There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 318 H213 The importance of names!

Chapter 318 H-213 The importance of names!

As we all know, whether it is a person, an organization, or even something, its name is crucial.

For example, the dog's tail grass that can be seen everywhere on the roadside seems not worth mentioning, but if you want to know its other name, Arhat grass, it feels very meaningful.

Moreover, when you mention this, you can also tell people about its flowery language, perseverance, ununderstood, difficult love and secret love.

Does it sound more charming?

Likewise, human names are also important.

For example, the older generation would give names such as protecting the country, serving the country, serving the country, revitalizing the country, etc. These names have a sense of righteousness when they sound like it, even though the people with these names may not be outstanding or even a little bit arrogant. It's a problem, but compared to those who are called rich, people with money will definitely win the first favor of others.

Names often entrust a certain desire of celebrities, and there is a certain causal effect in them.

Just like today, when everyone is equal and the genders are equal, if you use a name like Zhaodi again, then there will probably be another move, a return move, or a trick in the future.

This is not true for people, let alone an organization composed of people.

A hundred years ago, the Shadow Realm respected five champion-level warriors as kings and set off waves of riots around the world. At that time, they were known as the second world outside the alliance and were extremely rampant.

Even the Alliance, despite their great efforts, could not annihilate them all.

In the end, the Shadow Group couldn't stand the arrogance of the Shadow World, let alone the name Shadow World, so they used the Twelve Gods to completely wipe it out.

Just imagine, if the shadow world had changed its name back then, and had not provoked the shadow group, I am afraid that with the blessings left by the five champion-level powerhouses, it would not be impossible to survive today.

After all, some small leagues may not necessarily have five championship-level trainers. The fact that the Shadow World was called the second world back then was not because they were too arrogant, but because they did have the ability.

"Those guys in the shadow world still retain their inheritance?"

Xu Gou was stunned. He really couldn't imagine that the organization that was destroyed by the twelve divine generals a hundred years ago still retained its inheritance?

This shouldn't be the case.

Among the divine generals who targeted the Shadow Realm back then, there was his father.

When the Shadow Group invaded the Shadow Realm's lair, they almost took away the land. How did the Shadow Realm inherit its legacy?

"It's just a bunch of trash who are messing around under the name of the Shadow World."

Uatu twitched the corner of his mouth and showed a disdainful smile, "They came to me, hoping to get the support of the Shadow Group. At that time, I just needed an opportunity to attract the attention of the Eastern Alliance, so I handed over Darkrai. They went and used it.”

"Unexpectedly, they actually targeted Tianjian Mountain."

To be honest, Maotu himself never thought that those guys from the Shadow Realm would take Darkrai directly into Tianjian Mountain, which is a place where the Eastern Alliance focuses on defense.

Later, even the Nightmare God and Dream God from the Dream Realm, and even Zygarde, the God of Order, were introduced.

The current Usagi is very lucky. When she handed over Darkrai, she asked the Darkrai she left behind to erase all the memories of that Darkrai. Otherwise, the Nightmare God and Jiger would With Ed's ability, most of the secrets within their shadow group may be exposed.

"What do those guys want?"

Weiyang was a little curious. Maotu handed over Darkrai to a group of uncontrolled thugs, and then the thugs took Darkrai directly into the important place of the Eastern Alliance. No matter how you look at it, this is the rhythm of causing trouble. Bar.

Maotu shrugged, "They want to arouse God's dissatisfaction, so as to impose divine punishment and destroy the alliance."


Everyone present shook their bodies involuntarily. They really couldn't imagine that a group of crickets, whose inheritance had been cut off, actually wanted to bring about divine punishment?

They really don’t regard the real alliance as human beings!

Even the twelve generals of their shadow group must be careful and cautious in their actions to ensure that they will not be caught by the alliance and mythical beasts in reality.

You know, there are a lot of active mythical beasts in the world. Zygarde can control Darkrai and Cresselia, but it can't control the great gods like Ho-oh, Lugia, and Rayquaza.

What's more, the three great gods in the ultimate space have been watching the real world. Once there is a problem in the real world, they will not hesitate to leave the ultimate space and come out to intervene.

Like the secret realm of the sea, the ultimate space is also semi-dependent on the real world. If the real world collapses, there will be no "exit" from the ultimate space in a short time.

What does a world that has gone through an era of great destruction desperately long for?

It's "communication".

Whether it is humans entering the Ultimate Space to bring "popularity" to the Ultimate Space, or bringing the elves in the Ultimate Space out of the Ultimate Space for "salvation", it is based on the fact that the entrance to the Ultimate Space can be stably opened in the real world. carried out under the premise.

Whoever wants to engage in the real world and the gods in the various small worlds that exist in the real world will be the first to refuse.

Sishe suddenly knocked on the table, and she looked at Maotu thoughtfully, "Maotu, is the way they used to induce divine punishment what we thought?"

Utu nodded, and then everyone present fell into deep thought.

"That's not right. How did they know that there would be artifacts of God Arceus in the secret realm of Tianjian Mountain?"

Weiyang was the first to raise the objection. Even their shadow group had no clue as to how the group of mole crickets in the shadow world got the news.

Moreover, how do they know that Darkrai carries the influence of the World Fragment?

Uotu didn't answer, and she also noticed something was wrong at this moment.

Before, she had been immersed in the joy of conquering Latias and the shock of Zygarde's appearance, but she didn't think too much about the problems.

Now think about it, those people who come to her shadow world may have a problem.

"Well, Maotu, I'll go with you."

Sishe suddenly stood up, her eyes had turned into vertical pupils, which made people look extremely flustered.

"Our grand plan must not allow any mistakes. Those guys in the shadow world may become factors that interfere with our grand plan and must be eliminated."

Usagi nodded, Darkrai hid behind her, then Usagi stood up and left the secret room with Misaki.

Xu Gou looked at the leaving Mao Tu and sighed. This secret meeting was originally to attack Mao Tu, but unexpectedly it involved the twelve divine generals' opponents from a hundred years ago.

Now, the Nightmare God has captured Maotu's Darkrai. Although Maotu has erased Darkrai's memory, this is not safe. There is no guarantee that the Nightmare God can restore Darkrai's memory.

"Let's lurk for the time being. Abandon the bases that Maotu knows can be discarded. If there are still people who want to cause trouble, please notify us in advance so that everyone will not be in a hurry."

The bald masked man who had been silent in the room suddenly suggested. He pushed the monkey mask on his face, and then forced out a funny smile, "Let me tell you first, in the next six months, I will go to an unknown place." It’s a small world, so if anything happens, don’t come to me. Finally, I wish you all good luck in martial arts.”

After Shen Hou finished speaking, a golden light shrouded his body, and the next moment Shen Hou disappeared from the room.

Shen Hou's disappearance seemed to be a signal, and the others also left the secret room one after another, and in the end only Xu Gou was left.


Looking at the empty room, Xu Gou sighed deeply. After the death of the twelve divine generals of the older generation, can they really advance the plan that the Shadow Group has formulated for hundreds of years?


The imperial capital, Zhao Family Courtyard.

Fang Che had finished training for the day and was gently wiping his body with a towel.

Zhao Wanxi was taking notes excitedly on the side.

"According to the data, Bo Dang Shui's various data have reached the critical point of the king level. Now we are waiting for its moves to reach the breakthrough level!"

Bo Dang Shui was already at the quasi-king level when he joined Fang Che's team, and at that time, he had already cultivated the breakthrough degree of the water vapor move to about 20%.

After following Fang Che for so long, although the experience he gained has not allowed him to break through level 70, in terms of move breakthroughs, the progress of Waves of Water is second only to Lucario.

"It's 65%."

Fang Che was very satisfied with the data displayed by the power of data. The improvement of the breakthrough level of moves depends on the elf's training efforts.

The training intensity of Bodang Shui is twice as high as that of other elves. Even self-disciplined elements like Swamp Monster and Lucario cannot train as hard as Bo Dangshui.


As if he could feel Fang Che's satisfaction, Bo Dangshui raised his head happily and roared twice.

"Has the storm over at Tianjian Mountain been settled?"

After wiping his body with Bodang Shui, Fang Che wiped the sweat on his forehead with a towel, and then asked Zhao Wanxi.

Zhao Wanxi shook her head, "Martial law has been enforced over at Tianjian Mountain again. It seems that some bad things have been found."

Fang Che turned his head in shock, "Martial law is in effect again? Didn't Uncle Zhao just go there a few days ago? My grandpa is also there. This lineup is still under martial law. Did they transfer the king from the imperial capital again?"

He also transferred the Heavenly King to Tianjian Mountain, but other places in the Eastern Alliance were not guarded?

Zhao Wanxi showed a helpless smile, "No, the King cannot be transferred easily. Grandpa Fang would go to Tianjian Mountain because of us. Otherwise, the number of people who would go would only be King-level gym leaders."

"I heard from my mother that among the new batch of people from Tianjian Mountain, someone exposed themselves."

"Self-destruction? Big explosion? What about the casualties?"

Fang Che was suddenly worried. A move like a big explosion was unreasonable. Even a big explosion from a gym-level elf might hurt a king-level elf, let alone a mortal trainer.

Fang Tianyang definitely doesn't need to worry about him, but Fang Xuan and Su Ya don't have an elf force field to protect them!

Zhao Wanxi looked at Fang Che who looked anxious and suddenly had black lines on her head, "Listen to me! It's not a self-destruction from the Big Bang, it's a self-identity! Someone revealed that he had received benefits from dark organizations outside the alliance and collected the Heavenly Sword for them. Information in the secret realm of the mountain.”

"My grandfather and President Dongfang were very angry when they found out. They have already asked the person who exposed himself to be brought back to the imperial capital for interrogation."

Fang Che was relieved when he heard that someone was not using elves to play with big explosions, but then he felt something was wrong.

"These people should be scapegoats thrown out to attract attention!"

Simply collecting money from others to collect information is not a capital offense in the alliance's regulations. Of course, if it involves a large secret realm like the Tianjian Mountain Secret Realm, the Alliance cannot spare them lightly.

"Well, Grandpa also said that these people are just flies on the surface and cannot be brought to the surface. Tianjian Mountain is still sealed and is still being investigated."

How could the alliance's top brass not think of a problem that Fang Che could think of immediately.

This matter has become too big and too big. Without some tangible gains, it is impossible for the league's top management to stop.

"I hope it won't take too long to check..."

Fang Che sighed. The Tianjian Mountain Secret Realm was really full of twists and turns. I don’t know which organization those guys took advantage of, but they even dared to leak information about the super large secret realm!


While Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi were talking, their communicators rang at the same time. It was a communication from their father.

"It's from my dad."

The two glanced at the communicator, and then said in unison.

"I'm afraid things have changed!"

Fang Che immediately opened the message. Fang Xuan sent a message at this time. It must be that something happened in the secret realm of Tianjian Mountain.

Zhao Wanxi also opened the message.

"What! Someone is attacking the Alliance station!"

"The alliance elite Wang Ganju who returned from overseas has rebelled!"

Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi exclaimed at the same time, and then they exchanged communicators and each glanced at the message sent by the other's father.

As the core elite of the alliance, Fang Xuan, under the command of Fang Tianyang, naturally serves as the inspector of the secret realm of Tianjian Mountain.

Just half a day ago, someone attacked the alliance station in the secret realm of Tianjian Mountain. The attackers were numerous and powerful. Even if Fang Tianyang was in charge, the Tianjian Mountain station was breached in a short time.

However, the attackers were not willing to fight. After they broke into the station, they only kidnapped some researchers who entered the secret realm of Tianjian Mountain to explore.

As the first group of members to enter the secret realm of Tianjian Mountain, Lin Yuanai and Gong Xin were their primary targets, but they were blocked by Zhao Qiansun.

Zhao Qiansun had been guarding the sides of Lin Yuanai and Gong Xin. He fought with the attackers for a long time. The attackers felt that they could not capture Zhao Qiansun in a short time, so they ran away with other researchers.

While they were running away, the overseas elite Wang Ganju jumped out and attacked many of his colleagues. It was precisely because of his jump that the alliance's defense line was broken from the inside.

"Wang Ganju also took away Sun Rui. Now Sun Rui's family may feel a little uncomfortable. Even Gong Xin and Lin Yuanai will also be investigated."

Zhao Wanxi frowned. She could see that Gong Xin, Lin Yuanai and even Sun Rui had absolutely nothing to do with the attackers and Wang Ganju.

However, Wang Ganju took Sun Rui away before leaving, and Sun Rui might be marked by the alliance after that.

Sun Rui's parents and other relatives will also be on the investigation list. It can only be said that they have suffered an unreasonable disaster!



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