There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 283 H178 I’m jealous, find it yourself!

Chapter 283 H-178 I’m jealous, find it yourself!

The upgraded data power is not very effective.

Fang Che sighed deeply at this, but he was not too disappointed. After all, he had an extra special ability. Now he could help the Giant Pincer Mantis take off, and he might also be able to help Lucario and the others in the future. Upgrade their properties.

"Speaking of which, if the characteristics of the Leave King can be upgraded, will he be super lazy, or will he become hardworking?"

Fang Che rubbed his chin and began to think deeply.

Any boy, when he was a child, would have dreamed of killing all his opponents with a Hercules or an Accelerated Leave King, but the fact is that even using skills such as characteristic swapping, the Leave King cannot explode with power beyond its own limits.

The power of the King of Leave is very powerful, even on the panel, it can rival the legendary elves, but its foundation is ultimately insufficient to fully utilize this power.

Only by relying on continuous accumulation in daily life can the power be exploded in a short period of time.

If it is a long-term and high-intensity battle, the King of Leave will not be able to survive it.

Therefore, even if the King of Leave is very strong, it can only be used as a short-term trump card, rather than a trump card that can be used at any time.

In the past, Fang Che also thought about cultivating a Leave King, but after actually coming into contact with the Lazy Man and the Leave King, he gave up this idea completely.

Their laziness is not laziness of will, but the body's instinct to rest and accumulate strength.

If this process is forcibly broken, it will be fatal to the leave-seeking king and the lazy man.

However, with the power of upgraded data, one can imagine how powerful a non-lazy Leave King would be.

Of course, Fang Che has no obsession with the King of Leave now. Which of his Lucario, Swamp Monster, Boss Cordora, and Bodang Shui is not better than the King of Leave?

"Ache, breakfast is ready."

Zhao Wanxi came over with a dinner plate, and she woke up Fang Che, who was still in deep thought.

Fang Che turned around and smiled, then washed his hands and came to the dining table.

After a simple breakfast, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi began to take their elves out for a walk.

Fang Che released the metal monster, and Zhao Wanxi released the mini dragon.

"By the way, Wanxi, this thing is very suitable for mini dragons. I forgot about it before."

Fang Che looked at the mini dragon wrapped around Zhao Wanxi's neck. He pretended to suddenly remember and took out the pink scarf from the twenty-four bridge under the moonlit night.

Zhao Wanxi's eyes lit up when she looked at the pink scarf in Fang Che's hand. This scarf looked very suitable for a mini dragon.

However, when holding the pink scarf in her hand, Zhao Wanxi suddenly exclaimed in confusion, "Eh? Is this a perfect secret treasure?"

She is a high-level cultivator, so she can naturally identify the level of the secret treasure.

I thought Fang Che was just giving a gift to the mini dragon, but he didn't expect that this move would be a perfect secret treasure?

"Ache, let's keep this for Zoroa."

Zhao Wanxi gave Fang Che another pink scarf. The perfect secret treasure was also very precious to them.

Compared to her, Zhao Wanxi felt that Fang Che's improvement in strength was more important.

Fang Che smiled slightly. He reached out and touched the mini dragon's horns. The mini dragon's smiling eyes narrowed.

"This pink scarf is the best for the mini dragon. If Zoroa comes, I will prepare other gifts for it."

Zoroa seems to have not gotten rid of the inner demon yet. It still resists fighting and improving its strength, and Fang Che does not force it.

Anyway, Soraya's talent for illusions is outstanding. Even if his strength does not improve, he can still help Fang Che a lot just by relying on illusions.

After tying the pink scarf around the mini-dragon's neck, the mini-dragon felt himself shaken, and then it was enveloped in light again.

Shedding begins again!

Zhao Wanxi didn't know what to say. She often wanted to complain about Fang Che's elves being illegal. The biggest feature was that it didn't take time to digest the secret treasures.

Unexpectedly, today's complaint would actually fall on her own elf.

Baby, it hasn't been three seconds since I put this scarf on you. Why did you suddenly evolve?

Yes, the light this time is not that the mini dragon is about to shed its skin, but that it has evolved directly!

Fang Che also didn't expect that the mini-dragon would evolve after just absorbing a perfect level secret treasure. You must know that in the first half month, although Zhao Wanxi would take the mini-dragon everywhere to challenge those alliance elites, but the likes The experience value is actually not that much.

After all, the original level of the mini dragon was too low, and the speed of gaining experience points was also very slow. It only took half a month to reach level 23.

It shed its skin once in the process.

According to Zhao Wanxi's prediction, before the end of this year, the mini dragon should be able to shed its skin again, and then reach the peak of the growth level, and can sprint to the elite level at any time.

Unexpectedly, her prediction was completely shattered less than half a month after it was issued.

If the mini dragon evolves into a hack dragon, it must have elite level strength!

The light of evolution attracted the attention of many people. When the surrounding alliance elites saw that Zhao Wanxi's mini dragon was evolving, they also fell into deep thought.

They were not thinking about how to snatch the mini dragon, they were thinking whether Miss Zhao was playing them a few days ago!

How could the mini dragon's strength be upgraded to elite level in just half a month?

The light of evolution did not last long. After just thirty seconds, the mini dragon that was originally the same as Little Bean evolved into the slender Hack Dragon.

There is also a red silk scarf tied around Hackron's neck. It is obvious that this is the remaining power of the pink scarf.

Fang Che also took Ha Kelong's information into control immediately.

"Hakron (Flash) (female)

Level·31 (Elite)



Traits: Molt, magical scales

Special ability·Call the wind: The power of storm skills is increased by 100%

Special ability·Call Rain: In the rainy weather state, the power of water skills is increased by an additional 100%. The strength is not one level higher than the mini dragon, and the rainy state summoned by the mini dragon cannot be dispelled.

Special ability·Scale shaping: It cannot evolve into its final form, but it can shed its skin multiple times. Each time it sheds its skin, its overall racial value increases by 5%.

Special ability: Lugia's Gaze: Cyclone attack power increased by 20%


Moves·Electromagnetic wave, tornado, dragon tail, dragon's wrath, ultrasonic wave, black mist, dragon type, divine speed, dragon dance, high-speed movement, water tail, divine speed, water jet, iron tail, cyclone attack

Special moves·Dragon Wave, Dragon Dive, Water Jet, Sunny Day, Pray for Rain, Reverse Scale, Meteor Swarm, Flame Jet, Surf, Freeze Ray, Destruction Death Ray, One Hundred Thousand Volts, Thunder, Poison, Shadow Clone , wall of light, dragon breath

Intimacy · 105”

In addition to calling wind, summoning rain, and finalizing its scales at the beginning, Hackron also inspired the power of Lugia's blessing under the guidance of the pink scarf. This time it gained Lugia's exclusive skill, cyclone attack.

Well, Fang Che is no stranger to this exclusive skill.

After all, Lu Hui's Emperor Nabo also knows this skill, and even plays it very smoothly.

However, in the future, the power of Hackron's cyclone attack will definitely be much greater than that of Emperor Nabo. After all, Hackron not only has the special ability of Lugia's Gaze, but also has Breathing Wind, which can enhance the power of storm-type skills. special power.

In the past, the Mini Dragon Club's only skill that could be amplified by this special ability was tornado, which was quite a waste. Now that there is an additional cyclone attack, Hackron has another way to defeat enemies.


Zhao Wanxi called Ha Kelong softly, her hands touched Ha Kelong's body, and Ha Kelong also put his head in front of Zhao Wanxi and gently kissed Zhao Wanxi.

Although it has only been Zhao Wanxi's elf for half a month, Hackron already recognizes Zhao Wanxi quite a lot. Apart from its mother, the person closest to Hackron is Zhao Wanxi.

According to Fang Che's estimation, the intimacy between Ha Kelong and Zhao Wanxi is at least 150 years old.

"Keep walking."

Fang Che also stepped forward and petted the Harker Dragon. Although the Harker Dragon was now very big, with a body length of over four meters, in fact it was still a baby, and it could still molt multiple times.

In the end, how big Harkerosaurus will grow depends on Zhao Wanxi's subsequent training.

After evolution, the Hackosaurus is obviously more mobile than before. Because it has acquired the ability to fly, it will fly from Zhao Wanxi's side into the blue sky from time to time and soar freely. This beautiful figure can see many people in the camp. The trainer's mouth is watering with envy.

In a corner of the camp, Dongfang Xue and Ye Mao were playing chess. The two raised their heads and saw the Hackron flying in the sky, and then couldn't help but sigh.

"It's true that Wanxi becomes unreasonable when she is around unreasonable people."

Dongfang Xue threw the chess piece on the chessboard angrily. Ye Mao looked at Dongfang Xue with a doting smile as he "ruined" the situation that he was about to siege. Then he placed the chess piece in a suicide position. .

"Since we know it's unreasonable, we don't need to use common sense to judge."

Ye Mao put down the chess pieces, then raised his head and looked at the Hackron in the sky, "Although they are dazzling rising suns, we are not bad either. After all, we are also part of the bright stars."

Dongfang Xue lay down on the chessboard. She directly messed up the chessboard, and then said with a proud smile, "I really envy Wanxi..."

What do you envy her for?

I am afraid that only Dongfang Xue knows the meaning of this.


"You are too high-profile!"

At noon, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi, who were returning from a walk, were pulled aside by Fang Xuan and scolded, "You know that the mini dragon just fought with the elites of the alliance a while ago, so you let it evolve today?"

Fang Xuan took a deep breath, suppressed the surprise in his heart, and then persuaded Fang Che earnestly, "A tree as beautiful as the forest wind will destroy it. Although we are not afraid of the evil wind, we still have to understand after all. Hidden benefits."

Should the evolution of the mini dragon be celebrated?

Of course it should be done, but it shouldn't be done in such a big way that everyone knows about it.

Now, many people have begun to wonder what method Zhao Wanxi used to allow the mini dragon to complete its evolution from growth level to elite level in one day.

Listening to Fang Xuan's nagging, Fang Che felt his head was a little big.

How could he have imagined that Harkeron would be so playful, just like the runaway Erha.

Zhao Wanxi stood aside and accepted the instruction humbly. She also knew that it was not appropriate for them to make any big news when the secret realm of Tianjian Mountain was about to be opened.

"Those people want to know why the mini dragon evolved? Tell them simply and straightforwardly, I used a perfect secret treasure for the mini dragon, given by the first-level god. They felt envious, so they went to find the [Inheritance] left by the first-level god. Bar."

Fang Che pouted. He didn't think the evolution of the mini dragon was big news at all.

It only took him half a year to grow from a rookie trainer to a level that could crush gym-level trainers. Should he always pay attention to the envy and jealousy of others?

With the power of data in hand, Fang Che can completely create an upgrade record that is unprecedented and unprecedented. In the process of recording, he only needs to accept the praise and awe of others. He does not need those rumors, those overt and covert fights. consider.

"A blessing from a first-level god?"

Fang Xuan was immediately choked by Fang Che. If this thing could be found easily, wouldn't the world be in chaos?

Zhao Wanxi also looked at Fang Che with some surprise. She only knew that the pink scarf was very precious, but she really didn't expect that it was made by a first-level god!

Which first-level god is so stylish that he would bless him with a pink headscarf?

Zhao Wanxi, who had a bright mind, had no idea that Fang Che was lying. After all, in her heart, Fang Che was so mysterious and so almighty.

He casually took out a treasure and said it was given by a first-level god, so it was given by a first-level god.

If it were anyone else, she wouldn't have believed it, but she believed what Fang Che said!

Fang Xuan and Su Ya also had the same idea as her. They only knew their son until he conquered Riolu at the age of seventeen.

Ever since Fang Che became a trainer, the two of them couldn't see through their son at all.

They don't even know when their son got involved in so many mythical beast legends, and even now Fang Che still carries the "expectations" of a first-level god!

"Hey, I knew you would say this."

Fang Xuan sighed. Fang Che's "reason" was sound and well-founded. Most people would be convinced once he told it, but this reason made people even more jealous after he told it.

Miracles that other people may not be able to come into contact with in their lifetime, Fang Che has come into contact with again and again, and even first-level gods that even the president of the alliance may not be able to come into contact with, Fang Che can easily take out their divine gifts.

If Zhao Weimin and Fang Tianyang hadn't been on top, and if Fang Che hadn't been very strong now, someone might have come to find out the real secret behind him.

It is precisely because of knowing this that Fang Che dares to confidently take out the secret treasures that outsiders think can definitely be used as family heirlooms, and he does not even want to make up a better reason!

In a word, given by the mythical beast, I am envious, I want to go!



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