Chapter 248 H-143 Eat a big melon!

Lu Hui was not polite to Fang Che. Although the Gu family also had a way to get a quota for the Seven Islands, Gu Ya had already "asked" for a quasi-god elf egg from the family. If he asked for more resources, he might attract more people. gossip.

After all, the Gu family is not Gu Ya's father's sole prophecy, and Gu Ya is not yet a trainer. Even if Gu Ya's father wants to favor his daughter, it will not be easy to do.

Fang Che used the alliance communicator to give Lu Hui three places in the secret realm of the Whirlpool Islands. One of them was naturally for Lu Qiling, but Lu Qiling would not go with Lu Hui and the others. This was their brother and sister-in-law's time together. , how could she get involved.

"Oh, that's right. If you go to the secret realm of the Whirlpool Islands, be careful about the overlords inside. There are quasi-kings and even king-level overlords inside."

Fang Che recalled the crystal rock snake and Blizzard King that he had encountered in the whirlpool secret realm before. If Lu Hui and Gu Ya provoked the furious Blizzard King, it would definitely be a very sour feeling.

After all, Lu Hui is just a rookie trainer who has just entered the elite level, and Gu Ya doesn't even have his own elf.

Lu Hui nodded naturally, "Before we go, Xiaoya and I will definitely prepare a strategy. In addition, Xiaoya is not as weak as you think."

Fang Che and Lu Qiling looked at Gu Ya in surprise. Could it be that this little girl has some kind of hidden guardian spirit?

That's not right. Although Gu Ya is a very beloved little princess of the Gu family, she doesn't have a guardian spirit before she becomes a trainer.

Even Fang Che had basically never used the Guardian Elf before he became a trainer and went on a trip and adventure.

The reason is simple, it’s not needed.

Article 99 of the Alliance's rules, which is also the most unshakable rule, prohibits any non-registered trainer from entering the secret realm, and prohibits any non-registered trainer from entering the wild without the company of a trainer.

Even the children of big families dare not violate these two rules. After all, if you violate these two rules, even if you die in the wild, your family will not be able to choose revenge, and even the alliance will only conduct perfunctory investigations. thing.

In this way, if you don't go to the wild or the secret realm, you can still have absolute safety in the city. What's the use of having a guardian spirit?

Even hostile family forces would not dare to attack non-trainers, as that would be punished by the alliance's thunder. Unless their minds were controlled by Sulip, no fool would provoke the alliance.

In the past hundreds of years, there have been less than a hundred cases of non-trainers being attacked by trainers, including some mixed situations in remote areas.

"Xiaoya, call uncle out and have a look."

Lu Hui sat up straight and greeted Gu Ya. Gu Ya nodded after thinking, and then she looked at her shadow.

The next moment, a purple-black figure quietly appeared from the quaint shadow. Its appearance made Fang Che and Lu Qiling's expressions immediately tense.

Gu Ya noticed this and quickly explained, "Sister Xiaoling, Brother Che, and Uncle Geng Gui are protecting me. He will not hurt you."

Yes, the elf that came out of Gu Ya’s shadow is a Gengar!

Moreover, it is a championship-level Gengar!

Happy birthday~

An underage girl is actually accompanied by a champion-level Gengar as a bodyguard. Not even Fang Che is treated like this!

What the hell is going on in this world!

Fang Che looked at Geng Gui, who was standing next to Gu Ya and was smiling, and he swallowed involuntarily.

Even when facing the Boscodora couple, he had never been so nervous. After all, the Boscodora couple were elves in the legendary secret realm and were unlikely to take action against him.

However, the Geng Gui who appeared in front of him now was not familiar with him.


While using the power of data to explore Gengar's data, Fang Che saw a piece of information that stunned him. That was Gengar's only special ability!

"Reversal Messenger: You can use the shadow to open the door to the reverse world and move in hiding. The power of the next attack coming out of the reverse world is increased by 100%."

Wait a minute?

If he read correctly, this special ability is about reversing the world?

That world where Giratina is?

Gengar, has the ability to open a reverse world?

Seeing this, Fang Che suddenly became interested, and this interest even dispelled his "fear" and "dislike" of ghost elves.

At the same time, he also understood why all the elves, including Bo Dangshui, didn't notice Gengar lurking in Gu Ya's shadow, because they were not in this world at all, so how could they notice it.

"Xiaoya, who sent this Gengar to protect you?"

Obviously, this Gengar cannot belong to the old lady of the Gu family, because the old lady of the Gu family is proficient in the grass type, not the ghost type.

In other words, no one in the Gu family is good at cultivating ghost elves.

Hearing Fang Che's question, Gu Ya was a little hesitant. She didn't know whether to say it or not. At this time, Lu Hui put his arm around her shoulders.

"Don't worry, it's okay. Grandma told me that we can find trustworthy companions to help you complete the test."

Lu Hui looked at Gu Ya seriously, "A Che is a companion I can absolutely trust. He will be our greatest help."

After Gu Ya heard what Lu Hui said, she immediately took a deep breath and prepared to tell everything.

However, Fang Che did not intend to listen at this time, because he felt that once he listened, something very troublesome would happen to him.

Good guy, he originally thought that Gu Ya had some big secret that was worth exploring, but now it seems that it is a big burden, and his best friend naturally wants to throw the burden away?

Such a scheme against him would end his friendship!

"No, I don't want to know anymore!"

Fang Che quickly interrupted Gu Ya's words. Although he was happy to help Lu Hui and Gu Ya, he still didn't want to accept the burden.

Moreover, he has a lot of things going on right now, and he can barely count a second as a minute.

Looking at Fang Che's firm expression, Gu Ya hesitated again, but Lu Hui, who was sitting next to her, laughed "evilly".

"Ah Che! It's too late! By the time you became curious about Uncle Geng Gui, it was already too late!"

He stood up, then walked to Geng Gui's side, took Geng Gui's hand and came to Fang Che.

Fang Che and Geng Gui looked at each other, but Geng Gui turned away shyly.

Wait a minute, isn't this Gengar a male? And from what Lu Hui calls him, he should be much older than them. Why is this Gengar so shy?

Could it be possible that this is still a social-phobic Gengar!

Next, with Fang Che's "fear" and "resistance" on his face, Lu Hui talked about Gu Ya's "test".

That was just a few months ago in the summer.

Gu Ya came to Liuli City for a beach vacation, and then encountered danger, and was rescued by Lu Hui.

But there was also a small episode, that is, an elf followed Gu Ya back to the Gu family, and that was this championship-level Gengar!

At first, Gengar was not discovered by anyone. After all, he had the ability to lurk into the reverse world.

It wasn't until Gu Ya and Lu went back to meet Grandma Gu that Grandma Gu saw through that Lu Hui had been favored by God and that Gu Ya had shouldered the mission of the Gu family!

"Wait a minute! Wait a minute! The mission of the Gu family? What is the mission of the Gu family?"

Fang Che felt that he was about to grow a brain. Isn't the Gu family just an ordinary small family? What's their mission?

Lu Hui chuckled. He liked Fang Che's surprised look. You must know that he was also shocked when he knew the true identity and mission of the Gu family!

"The Gu family is a family that came out of the reverse world. The ancestors of the Gu family once entered the reverse world and established the Gu family in it to worship the great god Giratina."

"Later the Gu family came out of the reverse world, they did not forget to continue to worship the great god Giratina. However, the core secrets of the Gu family can only be known by the reclusive elders and the family patriarch. After all, their experiences were too shocking. .”

"Every fifty years, an ancient family member will be selected to become a saint and a saint. With the help of the messenger, he will complete the reversal assessment, enter the ancestral hall established by the ancient family in the reverse world, and make offerings to the great god Giratina. "

"The saint of the previous generation was Grandma Gu, and the saint of this generation is Xiaoya."

Lu Hui raised his chin at Fang Che triumphantly. He could find a holy girl of God as his girlfriend. This was something worthy of showing off in front of his best friends!

Fang Che rubbed his chin, and then he glanced at Lu Hui suspiciously. If Gu Ya was the saint of Giratina, wouldn't Lu Hui be the saint of Lugia?

After all, Emperor Nabo has learned cyclone attacks, which makes people wonder if Emperor Nabo is Lugia's illegitimate son.

"Okay, how can I help you?"

Fang Che sighed. It was impossible for him to stay out of the matter. After all, only the saints and saints, as well as the clan elders and patriarchs could know this kind of secret. He, an outsider, couldn't eat such a big thing in vain.

"Hehehe, it's very simple. We have asked Grandma Gu. The reversal assessment is similar to our alliance's competition, except that you can form a team to participate. As long as you can pass the test, you can enter the reversal world." Lu Hui smiled He touched his head and said, "However, the age of the companions chosen by the Holy Son and Saint Daughter cannot exceed nine years old. This is the limit."

"Anyone who passes the test and enters the reverse world will be blessed by the great god Giratina, and at the end of the day, his life will be extended!"

Seeing Lu Hui's smiling face, Fang Che and Lu Qiling couldn't help but touch their heads.

Prolonging life...this is really desirable.

"Can I tell Wanxi?"

Fang Che thought for a while and asked, if the reversal trial was really that magical, he would do everything possible to bring Zhao Wanxi with him.

Gu Ya nodded and said softly, "Although I have never met Sister Wanxi, Lu Hui mentioned it to me many times and said that Sister Wanxi is a senior who is very trustworthy, so if possible, I also hope to get Sister Wanxi’s help.”

In the reverse world, Gu Ya will not bring his brothers and sisters, because this is the rule of the reverse trial, and members of the same race are not allowed to interfere. Otherwise, with the foundation of a family, they can help Gu Ya pass the test.

And with more help from people outside her own race, her chances of passing would be even higher.

Fang Che smiled slightly, and then he sighed, "Originally, my [schedule] this year and the first half of next year is already very full, but I didn't expect another trial. It seems that even if I go to college, I won't have any leisure time. "

Teachers have always been good at lying.

The primary school teacher said that when you get to junior high school, you will be able to play easily and not be controlled by the teacher everywhere.

The junior high school teacher said that when you get to high school, you will know the beauty of youth and you won’t have to look at the teacher’s face all the time.

The high school teacher said that when you become a trainer, you will know what the bond with the elves is like, and you no longer need to complain that the teacher only allows you to contact the elves in the lesson plan.

When you reach the third year of high school and get the elf, the class teacher and instructor will say that it will be completely relaxed when you go to college. Whether you become a professional explorer or join an alliance, you can have your own choices.

But is it really that free?

This is an involution world. Even if Fang Che stands at the finish line of 99% of his peers as soon as he is born, he still has to work hard.

Eating and waiting to die will only lead to the abandonment of the times, so Fang Che has been "running around" all the time.

Of course, others were not as happy running around as he was. After all, not everyone can see the "progress bar".

If you give, you will gain. This is the greatest motivation that can inspire a person to move forward.

Thanks to Little Penguin Mall for the novice gift package, the power of data is really great!

The leisure time in the afternoon passed quickly. The appearance of Geng Gui initially shocked the elves in the courtyard, and then all the elves started playing with Geng Gui.

Although Lu Hui calls Geng Gui uncle, in fact, this Geng Gui was also the messenger who guided Grandma Gu back then, and his age is probably over 300 years old.

However, Gengar has been living in an inverted world all year round and is not good at talking to others, so he appears to be socially anxious.

But when he was with the elves, Gengar had a lot of fun, and he even taught skills to the elves in a leisurely manner.

It's a pity that except for Lucario who learned the shadow ball, the Giant Claw Mantis who deepened the farmer's three punches, and the metal monster who learned a black gaze move, the other elves couldn't learn any skills.

In the next three days, Fang Che and Lu went through five levels and defeated six generals, and easily entered the regional finals.

The opponents they are about to face are Liuli City's geniuses who are listed as seed players and are expected to break through to the first round of the national competition.

Among them, Lu Hui's opponent is Zhu Kai, who was once swept by Fang Che!

He climbed from the loser group to the championship and runner-up finals of the regional competition step by step. Fang Che went to watch his competition. His messenger bird had already broken through the elite level, but his breath was still a little unstable. It was obvious that he was using What a treasure.

With the power of the messenger bird and the secret treasure, Unmelting Ice, Zhu Kai entered the national competition without any problems.



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