Chapter 254 H-149 Flame Bird!

Fang Che looked at the fifth treasure in the mall. He almost jumped up and hugged the metal monster and kissed it fiercely.

Tyrant Territory, a good name, sounds extremely domineering.

In fact, it is a reskinned elf force field!

In fact, this thing is more terrifying than the elf force field.

The elf force field only weakens the power of elf skills and enhances the trainer's physique, but the Overlord's Territory gave Fang Che the ability to be almost "immortal".

Just imagine, if Fang Che connects the Overlord's territory with the champion-level elves, then as long as the attack is not able to kill the champion-level elves, it will not have any effect on Fang Che. What should he worry about when he breaks into the secret realm in the future? Just head over there!

After decisively winning the Tyrant's Territory, Fang Che chose to merge with himself without hesitation, and immediately connected the Tyrant's Territory with Boss Cordola.

Although the strongest elf in his hand is Bo Dang Shui, the one he can resist the most is Boscodora. It is impossible for non-king-level elves to kill Boscodora, which means that non-king-level elves cannot threaten Fang. Che's life is safe.

The most outrageous thing is that the power of Tyrant Territory is passive. Even Boscodora can be triggered by Fang Che's Poké Ball, so there is no need to worry about enemy sneak attacks.

Boscodora felt a little strange in his sleep, as if there was something more in his heart, but he didn't care, he just smacked his lips and continued to be immersed in the food dream of his mistress.

In the early morning, Fang Che, who had slept soundly, got up to wash up. In the courtyard, Boscodora had already started to show off to Lucario, Swampert and Waves about what he had done last night. Extra ability.

That is, the defense power bound to Fang Che's Overlord Territory.

After hearing that Boscodora could help their master block all attacks, Swamp Monster and Bodang Shui had a hint of "envy" and "cruelty" in their eyes.

What I envy is that they don't have the powerful defense of Boscodora, which can help the trainer block all attacks.

Cruelly, they feel that since the burden on Boss Cordora's shoulders is so heavy, they should train more to improve their defense and vitality. After all, the trainer's life is as important as Boss Cordora's. They are bound together!

Lucario stood aside and sighed, Boscodora's future would be difficult.

Swamp monsters and waves, even giant mantises, flaming horses, and the Genesect who has always been by the trainer's side will definitely come to Boscordora for sparring to help improve its defense.

Although he mourned for Boss Cordora in his heart, Lucario also decided to participate.

As a wave guide hero, it was unable to protect the safety of its trainer by itself, which was a "shame" in Lucario's heart.

This "shame" will turn into the motivation to help Boscodora improve its defense and vitality!


Lucario shouted at Swamp Monster and Waves of Water, and then Swamp Monster and Waves of Water nodded and moved away.

Boss Cordora looked at Lucario, who was making a wave missile attack, in confusion, and then a humanized panic appeared on its face.

It has already guessed the plans of its brothers and sisters!


Boss Cordora roared. It had no intention of fighting Lucario, and rushed towards Fang Che with three leaps in the sky. It wanted to ask its own trainer to make the decision!

If you stay here any longer, something will happen.

Lucario chuckled. Although it couldn't see Boss Cordora's movements, the waveguide could "see" Boss Cordora's movements clearly.

The moment Boss Cordora soared into the sky, Lucario's wave missile had already hit Boss Cordora's ankle.

The next moment, Lucario appeared on Boss Cordora's body, and then it grabbed Boss Cordora's feet and threw Boss Cordora to the training ground on the side of the courtyard!

The courtyard garden cannot withstand their random tossing. It is better to go to the training ground or the battlefield, which can withstand the tossing of the king-level elves.

When Fang Che finished washing up and returned to the courtyard after eating and drinking, he saw Boscodora who was sparring with Bo Dang Shui with a depressed expression on his face.

On the side of Boss Cordora, Lucario and Swampert all had some injuries. It was obvious that they had already fought Boss Cordora just now, but their mental outlook was still quite good. .

Zoroa, Blue Jay, and Metal Monster were holding small flags and cheering continuously. The target of their cheers was Boscodora!


Waves of water sprayed steam towards Boscodora, and Boscodora's expression changed. It suffered too much from this move, and now it has developed an instinctive dodge reaction.

After dodging the water vapor with a deft move, Boscodora did not choose to fight back, but instead waited for Bodang Shui's attack to arrive.

At the same time, Genesect and Black King on both sides of the training ground also launched an attack on Boscodora. Their attacks were not strong and they only played a certain role in harassment and marking.

Pa da~

The Black King's spiritual blade and Genesect's super-tech light cannon all hit Boscodora, and Boscodora sighed helplessly.

"What are you playing at?"

Fang Che looked at Lucario with confusion, and Lucario chuckled and told Fang Che about their "game".

At first, they were envious of Boss Cordola's ability to "block the knife" for Fang Che, so they wanted to play a little trick on Boss Cordola.

However, when Zoroa asked, if Fang Che encounters danger and is attacked, and the damage is transferred to Boss Cordora, will Boss Cordora have a stress reaction.

After all, the sudden injury might frighten Boscado.

It's usually fine, but if it's in a battle, this can be a big problem.

After hearing Zoroa's question, all the elves, including Boscodora, discussed how to deal with this situation.

In the end, they came to the conclusion that Boscodora should adapt to a stable fighting habit under any circumstances, so that even if it encounters interference, it can ensure that there will be no problems in the battle.

Among the elves present, the only ones that could put pressure on Boscodora's "opponent" were Lucario, Swamp Monster, and Bosui.

The Variety Monster can actually be counted as one, but it has always followed Fang Che and is Fang Che's first and most important line of defense. The Overlord's Territory is just Fang Che's bottom line.

Although the levels of Giant Pincer Mantis and Black King are catching up with Boss Cordora, they still cannot pose much threat to Boss Cordora, so they can only assist Boss Cordora in his practice.

Lucario, Swamp Monster, and Bo Dangshui came on stage one after another to conduct special training on Boss Cordora. The injuries on their bodies were caused by off-field factors that interfered with their fight with Boss Cordora, and they subconsciously counterattacked. Left behind by Boscodora.

"You guys really know how to play."

After listening to Lucario's explanation, Fang Che was a little bit dumbfounded, but his heart felt warm.

"Don't worry, Tyrant Territory will only transfer the injuries I received to Boss Cordora, but it will not transfer pain or attribute restraint, so don't worry, it won't do too much to Boss Cordora. What impact did it have?"

If elves similar to blood cows can be obtained in the future, Fang Che will transfer the territory of the Tyrant to the blood cow elves, so there is no need to worry about safety issues.

Lucario and the others breathed a sigh of relief. As Fang Che's strength improved, the secret realms he would explore in the future and the enemies he would deal with would definitely not be weak.

The combat power of Boss Cordora is very important. If Boss Cordora is suddenly disturbed, the situation will be very bad.

"Okay, let's get ready today and go to the Bronze Space to [assess] our recent practice results."

Fang Che patted Lucario's arm. Originally, he planned to let Lucario and the others eat something before heading to the Bronze Secret Realm, but now it seems that Lucario and the others have to recover their physical strength and injuries first. OK.

After Fang Che carefully applied the wound medicine on Lucario and the others, he slowly took out the Bronze Secret Key, which was given to him by the Bronze Bell to enter the Bronze Secret Realm assessment space at any time.

Just when Fang Che was about to take a group of elves to enter the Bronze Secret Realm again, a phone call directly interrupted his plan.

"What? Second uncle is seriously injured? I'll come right away!"

The call was from Zhao Wanxi. Fang Che could swear that he had never seen Zhao Wanxi look so panicked. The voice coming from the phone even had a hint of trembling.

Zhao Wanxi's second uncle, the Tiangang Star cadre who lurked into the shadow group, Tian Guxing Zhao Longhu, was currently lying in the intensive care unit of the Elf Alliance Center in the Imperial Capital.

According to Zhao Wanxi, it seems that Alliance Hospital has issued a critical illness notice!

After hearing the news, Fang Che rushed out of the house with the elf without a second thought. Anyway, he had taken a long leave of absence.

Because he was in a hurry, Fang Che did not choose to take the train, but directly used the authority of the Liuli Gym to catch the fastest plane to the imperial capital.

Soon, Fang Che arrived at the entrance of the Imperial Capital Alliance Hospital, where Zhao Wanxi was already waiting.

"Wanxi, I didn't make it clear on the phone. What happened to my second uncle?"

Looking at Zhao Wanxi with red eyes, Fang Che's heart tightened.

No, something has happened to Zhao Longhu, right?

Fortunately, Zhao Wanxi shook her head and talked about Zhao Longhu's current situation. Zhao Longhu was still safe now. Zhao Longhu was issued a critical illness notice an hour ago, but Mr. Zhao brought a piece of holy water mixed with a grain of holy ash. Zhao Longhu took it, and now his condition has stabilized.

Fang Che also breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, as long as the person is fine.

"However, the second uncle's elves...all are dead except for the fire-breathing dragon."

Zhao Wanxi looked quite lonely. She knew Zhao Longhu and his spirit very well.

Unless there are special circumstances, it is impossible for Zhao Longhu to let his elves take risks. Even the alliance did not expect this situation.

I am afraid that only when Zhao Longhu wakes up can they know what happened to Zhao Longhu.

Fang Che stood silent for a while at the door of the hospital. Even the king-level Zhao Longhu's main force was completely wiped out. What kind of disaster did he encounter?

"Let's go in and take a look first."

Fang Che took Zhao Wanxi's hand and shook it vigorously, and then the two of them entered the hospital.

At this time, Mr. Zhao was standing outside the door of the intensive care unit. Zhao Qiansun, Lan Ying, and a few people whom Fang Che didn't know were also wandering in the corridor.

Zhao Wanxi was not in the mood to introduce the people outside the door to Fang Che at the moment. She just silently pulled Fang Che to a French window.

From this window, you can see Zhao Longhu, who is covered with white cloth and has a ventilator on his face.

Fang Che still couldn't accept it in his heart. Is this really the Zhao Longhu who killed everyone in the Skeleton Regiment's base?

"Take me to see Charizard."

Healing people was something Fang Che wasn't good at. He wanted to learn some information they needed to know through Zhao Longhu's surviving fire-breathing dragon.

Zhao Wanxi nodded, and she took Fang Che to another ward. Charizard was lying on the bed with burns all over his body. Some doctors and nurses were constantly treating Charizard.

Fang Che placed the power of data on the fire-breathing dragon, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

After being digitized, Charizard's state immediately stabilized, and his original injuries no longer worsened. This is the horror of digitization.


After confirming that Charizard would not deteriorate, Fang Che carefully studied Charizard's information, and a piece of information caught Fang Che's attention.

"Holy Burning: Due to the flame attack from the God of Fire, the Flame Bird, you will fall into the Holy Burning state. All attributes will be reduced by 90%. The damage received from fire attribute attacks will be doubled. Duration: permanent."

Holy burning state?

The God of Fire, the Flame Bird?

Fang Che took a breath of cold air, Zhao Longhu, are you going to challenge the divine beast?


Perhaps because his physical condition had stabilized, Charizard moved his body unnaturally, and then he woke up after a burst of pain.

After seeing the doctors and nurses around it, it called weakly a few times, as if calling its owner.

Seeing that Charizard woke up, the doctors at the Alliance Hospital breathed a sigh of relief. At least Charizard's life was saved?

However, it may no longer be able to fight in the future.

Even the doctors at the Imperial Capital Alliance Headquarters Hospital, who were used to seeing strong winds and waves, had never seen such horrific burns.

If they hadn't been entangled with the superpowers of super elves, they wouldn't even be able to get close to the Charizard's body, let alone treat it.

"Let's go back."

Fang Che withdrew his gaze, and then he took out the Shadow Group's internal communicator to investigate the Shadow Group's recent movements.

He wanted to know whether Zhao Longhu came into contact with the Flame Bird deliberately or passively.

In this world, it is an iron law that divine beasts should not be insulted. Countless people have caused disasters by provoking divine beasts. He believes that Zhao Longhu is not the kind of person who does not know the importance of things!



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