There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 305 H200 Distribute secret treasures!

Chapter 305 H-200 distributes secret treasures!

[Perfect level secret treasure·Colorful scales: The colorful scales condensed from the body essence of champion-level Menas after death can greatly enhance the elves' control of water and charm skills. It can also enable the ugly fish to complete its evolution and increase its strength. , the potential is greatly improved. 】

Late but arrived!

Fang Che had long thought about when he would encounter Menas or treasures related to Menas.

He had "conquered" an ugly fish before, but that one came with conquering Gyarados, and its talent potential was average.

Later, Su Ya used an ordinary beautiful scale to evolve the ugly fish into Menas. Now it is sleeping and flying together with Gyarados in Fang Che's pond, living a very happy life.

"This should be the reverse scale of Menas. It is a rare treasure for water elves."

Fang Xuan rubbed his chin. He looked at the colorful scales and made his own guess.

Fang Tianyang also nodded. This scale was also one of the treasures that he was unsure of. After all, it was difficult to perceive the original owner's previous strength from a scale with the naked eye alone.

Not even an elf like Lucario, who possesses the power of a powerful waveguide, can do it.

"Grandpa, I will accept this scale first."

Fang Che thought for a while and then took the colorful scales in his hand. He had no idea of ​​cultivating an ugly fish, but he thought he could get one for Zhao Wanxi.

With Sparkling Hackron and Menas, if Zhao Wanxi participates in the gorgeous competition, she will definitely be able to defeat six generals in five levels and get the final ribbon trophy.

Of course, this was just a joke by Fang Che. What really concerned Fang Che was another effect of the Colorful Scales, which greatly enhanced water and charm skills.

Zhao Wanxi probably took the path of fairy and super powers, so the charm skills are very important.

Whether it is the general type of charming, look at me and other moves, or the fairy type of charming voice, or the super type of command and other skills, they all belong to the charm type. If these moves are used well, they can be effective at critical moments. decisive role.

It just so happens that both Zhao Wanxi's Gardevoir and Fang Che's Soraya have dabbled in this field. With this colorful scale, they may be able to go further on the road of charm. Far.

Of course, Fang Che would not let the two elves major in charm skills at the expense of others. Both Gardevoir and Soraya have strong potential, and they are more suitable to be the main attacker or the main assistant.

"Take it if you want it."

Fang Tianyang waved his hand carelessly. He only wanted to keep this thing to enrich himself and the Fang family's treasure house. Anyway, after his funeral for a hundred years, everything will be left to the Fang Xuan brothers and Fang Che, sooner or later. It's the same thing, maybe this scale can play a greater role in Fang Che's hands.

After putting away the colorful scales, Fang Che calmly turned his attention to the third treasure. At this time, Su Ya had already picked up the third treasure.

It was a diamond-like treasure. Su Ya took out a small bright flashlight. After opening it, the strong light shone on the diamond, and then illusory lights and shadows appeared in front of everyone.

[Photographic Gem: The product of the combination of the power of the waveguide and the flower of time after the death of champion Lucario, which contains part of the ideological inheritance of champion Lucario. 】


Fang Che took a breath of cold air. How lucky was his grandfather? Not to mention the colorful scales, even the product of the power of Waveguide and the Flower of Time after the death of Lucario, the brave hero of Waveguide. If you can get it, don't let the trainers who cultivated Lucario grab it outside!

It's a pity that this gem cannot be leaked out, because both Fang Tianyang and Fang Che have conquered Lucario, and both of them can use this gem.

Fang Tianyang set his sights on Fang Che the moment the picture appeared, "This gem, according to my speculation, should be a treasure left by a powerful Lucario. It seems to contain its power over the waveguide." My thoughts. Ah Che, give this gem to your Lucario."

Hearing Fang Tianyang's words, Fang Che shook his head subconsciously, "Grandpa, I'd better leave this gem to you."

Fang Tianyang's Lucario was conquered when he was exploring the secret realm in his early years. His strength and potential have reached the limit. Without external stimulation, it will be difficult to go further.

Even with the power of data given by Fang Che, it would be difficult for Fang Tianyang's Lucario to harvest experience points for his own growth.

On the one hand, after Fang Tianyang became the King of Heaven, his responsibility was to sit on one side and rarely have the opportunity to take action.

On the other hand, there are not many objects suitable for champion-level elves to gain experience points.

You can't let Lucario harvest green caterpillars and then level up.

Although the power of the data is not indicated, Fang Che has discovered that the experience points gained by the gym-level Boscodora and the others after defeating growth-level opponents can be described as insignificant.

If there is no "evenly matched" opponent, no matter how many fights they fight, they will not be able to level up quickly.

Therefore, Fang Che felt that it would be better to leave this photographic gem to his grandfather.

Moreover, his Lucario does not need this photo-taking gem.

"Grandpa, when I was in the Paradox Space, my Lucario received the inheritance from an elf. With the power of the waveguide, it can no longer be [stimulated] by the outside world."

If Lucario's waveguide path is completely guided by outsiders, even if Lucario's level can be improved in the future, the development and application of the waveguide power will stagnate. This is absolutely unacceptable to Fang Che.

You know, no matter what time it is, Lucario's waveguide power is a very important auxiliary factor for Fang Che.

"That's it."

Fang Tianyang smacked his lips, glanced at Fang Xuan, who was full of desire, and then threw the photo gem to Fang Xuan with a wave of his hand.

His strength has reached its peak. No matter how much the old man improves, he can't break through the barrier of the leader. He might as well let his troubled son grow up quickly.

Fang Xuan's main team is very talented, but if he is to sprint for the championship, he will probably have to replace one or two.

First of all, Flash Bankelas and the future evolved Melmetan will definitely join the team, and cultivating a powerful Lucario will also make Fang Xuan feel more relaxed when he takes over the throne of the King in the future. After all, with the help of waveguide power, many things would be much simpler.

When it comes to how to use Lucario, Fang Che feels that he can definitely be considered a master.

There are not many trainers who can train Lucario into a "master of diplomacy".

After getting the photo gem, Fang Xuan showed a smile to his old father, "Dad, if you are tired, can you find another Riolu for my son?"

Fang Tianyang's beard moved slightly, and then he sighed, "Old Du's Lucario just gave birth to a child two days ago. I will shamelessly go to help you ask for it in a few days."

Old Man Du, whose real name is Du Xiongtao, is a well-known fighting master in the imperial capital. He is the last king of fighting and a championship-level trainer. He is nearly eighty years old but still strong. Except for his short gray hair, his appearance is the same as that of a middle-aged man.

Du Xiongtao and Fang Tianyang can be regarded as close friends. When Fang Tianyang took over the position of King of Steel, Du Xiongtao gave him a lot of help.

It's a pity that after Fang Tianyang became the King of Heaven, Du Xiongtao directly threw him out of the position of Heavenly King, and then became an ordinary retired old man in the imperial capital.

Du Xiongtao's Lucario is the same as Fang Tianyang's main Lucario, both champion-level, but unlike Fang Tianyang, Du Xiongtao's Lucario is a female Lucario, which means it can give birth. Out came Riolu who inherited its talent.

Originally, Fang Tianyang was planning to wait for Du Xiongtao's Lucario to breed and then obtain a Riolu for his precious grandson. After all, the talent of the offspring of champion Lucario was absolutely guaranteed.

However, what Fang Tianyang didn't expect was that Fang Che would go out with Fang Xuan and directly bring back a gifted Riolu. Although Fang Che's Riolu talent was not too outstanding, it was definitely He could become Fang Che's main force, so Fang Tianyang did not mention this matter to Du Xiongtao in the future.

Now it seems that for the sake of his son, who is less worried than his grandson, he still has to beg an old friend.

Fang Xuan was overjoyed when he heard his old father's words. He knew Du Xiongtao's name, and naturally also knew the strength and potential of Du Xiongtao's baby Lucario.

It looks like his team is about to undergo a major shakeup!

Su Ya was changing tea for several people on the side, and Zhao Wanxi also stood up to help. They looked at the three generations of grandparents and grandchildren who were "happy and happy" and they also smiled. This is like a family.

After the imaging gem was processed, Fang Che stretched out his hand and held a small sword in his hand.

This is also one of the treasures that Fang Tianyang is not sure about. It is a small sword. It is very long and looks similar to a short sword, but it is also carved with various exquisite patterns.

Fang Tianyang got this treasure in the nest of a flying mantis. It was also one of the rare treasures that did not appear after the world's energy was fed back.

According to the description of Flying Mantis, it was just an ordinary Flying Mantis in its early years, living among the tribe, and its talent was not remarkable.

However, one day it came into contact with this dagger, and then its strength increased day by day. In just one month, it defeated the leader who was no match for it before.

After defeating his leader, Flying Mantis left the tribe with his little sword, and then began wandering around in the secret realm to challenge others.

Relying on its continuously improving strength, Flying Mantis has left a great reputation in the secret realm. Even some powerful elf overlords have not been able to gain favor from Flying Mantis.

After listening to Fang Tianyang's story, Fang Che nodded naturally. It was only natural that the Flying Mantis' strength would increase after acquiring this small sword, because the origin of this small sword was not simple!

[Perfect level secret treasure: Ghost Sword: The sword left behind by the former third general under the royal king's main force, the Strong Shield Sword Monster. It can improve the elves' understanding of cutting skills and at the same time greatly resist the charm of the outside world. , Ghost, Curse Power, after equipped, the power of all slashing moves is increased by 100%]

This is a part of the body left behind by a powerful sword monster with a strong shield. To say that the body is a bit too much, it is probably a treasure that evolved from part of the body after being washed over the long history.

Flying Mantis himself is a master of slashing combat. With the blessing of this sword, he is naturally even more powerful.

The first secret of survival for wild elves is that if it hurts oneself, it will not work unless there are doubled benefits.

Unlike the elves subdued by humans, the elves in the wild will be attacked by a group after being injured.

After all, there are only so many resources in the wild. If one elf is less able to enjoy them, the other elves will have an extra share.

The Flying Mantis challenges everywhere, and they are not prepared to fight for territory. Naturally, there is no need for those elf overlords to use their full strength to fight a battle with the Flying Mantis that has almost no benefits.

Except for violent elves such as Gyarados, Ring Bear, and Giant Stitch, the other elven overlords that Flying Mantis encountered probably only had a slight encounter with Flying Mantis as a "whetstone."

"Grandpa, I accept this sword."

Fang Che did not hesitate to send the small sword into the moonlit night of Twenty-Four Bridges. Although Fang Tianyang also had a Strong Shield Sword Monster, this Ghost Sword was not suitable for use by the Strong Shield Sword Monster.

Fang Tianyang also nodded, "I'll leave you with the paper sword."

As early as in the secret realm, Fang Tianyang's Shield Sword Monster felt that this small sword was very strange. It felt like it had a familiar power, but it was also a little strange.

It wanted to get closer, but when it got closer, it felt infinite sadness.

It was precisely because of this wonderful feeling that Fang Tianyang did not let the Shield Sword Monster wear this small sword.

He was afraid that something might happen to his Shield Sword Monster.

The secret realm of Tianjian Mountain has a huge origin. In more than a thousand years, no one knows how many king-level elf overlords have fallen in the secret realm.

Even if some elf overlords die, they will affect future generations.

Therefore, it was impossible for him to let his Shield Sword Monster use it before he fully understood the origin and function of this sword.

That is to say, Fang Che took away the small sword without hesitation. Otherwise, Fang Tianyang would most likely send the small sword to the alliance's research institute for careful research and identification, and then figure out how to deal with it after the results are available.

Fang Tianyang still believed in his grandson Fang Che's "vision". Since Fang Che thought this little sword was useful to him, he couldn't mess around.

After putting away the Ghost Sword, Fang Che glanced at the two elf eggs in his storage space.

Perhaps they were born not long ago, and even though they absorbed a large amount of energy fluid, they still showed no signs of being born.

However, Fang Che could feel that the paper swordsman and the explosive muscle mosquito in the elf egg seemed to have self-awareness.

This is a very good thing. It means that as long as Fang Che takes care of the elf eggs, the initial intimacy between Paper Royal Sword and Explosive Muscle Mosquito will not be low.



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