There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 278 H173 On the importance of a good assistant!

Chapter 278 H-173 On the importance of a good support!

At the foot of Tianjian Mountain, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi were shopping leisurely. Although this area had been blocked by the alliance, there were still many people staying, so the market at the foot of Tianjian Mountain was not closed.

Even because of the changes in Tianjian Mountain, the prices of expedition supplies in the market increased by ten percent, which reached the limit stipulated by the alliance.

If it goes up any further, it will no longer be protected by the alliance.

"Why don't you let us in?"

Just when Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi were about to pick some small gifts at the market to take back to appease Su Ya, who was "teaching" Fang Xuan, a noise caught their attention.

The two of them followed the noisy sound and saw that a girl with her hair tied into a towering diamond was questioning the alliance's stationed personnel. Judging from her menacing appearance, it seemed that she had been treated unfairly.

"Hey, it's Sun Rui."

Zhao Wanxi recognized the girl with the sky-high diamond hairstyle at a glance, and then she was confused as to what Sun Rui was doing here.

"you know?"

Fang Che glanced thoughtfully at Sun Rui, who was still arguing with the station staff. Judging from her age, Sun Rui should be about seventeen or eighteen years old, so she was still a high school student?

"She was the last captain of our school's judo club, and we met her several times."

Zhao Wanxi shook her head. As the president of the student union, she naturally had a better understanding of some clubs within the school. Sun Rui and she were just colleagues and not too familiar with each other.

The reason why Sun Rui can be remembered is because the elves that Sun Rui trained after becoming a trainer are so unique.

As a girl with extraordinary fighting talent, she did not cultivate strange powers or fearless boys. Instead, the first elf recovered a Heracross, and then successively recovered the Diamond Rhinoceros, and the Great Armor. Now not I know how her main team is being formed.

"Well, let's go."

Fang Che nodded. He had no intention of taking care of this matter. Currently, Tianjian Mountain is under martial law and not everyone can enter.

However, although they didn't want to care, the sharp-eyed Sun Rui also spotted Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi who were about to turn around and leave.

"President? President Zhao Wanxi!"

Sun Rui started waving to Zhao Wanxi's back. The expressions of the stationed alliance personnel changed. Could it be that the girl in front of her knew Miss Zhao?

Zhao Wanxi turned around with a smile, and then she came to the cordon with a sigh.

"Senior Sister Sun, what's the matter?"

Zhao Wanxi's somewhat blunt address made the alliance personnel on the side breathe a sigh of relief. It seemed that the girl who wanted to break into the secret realm of Tianjian Mountain was not an acquaintance of Miss Zhao.

Sun Rui didn't notice Zhao Wanxi's somewhat resistive address. She asked a little anxiously, "President Zhao Wanxi, can you please help me and let me in?"

Zhao Wanxi shook her head, "Sealing the secret realm of Tianjian Mountain is an official order of the alliance. People who do not meet the conditions are not allowed to enter. Why do you want to come in?"

At this point in time, it is impossible for non-league elite trainers to gain access to Tianjian Mountain.

Even those who are not named by the alliance only have the authority to enter the market near Tianjian Mountain.

Although Sun Rui was the previous leader of the Judo Club of Imperial City No. 1 High School, in real terms, she was not even a member of the management of the Imperial City No. 1 High School Student Union, so she would not have received a letter of recommendation to enter the league while in school.

Even if she goes to college, one year is not enough for her to become an elite member of the league.

"I can't find Ashin."

The corners of Sun Rui's mouth turned down. It was not that she didn't understand the ways of the world. Zhao Wanxi shook her head, which meant that she really couldn't enter Tianjian Mountain.

"Axin? Who is it?"

Zhao Wanxi glanced at Sun Rui confusedly. This senior didn't think she could know everyone in the school!

Moreover, this Ashin might be someone Sun Rui only met after she went to college. Where did she meet him?

"Hey, president, don't you remember? The captain of our school's football team last year, Gong Xin."

Sun Rui blinked, and Zhao Wanxi also remembered that there was indeed such a number one person, but didn't that guy quit the football team at the beginning of his senior year, and then took his original elf to explore various secret realms? ?

Throughout his senior year of high school, Gong Xin came to school very rarely, which was somewhat similar to Fang Che.

"What does your failure to find Senior Gong Xin have to do with your desire to enter Tianjian Mountain?"

Zhao Wanxi still doesn't understand. She doesn't understand why Sun Rui keeps struggling to enter Tianjian Mountain. Is it possible that Gong Xin is qualified to enter Tianjian Mountain?

Sun Rui struggled for a long time and finally expressed her guess.

It turned out that after the college entrance examination last year, Sun Rui and Gong Xin both went to the Imperial Elf Academy, and they were considered seniors of Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi.

After entering the Imperial City Elf Academy, Gong Xin still wanted to explore secret realms, especially those unknown secret realms. This was his favorite thing, but Sun Rui, who had a stable nature, advised Gong Xin to stay in school and study first. , wait until they graduate before venturing into those dangerous places. In the end, the two of them temporarily separated due to differences in their ideals.

Later, Sun Rui often couldn't find Gong Xin, so she began to pay attention to whether there was any special secret realm in the alliance. She had no news about Gong Xin in the past half month. When something happened in Tianjian Mountain, she thought that Gong Xin would In the secret realm of Tianjian Mountain.

After realizing the whole story, Zhao Wanxi shook her head helplessly, "Senior, the secret realm of Tianjian Mountain has not yet been opened, and I have not seen Senior Gong Xin among the people who have entered Tianjian Mountain. Do you want to Try not to contact him again?"

After saying that, Zhao Wanxi turned around and walked in the direction of Fang Che. She did not tell Sun Rui to let him enter Tianjian Mountain.

Back to Fang Che, Zhao Wanxi told the story. Fang Che was quite curious about the relationship between Sun Rui and Gong Xin.

Zhao Wanxi shook her head. Although she was the president of the student union before, she was not concerned with the emotional problems of the students in the school, so she did not know any gossip.

"Hehe, little beauty, little handsome guy, if you want to know first-hand information, how about you prepare to take us to fly this chip!"

Suddenly, a figure jumped on Zhao Wanxi's back, and she rubbed Zhao Wanxi's cheek hard, which made Zhao Wanxi quite helpless.

Fang Che looked at Dongfang Xue and Ye Mao who appeared behind them with some surprise. Did these two people come so soon?

The secret realm of Tianjian Mountain will only open in about three weeks. Did the two of them come so early to check out the spots?

Ye Mao stretched out his hand to Fang Che, with a warm smile on his face, "Long time no see, you guys have made big news again."

"Wrong, we didn't make the big news, it was the big news that found us."

Fang Che shook hands with Ye Mao. They had formed a good friendship on Xu Jue's birthday. Although it was not a heart-to-heart relationship, there was nothing wrong with them talking over wine.

On the other side, Dongfang Xue had a whisper with Zhao Wanxi.

"Sister Xue, do you know Gong Xin and Sun Rui?"

Fang Che raised his eyebrows at Dongfang Xue, even if you are a woman, you can't occupy his people!

Dongfang Xue obviously noticed Fang Che's eyes. She buried her head in Zhao Wanxi's neck, and then bared her teeth at Fang Che in a provocative manner.

The relationship between the girls progressed very quickly. The previous adventure at Xu Jue's birthday party, coupled with her previous acquaintance with Zhao Wanxi, made the relationship between the two parties progress incredibly fast.

"I remember that Gong Xin's initial elf was Yan Rabbit, right? That is his current main ace, Flaming Ace."

Ye Mao gently brushed his hair, looked at Dongfang Xue and asked.

Dongfang Xue nodded, "Were you just talking about the relationship between Sun Rui and Gong Xin? Let me tell you, there is a big deal here!"

When Dongfang Xue mentioned Dagua, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi immediately became interested. No matter who they were, they would become interested when they heard gossip.

Ye Mao chuckled and pointed to the coffee shop not far away, "If you want to chat, let's go to the coffee shop first."

The four of them entered the coffee shop one after another. Because it was almost ten o'clock in the morning, there were not many customers in the coffee shop yet. Only the table at the end of the shop seemed to be occupied.

Fang Che and the other two chose a table near the window and sat down, and then Dongfang Xue began to tell about the big melon she knew.

"As far as I know, Sun Rui and Gong Xin grew up together and are considered childhood sweethearts."

Dongfang Xue was the first to throw a bomb. Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi thought that Sun Rui and Gong Xin were just lovers, but they didn't expect that they were childhood sweethearts like Dongfang Xue and Ye Mao.

"It's just that Sun Rui is usually very angry and has a little bad temper. In addition, Gong Xin often goes out to take risks and leaves Sun Rui alone, so there are often quarrels between Sun Rui and Gong Xin."

Dongfang Xue continued to tell, "If you ask me, Gong Xin and Sun Rui are completely incompatible. One is a girl who has a strong personality but is content with her duties, and the other is a boy who longs for adventure and the unknown. If they hadn't grown up together, It’s so big that we can’t get together at all.”

Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi looked at each other and nodded. Fang Che was also an adventure-loving adventurer. He wanted to visit almost every secret place. After all, he came to this world where elves and humans coexisted. He would not go to the secret places. Wouldn't it be a waste of time to explore it?

Although Zhao Wanxi is not very interested in exploring the secret realm, if she follows Fang Che, she will look forward to it and will do all the necessary logistics.

For an adventurous boy like Gong Xin, the most suitable girl for him is a nurturing girl who is good at logistics and also loves adventure. This is why every year, a bunch of freshmen break up quickly after entering college.

How can we fall in love if we have different personalities and different paths?

I have to find a father for myself and a mother to take care of me. Isn’t it tiring?

"However, because Sun Rui has a strong personality and she and Gong Xin are childhood sweethearts, the girls in the training department can only stay away even if they want to pursue Gong Xin."

Ye Mao shrugged. When he mentioned this, he felt a little emotional.

As an extremely adventurous trainer, it turned out that all the breeding girls who were suitable for him were blocked, which made people feel quite uncomfortable.

Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi looked at each other again, their minds filled with questions. Is this pair's relationship style not quite right from time to time?

Dongfang Xue fiddled with the spoon in the coffee cup in front of her with a smile, "I heard that Gong Xin just wanted to avoid Sun Rui, so he didn't go back to school or reply to messages. After all, which boy can accept that his love is being fucked by others? Cut it off."

Listening to Dongfang Xue's unabashed words, Fang Che and Ye Mao couldn't help but sit upright.

Fortunately, both of them are good men who are not afraid of slanted shadows. There is absolutely no love to pursue, but there is no need to worry too much about the two ladies taking advantage of the situation.

"Hey, if even my partner doesn't support me, Senior Gong Xin will feel tired even if he takes risks."

Zhao Wanxi sighed. Although she was not familiar with Gong Xin, she knew how much a person with a similar personality could help her improve.

Take her as an example. Six months ago, you told her that she would give up all her responsibilities in school for a boy, and even go to other places many times just to cheer for him at the competition venue. She would never dare to think about this. think.

Taking Fang Che as an example again, since he was a child, he has experienced so many "show of love" tests that he can't even count them. His outstanding appearance, prominent family, and erudite talents all attract girls of the same age. , but Fang Che never showed the slightest affection towards any girl.

Even Lu Hui had to admit that Fang Che was just a steel bar, and he didn't know what kind of girl could bend this steel bar into her appearance.

"So, this time, Senior Sister Sun Rui guessed wrongly and came to Tianjian Mountain."

Fang Che dragged his head with his hands, with a hint of regret in his expression.

Although Dongfang Xue was telling things from Gong Xin's point of view, Fang Che could still understand Sun Rui. Her childhood sweetheart had been leaving her to take risks after becoming a trainer. She was afraid that she would lose Gong Xin at any time. I feel a sense of panic.

However, if you get along, you get along, if you don't get along, you don't get along. Things like feelings are not a puzzle that can be solved by formulas.


"President, don't attach the word "mate" to others easily."

A gentle and confident voice sounded in the coffee shop, and Fang Che and the others immediately looked at the dining table at the far end of the shop, which was the only place where there were customers.

Under the gazes of Fang Che and the others, a young man who looked very sunny and cheerful stood up and walked towards Fang Che's dining table.

"Senior Gong Xin? Are you really in Tianjian Mountain?"

Zhao Wanxi was a little surprised. Why did Gong Xin appear in Tianjian Mountain? Is he already an elite member of the direct line of the alliance?


Fang Che looked at the table at the end of the cafe. After Gong Xin left, the other customer who was originally blocked by him also revealed his true appearance.

It was a girl with brown hair like Zhao Wanxi, but compared to Zhao Wanxi, her hair was naturally curly and short, but this highlighted her fair skin and her completely unconcealed coldness. temperament!



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