Chapter 313 H-208 Reject Zigerd!

Standing at the foot of Tianjian Mountain, Fang Che watched Zigerd in his dog form speak a very classic line seriously, and for a moment he didn't know how to answer.

In the end, he could only ask Kigerd with a very uncomfortable expression, "Kigerd, do you usually go online?"

【net? I can't weave a web, but I can use the silk-spinning skill if necessary. 】

Zigerd was also slightly startled. Its understanding of the concept of a net was still a net made of silk spun by insect elves.

Fang Che waved his hand, "No, it's a network used by humans."

Zygarde shook his head. It was only responsible for maintaining the order of harmonious coexistence between humans and elves, and would not interfere with the self-development of humans or elves.

Jigard doesn't want to know more about the Internet.

Seeing how Jigeld didn't understand the human network, Fang Che also realized that what he just said was really a sincere compliment from Jigeld.

As the only human being who can master the treasures left by Arceus and be recognized by Arceus, Fang Che deserves the title of "the strongest" from Zigerd.

You must know that although Fang Che had obtained the power and even the hope of Talebagos before, Talebagos and Arceus were not on the same level.

One is a first-level god, and the other is a creation god. Even if it is a clone of Arceus in a certain world, it is not comparable to Talabagos, Wuji Tai, and Necrozma.

The mythical beasts are far away from the world, but this does not mean that the number of mythical beasts is really very small.

As far as Fang Che knows, the number of first-level gods even exceeds two digits, and the total number of second-level gods can even approach four digits. As for third-level gods, they are often killed just like ordinary fantasy beasts. The existence of human witnesses.

However, so far, there are only three records of phantom beasts and mythical beasts being tamed by humans.

They are Fang Che who has the world-destroying insect Genesect, the little Cyclops Meltan, Fang Xuan who has the little Cyclops Meltan, and what Zhao Longhu said, the one who has the Freezing Bird, The Lightning Bird later subdued the Flame Bird's Unitary Chicken.

Of course, there is also the main messenger behind Darkrai who was forcibly imprisoned by the Nightmare God Darkrai.

Fang Che had previously speculated that the twelve divine generals of the Shadow Regiment might all be divine beast envoys, but since there was no conclusive evidence, they could not be included in the ranking.

[Things here have come to an end for the time being. I feel that there is no breath of God within a hundred miles. 】

The Nightmare God Darkrai interrupted the conversation between Zygarde and Fang Che. Its meaning was very clear. Now that the matter was done, it was ready to go back with Cresselia.

Hearing Darkrai's words, Cresselia's expression froze slightly.

How long has it just come out of the dreamland, and it goes back again?

Unlike Darkrai, who has a somewhat gloomy personality, Cresselia is very gentle and open-minded, and yearns for the prosperity of the outside world.

If possible, it would like to stay outside all the time, but Zygarde would definitely not agree.

So, while there was serious business this time, he still wanted to stay outside and play for two more days, but now Darkrai wants to go back?

If I had known better, I wouldn't have helped Darkrai block Zygarde's thousand arrows just now.

Cresselia's heart is extremely aggrieved, but it will not show it, because it is a mature god, a god who can control his own heart!

Zhao Wanxi, who was standing not far from Cresselia, was keenly aware of Cresselia's inner dissatisfaction. After thinking for a moment, her eyes lit up, and then she quietly released Gardevoir and then talked to Gardevoir. Start whispering using psychic communication.

The three gods present could easily intercept the communications between Zhao Wanxi and Gardevoir, but they did not do so because it was very impolite.

If it is against the enemy, intercepting communications, interfering with communications, and even forging communications are all very useful methods, but Zhao Wanxi is not the enemy of the three of them.

Gardevoir was stunned after hearing Zhao Wanxi's thoughts, but then it became excited.

After bowing to Zygarde, Darkrai and Cresselia respectively, Gardevoir teleported and disappeared in front of everyone.

Fang Che rubbed his chin thoughtfully. Although he did not intercept the communication between Zhao Wanxi and Gardevoir, he could already guess what Zhao Wanxi asked Gardevoir to do.

If it really goes well, I'm afraid it will be able to fully increase Cresselia's favorability!

[The matter here has been settled, you should hurry back to the Secret Realm of Dreams. I will pay special attention to those people hiding in the darkness. 】

Zygarde warned Darkrai and Cresselia very seriously that as long as it knows that there are people who want to cause trouble, it is basically impossible for the people behind the scenes to block its detection and then cause trouble. It's possible.

This is not Zygarde's bragging. Previously, Darkrai had only lurked and did not take action. Once its own divine aura is exposed, it may attract the attention of Zygarde's cells.

The person behind the scenes also knew this very well, so he did not let Darkrai use Wushuang to destroy the Tianjian Mountain camp.

As long as he does this, within ten seconds, his Darkrai will be completely suppressed by Zygarde.

Although, the results are not bad now.

【All right. 】

Cresselia sighed, she had to go back after all, but she couldn't fly so fast when she went back, and it seemed that she had to pass through several cities on the way, maybe she could have some fun.

"Please wait!"

Zhao Wanxi stopped Cresselia, and Gardevoir had completed Zhao Wanxi's instructions and returned to Cresselia.

Compared with when he left, Gardevoir had several more square packages in his hands.

"This is our thank you gift to you and Darkrai for coming to help."

Zhao Wanxi blinked at Cresselia. Cresselia was a little confused, but she still accepted the square packages.

Zygard stood aside and did not stop him. Zygard was very happy to see this kind of friendly coexistence between humans and gods. Of course, the prerequisite is that one of the gods cannot violate the orders set by Arceus. , otherwise it will still take action if it violates the order.

The Nightmare God Darkrai was a little puzzled. It curiously used its mental power to explore the contents of the square box, and then it became speechless.

Because what Zhao Wanxi prepared for Cresselia turned out to be a complete set of the latest electronic equipment!

Including but not limited to the latest tablet computers, game consoles, mobile phones, and alliance communicators.

Zhao Wanxi even thoughtfully registered a new alliance account for Cresselia using her own identity information.

Although one person should only have one alliance account, as the granddaughter of the vice president of the alliance, Zhao Wanxi still has some small privileges.

What's more, her account is for Cresselia, who dares to say no?

Fang Che didn't see through the square package, but he could guess from the appearance that Zhao Wanxi had the same idea as him.

Cresselia is very interested in things in the outside world. It doesn't like the beautiful but boring secret dreamland too much.

After all, Cresselia had already moved in the Secret Realm of Dreams the moment it appeared. After so many years, even if the Secret Realm of Dreams is still growing and changing, there is no way Cresselia can move in again. There is more to look forward to.

That's why Cresselia wants to leave the secret realm of dreams and enter the real world to play.

Humanity's ability to explore new things far exceeds the imagination of the gods, and some of the technologies they create would astonish even the gods.

Not to mention other things, the network communication technology that communicates around the world has surpassed the ability of the mythical beast to communicate for 800 streets.

"With this complete set of equipment, and the fact that the alliance will deliberately befriend Cresselia, you plan to train Cresselia into a [house god]!"

Fang Che gently squeezed Zhao Wanxi's fingers, and Zhao Wanxi stuck out her tongue with a smile.

Anyway, Cresselia is just idle in the secret realm of dreams. It is better to learn about what is happening in the real world outside through the Internet.

For Cresselia, even a third-rate love drama performed by humans must be quite novel to it.

Of course, Fang Che strongly discourages Cresselia from watching this kind of movie. It is too ruinous and makes people angry easily. He doesn’t want to see the gentle Cresselia next time. Ya has turned into an angry groupie.

[Then we will leave first. If there are any results from the interrogation, I will hand them over to your king stationed outside the Secret Realm of Dreams. 】

After Cresselia carefully collected the gift from Zhao Wanxi, Darkrai said goodbye to the two of them again.

Finally, Darkrai glanced at Zygarde and soared directly into the sky towards the direction of the Secret Realm of Dreams.

The corner of Cresselia's mouth stiffened. It really couldn't understand what Darkrai was going to do in such a hurry. Did he want to entertain his uncle when he came?

However, thinking about the "gift" she received, Cresselia was eager to go back and try her gift. Maybe her days in the Secret Realm of Dreams would be less boring.

After Darkrai and Cresselia all left, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi looked at Zigerd who was still staying there.

"Excuse me, do you have anything else?"

Zhao Wanxi asked cautiously, Zygarde is a great god who is 10,000 times more difficult to deal with than Darkrai and Cresselia. If this person has not left yet, does he still want to hold them accountable for taking Dakrai without permission? The sin brought about by Clay and Cresselia?

Zigerd shook his head and looked at Fang Che, [Human, I can feel that you have miraculous qualities, so can I ask you to take care of it? 】

As Jigard finished speaking, a small green figure fell from it. The green figure squirmed and raised its head, and its watery one eye made people feel extremely cute.

"Gygarde (Cell Form) (Genderless)

Level·55 (Gym level)

Attribute·Dragon, Ground


Characteristics·Aura destruction, group deformation

Special ability·Order: Damage to all targets increased by 50%

Special ability·Power of God: All attributes increased by 0% (unlocked)

Special ability: Majesty of God: When attacked by non-divine spirits, the damage is reduced by 0% (not unlocked)

Special ability·God’s Sanction: Attack non-god-attributed elves, damage increased by 0% (not unlocked)


Moves·Bite, Serpent's Glare, Dragon's Breath, Stomp, Dig, Earth Power, Black Mist, Sandstorm, Crush, Earthquake, Dragon's Wave, Coil, Reverse Scale, Snoring, Resentment, Share Pain, Iron Tail, Divine Speed, Brutal Strength, Loud Sound, Dance of Dragons, Blocking the Road, Thousand Arrows, Thousand Waves, Core Punisher (200%)

Special moves·Electric shock wave, meteor swarm, stomping, destroying light, shadow clone, sleeping, rock collapse, guard, substitute, poison, hard support, splitting tiles, sunny day, grass knot, mud wave, dragon tail, spike Stone Attack, Chi Bomb, Ultimate Impact


The thing that fell from Zygarde's body was one of its cells. Just one cell had gym-level strength, and it also mastered all the unique skills that Zygarde had.

"Let me take care of it?"

Fang Che looked at the Zigerde cells next to Zigerde in confusion. His heart was not filled with surprise but with some resistance.

If it were any other divine beast, even the three stupid birds or even Suicune caught in a fishing net, he would be very happy to accept it.

However, Zygarde is really not good at it!

There are really too many secrets about him. On the human side, because of the protection of his grandfather and the Zhao family, no one dares to take action against Fang Che.

However, once he exposes his secret to the sight of many mythical beasts, he will be in big trouble.

Similar to Ho-oh, Lugia, a mythical beast with a gentler personality and closer to humans, is fine, and may not do anything to him.

But ferocious beasts like Kyurem, Yveltal, Groudon, and Kyogre might come out to capture Fang Che despite the pressure from Zygarde.

Especially Groudon and Kyogre. Whenever these two brothers meet together, they will definitely knock Tutu Dog's brains out.

Once they feel that Fang Che has the potential to help them completely suppress the other party, then they will definitely not mind shouldering the pressure of Zygeld to find Fang Che.

There are also mythical beasts like the black and white dragons that have their own ideals or goals. They have been walking in the human world. Although they have not chosen their favorite envoys for a long time, the legend of the black and white dragon envoys is still circulated in the major alliances.

If they knew that Fang Che was so strange, they would definitely come to investigate.

Unlike Groudon and Kyogre, who are uncontrollable sources of chaos, the black and white dragons are one of the few divine beasts that have received permission from Arceus to walk in the world, so if they take action, Zygarde cannot stop them.

Therefore, for his own consideration, even if Fang Che wanted to accept Zigerde's cells, he could only choose to refuse.

When he has the power to fight against God in the future, he will be able to actively seek Zygarde's "joining the team".

After all, no boy can resist the temptation of "Gundam" and "Mecha"!



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