There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 237 H132 Hee hee hee! (Additional update 35 for the boss)

Chapter 237 H-132 Hee hee hee! (Additional update 35 for the boss)

The fight in Room 223 has entered a fierce stage. Even in a small room, Bi Diao and Big Beak are fighting fiercely.

Neither Gui Hu nor Hun Shi released other elves. They did not want to expand the battle, and this battlefield did not allow them to free their hands and feet to fight.

"Hun Shi! You bastard, release the Spearow!"

The fox rushed towards the soul master. As an elf hunter, his physical fitness is much stronger than that of ordinary people. This room is not suitable for releasing elves to fight, so the trainer will get started!

I saw the sneaky fox's hand gently touching his waist, and a bright light was directly held in his hand. It turned out to be an eagle claw knife!

For a fox who often lives in the wild, there is no weapon more suitable for him than a sharp eagle claw knife and dagger.

Seeing the sneaky fox rushing up, Hun Shi calmly touched the Spitfire on his shoulder and said, "Blow away!"

The Spearow screamed, it flapped its wings and flew up, and then created a strong storm that blew the Fox back again.

No matter how good the fox's physical fitness is, he can't be a match for the elf's unique skills.

The look in Juihu's eyes when he looked at the Spearow was extremely sad, and even the fighting spirit of the Big-billed Bird who was fighting against Bi Diao was much weaker.

Big-mouthed bird is the original elf of Weihu. Because of his poor family background and because Weihu is arrogant and does not want to be weaker than others, when he becomes an adult, Weihu takes Big-mouthed Bird and becomes an elf hunter.

Relying on the money earned from being an elf hunter, Juihu trained the Big Mouth Bird to the gym level. Then the Big Mouth Bird also fell in love with a wild Big Mouth Bird leader and gave birth to a child, who was taken away by Soul Ten. Spearow eggs.

If it weren't for the really deep relationship between the fox and the bird, how could the fox be "controlled" by the skeleton group just because of an elf.

You must know that he is not a direct member of the alliance. He is an undercover shadow group and luring the shadow group cadres to come here to die is a serious crime. He will be hunted to the ends of the earth.

Now, the Shadow Group has been offended, Spearow has been subdued by Hun Shi, and Shouhu has already thought of dying with Hun Shi.

Hun Shi seemed to have noticed the clue. He sneered and took a few steps back to leave the room. When he walked to the door, he released another armored bird. This time, the already small room became even more crowded.

"Armor Bird, Air Blade!"

As soon as the armored bird appeared, it locked its eyes on the fox, and then slashed through the strong wind with a sharp slash, and slashed at the neck of the fox.

The big-mouthed bird wanted to help the fox resist the sharp air blade, but it was tightly entangled by the bird and had no chance to escape.

The fox's expression was quite solemn. The air blade was cutting through the air too fast, and it was impossible for him to dodge.


A dull sound sounded, and the elf ball on Juihu's waist automatically unfolded. A large elf appeared in front of Juihu. It lowered its head and bent down and used its body to help Juihu block the air blade.

Scorpio King!

Wei Hu actually has a gym-level Scorpio King!

Fang Che looked at the sneaky fox in surprise. Wild Scorpios were not that easy to find, and the sharp teeth evolved by Scorpios were not a secret treasure that could be found everywhere.

It would be great if a trainer who was not from an aristocratic family could train an average-looking Scorpio King. What’s more, this Scorpio King also has poison-healing properties and a poisonous orb, and is over two and a half meters tall, making him a real big guy. .

Seeing Jui Hu take out the Scorpion King, Hun Shi's eyes immediately lit up.

This round of siege is not only targeting the cadres of the Shadow Group, but the elf hunter Wei Hu is also the target of Soul Ten.

"I didn't expect that besides the Shining Spearow, you also gave me a big surprise!"

Hun Shi licked his lips. With such a well-trained Scorpio King, whether he uses it himself or sells it, he will definitely make a profit. This guy Weihu is really his lucky star!

"King Scorpio, earthquake!"

The fox clenched his teeth and gave the earthquake command to the Scorpion King.

You know, they are in the mountains now. Once they use earthquake, the damage will definitely explode, and the structure of the base will definitely change.

When the time comes, accidents such as landslides will definitely happen. Even the cadres of the Shadow Regiment and the Skeleton Regiment who are fighting fiercely outside are restraining themselves from expanding the battle to the point of affecting the terrain.

"Huh, I've been on guard against this move for a long time!" The corner of Hun Shi's mouth raised slightly. He chose the battlefield in the mountain and had already thought about the possibility of the sneaky fox overturning the table, "Owl, telepathy!"

As Soul Ten called out, an owl suddenly appeared beside the fox. It sent the fox rolling all over the ground with a telekinesis. At the same time, it turned its head and controlled the use of earthquake. The Scorpio King.


If the mental strength is not up to standard, you will never be able to react to the stealth and teleportation attack tactics of the super elf.

The Scorpion King is not weak, but he couldn't resist the super-type elf and attacked his trainer. Now it is somewhat unable to keep track of each other.

"Interesting, there was also an owl ambushed?"

Fang Che smacked his lips, this Soul Ten was too cautious, not to mention using the firebird as a shield to hurt his heart, and even ambushed a nighthawk. You know, the bird elves are talking about the control of super powers. Degree, the nighthawk can definitely be ranked in the top five.

Not to mention defeating the Scorpion King, it would at least pose a fatal threat to the Fox. To a certain extent, Owl's choice can be regarded as "holding the emperor to control the princes."

"So, the third party hidden behind the scenes...ah, the fourth party hasn't shown up yet?"

Fang Che touched his chin. It seemed that Jui Hu had no chance of making a comeback. After all, the owl's telepathy hit him directly, and the pain was not something that ordinary people could bear.

In this case, would the person who helped him become invisible really not take action?

Speaking of which, did that person help him become invisible because he wanted to use his hands to get rid of Hun Shi or Gui Hu?

[Hehehe, are you going to take action? 】

Just when Fang Che was still confused, a thought suddenly came into Fang Che's mind. A petite and cute figure appeared in front of Fang Che. It stretched out its small paws to scratch Fang Che, and then motioned to Fang Che. Che looked at Hun Shi.

[Can you help me kill him? I have nothing to repay you. If you help me, I will go with you, okay? 】

When the petite and cute elf looked at Hun Shi, there was a trace of hatred and sadness in his eyes. Fang Che's eyes were widened in disbelief.


Why is Soraya here?'s Zoroa in his green form!



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