There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 273 H168 The pace of progress cannot be stopped!

Chapter 273 H-168 The pace of progress cannot be stopped!

The western region is still relatively far away from Tianjian Mountain, but the three words "Melutan" are an accelerator for Fang Xuan. He took his wife and gave up the pots and pans left in the western region and arrived as quickly as possible. To Tianjian Mountain.

At this time, several small towns at the foot of Tianjian Mountain have been completely sealed off, and all tourists who originally came to Tianjian Mountain have evacuated in an orderly manner under the instructions of the alliance.

Of course, the alliance will not be too tough. After all, the emergence of a secret realm in Tianjian Mountain is a blessing from heaven. It would not be good if ordinary people complained about it.

Therefore, after discussion between Chairman Dongfang and Mr. Zhao Weimin, it was decided that all members of the alliance at the foot of Tianjian Mountain would receive a reissue of 10,000 times the number of badges plus alliance level points, as long as they are talented trainees who have contributed to the alliance. family, then this wave of "hush money" alone is enough for them to not have to worry about cultivating resources for at least a year.

Visitors who are not alliance trainers or non-professional trainers are also given various gifts.

Of course, there is no compensation for non-Eastern Alliance members. This is a treaty jointly formulated by all alliances. No matter which alliance has a secret realm, as long as the attitude is not too tough when expelling other alliance members, there is no need to give any compensation.

After all, the number of secret realms that appear in large alliances is definitely more than that of small alliances. If you have to compensate for every secret realm that appears, even large alliances cannot afford it.

This is especially true for those small leagues. If you disperse the people from the big leagues, how much compensation will you have to pay?

If it’s less, people won’t be happy; if it’s too much, you’ll lose again.

Simply, no one will give it, this is fair.

On the mountainside of Tianjian Mountain, dozens of tents have occupied all the flat areas.

Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi occupied a tent with the largest area and the most gorgeous interior decoration. This was specially arranged by Master Zhao for them.

There was no way, the two of them had discovered the secret realm of Tianjian Mountain. If it hadn't been for Fang Che, it would have taken another fifteen hundred years for the secret realm of Tianjian Mountain to be broken, and it was completely unpredictable what the Eastern Alliance would look like by then.

Therefore, no one has any objection to giving Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi a little privilege.

"You came very quickly!"

In the camp, Fang Tianyang looked at the panting Fang Xuan who appeared in front of him with Su Ya. He snorted for no reason, and then looked longingly at the entrance to the abyss that was blocked in the center of the camp.

Although Mr. Fang Tianyang is only seventy years old, he also really wants to conquer a melutan!

Seeing the old man's angry expression, Fang Xuan knew that his beauty was stable, he chuckled, and then he quickly stepped forward to help Fang Tianyang.

After getting Melutan, Fang Tianyang still needs to contribute to Melutan candy!

Within the alliance, there are only so many Meltan candies that can be produced every year. In the past, they were basically covered by steel trainers. Now, after the Fang and Zhao families have Meltan, they naturally have to pay a certain price in exchange for them. Meltan candy.

It would be best if you could control the manufacturing process and raw materials in your own hands.

However, even Zhao Weimin did not dare to do this. This was against the iron laws of the alliance.

While Fang Tianyang was still thinking with resentment, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi walked out of the tent. Their tents were next to Fang Tianyang's tent, so they could see Fang Xuan following Fang Tianyang at a glance.

"Dad, Mom, are you here?"

Fang Che was also a little confused. He probably didn't call Fang Xuan until late yesterday afternoon. At that time, he seemed to have heard the sound of Fang Xuan eating.

How long had it passed before Fang Xuan and Su Ya appeared in front of them?

Fang Che thought that Fang Xuan needed to hand over the work in the western region before rushing here. This would take three or four days anyway.

However, they haven't arrived for half a day, he and Zhao Wanxi haven't had lunch yet, and Fang Xuan and Su Ya are already here?


Su Ya smiled at Fang Che, and Fang Xuan also stepped forward and patted Fang Che hard on the shoulder. His excited eyes revealed only one thought.

Good boy, you are worthy of me!

"Auntie, uncle."

Zhao Wanxi also called out sweetly. She also called back yesterday. Zhao Qiansun was extremely surprised that she had awakened her superpower, and then he was infinitely proud.

It's a pity that the research at hand has reached a critical juncture, otherwise he would have rushed over as soon as possible.

It is unknown whether there are people with superpowers in the human community today. Those who can resonate with the waveguide hero Lucario are basically just mentally stronger and do not possess waveguides as Fang Che thought. Power.

Zhao Wanxi is definitely the first person with superpowers to be clearly recorded, which can be recorded in history!

As for what Zhao Wanxi said, that she wanted the quota for conquering Meilutan this year, Zhao Qiansun had no objection at all.

Following Fang Che, Zhao Wanxi's strength improved very quickly. Although compared with the enemies or events that Fang Che encountered, it was still a bit lacking, but compared with her peers, especially the group of classmates in the Imperial Capital, Zhao Wanxi's strength was far behind. Far beyond them.

You know, Zhao Wanxi and Fang Che are both new trainers who have only obtained elves for a few months.

It would be good for other new trainers to obtain an elite elf with the support of their families. Even a large and well-off family can only allow their juniors to obtain two to three elite elf at this time.

Zhao Wanxi followed Fang Che through so many secret realms and gained so many adventures. Now Zhao Wanxi has three elite elves in her hands, namely the Demon Fire Red Fox, Nine Tails, and white snow.

Their strength is not just as simple as elite level, especially Bai Xue. Although its strength is not comparable to the Black King, it can still be nearly invincible at the same level. If non-gym level elves want to defeat Bai Xue, whose skills have begun to break through, then It's wishful thinking.

What Mr. Zhao said before about letting Zhao Wanxi keep eight and fight for four was just the lowest expectation in his heart. When Zhao Wanxi stays with Fang Che for a little longer, let alone his peers, even among the younger generation in the entire Eastern Alliance. Among them, only Fang Che can defeat Zhao Wanxi.

Su Ya gently took Zhao Wanxi's hand and walked aside, and then began to whisper something between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Fang Che took Fang Xuan to the edge of the abyss. The only people in the entire camp who could approach the entrance of the abyss were him and Zhao Wanxi.

"Senior Geng Gui, can you hear me?"

Fang Che put his hands to his mouth, and then shouted loudly into the abyss.

When he and Zhao Wanxi came out before, although Geng Gui would give them certificates, they found that there were no extra tokens around them.

It wasn't until the people from the alliance arrived yesterday, and they were thinking about communicating internally at the entrance, that Gengar responded.

It forgot to give Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi tokens, so it could only let Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi confirm the quotas first, and then just notify it directly. Then it would take a certain amount of time to make a token. To Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi.

At the same time, it also wants to put a "curse" on the Meltan clan to prevent them from being forcibly subdued. If not, it will often stay in the secret realm to guard the Meltan clan in the future.

If it only gave Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi two places, it would be impossible for it to go back on its word.

When the number of Meltan clan in the secret realm gradually increases, Gengar may change his mind, but at least not now.

【Listen. 】

Gengar's feeble voice came from the abyss. It looked like it was resting, but was disturbed by Fang Che?

In the secret realm of Tianjian Mountain, Geng Gui is indeed desperate for life. He only expected that after connecting with the outside world, the energy concentration of the secret realm of Tianjian Mountain would increase, and the treasures of heaven and earth and even some talented elves would continue to Appear.

However, it did not expect that this appearance would be a blowout!

From yesterday to now, it has had more than 130 king-level battles, all of which were clashes between the overlords at the level of elven clan leaders in the secret realm, and what they were fighting for was the secret treasure that suddenly appeared in this world.

In the past, Geng Gui inherited the old king's treasure trove, and with his accumulation over hundreds of thousands of years, he had the confidence to let Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi choose the treasures.

But it had only been half a day, and almost one-tenth of the treasures had been added to Gengar's treasure house. Even if the levels of these treasures were high or low, and there were no more than ten perfect-level secret treasures, it was still a difficult task. Imagine the huge harvest!

As for the genius elves that Geng Gui is thinking about, from yesterday to today, more than 17,000 elf eggs have been born in the secret realm. According to Geng Gui's perception, the lowest potential of these elf eggs is what is commonly known as the gym level in the outside world.

Anyone with a racial value of more than 450 is basically a king level.

As for the few quasi-god races, the talents of the newly born Elf Eggs are mostly at the King level, and almost one-third are at the Champion level!

Just these elf eggs, Gengar felt that the outside alliance would take a while to digest them.

Therefore, the fact that Geng Gui, who has been busy until now, can take the time to answer Fang Che is that he attaches the greatest importance to Fang Che.

Gengar already felt very tired when he thought that this scene would continue for another month.

"Senior Geng Gui, the person next to me is my father. I will give him the quota to conquer Melutan this year."

Fang Che wrote a note and threw it down. It was impossible for him to shout out this matter directly.

Although many people in the camp already know that Fang Che has conquered Meltan, they are also gearing up to enter the secret realm of Tianjian Mountain to conquer the phantom beast, but they still don’t know that Gengar has blocked the way for ordinary people to obtain Meltan. possibility.

【knew. 】

Gengar just replied with three simple words, and then fell silent again. It went to deal with the king-level fight again. This time it was for a perfect rock-type secret treasure. The clan leader of Bankilas and Boss But the patriarch of the Dora clan started fighting.

This was already the fifth fight they had fought in the past day, more than they had fought in all the years they had been alive.

After receiving Geng Gui's answer, Fang Che left with satisfaction, and Fang Xuan also looked thoughtfully at the abyss below.

He was thinking about whether to bring some of the old man's collected tea leaves to Geng Gui when he entered the secret realm of Tianjian Mountain in a month. From Fang Che's description, Geng Gui was more like an old man who had lived for hundreds of years, and was more suitable to be regarded as... Treat people.

Fang Tianyang, who was far away in the center of the camp, never expected that his good son was thinking about how to secretly take out his treasures to "bribe" Gengar.

"I don't know if Gengar drinks alcohol. I remember that the old man still has two bottles of Drunken Immortal Brew?"

Zuixiangong, this is the name of a kind of wine, which is said to be a wine that can even intoxicate mythical beasts that rival immortals. Because the brewing process is very cumbersome and the selection of raw materials is extremely demanding, the entire Eastern Alliance can only produce a dozen or so a year. bottle, all digested internally.

As the king of the alliance, Fang Tianyang naturally had some stock of Immortal Brew on hand. Fang Xuan speculated in his heart that if Gengar was really as emotional as a human being, this Immortal Brew would be a good stepping stone.

As for whether the old man would be furious, Fang Xuan didn't think so.

After he advances to the championship level and ascends to the throne of Heavenly King, his quota for Drunken Immortal Brewing will be given to the old man. Anyway, he really doesn't drink alcohol under Su Ya's supervision.

Zhao Qiansun can still drink, especially when he meets two old men having a drink, he can also join in for company, but Fang Xuan cannot, and Su Ya controls this very strictly.

As for why... According to Su Ya's explanation to Fang Che, Fang Xuan's wine was not very good, and she was afraid that Fang Xuan would make a joke if he drank too much.

Anyway, Fang Che has lived for seventeen years, and he still doesn't know what his father looks like when he is drunk. How bad does the wine have to be for Su Ya to prohibit Fang Xuan from drinking a drop of wine?

Fang Xuan returned to the camp with "bad" thoughts. At this time, Su Ya and Zhao Wanxi had already started preparing lunch.

Not only Zhao Wanxi and Fang Che didn't have lunch, Fang Xuan and Su Ya were in a hurry and couldn't eat on the way. On the contrary, Mr. Fang had already eaten, so he didn't keep Su Ya busy. His share.

After a simple but still sumptuous lunch, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi faced Fang Xuan in their tent, and Su Ya recounted their conversation with Gengar in the secret realm of Tianjian Mountain.

Fang Xuan frowned when he learned that his son had a mark engraved by the gods that was difficult to erase and could easily be targeted, but he had no way to solve the matter.

"Then what are you two going to do next? It will be more than twenty days before the secret realm of Tianjian Mountain is fully opened. Are you prepared to stay in Tianjian Mountain forever?"

Su Ya asked curiously. She knew that her son was not a man who could stop. Zhao Wanxi would not stop at Tianjian Mountain if she followed Fang Che. Where were the two little guys going to play next? ?

Fang Che took out a bronze key with a smile. To be honest, there were really many things on him that could be used as "keys".

The ancient gold watch that opened the paradoxical space, the bronze secret key given by the bronze bell, and the ancient royal sword that opened the secret realm of Tianjian Mountain, which was originally useless in Fang Che's opinion!



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