There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 246 H141 A non-professional way out!

Chapter 246 H-141 A non-professional way out!

Listening to his elder sister's "talking talk", Lu Hui just wanted to thank her.

Whose sister is she? She expects him to lose so much!

Looking at Lu Hui's tearless expression, Gu Ya and Fang Che both laughed and said nothing. They could naturally see that Lu Qiling was giving advice to Lu Hui, but her sister's "tsundere" made her look like It's like scolding Lu Hui.

In the afternoon, both Fang Che and Lu Hui competed at three o'clock, so neither side could cheer for the other, but it didn't matter. After all, this was the regional competition, and they hadn't even reached the regional finals yet.

Unless Fang Che or Lu Hui got out of their minds and used a real baby team to fight, it would be impossible to overturn the situation.

In other words, Lu Hui has a certain chance of overturning, as long as he has a brain attack, but Fang Che will definitely not be able to overturn. After all, he is currently using the "weakest" baby to play the U18 Poké Ball Cup.

Lu Qiling took the three of them to find a very good restaurant. She has a hidden attribute, that is, she is a gourmet.

When Lu Qiling first joined Fang Che's father, every time she won a difficult battle, she would find a restaurant with good reviews to enjoy delicious food. Over time, she became familiar with the many treasure restaurants in Liuli City.

However, what surprised Fang Che even more was that Lu Qiling had such an attribute and could still maintain a perfect S-shaped curve. It was simply outrageous!

Probably Lu Qiling also puts a lot of effort into exercising on weekdays.

I have to admit that I have an old gourmet friend who will never be wronged. It is outrageous that this ordinary small restaurant can make dishes that both Fang Che and Gu Ya feel can score 9 points.

"Boss, where did your chef receive further training?"

Fang Che looked at the boss sitting smoking at the door of the store and asked with some confusion.

The control of the heat and seasonings of this dish is definitely not something that ordinary people can do. There is probably a super elf in charge of cooking in the kitchen.

Hearing Fang Che's question, the boss, who looked a little weathered, smiled, and then he took out an elf ball and waved it.

"My chef used to study at the Imperial City Cooking School."

The boss replied with a smile, which surprised Fang Che and Lu Hui.

The Imperial Cooking School may sound like a low-level pheasant university, but it is indeed a top-notch school that can teach people skills.

On the Elf Planet, not all people want to become powerful trainers who dominate the wild. There are also many people who embark on the path of life trainers due to family or xinxing reasons.

For example, after conquering the grass type, trainers of insect type elves can learn to become flower growers.

For example, trainers who have conquered fighting or rock elves can study civil engineering, trainers who have conquered flying elves can do logistics and express delivery, and some use ice elves to sell cold drinks, and fire elves to sell skewers.

The barbecue stall where Fang Che and Lu went back used fire dinosaurs to grill skewers. At that time, because the business was booming, the fire dinosaurs evolved into "flaming fire dinosaurs".

The boss in front of him was obviously a master of cooking. At least he was among the best in the Imperial City Cooking School. Otherwise, he would not be able to make dishes that would shine.


As if I heard someone discussing it, the kitchen curtain of the small restaurant was opened, and a rather virtuous Gardevoir wearing a scarf came out. It walked up to the boss with a smile, and then stretched out its hand and licked the boss's mouth. The cigarette inside was extinguished.

Well, this Gardevoir must be worried about his boss's physical and mental health.

"Gardevoir? The chef is Gardevoir?"

Gu Ya and Lu Hui were both surprised. They never expected that the chef of this restaurant turned out to be a Gardevoir!

Fang Che was also confused. Although he guessed that the chef of this restaurant would be an elf proficient in super powers, he didn't expect it to be Gardevoir.

No, brother, you have a Gardevoir. Instead of going to the gym to make a name for yourself, is it really appropriate to stay here and be a small shop owner?

"Gardevoir (male)

Level-53 (Gym level)

Attributes-Super, Fairy


Traits - Telepathy

Props - big rhizome

Moves-Scream, telekinesis, mist field, coquettishness, charming voice, healing wave, healing wish, hypnosis, sucking kiss

Special moves - Magic Flame, Black Gaze, One Hundred Thousand Volts, Mental Power, Light Wall, Reflective Wall, Hold, Sleep, Meditation

Intimacy -20”

This is a male gym-level Gardevoir carrying a large rhizome!

Fang Che was stunned when he saw the panel of Gardevoir transmitted back by the power of data. This surprise made him not know how to see the shop owner for a while.

The owner of this store is also a person with a story!

Lu Hui and Gu Ya were very interested in Chef Gardevoir. After all, they couldn't tell Gardevoir's gender.

Unless they are top scholars, ordinary trainers cannot tell the gender of Gardevoir at all. This has also led many trainers to cultivate their own super queens with great expectations, but what they have trained is super fake girls.

Under the curious inquiries of Lu Hui and Gu Ya, the store owner happily told the story between him and Gardevoir.

That was a very fond memory.

The shop owner is a native of Liuli City, but because his family is not wealthy, when he chose the first elf, he chose to go to the Alliance Breeding House to gamble on eggs!

This is the best and most disappointing way for some civilian trainers to change their lives.

Generally speaking, there are basically no quality problems with the elf eggs flowing out from the elf alliance, and the possibility of leakage is also reduced.

Trainers who can gamble a hundred eggs in a year often consider the increase in bets too much, and most trainers can only leave the breeding house with unwillingness.

The shop owner also went betting on eggs when he was seventeen, and he became the lucky one that year.

He bet Larulas from an elf egg priced at 200,000!

You must know that the official price of Larulas cultivated by the alliance is almost one million, which is on the same level as the Yusanjia.

The shop owner was just a kid from an ordinary family. How could he have so much money to buy such a good starting elf, so being able to get a Larulas made him the focus of the year.

Later, with the power of Larulus evolving into Chirulian, the shop owner even reached the finals of the regional competition, but failed in the national competition.

It was precisely because of the battles with various talented monsters in the national competition that the store owner realized that he and Gardevoir might not be qualified to stand at the top.

Although he was a little depressed, the shop owner was an optimistic and cheerful boy, and Chilulian was also led by him to be very cheerful and generous.

Since you can't reach the top as a trainer, let's learn to cook!

The most common directions for super elves besides fighting are delivery, housekeeping, and chefs.

When it comes to express delivery, the store owner is reluctant to let Chirulian do hard work. When it comes to housekeeping, the store owner also thinks that he should not be able to get the qualification certificate. At the same time, he doesn't like to be bossed around.

Therefore, the only path open to him and Kirulian was the chef.

Fortunately, Chirulian seems to be quite talented in cooking. After the shop owner was admitted to the Imperial City Culinary Academy, Chirulian quickly learned to use super powers to control the heat and the use of seasonings. Later, it even became I furthered my studies with teachers from the academy and learned unique techniques such as plate arrangement and carving.

It's not that the shop owner is bragging, even if his Gardevoir goes to a five-star hotel in the Imperial Capital, Gardevoir can be the chef. Gardevoir was even the chef of a three-star hotel in the Imperial Capital before.

However, when he got a little older, the shop owner wanted to go home, so he took Gardevoir back to his hometown of Liuli City and opened a small restaurant. Although he didn't earn as much as before, his life was quite comfortable. happy.

"My kid will be able to become a trainer in two years, and I'm going to apply for a Larulas for him from the alliance."

The shop owner was in a good mood and introduced his family to Fang Che and others. He met his wife in a cooking school and later got married.

His son is studying at the No. 1 High School in the Imperial Capital and is a junior student of Fang Che and Lu Hui. He will get his first elf in two years.

The store owner has accumulated a lot of savings through hard work over the years. At least he can prepare a talented Larulas and related cultivation resources for his son.

If his son's training qualifications are sufficient, he wants to place his youthful dreams on his son.

Listening to the store owner talking about his son's grades in school, Fang Che and Lu Hui couldn't help but chuckle. Their children strive for success. This is the happiest thing about being a parent.

While the store owner was chatting with Fang Che and the others, three boys were walking towards the store together. They were happily discussing the highlights of the U18 Poké Ball Cup.

Because the U18 Poké Ball Cup has started, all trainer academies in Liuli City are on holiday so that students can go to the venue to watch the game closer.

Watching the broadcast on TV is a completely different experience than being there.

"Wang Teng, is your dad really planning to buy you a Larulas? That's great!"

In the three-person team, a young man with mushroom hair looked at Wang Teng who was walking in the middle with envy. His envy made Wang Teng naturally puff up his chest.

The boy with slanted bangs who was walking on the right sighed, "My family is going to ask me to subdue my strength. They say that a house of civil engineering must have the inheritance of a civil engineering family, but I don't want to learn civil engineering!"

Wang Teng stiffened unnaturally when he heard the boy with slanted bangs complain.

Civil engineering...

If he didn't have the talent of a trainer, he would probably follow the path of a chef like his father. In any case, he would be much better than a civil servant!

"Don't worry, Mouse, you will definitely become a powerful fighting trainer."

Wang Teng patted Shi Hao's shoulder and comforted his best friend seriously.

That's all I can say now. I can't persuade Shi Hao to just rush towards Tumu from now on!

Shi Hao stuck out his tongue, "But Brother Teng, if your family prepares La Ruelas for you, your father's Gardevoir will definitely take good care of it. Then you may become the most beautiful one in the school in two years." Boy!"

Unlike fighting elves who need to hone their physique, and water and fire elves who need to accumulate energy in their bodies, super elves often rely on people to guide them or rely on insights to improve.

After all, almost all super-type elves can learn to meditate, and after learning to meditate, the super-type elves' total superpowers will increase very quickly.

At this time, it depends on who can use this power better, and it depends on the person who leads the way.

The guides for ordinary trainers are basically school teachers and parents at home, and except for teachers who have super-type elves, other teachers are really not as helpful as expected to students whose initial elf is a super-type elf. big.

If Wang Teng really tamed a Larulas, then just practicing under the guidance of Chef Gardevoir at his home would be a very valuable wealth of experience.

"We've arrived at my house. Let's eat first. Don't think about being the center of attention. You think I'm senior Fang Che."

Wang Teng was completely noncommittal to Shi Hao's teasing. He knew how much he weighed. He might be considered smart among his peers, but he would never be able to dominate his peers for more than ten years like Fang Che.

Even if he conquered the super elf, his goal was just to break through his father's limit and reach the second round of the national competition.

This goal sounds small, but in fact, as long as it is achieved, Wang Teng will have defeated 99% of his peers, which is already worthy of bragging.

The three of them came to Wang Teng's restaurant talking and laughing, and then they saw Fang Che and Lu Hui chatting happily with Wang Teng's father in the restaurant.

Although there were two beauties, Gu Ya and Lu Qiling, sitting next to them, the first thing the three little ones saw was Fang Che!

"Senior Fang! Senior Lu?"

Wang Teng was confused. They were discussing Fang Che just now, but they didn't expect to see Fang Che alive in his home in a blink of an eye?

Fang Che heard someone calling him and turned around to see three young men with somewhat excited expressions.

The boy with a flat head in the middle looks very similar to the shop owner. It is obvious that he is the shop owner’s son.

"Xiao Teng, do you know these guests?"

The shop owner was also a little confused. His son actually knew these customers who were very close to him?

Wang Teng nodded quickly, and then quickly introduced them to the store owner, "Dad, these two are what I have often told you before, the ace geniuses that our school is proud of."

"This is Senior Fang Che, the grandson of the Alliance Steel King Fang Tianyang, the pride of our Liuli City, and the son of the Liuli Gym Leader. Senior Fang Che also fought against the King of the Sand Bear Alliance before, have you forgotten? "

"Next to Senior Fang Che is our school's ace, Senior Lu Hui. His strength is even stronger than any other among the senior high school students in Liuli City!"

"I didn't expect that two seniors would come to my house for dinner. Can you please sign your names for me?"

Wang Teng instantly took out a small notebook and pen like a star-struck fan, and he handed over the pen and notebook with great anticipation.

Fang Che and Lu Hui looked at each other, and then signed their names for Wang Teng with a smile.



Some people say prices are unreasonable...

First of all, the products produced by the alliance are at least not garbage. Can a giant needle bee that can only live for a few years and be trained to be an elite be the same as a giant needle bee that can only go to the gym?

Then, although there are elves in the wild, they are wild and dangerous, and the secret realms are not accessible to ordinary people, so I think it is normal for the elves to be sold at a high price.

In addition, in the elf world, making money must be much faster than in reality, after all, where is the power of the elf.

Here, people with a monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan are only 5 out of 10,000, but those with a monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan in Elf Star are just average.

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