There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 287 H182 The ancient city of Tegula!

Chapter 287 H-182 The ancient city of Tegula!

A slightly dim seven-colored light enveloped Fang Che and the others as they entered the Tianjian Mountain Secret Realm. In the envelope of light, they quickly passed through many areas of the Tianjian Mountain Secret Realm.

In the sky, they could see the habitats of many elves.

There are the more common bird elves, the eagle group, the toucan group, the king swallow group, and the relatively rare owl group. There are also forests where the rare elves Swamp King and various water elves live.

Looking into the distance, there are deserts with rising dust, endless grasslands, and the rugged next door in troubled times...

The secret realm of Tianjian Mountain is like a shrunken world, with all five internal organs.


Under the guidance of the colorful light, Fang Che and his group of six came directly to a dilapidated ancient city.

When the light in front of them dissipated, what appeared in front of them was a huge city wall covered with moss and with signs of damage everywhere.

"Is this the royal capital of the ancient kingdom hidden in the secret realm of Tianjian Mountain?"

The eyes of Dongfang Xue and Ye Mao were full of expectation. Like Gong Xin, they were adventure lovers, but they were not as enthusiastic as Gong Xin.

However, now, in front of them, there is an entire mysterious ancient kingdom with kings waiting for them to explore, which is quite exciting.

"Let's discuss whether we should act together or act separately?"

Fang Che raised his hand to attract everyone's attention to him. Because this secret realm was managed by Gengar, he was not worried that they would encounter danger and fail. At most, he was worried about whether they could obtain gains several times beyond his imagination. .

After hearing Fang Che's words, except for Zhao Wanxi who stood directly beside Fang Che, the others began to think deeply.

"We took advantage of you, Ah Che, and were sent directly to the royal capital by Uncle Geng Gui. We should spread out the rest of our exploration."

After about half a minute, Gong Xin was the first to speak.

He knew that if he followed Fang Che, he might gain more than he imagined, but this was not in line with his style of adventure.

Lin Yuanai nodded beside Gong Xin, "I need to collect some information. If we act together, it may slow down everyone's progress."

She entered the secret realm on behalf of Zhao Qiansun, so she needed to help Zhao Qiansun collect relevant information in the secret realm to complete the alliance's record of the Tianjian Mountain secret realm.

"Let's separate too, so that we can no longer be light bulbs for you young couple."

Dongfang Xue also blinked at Zhao Wanxi, "Judging from the appearance, we can't fully explore this royal capital in half a month. Didn't Uncle Geng Gui say that he has prepared several copies?" The small treasure is placed near the royal capital, so it won’t be convenient to find the treasure if we move together.”

Although there is great power in numbers, too many people will also cause some energy and concentration to be wasted.

If Gengar buries treasures in various places, it will be difficult for them to find all the treasures working together.

Fang Che nodded, "In that case, let's separate at the city gate. Wanxi and I will go directly to the imperial city to have a look. What about you?"

For Fang Che, some historical information hidden in the royal capital is what he wants to know most.

Why did the kingdom fall back then?

Geng Gui just talked about a meteorite falling from the sky, but even Geng Gui didn't know where the meteorite came from.

Fang Che knew only one event about meteorites falling from the sky, and that was the meteorite shower left behind after the asteroid hit the planet and Arceus destroyed the asteroid.

If the collapse of this ancient kingdom was really related to Arceus, then why did Arceus move the ruins of this kingdom to the Elven Star?

There are so many secrets in this world and other worlds that even if Fang Che opens his mind, he can't connect some trivial information together.

Perhaps, only when he saw Arceus that day could he know what happened.

"The Imperial City, it is indeed a good place, but generally no elves will live in the Imperial City, right?"

Dongfang Xue tapped her lips with her finger, and she looked at the sky and began to think.

"Xiaoxue and I will go to Beicheng to have a look. Early this morning, I asked an amateur fortune teller to do the calculations. Today Xiaoxue and I will be lucky in the north."

Ye Mao rubbed Dongfang Xue's hair and softly expressed his thoughts.

He didn't lie to Fang Che. When he was jogging this morning, he happened to meet an alliance investigator who liked to tell people's fortunes.

After some exchanges, the investigator decided on a whim to tell Ye Mao's fortune, and then figured out that he and Dongfang Xue would be in the north of Italy today.

Originally Ye Mao and Dongfang Xue were planning to go to the north of Tianjian Mountain to have a look, but now it seems that their luck will be used in the royal capital.

"Let me accompany Xiao Ai around the royal city first. There should be more elves nearby than inside the royal city."

Gong Xin also waved, and Lin Yuanai stood beside him without responding, but a smile appeared in her eyes.

Zhao Wanxi sighed softly. She was still thinking that it would be more lively if everyone explored together.

"Now that you've all decided, I'll see you at the station in fifteen days."

Fang Che snapped his fingers, and the metal monster appeared next to him, and then the metal monster used telekinesis to fly into the sky with Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi.

The city wall was very high, and although there were gates to walk through, Fang Che decided to descend from the air to the Central Imperial City in order to identify the direction.

After the two of them left, Dongfang Xue, Ye Mao, Lin Yuan Ai and Gong Xin also separated.

They each started exploring in the direction of their choice.


"Tegula City, the royal capital of the Tesoro Kingdom."

In the Central Imperial City, Fang Che stared at a rather shabby-looking stone, which recorded some information about the ancient city of Tegula. However, because it had been exposed to the wind and sun, the words on this stone tablet could not be read clearly. There are only a few.

Fortunately, the secret realm of Tianjian Mountain has been connected to the Elf Star outside, so even if Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi do not know the language of Tesuolo Kingdom, they can understand the meaning contained in the words.

"Even if you don't see it in ruins, you can still vaguely see the prosperity of Tesoro Kingdom back then."

Standing on the wall of the Imperial City, Zhao Wanxi pointed to the houses in the distance with some emotion. Although they were completely incomparable with the modern high-rise buildings in Elf Star, if viewed from the perspective of the ancients, those orderly houses But it's quite luxurious and comfortable.

Only a prosperous country can care about people's livelihood.

Fang Che stood next to Zhao Wanxi. He looked at the moss-covered city wall. In his mind, he could see the old king standing on the city wall glaring at the sky and scolding the sky for its injustice.

The meteorite that Gengar said destroyed the Kingdom of Tesoro left traces that have not been erased even after thousands of years. The southern corner of the royal city is full of huge craters, and only the northern corner of the royal capital is relatively intact.

Even the imperial city where Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi were located had a huge crater in the center.

"Let's go down and have a look."

Fang Che took Zhao Wanxi's hand and jumped off the wall of the imperial city, and the two landed on the blue brick ground of the imperial city.

Some elves living in the imperial city were secretly spying on Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi in the dark. They had basically never seen humans, so they were full of curiosity and vigilance towards Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi.

Perhaps because there were very few resources in the original imperial city, the elves living here are generally ghost-type, grass-type, and rock-type that can survive without much resources.

Even if the secret realm is connected to the outside Elf Star and internal resources explode, the Elf community in the Imperial City has not changed much.

"Is it Ghost? And Ghost Stone."

Zhao Wanxi saw Guisi hiding behind a pillar and Guistone beside him at a glance. Perhaps because of Uncle Geng, Zhao Wanxi was quite friendly to Guisi and Guistone.

Of course, Ghost and Ghoststone didn't feel this way. After they realized that they were discovered, they immediately disappeared into the air with a hint of evil smile.

As ghost elves who like pranks the most, Guisi and Guistone are very happy to have two new "friends". They are already planning how to play tricks on Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi.

Because of the existence of the elf force field, even if Guisi and Guistone had become invisible, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi could still sense that the two elves were approaching them.

"what to do?"

Zhao Wanxi looked at Fang Che. The strength of these two elves was not very strong, that is, they were at the elite level. It was obvious that they only improved after the internal resources of the secret realm exploded.

If they are beaten, will more powerful Gengar come out?

After all, as the saying goes, if you beat the young to the old, you have to give Uncle Gengar some face.

"Well, it's okay, don't worry about them."

Fang Che grinned and looked at a small palace in the distance. If his guess was correct, that should be the imperial study room, where the old king worked.

There may still be scrolls from ancient times remaining there. Those scrolls may not be valuable, but the information recorded on them is definitely worth a fortune.

As for the two ghosts and ghoststones...

Their potential is only at the king level, and they are not yet in Fang Che's eyes, but if they are willing, Fang Che can take them out to find a good home.

No matter what, the trainers outside can definitely make them fly comfortably after living a hard life.

Perhaps sensing Fang Che's "malice", Guisi and Guitong shivered unnaturally when they approached Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi. They looked at each other, and then walked away with inexplicable panic. He looked at Fang Che as if Fang Che was some vicious monster.

Zhao Wanxi was quite surprised by this. She was about to start a prank, but ended up running away. These two ghosts and ghosts were so strange.

Fang Che's eyes twitched slightly. Was his mood swing that obvious just now, or are these two ghosts and ghosts quite sensitive to human emotions?

"Perhaps it's because it's their first time contacting humans, so they are a little wary and uncomfortable."

After Zhao Wanxi thought for a while, she finally came to the conclusion that Guisi and Guistone were "scared" away because they didn't understand human beings.

If humans enter the secret realm of Tianjian Mountain more times in the future, they should be able to adapt to humans.

The two of them held hands and came to the small palace that Fang Che noticed. This small palace happened to be located on the edge of the huge crater.

The shock wave from the falling meteorite destroyed the steps and guardrails outside the small palace, and even a lot of bricks and tiles on the top of the small palace were blown away.

I don’t know if some things in the palace can still be preserved under the brilliance of this thousand years of time.

However, if you want to explore this small palace, you must first "persuade" the original owner!

"The Clay Doll Giant is an elf with dual attributes of ghost and ground. Generally speaking, it will only appear in various sealed places or ancient secret realms. It is normal for a Clay Doll Giant to appear in the secret realm of Tianjian Mountain."

When a huge figure appeared in front of Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi, she recognized the true form of the giant clay doll at a glance.

Although this giant clay doll has a lot of masonry fragments stuck to its body, it does not hinder its movement.

"Guards of the ghost and ground systems, it seems that this small palace may have the treasure we want."

Fang Che gently tapped the elf ball on his waist, and the giant swamp monster appeared directly in front of the clay doll giant.

To deal with the giant clay puppet, the water-based and ground-based giant swamp monster is naturally a very good choice. Whether it is a water-based skill or an ice-based skill, it can cause double the damage to the clay puppet giant.

This giant clay puppet is only level 55, which is above average in the gym level. However, its potential is relatively low. It is only at the king level and has no special abilities, so it is definitely not difficult to deal with the giant swamp monster.

"The water breaks!"

Fang Che waved his hand, and the giant swamp monster rushed directly towards the clay doll giant with a stream of water.

The giant clay puppet didn't hesitate. It opened its arms, then spun and collided directly with the giant swamp monster.

Big impact!

The Golem Giant weighs much more than the Swampert, and with the bricks attached to its body, this move is quite powerful.

Even with the attribute advantage, simply by relying on the water flow, the giant swamp monster only pushed back the giant clay puppet by less than five meters, and it itself retreated three meters.


The giant clay puppet was obviously a little confused. It couldn't imagine why its invincible impact didn't achieve good results this time.

However, as the "overlord" of a party that has experienced hundreds of battles, the giant clay puppet quickly adjusted its state. It stepped on the ground, and the terrifying shock wave directly hit the giant swamp monster.


"Ba Na!"

The giant swamp monster has a very keen sense of battle. The moment the clay doll giant's earthquake hit, it directly released guard to block Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi, preventing this move from affecting Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi. Graceful.

"Swamp Monster, fight quickly, don't let it use earthquake again."

Fang Che frowned slightly. After the earthquake caused by the giant clay doll, a crack appeared on the wall of the small palace.

If it comes a few more times, they don't need to explore anymore, they can just dig!



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