out of the car, Lin Xiaosheng put on his sunglasses again. He didn't intend to reveal any information about himself in front of anyone. He even wore white gloves on his hands.

"Next, follow the groups and sneak inside with the map."

Zhao Longhu gave each of the Dixie Star cadres a map. This was a simple topographic map drawn by Dixie Star. Although the lines were single, it made it easy for people to find the base of the Skeleton Regiment.

Fang Che and Lin Xiaosheng glanced at each other, randomly selected a few members of the Shadow Group who liked them, and took them behind them. The other three Earth Evil Star cadres also followed closely into the jungle.

After explaining the mission, Zhao Longhu and Tian Pingxing all disappeared. As "trump cards", they would not take action easily and would only solve some problems that Fang Che and the others could not solve.

For example, an unbeatable opponent.

After entering the forest, Fang Che and Lin Xiaosheng separated directly. They each had their own tasks, so they couldn't stray too far away from their "mission goals."

As the two of them continued to go deeper and followed the route marked on the map, the forest in front of them no longer looked so dense, as if someone had specially arranged the density of planting.

"Is this a psychedelic formation?"

Fang Che was quite shocked. There were experts in the Skeleton Group!

The so-called formation method is not the magical Xuanmen formation described in ancient times or novels, but a technique that uses inconspicuous external factors to interfere with other people's judgment and even their minds.

For example, in a pure white room, you may feel relaxed, but still a little bit unable to let go.

Interrogation rooms are generally gray-black or dark brown. Rare interrogation rooms have a hint of reddish brown, which creates a terrifying atmosphere and creates fear in people's hearts.

For another example, turquoise, light yellow, and sky blue environments can make people relax, while bronze environments can make people unnaturally cautious. These are all elements of forming a "formation".

At present, the people of the Skeleton Group are using trees to form psychedelic formations, which makes people unnaturally lose their way in the forest.

Without a specific marching route, ordinary people would definitely be fooled by this "formation" and stay away from their base.

"Hiss, even super elves may not be proficient in this kind of environmental formation. How did the Earth Speed ​​Star get in?"

Fang Che glanced thoughtfully at the fast-moving Geospeed Star in the forest in the distance. This guy is a bit tricky!

Unless one is very sensitive to the environment and is also proficient in psychology, it will be difficult to see through the layout of the Skeleton Group at a glance. Is the Earthspeed Star a master of astrology?

With a trace of doubt, Fang Che naturally approached the direction of the Earth Speed ​​Star, maintaining a safe but somewhat ambiguous distance.

Earth Speed ​​Star naturally discovered this, but because Fang Che broke into the middle between him and Di Qiao Xing, relatively speaking, he maintained a medium distance, so he didn't think much about it. He just simply thought that Di Gou Xing was probably the same as Di Jun Xing. It's just that the star is not good.

Everyone walked quickly in the forest for an hour, and finally saw a mountain peak through the gaps in the forest, which was the base of the Skeleton Regiment.

"Ready to fight!"

A soft whisper came to the ears of Fang Che and others. This was the voice of Zhao Longhu. He had been following Fang Che invisibly. After all, he was the one who found Fang Che and he was responsible for Fang Che's safety.

Fang Che lowered his head and glanced at the Poké Ball at his waist. If he used the Swamp Monsters and the others, he would have a certain degree of confidence in even pushing the Skeleton Corps' base. But he couldn't use it now, so he could only rely on the Variety Monsters. .

Fortunately, the strength of the Variety Monster is not weaker than that of the Swampert. It is only one step away from the gym level, not to mention that the Variety Monster can also simulate the appearance of Diamond Princess Diancie to fight.

It's a pity that in the Secret Realm of Dreams, the Variety Monster could not imitate the appearance of Darkrai and Cresselia, otherwise Fang Che would have given the Shadow Group and the Skeleton Group a little shock from the mythical beasts.

After sneaking in for a while, everyone came to a mountain wall, which was the entrance of the Skeleton Group.

The entrance gate is hidden in the mountain wall. Without a special code, the mountain wall door cannot be opened.

"Go ahead, Wei Li, use the explosive punch!"

Lin Xiaosheng didn't care about the secret code or not. They came to raid the Skeleton Regiment's base this time. The sneak just now was just to avoid being discovered by the Skeleton Regiment and to seal the base in advance and escape.

Now we have arrived at the gate of the base. If you are given time to escape, where can you run to?

As Lin Xiaosheng released his strange power, all four arms of the strange power were covered with red light, and then it began to infinitely bombard the mountain wall. The terrifying appearance scared the elites of the surrounding shadow group.

Four-handed bursting punches, still in rapid succession!

This strange power of Di Junxing is a bit scary!

Including Fang Che, the other cadres of the Earth Evil Star showed a hint of surprise. The strength displayed by Lin Xiaosheng's strange power made people feel a little dazed.

The base gate of the Skeleton Regiment is quite hard. In fact, the base gate is made of high-purity alloy and rocky mountain walls. Even if the rocks on the mountain wall outside are smashed, it should not pose a threat to the alloy gate.

However, as if Wei Li could see through the "weakness" of the alloy door, four consecutive punches landed on the connection points of the alloy door, causing the alloy door to be scrapped.

Seeing the strange force pulling the alloy door open a gap wide enough for two people, Fang Che immediately released the giant pincer mantis, "Whirlwind Knife!"

Lin Xiaosheng's attack had already made the members of the Skeleton Group realize that something was wrong. They had already formed a guard team at the gate. If they wanted to enter, they had to knock them down first.

As soon as Fang Che's Giant Pincer Mantis appeared, he swung two terrifying wind blades. The whirlwind blades slashed through the bodies of the guards. Both the elves and the trainers had deep wounds visible on their bodies.

With this move, Fang Che was just rushing to hit someone!

In wild battles, "kill" the trainer first!

"Big-billed bird, destroy the dead light!"

Not far from Fang Che, a hint of madness flashed in the eyes of the Earth Speed ​​Star. He released a big-mouthed bird at the peak of the gym. Then the big-mouthed bird seemed to have a grudge against this base, and directly destroyed it with a single blast of destruction and death. The trainers and elves injured by the Giant Pincer Mantis were all enveloped.

The roar sounded and the road opened!



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