There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 324 H219 The small hole in the sewer of the Imperial Capital!

Chapter 324 H-219 The small hole in the sewer of the Imperial Capital!

Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi were talking quietly at the edge of the vegetable garden. In the vegetable field, Xiaoyi wiped Pichu's face clean with a handkerchief and then brought Pichu to the two of them.

"Hello Pichu, long time no see, do you still remember me?"

Zhao Wanxi bent down slightly to greet Pichu. Pichu's eyes narrowed in laughter. Of course it still remembered Zhao Wanxi.

This is a good person who gives it delicious energy cubes and brings friends to play with it every time!

Zhao Wanxi had no idea that she had been given a good guy card by Pichu without her knowledge.

However, with Zhao Wanxi's character, if she knew, she would definitely accept this kind of good person card.

"Hello little Piqiu, my name is Fang Che, and I am her friend. Nice to meet you."

Fang Che also squatted down to look at Piqiu's level. Pichu looked at Fang Che curiously, and then shyly ran along Xiaoyi's arm and onto Xiaoyi's shoulder.

"Xiaoqiu is a bit afraid of strangers."

Xiaoyi quickly explained to Fang Che that she was afraid that Fang Che would think Xiaoqiu didn't want to be friends with him.

"Yeah, I know."

Fang Che smiled and took out two energy cubes that were the favorites of electric elves. Zhao Wanxi had given them to him on the way here.

Zhao Wanxi has been in contact with Pichu several times, so she naturally knows Pichu's taste.

In fact, Pichu and Pikachu all have similar tastes, they like sour and sweet, but after evolving into Raichu, they like spicy food more.

Pichu smelled his favorite food. He sniffed it gently, then carefully reached out from Xiaoyi's shoulder and took the energy cube handed over by Fang Che.


Pichu thanked him in a low voice, then happily held the energy cube and started chewing on it.

Those who look at that cute look want to hold Pichu in their arms and take a good sip.

"Xiao Yi, where did you become friends with Pichu?"

Seeing Pichu chewing the energy cube seriously, Fang Che suddenly remembered what Zhao Wanxi said before.

Pichu has the blessing of Kapu Mingming, and Kapu Mingming should be in the South Sea Island Alliance. How did Pichu appear in the Eastern Alliance after being thousands of miles away?

Is it possible that there is also a Kapu Mingming in the Eastern Alliance?

Xiaoyi tilted her head, looked at Zhao Wanxi, and then began to think with a sad face.

She is only seven years old this year, and she met Pichu more than a year ago. She still remembers the situation when they met, but she really doesn't know where exactly.

Zhao Wanxi reached out and took Pichu from Xiaoyi's shoulder. Although Pichu was very young, still a child, it was an elf after all, and its physique was there.

Aunt Liu had weighed the Pichu before. This Pichu weighed four and a half kilograms. If such a weight kept pressing on Xiao Yi's shoulders, it would have a great negative impact on Xiao Yi's physical development.

But not everyone is a super newbie. A Pikachu standing on their shoulders is like a normal person.

Even Zhao Wanxi didn't hug Ibrahimovic all the time before.

"Well, when the New Year was about to begin the year before last, Mother Liu and I went to buy candy. At that time, Xiaoqiu ran out of the alley, and there were two Rattata chasing him behind him."

"Mother Liu helped drive away Ratha, and then Xiaoqiu came back with us."

Xiaoyi briefly told how she met Piqiu, which made Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi feel quite confused.

Pichu, being chased by two Rattata?

No, even if Pichu is only in its infancy, with its talent and skill panel, Ratatata only dared to chase Pichu after eating the courage of a ring bear.

Moreover, Rattata, who can be easily repelled by Aunt Liu, is definitely not strong. This means that two rookies are chasing the future Skin God to find humans for help?

"Something's wrong! Nine out of ten things are wrong!"

Suddenly, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi realized that there was something wrong here!

They always thought that Pichu had received Kapu Mingming's blessing before becoming friends with Xiaoyi, but now it seems that they may have been mistaken.

Unless Pichu is very timid and unable to fight at all, with its current strength, two electric attacks can definitely kill the Ratatata who has just entered the growth stage in an instant.

When he was chased by Rattata, Pichu probably had not yet received Kapu Mingming's blessing!

"Pichu, do you recognize this elf?"

Fang Che took out the Elf Encyclopedia and casually searched for information about Kapu Mingming.

As one of the few legendary elves that are very active in reality, the Kapu clan also has three sacred beasts, three sacred birds, and three sacred pillars. Compared with other sacred beasts, their information is relatively complete.

At least, there are all the necessary photos, feature introductions, and power introductions.

Pichu looked at Kapu Mingming's picture and tilted his head, then showed a look of sudden realization.

Fang Che immediately released Lucario. At this time, the ace translator Lucario was needed to help.

Although Variety Monster also possesses the power of waveguide, it is not a waveguide elf after all, and sometimes its translation is not as accurate as Lucario's.

[It said that it had seen the statue of this elf a year ago, and there were several statues of similar size next to it. 】

Lucario accurately translated Piqiu's words, and Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi showed a hint of joy in their eyes.

The statues of similar size that Pichu mentioned are most likely the statues of Kapu Diedie, Kapu Moo, and Kapu Fin!

Are there statues of these four patron saints in the imperial capital?

"Pichu, where did you see those statues? Did you feel any changes in your body after seeing the statues?"

Zhao Wanxi asked Pichu in a low voice, and Pichu began to think seriously again. Then it called twice, and Lucario also translated very seriously.

[It said that it saw those statues near its previous home. At that time, it was tired of playing and wanted to go home. As a result, a small pit appeared near its home. It fell into it without paying attention, and then saw that Four statues. 】

[It curiously touched the statue corresponding to this picture, and then fell asleep. When it woke up, it felt that its whole body was very strong. It could even defeat the Rattata that bullied it before. 】

While Lucario was translating, there was also a slight fluctuation in his heart. He didn't expect that this weak-looking Pichu actually had something to do with God!

"Little hole!"

Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi looked at each other, and a glint suddenly flashed in their eyes.

"Xiao Yi, can Pichu lend us a loan?"

Fang Che asked Xiaoyi softly. Although Xiaoyi was young, she was very smart. She knew that Piqiu's words must have triggered Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi's ideas.

Aunt Liu once told Xiaoyi and the others that Zhao Wanxi is an excellent trainer who can attract both Zhao Wanxi and Fang Che. Pichu must be very important to them!

"Will it hurt Xiaoqiu?"

Xiao Yi is a little worried. Although she has never had contact with trainers other than Zhao Wanxi and Aunt Liu, the scenes in TV shows and various elf battle programs have told Xiao Yi that elves can also be injured!

Fang Che showed a confident smile to Xiaoyi, "Don't worry, my brother and sister won't let Xiaoqiu get any harm. We just want to confirm our guess."

If their guess is correct, the Imperial City may cause another disturbance.

"Xiaoqiu, do you agree?"

Xiaoyi's brows still didn't relax, she asked Pichu softly.

Pichu tilted his head in Zhao Wanxi's arms. He didn't quite understand what was going on.

Lucario immediately used the waveguide to communicate with Pichu. It knew very well that its master and mistress wanted to find the "little hole" in Pichu's words.


Pichu nodded immediately when he heard that he was looking for that strange little hole.

The place wasn't too remote, it was right near its previous home, so it was easy to find.

"Long-tailed fire fox, Nine-Tails, please take care of the children here."

Zhao Wanxi released the Long-tailed Fire Fox and Nine Tails, and Fang Che also directly released the Giant Pincer Mantis and Boss Cordora.

"Guard here, no one is allowed in until we come back."

Fang Che seriously warned Giant Pincer Mantis and Boss Cordora that he and Zhao Wanxi were going to find a hidden secret realm where there might be a miracle. If it had to disappear for a long time like the previous paradoxical space, , the imperial capital circle will definitely react.

Zhao Wanxi sent some simple messages to Lan Ying and Zhao Weimin on the communicator, and then she cut off the signal of the communicator.

Fang Che also casually placed the communicator on the twenty-fourth bridge under the moonlit night. There, the communicator could not send out any signals.


Zhao Wanxi released Bai Xue, and Fang Che also released the Black King. Looking at these two beautiful and handsome unicorns, Xiao Yi's eyes were full of yearning.

Zhao Wanxi put Pichu on Bai Xue's back, and then she patted Bai Xue's back gently.

Bai Xue neighed, then jumped into the air and disappeared into the vegetable garden in an instant.

Fang Che and Hei Wang followed closely behind, also using teleportation to follow Zhao Wanxi to an open space far away from the orphanage in the south of the city.

Piqiu guided Bai Xue, and Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi soon arrived at a residential area on the border of the Fourth Ring Road in the southern part of the imperial capital.

This place is not too far from the Chengnan Orphanage. It was at the snack street in this residential area that Xiaoyi and Piqiu met.


After arriving at the snack street, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi put away the conspicuous Black King Baixue, and then they followed Piqiu and turned left and right until they came directly to an abandoned river.

It is an exaggeration to say that this is a river. This was originally just a branch of the moat, but due to drought one year, this branch dried up and became abandoned.

Now it has become a "nest" for some small elves.


Pichu brought Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi to his hometown. He wanted to introduce his home to them, but what he didn't expect was that his home had already been occupied!


A two-meter-long Arbo monster with a high bulge on its back looked wary at Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi who appeared in front of its nest. One of its eyes was injured and blinded for unknown reasons, and the remaining One of his eyes looked at the two people with eyes filled with resentment and hatred.

"Abo monster? How is it possible? How could such an elf appear in a residential area!"

Zhao Wanxi frowned. She waved and Gardevoir appeared in front of her.

Let alone the imperial capital, even in third-tier cities, it is impossible for Abo monsters to take hold in residential areas.

Once residents find traces of the Arbor Monster, they will report it to the local Alliance Police Station as soon as possible, and the people from the police station will deal with it as soon as possible. After all, spirits like the Arbor Monster have a tendency to hurt people.


Feeling the oppression from Gardevoir, Abo's expression was a little stiff. It was just an elite wild elf, and its development was quite poor. It could deal with some wild elves like Radha and Rattata. , facing an elf queen like Gardevoir who was nurtured by a trainer, it had absolutely no intention of resisting.

Under the gazes of Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi, Abo curled up and lowered his head towards the two of them, as if giving in to defeat.

"Zoroa, kill it."

Suddenly, Fang Che snapped his fingers, and a figure emerged from behind the Arbo monster. It pressed the Arbo monster to the ground with just one claw.

The severe pain caused the Arbo monster to struggle crazily. The two-meter-long giant snake's crazy struggle was quite loud, but it struggled for less than ten seconds before Zoroa cut off seven inches of it. Gradually lost his voice.

Zhao Wanxi looked at Fang Che in confusion. She didn't quite understand why Fang Che wanted to kill this Arbo monster.

"On July 30th, an incident involving an elf hurting people occurred in the South Third District of the Imperial Capital. The elf that hurt people was an Arbo monster. It ambushed a child who was only ten years old at that time."

"A trainer who was passing by used a flying mantis to damage one of the Arbor's eyes, but it still escaped from the sewer."

"The child died after being bitten by the Arbor monster because he failed to get to the hospital in time."

Fang Che raised the mobile phone in his hand. This was not used for alliance communications, but a mobile phone commonly used within the shadow group.

This mobile phone does not have the function of positioning or sending signals, but it can find a lot of gossip.

When he saw the injuries on Monster Abo's face, Fang Che became suspicious, then took out his phone and searched it carefully.

Perhaps it was because keywords such as Imperial City, Abo Monster, and Injury on the Face were very powerful. In just ten seconds, Fang Che found this piece of information about the Abo Monster.

It's a killer snake!

After hearing about Abo's previous crimes, Zhao Wanxi suddenly no longer felt that Abo was innocent.

If someone intentionally hurts people in a human-inhabited area, even a mythical beast that tends to be an elf at heart cannot speak for the Arbo monster!

Throwing Abo's body aside, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi were guided by Pichu, who was still in shock, to the sewer next to the river bed.

The small hole it saw was right inside!



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