When Fang Che was fifteen years old, he followed his father to the mountains outside Liuli City for an "outing". It was said to be an outing, but in fact, Fang Che was allowed to use Fang Xuan's elves to fight against wild elves.

Alliance regulations do not allow children under the age of seventeen to obtain elves, but this rule does not stipulate that children under the age of seventeen cannot use their parents' elves to fight.

Children from aristocratic families will use their parents' elves to accumulate combat experience, so that they can be a big step ahead of others when obtaining the initial elves.

Fang Che, who has been relatively mature since childhood, has Fang Xuan's calm style when fighting. This also allows Fang Xuan to take Fang Che to the wild for training with peace of mind.

When Fang Che used his father's armored bird to defeat elves one after another, he felt extremely satisfied. It was during this experience that Fang Che encountered a wave guide Pokémon that wandered to the Liuli City area. Riolu!

As a time traveler, Fang Che still has a good impression of this Pokémon that is exclusive to the Wave Guide Heroes. Lucario, the evolved form of Riolu, is not only handsome, loyal, but also quite powerful in combat.

What's more important is that Lucario has the attribute of steel, and the Fang family needs plenty of resources to train him.

After meeting Riolu by chance, Fang Che wanted to kidnap Riolu away. Fang Xuan didn't care about his son's actions. In his opinion, cultivating a Lucario was indeed a good choice.

After carefully gaining Riolu's approval, Fang Che took Riolu to play in the forest. They climbed trees to pick fruits and swam in the river. They were friends who had just met, but they got along as if they were old friends. rapport.

Riolu can sense people's waveguides and distinguish between good and evil in people's hearts. He can feel Fang Che's love for him and his closeness without any malice. In this case, Riolu will naturally not refuse to have a relationship with Fang Che. Become intimate.

While playing, Fang Che discovered that Riolu's control over the wave guide was truly gifted. It was clearly a wave missile that only the evolved form of Lucario could use, but Riolu was able to use it easily. This also made him Fang Xuan further recognized that Riolu could become Fang Che's partner.

One morning, Fang Che took Riolu to wash his face by the creek. This area had been cleaned up by Fang Xuan's elves long ago, and they thought there would not be any danger.

However, there are no absolutes in the world. An Arbo monster lurked into the creek at some point. It probably wanted to prey on the elves who came to drink water, but unexpectedly it waited until Fang Che and Li came to wash their faces. Oulu.

This hunter who had been domineering in the forest for who knows how long restrained all his threats. It waited quietly in the stream. The moment Fang Che approached the stream, it suddenly exploded, and a terrifying iron tail broke through. The water was about to fall on Fang Che.

Riolu, who was following Fang Che closely, pushed Fang Che away and endured the sudden attack of the Arbo monster.

The Arbor monster's attack was not just a period. After using his iron tail to severely injure Riolu, the next moment he opened his mouth and spat out a ball of purple liquid that fell on Riolu's body.

Extremely poisonous!

Riolu, who had no steel attribute and could not resist the power of poison, fell into a poisoned state in an instant. What made Fang Che even more worried was that the two attacks from the Abo monster happened to land on Riolu's eyes!

Seeing that his attack failed to kill Fang Che, the human being, the Arbo monster naturally vented his anger on Riolu. For the hungry creature, there was actually no difference between eating Fang Che and eating Riolu. Not big!

Just when the Arbo monster opened its huge mouth and wanted to swallow Riolu, a stream of light fell from the sky and killed seven inches of it in the stream.


The armored bird with its whole body shining with cold light descended from the sky. Its sharp eyes stared at the crazy and twisted Abo monster. Then it opened its mouth, and a ball of terrifying light instantly penetrated the Abo monster's head.

Destroy the death ray!

For the relatively weak Riolu, it is difficult to defeat the predator in the wild, but for the gym leader's trump card, this Arbor is nothing but trash among the garbage!

"Let's go, take Riolu to the Elf Center!"

Fang Xuan rushed to the scene. Having experienced many battles, he immediately analyzed the previous battles from the clues on the battlefield. He immediately used the antidote for Riolu, and then rushed there with Fang Che and Riolu. The elf center in Liuli City.

But it is a pity that even with the full treatment of the medical staff at the Liuli City Elf Center, Riolu's eyes were still blinded by the attack of the Arbor monster.

Fang Che felt guilty for Riolu who saved his life. If he could remember what his father said to be extremely careful in the wild, Riolu might not have been injured.

Riolu, who was blind but did not hinder his movement because he had the power of the waveguide, discovered Fang Che's loss. He comforted Fang Che very thoughtfully and felt quite happy to be able to protect Fang Che.

Looking at the considerate Riolu, Fang Che made a decision in his heart.

"Riolu, become my partner! Although I am not officially a registered trainer now, in two years, I will definitely take you to find a way to recover!"



A slightly confused cry brought Fang Che back from his memories. He looked down at Riolu, who was slightly confused, with a smile on his lips.

"Let's go find mom."

Holding Riolu in his arms, Fang Che seemed to have lost some of the shackles in his heart, and walked on the path of the manor very relaxedly.

Soon, Fang Che found his mother Su Ya in the small garden in the backyard who was massaging his elf. He walked up to help Su Ya carefully rub some essential oil on a huge Pokémon.


A pleasant voice spread, and a big hand fell on Fang Che's head. Feeling the soft touch from the palm, Fang Che knew that this was thanking him.

"How about it, Kirbymon, my skills are not inferior to my mother's, right?"

Hearing Fang Che's boastful words, Kirby, who was lying on the ground enjoying himself, gave a thumbs up. It was obvious that it was quite satisfied with Fang Che's service.

Su Ya chuckled lightly. She glanced at Riolu who was staying quietly at Fang Che's feet, and then sighed.

"Have you decided yet?"

After applying essential oil to Kirby, Su Ya pulled Fang Che aside, her expression was solemn.

You must be careful when choosing the initial elves. Their family is not like other aristocratic families who prepare a basket of elves for their children to cultivate at once.

Although Fang Che can use family resources, given the personalities of Fang Xuan and Fang Tianyang, they will never allow Fang Che to waste them at will.

Although Su Ya was quite grateful to Riolu, after all, it saved her son.

However, it is okay to take in Riolu, but is it really worth raising a crippled Riolu?

Looking at his mother's hesitant expression, Fang Che's eyes showed no emotion. He took a high-level ball from Su Ya's hand, then turned around and walked towards Riolu who was waiting in the training ground in the corner of the yard.

"My decision has never changed."



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