There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 332 H227 You are really not afraid of death!

Chapter 332 H-227 You are really not afraid of death!

"What kind of power is this!"

Fang Tianyang and Zhao Weimin both frowned. The elf force fields on their bodies began to tremble continuously. The aura exuded by the metal monster from the inside out even shook their elf force fields!

Fang Che also looked at the metal monster in confusion. He carefully read the effects of the mental training stone, and then determined that the changes in the metal monster were not caused by the mental training stone!

Zhao Wanxi retreated to Fang Che's side. She had already summoned Gardevoir and the Long-tailed Fire Fox.

The aura emitted by the metal monster was more of a mental pressure, so she needed super-power elves to help her withstand this pressure.

Because Fang Che has superpowers and a Variety Monster on his body, he is not worried about the impact of the Metal Monster's aura on him.


In the dark, Fang Che seemed to hear the metal monster's happy cry. This foolish boy with an optimistic nature had never made such a sound.

Even if it eats the energy cubes specially prepared for it by Zhao Wanxi on weekdays, it is just a little happy.

"What happened?"

Fang Che scratched his head. There was no change in the information sent back by the power of data, which also made him feel a little anxious.

The metal monster continued to exude momentum for a full five minutes, and the mental training stone mill also released its light for a full five minutes.

When the light finally dissipated, the metal monster floated in front of Fang Che again.

"Gym level!"

Zhao Weimin and Fang Tianyang are very convinced that the current metal monster has broken through the gym level.

At least, its momentum can only be found at the gym level or even the quasi-king level!

The metal monster had previously reached the elite level under Fang Che's training. Although it was still far from the gym level, the real combat power of the metal monster far exceeded the average gym level.

Fang Che stared at the metal monster's data. He suddenly pinched his cheek, and a hint of pain brought him back to reality.

"Good guy..."

"Metal Monster (Genderless)

Level·Level 43 (elite level)

Properties·Steel, super power


Characteristics·Pure body

Hidden characteristics·Light metal

Special ability·Psychic Master: The power of telekinesis skills is increased by 50%

Special ability·Jirachi's Blessing: The probability of additional effects of moves is increased by 50%, and the additional effects are increased by 50%.

Special ability: Gift of Starlight: It can absorb starlight to improve all attributes, up to 10% of all racial values.

Special ability·Prayer: Pray devoutly at a specific location to summon Jirachi


Moves·Crash, slam, telekinesis (120%), teleportation (100%), telekinesis (100%), steel fist double tap, metal claw, bullet punch, electromagnetic levitation, cannon light cannon, iron hoof beam, meteor beam

Special moves·Iron hoof light, iron wall, mental hammer, iron head, repay favor, freezing fist, thunder fist, earthquake, high-speed movement, light wall, reflective wall, rock avalanche, substitute, hold, sludge bomb, freezing wind, Shadow Ball, Iron Wall, Cosmic Power, Iron Head, Black Gaze, Steel Fist Double Tap


The level of the metal monster has only increased by four levels, but these four levels will take a while to practice.

Compared to its special abilities, this improved level is nothing.

First of all, the skill breakthrough progress of teleportation and mental power has all reached 100%, which means that as long as the metal monster reaches the level, it can immediately become a king-level existence.

In addition, the metal monster has three more special abilities. The original telekinesis master only made the metal monster's output ability more powerful, but now these three additional abilities give the metal monster the possibility of breaking through to God!

With Jirachi's blessing, the probability of additional effects of moves is increased by 50%, and the additional effects are increased by 50%. This effect has even exceeded the nature of grace. Is it true that Jirachi is indeed the God of Wishes?

The Gift of Starlight can absorb starlight to improve all attributes, up to 10% of all racial values. As a legendary elf who needs to absorb the power of a comet to wake up, it is understandable that Jirachi has the ability to absorb starlight to improve himself, but this ability gives metal It's a bit outrageous after the strange thing.

After the metal monster evolves, it will become Metagross. Metagross's racial value is as high as 600, and the distribution is quite good. If it increases by another ten percent, it will be an invincible existence among the same level.

You know, the leader aura Fang Che gave Zhi Yujian only increased the value of the entire race by 10%.

The last and most important special ability is to pray!

Jirachi can be summoned by praying devoutly in a specific place. What does this mean?

This means that Fang Che will have a chance to summon Jiraqi in the future to receive blessings and even conquer Jiraqi!

Jirachi is a super-type, steel-type phantom beast. Its strength may not be as good as other mythical beasts in the same realm, but its special abilities are enough to make people crazy.

According to legend, Jirachi can fulfill all the wishes of the person who summons it!

More than 300 years ago, Jiraqi first appeared on the earth. At that time, a trainer from the Roba Alliance had the honor to summon Jiraqi. At that time, he prayed to Jiraqi to gain great power. Jirachi gave him a powerful elf named "Earth Monster".

The elf has the same appearance as the God of Earth, Groudon, but does not have the powerful divine power of Groudon.

Relying on the powerful power of the earth monster, the trainer rose to the top of the Roba League and became the president of the Roba Alliance.

However, because the trainer's subsequent ambitions gradually expanded, this caused the earth monster to go on a rampage, destroying half of the Roba Alliance. In the end, the earth monster died at the hands of the three holy beasts who were shocked. From then on, the trainer also Disappeared without a trace.

Although the earth monster created by Jirachi caused a lot of damage, instead of making people fear its existence, more people hope that they can see Jirachi one day.

Because, in their opinion, as long as they can restrain their inner desires and ambitions, they can control the power Jirachi gave them.

Those trainers who claim to be the pride of heaven are extremely confident in their self-control abilities.

More than 120 years ago, Jiraqi appeared again on the Elf Star. This time the person who found it was a trainer with a former fisherman background. He also made a wish to Jiraqi and obtained a sea monster. It is a special elf based on Kyogre.

Relying on the sea monster, that person founded a special dark organization, the Holy Water Knights. He inspired to let the sea submerge all the land so that the sea monster would never have an opponent.

Unfortunately, the concept of the Holy Water Knights could not be recognized by the public. In the end, the Holy Water Knights were jointly annihilated by several major alliances, and the sea monster disappeared since then.

Every time Jiraqi appears, it will change the course of that era. Fang Che looks forward to seeing Jiraqi one day.

He would not make a wish for powerful power. A powerful elf would be useless if it was not cultivated by himself.

The monsters of the earth and the monsters of the sea sound very strong, but in fact they are just two wild elves with great power. The trainers who control them are not of good character, so naturally they cannot fully unleash the power of the two monsters.

"Congratulations on your breakthrough, Metal Monster."

Fang Che stretched out his hand and gently touched the metal hanging. An ordinary metal monster only needs level 45 to evolve into a Metagross. Now the metal monster has reached level 43. As long as he goes to the secret realm to experience it, he will be able to evolve into a metal monster. Within a month, the metal monster will definitely evolve.

Now, apart from the unhatched little Nebula, the only elves in Fang Che's hands that have not yet evolved to the final stage are the Metal Monster and Zoroa.

Soraya has been unraveling a lot recently and has taken the initiative to ask for a fight. However, he has not met many suitable opponents for Soraya these days. It is better to wait for the imperial capital to settle down and go to the secret realm to level up for Soroa. .

"By the way, isn't it said that the mental training stone mill will give the metal monster a spiritual blessing? Why didn't I see it?"

Fang Che was a little confused, why didn't he see the spiritual blessing on the metal monster?

As if it sensed Fang Che's doubts, the mental training stone mill sent a very aggrieved message. The blessing it gave to the metal monster was to stimulate the metal monster's true potential.

Apart from anything else, the special ability of the metal monster cannot be fully unleashed until at least it evolves into Metagross and breaks through to the King level. Isn't it enough that it is now helping the metal monster to draw it out in advance?

Fang Che thought for a while and found that this stone mill was really powerful. It could channel Jirachi's power, which was already quite powerful.

After comforting the metal monster and letting it play, Fang Che released Lucario. He wanted to see what kind of spiritual blessing Lucario could get.

To be honest, until now, although Lucario has used many moves and skills, its special abilities have not been increased.

It's not that Fang Che prefers other elves, but that there really aren't many suitable for Lucario.

As Lucario injected his waveguide power into the stone mill, the stone mill suddenly emitted a dazzling light, which was much stronger than before.

Fang Che and the others narrowed their eyes slightly. They found that Lucario's body was trembling constantly. It could hardly hold on and was half-kneeling in front of Fang Che. It was obvious that under this light, Lucario's body was shaking. Leo was in unimaginable pain.

Fortunately, the pain did not last long, only three minutes, and the light dissipated.

Lucario stood up. It had not completely retracted its waveguide, so everyone could feel its somewhat chaotic power.

"Lucario (male)

Level·49 (Elite)

Attributes·Steel, fighting


Characteristics·Psychic power

Special ability·Power of Steel: The power of steel attribute moves is increased by 20%

Special ability·Iron will: Iron will, unaffected by the changing moves used by the enemy

Item·Lucario’s bone club

Moves: Flash of lightning, see through, hold on, double return, use force, feint attack, come back to life, wave missile (50%), metal claw, evil wave, bone club slap, metal sound, divine speed, dragon wave, two Continuous chop, comet fist

Moves: Sword Dance, Strange Power, Earthquake, Shadow Clone, Stand, Defend, Bluff, Awakening Power (Ice), Rock Break, Hard Hold, Tile Splitting, Exchange of Fields, Repay a favor, Thunder Fist, Fire Fist, Freezing Fist, Dragon's Punch Dance, Tai Jing Burst, Shadow Ball

PS: Intimacy: 225”


When three question marks appeared on Fang Che's forehead, it didn't mean that there was something wrong with him, but that he thought there was something wrong with Lucario and the mental training stone!

Is this iron will so strong?

It is not affected by the enemy's changing moves, which means that the opponent's intimidation characteristics, fake crying, electromagnetic waves, paralysis powder and other moves are ineffective against Lucario?

Moreover, if he remembers correctly, the Song of Death can also be regarded as a transformational move. Lucario is now directly immune?

"Wait a minute! Isn't this a body of gold?"

Fang Che suddenly came to his senses. Isn't this iron will the golden body of Sai Fuhao? It's just that Sai Fuhao's body is made of special metal, so he is not affected by transformation moves.

But Lucario relies solely on his strong willpower to become immune to the effects of those transformational moves.

"This improvement is too great!"

Fang Che complained in his heart, but he did not say it out loud.

The blessing Lucario received was very special. No one would believe the powerful effectiveness of Lucario's iron will without some testing.

I have to admit that the spiritual training stone mill has improved the elves far beyond Fang Che's imagination.


Just when Fang Che was about to let all his elves use the mental training stone mill, Lucario suddenly stopped him.

It feels that it is better to inoculate its partners first, otherwise if they give up during the exercise, the effect of the blessing received will be very poor.

Metal Monster is an optimistic child by nature, and he doesn't take it to heart when he endures such "torture".

However, Lucario is quite mature. He is sure that the giant swamp monster and the giant mantis can withstand the crushing test of the mental training stone, but Boscodora, the black king, and even the paper sword , Soraya may not be able to handle it perfectly.

Listening to Lucario's narration, Fang Che also felt that it made sense, so he simply let the two old men play first. The elves of the two old men were all strong men who had experienced hundreds of battles and had extremely strong willpower. Naturally, there is no need to worry about failing the test.

As for Zhao Wanxi's elves, except for the nine-tailed and long-tailed fire foxes who are more mature, even Gardevoir is a bit childish.

Hackron, Fairy Eevee, and Dream Demon, they are all still children!

Soon, all the elves of the two old men passed the test of the spiritual training stone, and they each received blessings that suited them very well.

Some enhance attack capabilities, some strengthen defense methods, and some directly grant powerful characteristics such as "regeneration". The spiritual training stone mill is a blessing that only you can't imagine, and it can't give without it!

Among them, the strongest blessing is Fang Tianyang's Flashing Metagross, which directly received a controllable blessing called "Constant".

The so-called constancy means that the state is fixed at a certain stage. No matter what, the state will not decline or rise. This may sound a bit tasteless, but at certain times, constancy can allow Metagross to do far more than Something that is your own limit!



Sorry, the first version was accepted, although I don’t know why it was included (maybe related to Zong J), so I can only rewrite it and repost it.

The second half is still being revised, I feel numb~

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