There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 31 A-030 Playing with the heartbeat!

As a waveguide elf, Riolu can be mentally connected to his trainer through waveguides, which means that Fang Che can issue instructions to Riolu without saying a word.

However, this can only be one-way. Riolu can hear Fang Che's orders, but Fang Che cannot receive Riolu's reply at all. After all, he does not have the power of waveguide.

For Riolu, it is almost impossible to defeat Charizard, who can fly in the air, has almost full physical strength, and has super long-range attack capabilities. The only way to win is to find an opportunity to defeat him with one strike. Win or lose.

Riolu could still do this if he found an opportunity. After all, the wave missile and the exchange of venues were almost 100% successful for the first time before Charlie had ever experienced it.

However, even if the field could be switched to Charizard, Riolu's attack power would not be able to defeat him with one strike.

Therefore, in order to seize this only winning point, Fang Che must let Riolu complete the strengthening as much as possible!

It just so happened that in two and a half years of training, Riolu had become quite proficient in the sword dance, a move that improves his attack ability. Even in the process of releasing and holding, Riolu could successfully complete the sword dance.

"However, one sword dance is not enough!"

Fang Che looked at the terrifying fireball falling from the sky, and then looked at the hole in the ground where a huge hole was blown. He hesitated slightly.

The first time you use this move, you can almost 100% successfully defend against the opponent's attack, but it is very likely to fail if you use it next time.

It's impossible to use Hold to strengthen it continuously. Charlie must have noticed something is wrong, so the next step is the highlight!

On the other side, Charlie felt that something was not right after letting Charizard use Dragon's Fury. Riolu was not an elf physically strong enough to fight across levels. He took Charizard's Dragon's Fury and still didn't come out. Could it be that there is some little trick going on down there!

"Charizard, earthquake!"

Although she didn't want the Charizard to get too close to Riolu, after the Dragon's Fury was ineffective, Charlie's first thought of forcing Riolu out of the ground was an earthquake.

Many viewers in the audience held their breath, and they were looking forward to the next development.

Although the battle only started for less than three minutes, Xia Li showed the audience what it means to be a proud one. The fire-breathing dragon that countless people may not be able to cultivate in their lifetime flaunted their power on the field.


A scorching flame spurted out, and the fire-breathing dragon sprinted through the fire, and then stomped heavily on the ground.

Invisible seismic waves spread out, turning the rocky site into a rugged Gobi Desert in an instant. However, even though the fire-breathing dragon forced an earthquake, Riolu still did not come out of the ground!

Charlie frowned. Could it be that Riolu has lost his ability to fight?

She glanced at Lu Qiling, who was sitting upright, and then shook her head. If Riolu lost the ability to fight, either Lu Qiling or Fang Che would definitely stop the fight immediately.

In other words, Riolu withstood an earthquake that was nearly twice as powerful?

"It's interesting. Charizard, use the most powerful explosive flames at the hole in the ground to turn this place into a magma field!"

"Riolu, use the wave missile after you dodge!"

Xia Li and Fang Che gave the order almost at the same time. Charizard immediately aimed at the hole and released a terrifying explosion of flames. Riolu rushed out of the hole facing the flames, opened his hands and aimed at the wings behind Charizard. A wave of missiles.

The sudden attack caused Charizard to stop spraying flames, and due to the interruption of the explosion flames, the energy in Charizard's body was temporarily disconnected. In this case, it was unable to defend against Riolu's attack.

"Use Resurrection!"

Looking at the serious injuries on Riolu's body, Fang Che also understood how Riolu withstood the earthquake underground.

That is the strength to hold on!

Riolu now has only a trace of his physical strength left. In this case, the only way to maximize his power is to bring him back to life!

The increased power of a sword dance is 100% of Riolu's current attack. Riolu completed a sword dance when he defended for the first time, and he completed it again with a holding posture when Charizard released the earthquake. With the sword dance, Riolu's attack has now increased by 200%!

Even though the fire-breathing dragon can resist fighting-type moves, this increase is 200%, and with the consistent attribute bonus, the power reaches a thousand-two-like resurrection, which is enough to completely bring this battle back to life!

Riolu appeared behind Charizard in an instant. Before Charizard and Charlie could react, Riolu had already put his hand on Charizard's back.

The terrifying impact instantly made Charizard's eyes turn white. The powerful force directly led Charizard's body to sprint forward for dozens of meters, and then slid on the gravel ground of the Gobi Desert for dozens of meters before stopping.

"The battle is over, the winner... Liuli Gym apprentice Fang Che!"

Lu Qiling looked at Charizard with some disbelief. She must know that even she only has two aces at the Grand Hall level to be 100% sure of defeating Charizard. Is Fang Che's Riolu? It's a bit too strong.

In the audience, Fang Xuan shook his head. Xia Li suffered from the inherent impression.

Who would have thought that Riolu could withstand Halong's Wrath and Earthquake and complete two sword dances directly.

To be honest, even if Riolu completes six sword dances, resists the attack by holding on, and releases a more powerful resurrection, it should logically be ineffective against Charizard.

Because Charizard can fly, its flexibility far exceeds that of Riolu, but Fang Che's Riolu is not an ordinary Riolu, it can "move instantly"!

"I lost. I didn't expect Riolu to learn how to switch places."

Charlie sighed helplessly. She chuckled and took Charizard back into the Poké Ball. Today's battle was lost entirely because Fang Che was too unexpected. Riolu would change venues. What kind of freak is this? ah!

But Riolu couldn't come to Charizard's side instantly, and there was no chance of her losing this battle.

However, Xia Li was not the kind of person who couldn't afford to lose. She came to Fang Che and generously extended her hand to congratulate Fang Che who was wiping Riolu's wound.

"I didn't expect that I failed in the mission that grandpa asked me to do. With your ability, it will definitely be no problem to enter the Imperial City Elf Academy. Let's have another competition then!"



Yesterday I went to my aunt's house to peel and cut radishes. I was as cold as a penguin and my hands were stiff!

Today I pickled radishes again and dried them again

I have to go tomorrow, so I’ll update it first today, woo woo woo

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