There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 240 H135 Sorry, I’m guilty!

Chapter 240 H-135 Sorry, I’m guilty!

Neither Lin Xiaosheng nor Zhao Longhu were surprised at the fact that Fang Che had a quasi-god. After all, with the strength of the Fang Che family, it would be a problem not to prepare a quasi-god for Fang Che with extremely high potential.

However, what surprised Lin Xiaosheng and Zhao Longhu was that the quasi-god held by Fang Che was not the metal monster of the steel type and the super power type, but a fast dragon. And now there is a Bankelas?

In addition, the aura erupted from these two elves is not quite what a new trainer should have.

Is it the elf borrowed from the house?

Looking at the closeness between Kuailong before and now between Bankelas and Fang Che, it doesn't look like it.

Lin Xiaosheng glanced at Fang Che with some confusion. He felt that there seemed to be something wrong with his girlfriend's brother...

"Why, I'm standing here and no one dares to do anything?"

Fang Che glanced at Di Wenxing, and his words were directed at Di Wenxing.

When she came out of the Paradox Secret Realm before, Diwenxing made a sneak attack. She didn't have much "trainer spirit" at that time.

Being watched by Fang Che with calm eyes, Di Wenxing gritted her teeth and said no more. Although Fang Che was refuting the Skeleton Corps cadres, it gave her the illusion that he would riot and kill her at any time.

Is it possible that she had ever offended this newly ascended Earth Dog Star?

"Banjilas, rock crit."

Fang Che snapped his fingers. The strength of the Variety Monster is not as good as the elves of the Four Souls and Nine Souls, but all its moves are aimed at the trainer. In addition, there is also a smile with a trace of pleasure and hatred that slowly disappears. Zoroa, they had to shrink their strength to protect themselves.

This also resulted in them being unable to withstand attacks from others.

Lin Xiaosheng knew that Fang Che's hard power could not be fully exerted, so he did not hesitate to let the strange power rush forward and tear apart the defense line of Soul Four Soul Nine. Di Qiaoxing and Di Wenxing were not to be outdone and let their elves fight against the soul. Si and Hun Jiu attacked.

For a moment, the battlefield seemed quite chaotic, but this chaos only lasted less than thirty seconds, and finally ended the battle with the collapse of four souls and nine souls.

The elves of Soul Four and Soul Nine chose to surrender immediately. They were the elves captured by Soul Four and Soul Nine. Some of them were even captured from other trainers. Their "intimate degree" towards Soul Four and Soul Nine was not high. , so it is impossible for them to risk their own lives for the revenge of Soul Four and Soul Nine.

Seeing so many gyms and even the quasi-king elves choosing to surrender, a strange light flashed in the eyes of Di Wenxing and Di Qiaoxing.

If they can obtain one or two of them, it will greatly improve their strength.

However, before they could take action, a small figure rushed back to Fang Che with all the elves' pokeballs.

Fang Che took a look and found that including Earth Speed ​​Star, Soul Ten, and the elves of the reckless guy he killed before, he now had more than twenty gym-level elves on hand, including the Quasi-King. There are five level elves.

They are the ground type and rock type Rumble Rock, the flying and poison type Cross Bat, the insect type and poison type Alidos, the evil type and poison type Dragon King Scorpion, and the ghost and grass type Deadwood Demon!

"Earth Dog Star!"

Di Wenxing's eyes instantly became fierce, "You robbed our opponent and even want to keep the spoils for yourself?"

Fang Che snorted softly, and he pressed the elf ball to take back the Dragon King Scorpion belonging to Soul Four. The Dragon King Scorpion did not resist at all, because it was not an elf from Soul Four, and now he only hopes to meet a good family in the future. .

After Fang Che collected the elves present one by one, he slowly walked to Di Wenxing.

"So what, it's still the same sentence, I'm standing here, you come to beat me?"

Now that he has become a cadre of the shadow group, Fang Che feels that his behavior must be more arrogant in order to perfectly match his previous image of being aggressive and decisive. Moreover, this can hide his identity so that no one will notice that he is actually the "well-behaved" one in the alliance. , a supernova with "great potential" and "a promising future".

Diwenxing felt his energy and blood surge up. This Digouxing was too doggy!

With the support of Tian Guxing behind her, and the fact that she doesn't want to expose all her strength, is this a strange thing?

Don't give her a chance. If you really give her a chance, even her ashes will be given to Digou Xingyang!

Di Qiaoxing sighed, and she glanced at Di Junxing not far away. Di Junxing Lin Xiaosheng shook his head slightly, which made Di Qiaoxing stunned, and then looked at Fang Che in shock.

Is it possible... Hiss!


The battle in the corridor ended in an anticlimax due to Fang Che's chaos. After all the cadres of the Skeleton Regiment were wiped out, it was naturally impossible for the Skeleton Regiment's soldiers to withstand the attack of the Shadow Regiment's elites, and they all fell down quickly.

Seeing the elites of the Shadow Group greedily taking away the elves of the Skeleton Group members, Fang Che's eyes did not waver at all.

This is the normal state of battle between members of the dark forces, taking away other people's elves to make themselves stronger and able to live a better life.

Why would the Alliance allow disciples from aristocratic families to join the shadow group to "gather wool"?

Because, under the protection of the alliance and under the normal light, the disciples of the aristocratic family cannot understand the hardship and heaviness that the people at the bottom and those who have walked into the darkness have to taste.

Why not eat minced meat? This sentence is harsh, but sometimes it always exists.

Wherever there is light, even if you don't want to look, there are still shadows.

Why can Fang Che easily let the elf kill him?

Not only because he is not afraid that the elf will be infected with the murderous Lord Devourer, but also because he knows that if he doesn't take action today, Lin Che, Zhao Zhi, and Wang Che will take action in the future.

When you step into the darkness, you must be prepared to die at any time.

Although neither Fang Xuan nor Zhao Longhu mentioned it to him, Fang Che knew that it was impossible for all the elites of the alliance who had entered the shadow group over the years to escape unscathed.

Just like Di Qiaoxing, Fang Che doesn't know her true identity, but without Tianweixing, who is Xia Li's aunt, as the backstage, and without Di Junxing to protect her in this operation, she is likely to die on the ground. Under Wenxing's sneak attack.

At that time, what will be recorded by the alliance?

"Hey, everything is solved? Good job!"

Here Fang Che and the others dealt with the various soldiers of the Skeleton Regiment. Inside the base, Zhao Longhu also killed the last opponent. He and Tian Pingxing walked back to the corridor.

Zhao Longhu saw a small bag at Fang Che's feet at a glance. Judging from the appearance of the small bag, it was all filled with pokeballs. However, Di Wenxing's face, standing next to Fang Che, was quite ugly.

In addition, among the people present, he could not see the Earth Speed ​​Star.

Obviously, Fang Che most likely took all the "benefits" and completed the task, which made Zhao Longhu very satisfied. Fang Che did a great job this time on the field.

"Well, where's the Earthspeed Star?"

Libra Star also noticed the disappearance of Earth Speed ​​Star, and he frowned.

Although he had known that there was a problem with the Earth Speed ​​Star for a long time, and had concealed the news of his promotion to the King of Heaven, and planned to take this opportunity to swallow up a stronghold of the Skeleton Group, he did not intend to completely give up on the Earth Speed ​​Star.

After all, a subordinate who can reach the level of a quasi-king at any time is still worth cultivating.

It doesn't matter to Libra Star whether Earth Speed ​​Star is loyal or not, all he wants is Earth Speed ​​Star's combat power.

"The Earth Speed ​​Star and the Skeleton Soul Ten died together."

Fang Che replied very calmly, and then he pointed in the direction of the breeding house. All traces there had been washed away by the waves of the dragon. Even if the balance star passed by, it would be impossible to detect any traces. question.

Libra Star's eyes instantly became fierce. Will Earth Speed ​​Star and Hun Shi die together?

What a joke!

Will people who can enter two dark organizations, the Shadow Group and the Skeleton Group, choose to die together in such a "hot-blooded" way?

It was obvious that someone had intervened and killed them.

However, although Libra Star was very unhappy inside, he did not have an attack because he knew that being able to kill Earth Speed ​​Star and Soul Ten meant that Earth Dog Star had quasi-King-level strength.

At the same time, there was Tian Guxing standing behind Earth Dog Star, which made Libra Star a little afraid. It was not worthwhile to turn against a king-level cadre for the sake of a dead person.

"Phew! I'll give you thirty minutes. What you can find in this base depends on your own luck."

Tian Pingxing snorted coldly, and then he issued an order to everyone in the Shadow Group. After receiving the permission, everyone in the Shadow Group immediately dispersed. Their goal was clear. Nearly 80% of the people ran towards the breeding house. The remaining two Cheng Yan saw that he couldn't keep up with the speed, so he changed direction and went to the logistics position.

They had already tortured the members of the Skeleton Regiment to find out the locations of these important locations.

Di Wenxing, Di Qiaoxing and Lin Xiaosheng also followed the large army, but Fang Che stood still and did not move.

When Tian Pingxing was about to ask why Fang Che didn't act, Fang Che lightly kicked the bag beside him. The sound of the colliding elf balls made Tian Pingxing's face instantly stiffen.

Well, it seems that Fang Che has no passion to compete for those seemingly pitiful resources. He doesn't even want to go to the breeding house. None of the elves in it are what he wants. He can harvest a Zoro from the Xicui area. Ya, this has exceeded Fang Che’s expectations.

At this time, the little guy was twisting the light and sitting on his shoulder, rubbing his face against Fang Che's cheek very affectionately.

"Well done."

Zhao Longhu walked to Fang Che's side. He casually looked through the elf balls that Fang Che had put away. Those five quasi-king-level elves alone were enough for Fang Che to exchange for a lot of resources.

"Boss, can I trouble you with something?"

Fang Che said softly to Zhao Longhu that because of the existence of the Libra Star, he could not call Zhao Longhu his second uncle, so he directly used the title of "boss" instead. This was closer than the chief, and also made the Libra Star more defensive.

Zhao Longhu was not surprised by Fang Che's title. He nodded casually, "Tell me, you can get a lot of contribution points this time. Although it is not enough to exchange for a perfect quality secret treasure, other requirements can still be met. .”

Fang Che sighed, "I want a piece of information about Soul Ten... preferably including what he ate for every meal in the past three years. I want to know everything."

Hearing Fang Che's request, Zhao Longhu was slightly startled. Wasn't Hun Shi already dead? Why would Fang Che still be interested in a dead person?

Although Zhao Longhu was very confused, he still nodded. There is still a lot of surveillance information on the Skeleton Regiment within the Shadow Regiment. Of course, this surveillance information cannot reach the level mentioned by Fang Che, but it can also allow Fang Che to understand what he Want to know something.

There is only one thing he wants to know, and that is how the little guy Soraya was born.

You must know that there are three conditions that need to be met for Soraya to be born. The first is that it must be in the Ceint area, the second is that Soraya must die, and the third is that Soraya must have resentment before he dies. Only in this way can he be born. Its soul returns to coalesce.

Fang Che has already conquered Soraya. Of course, he must know Soraya's past and find a way to untie Soraya's heart. This is the responsibility of a trainer.

The thirty minutes given by Libra Star seemed like a long time, but when it came time to search for the loot, it seemed quite insufficient.

Some shadow group members with little vision took whatever they saw, while the elites with a certain vision just picked and picked, only taking a few elves, and more of them took away some research materials and cultivation resources.

After all, no matter how many elves with low potential are brought, they can't compare to a talented ace. Bringing too many elves will waste the trainer's resources and financial resources. No one with any brains will focus on those who have no future. On the elves.

Lin Xiaosheng worked hard for a long time and only got two elf eggs. Fang Che detected through the power of data that these were the elf eggs of the three royal families in the Galar region, Flame Rabbit and Tear-Eyed Lizard.

It was obvious that Lin Xiaosheng wanted to give Yan Rabbit's elf egg to Charlie.

Charlie has three Yusanjia in her hands, namely the fire-breathing dragon, the fire beast and the blazing roaring tiger. Now with the addition of the flaming rabbit, Charlie's combat power will increase to a higher level.

Fang Che did not see what Di Qiaoxing and Di Wenxing had gained, but looking at the two people's satisfied expressions, it was obvious that they had gotten something that he was satisfied with.

After the thirty minutes were over, all the members of the Shadow Group put down what they had on hand and used bags to collect all the remaining resources, information, and elves in the Skeleton Group base. These were to be brought back to the Shadow Group. base.

Unlike Fang Che, who is going out in the field for the first time, 90% of the people in the shadow group know that secretly intercepting supplies without the permission of the cadres is very likely to be killed by direct trial. No one will Risking death for a few supplies.

After the elites of the Shadow Regiment packed up all the supplies in the Skeleton Regiment, they left the Skeleton Regiment's base leisurely.

After they left, the door to this empty base was still open, and they didn't know when people would discover its secrets.



The update will be temporarily stopped for two reasons.

1: The author of Xiaopujie has been in the industry for three years. Even with full attendance, the number of words typed every day has always been around 12,000. So in three years, he has typed almost 9 million words. His hands are a little overwhelmed, and there are already signs of tenosynovitis. .

I went to see a doctor today. The doctor suggested that I type less and it would be best to rest my hands. So if I need to do more typing, I will probably have to wait until my hands are not tired and it will depend on the situation.

Two: This book was not exposed because the author of the new issue did not update 4,000 copies every day, which ultimately led to poor results. It took three months of stumbling to climb to 5,000 average.

There have been a lot of updates in the past two days, and more than 50 have been ordered. If this continues, I am afraid that even the 500 with perfect attendance will not be able to eat, so I'm sorry to everyone, the matter of adding more updates will be slowly figured out~


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