There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 341 H236 This is very beaver!

Chapter 341 H-236 This is so beaver!

"Well, I want to ask, Grandpa Dongfang, what is your main elf?"

On the secret island in the sea, Zhao Wanxi asked Dongfang Shuo curiously. She really didn't know what the main force of President Dongfang was.

In the early years, President Dongfang still had a record of taking action, but in recent years, President Dongfang has been reclusive. The younger generation only knows that President Dongfang is very strong, but they have no idea how strong President Dongfang is.

"Is this my main force? You two little guys can meet my old buddy."

Dongfang Shuo smiled gently, turned his hand, and a Poke Ball appeared in front of Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi.

To the surprise of both of them, the Poké Ball used by Dongfang Shuo was not a luxury high-end ball commonly used in the outside world, or even a special ball, but a simple red and white ball!

You know, depending on the quality of the Poké Ball, the internal living space is also very different.

A good elf ball can give the elf a better resting space.

According to Lucario's description, it is an ordinary red and white ball with a blank interior space, and nothing can be done except closing your eyes and sleeping inside.

Special balls or luxurious balls can also allow them to see the outside world, which is why some elves can break open the elf ball and automatically protect their master.

It was impossible for Dongfang Shuo not to be able to afford a special ball. Obviously, this elf ball had special meaning to him.

"Come out, old man."

Dongfang Shuo gently clicked the red and white ball, and a red figure appeared in front of Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi. The aura like magma in the center of the earth made the two of them take a step back involuntarily.


After the elf appeared, it sprayed a thick flame into the sky. Fang Che noticed that the color of the flame was actually light gold!


Zhao Wanxi's eyes lit up. As a breeder, she could tell at a glance that Dongfang Shuo's fire-breathing dragon was very well cultivated. She couldn't find any faults at all.

Fang Che curiously put the power of data on the Charizard. He felt that this Charizard had a big secret!

"Charizard (male)

Level·99 (championship level)

Attributes: flight, fire


Characteristics·Power of the sun, fierce fire

Special ability: Solar field: can change the weather to sunny day, during which the person will be exposed to light to continuously recover physical strength, and attack and special attacks will be increased by 50%.

Special ability·Rainbow Messenger: Can master the power of airflow to a certain extent, and the downwind effect is increased by 50%

Special Ability·Blessing of the Phoenix King: The energy consumption of fire and flying moves is reduced by 90%, the power of fire and flying skills is increased by 200%, and the damage taken by fire and flying skills is reduced by 80%.

Prop·Mysterious Treasure·Ancient Will (can evolve into the ancient fire-breathing dragon king in a short time, all attributes are increased by 100%, duration is 1 hour)

Moves·Hot Wind, Dragon Claw, Smoke Screen, Dragon Breath, Flame Fang, Split, Jet Flame, Flame Vortex, Fearful Face, Fiery Abyss, Flash Charge, Bite, Belly Drum, Iron Tail, Metal Claw, Primordial Power, Dragon God's Dive, Dragon Tail, Air Blade, Explosive Flame, Fire Oath, Scale Shot, Hot Sand Ground, Wing Attack, Holy Fire (100%)

Special moves: Megaton Punch, Flame Punch, Thunder Punch, Sword Dance, Flying, Megaton Kick, Mount Tai, Destruction Death Ray, Sun Flame, Earthquake, Digging, Stand, Guard, Rockfall, Sleep, and Downwind , Reverse Scale, Phosphorus Fire, Tile Splitting, Dragon Dance, Throwing, Dragon Wave, Chi Bomb, Shadow Claw, Acrobatics, Stomp, Storm, Magic Flame, Wide Area Destruction, Wild Swing

Intimacy · 50”

So arrogant!

It’s so arrogant!

Fang Che could only use this word to describe this fire-breathing dragon.

If it were placed in the previous life, if this panel were released, someone would say "increase the fire dragon"!

The almost full skill panel, as well as the three extremely powerful special abilities, plus the championship-level strength that is on the verge of breakthrough, perfectly explain what it means to be the best in the league!

Fang Che felt that if he was given another five years, he might not be able to cultivate his elf to the level of a fire-breathing dragon!

He has elves on hand who hope to match the strength of this fire-breathing dragon as soon as possible, and I am afraid that the only one is Cosmog who has not yet hatched.

Fang Che has always used elves with great potential and powerful strength to crush opponents of the same age. This time, he finally saw what his talented elves can eventually grow into.

"No matter how many times I see it, President Dongfang's fire-breathing dragon is still so powerful that it makes people feel desperate!"

Zhao Weimin sighed at the side. He was also a Charizard trainer, but his Charizard seemed so vulnerable in front of Dongfang Shuo's Charizard.

Dongfang Shuo smiled and did not reply. He was still very concerned about his old friend.

"Grandpa Dongfang, what is the super-evolved form of your fire-breathing dragon?"

Suddenly, Zhao Wanxi frowned and looked at Charizard's body. She unconsciously stepped forward to take a closer look. Charizard glanced at Dongfang Shuo, and then opened its arms so that Zhao Wanxi could observe more carefully.

But it was fine that it didn't move. When it started to move, Zhao Wanxi immediately realized something was wrong.

Generally speaking, there are two ways to breed Charizard.

One is to exercise your body as much as possible, enhance your close combat ability, supplement it with fire attacks, and ultimately aim to evolve into Super Charizard X.

There is also a Charizard that has the power of the sun. It will focus on condensing flame energy and comprehend the sun, and ultimately aims to evolve into Super Charizard Y.

These two breeding methods are completely different, and the fire-breathing dragons that are cultivated naturally have certain differences.

In the past, some people have done dual breeding of Charizard, but the bred Charizard was neither high nor low.

According to research by researchers from the alliance, the genetic factors in Charizard's body are very special. Even if there are ancient recessive genetic factors in the bodies of ordinary elves, they are only monotonous.

However, Charizard has two completely different genetic factors, which makes Charizard the only elf with double super evolution.

PS: Mewtwo has never shown dual super evolution in front of humans, so it is not listed.

The double super evolution makes Charizard's potential far exceed that of the other three imperial families, but it also fixes its cultivation direction.

Either work towards the "Fighter" direction or the "Mage" direction.

He who chases two rabbits will not get one rabbit. This is the true portrayal of the trainer of the fire-breathing dragon.

Zhao Wanxi discovered that Dongfang Guildmaster's fire-breathing dragon had perfectly developed limbs. Even some fighting elves may not have the perfect muscles of a fire-breathing dragon.

However, the flames on the Charizard's tail showed a light golden color, and the looming red flame lines on its forehead made Zhao Wanxi understand that this Charizard's flame control ability had probably exceeded the limits of the race.

Therefore, Zhao Wanxi is very confused, which form will the super evolution of Dongfang Guilin's fire-breathing dragon be?

Zhao Weimin glanced at his granddaughter and took a step back silently, because he knew that President Dongfang was going to "show off"!

As an existence that has lived for two hundred years and has been in charge of the position of President of the Eastern Alliance for hundreds of years, President Dongfang’s external image has always been that of a fairy, mature and steady, but Zhao Weimin knows that as long as the design of President Dongfang’s spray is In the super evolved form of the fire dragon, this old man will become particularly lively, like an old naughty boy.

"Old man, come on, show your skills to our juniors!"

President Dongfang coughed lightly, and the Charizard beside him spread his hands helplessly, and then extended his hand to Zhao Wanxi.

Zhao Wanxi put her hand on Charizard's hand with some doubts, and then the Charizard exerted force, and Zhao Wanxi was directly dragged onto its back.

Before Zhao Wanxi could exclaim, a golden light had already covered the fire-breathing dragon's body.

The fire-breathing dragon, which was originally only a little over two meters tall, grew to a height of five meters. Its wings spread out, as if it could cover the sky and the sun.

The golden flames wrapped around the dark body, forming lines full of sacred aura.

Zhao Wanxi carefully grabbed Charizard's neck. She looked at Charizard's body, and then at the sharp horn extending from Charizard's head...

"Is this a combination of X and Y?"

Her voice was full of unconfidence. Fang Che rarely saw Zhao Wanxi like this. It was obvious that the fire-breathing dragon in this state gave Zhao Wanxi an unimaginable shock.

"You are truly worthy of being a fire-increasing dragon!"

Feeling the aura that was no weaker than that of Darkrai who appeared in Tianjian Mountain before, Fang Che sighed sincerely. If other elves were so "cheating", Fang Che would definitely not accept it.

But increasing the fire dragon, I can only say that it is very reasonable!

The ancient power that merged the power of X and Y helped Charizard break through the last level and reach the realm of God.

Although even the super-evolved Charizard is only between the first level of God and the second level of God, the realm of God is still the realm of God.

Fang Che had some doubts as to whether the flame bird that defeated Zhao Longhu and the others was also at this level.

After all, here at Fang Che, the Flame Bird's abilities are really not that high!

Charizard carried Zhao Wanxi around in the air several times, which made Fang Che feel a little confused. Why was Charizard so affectionate to Zhao Wanxi?

"President Dongfang's Charizard had a granddaughter. His granddaughter did not inherit his powerful talent. Later, he met his destined trainer when he ran away from home."

Zhao Weimin walked to Fang Che's side and explained to Fang Che in a low voice, "That person is Wanxi's father."

Fang Che blinked, his expression gradually falling apart because he didn't know what to say.

Good guy, Zhao Wanxi actually has a "kinship" with President Dongfang.

When Charizard saw Zhao Wanxi, it was as if he was seeing his great-granddaughter. Of course, being intimate is not too much!

Zhao Wanxi sat on the back of the fire-breathing dragon. She felt the breeze blowing by her ears and her expression was quite happy.

The fire-breathing dragon is very fast, but the wind it brings is very small, even to the point where it can only blow Zhao Wanxi's hair.

This is the special power it has, the power of airflow!

If it weren't for Zhao Wanxi to have a more realistic experience that they were flying, Charizard could even fly at supersonic speeds without airflow, which was its specialty.

After playing for almost ten minutes, the fire-breathing dragon flew Zhao Wanxi around the island countless times before one person and one elf slowly landed on the spot.

After landing, the fire-breathing dragon returned to its original appearance, and the terrifying aura gradually dissipated.

Fang Che noticed that on Charizard's information panel, the recovery time of the ancient will was displayed as two hours.

If you use the ancient power to evolve and hover for ten minutes, you need to rest for two hours. If you continue to fight for an hour, I am afraid that Charizard will not be able to explode with power comparable to that of a god for several days.

This ancient will has a strong will, but it also has great limitations.

"My fire-breathing dragon has been blessed with a blessing from ancient times since it was born."

President Dongfang Shuo took out his small tea table again, and then leisurely started making tea. Zhao Wanxi wanted to step forward to help, but the little tea skills she learned were nothing compared to President Dongfang Shuo's decades of immersion. tea ceremony.

Soon, three cups of fragrant tea appeared in front of Fang Che and the others, and then they sipped the tea while listening to Dongfang Shuo talk about his past.

Dongfang Shuo's fire-breathing dragon was not his initial elf. His initial elf was a six-tails, which evolved into a nine-tails not long after.

In his time, there was no U18 Poké Ball Cup. There were only national elite trainer tours and world-class masters competitions.

At that time, Dongfang Shuo relied on his own efforts and the support of his family to beat all the invincible opponents in the tournament with just a Vulpix.

At the age of eighteen, he won the tour championship and became the youngest champion at the time.

Later, Dongfang Shuo was rewarded by his family to enter the legendary realm of the Phoenix King and choose an elf as his partner. This is a treatment that the best disciples of the Dongfang family can enjoy in every generation.

Dongfang Shuo stayed there for half a month, but he couldn't find the elf he liked. During this period, he encountered burning insects, chased small fire horses, bullied little duck-billed dragons with Delubi, and even flew with birds like Bi Diao. The overlords soared in the sky together.

He was having fun, but he never found a partner that suited him.

Finally, on the last day that Dongfang Shuo was about to leave, he picked up the Charmander that accidentally fell into the river while drinking water by the river where he was camping.

At this point, the wheel of fate began to spin, and the strongest Eastern Alliance president and the strongest Charizard concluded their "contract"!

Listening to President Dongfang's passionate narration, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi couldn't help but applaud, but while applauding, they complained inwardly.

Why does the president of Xianfeng Daogu have such a strange past?

That kind of personality is like that of a Siberian Husky, which is really amazing!

"Life is only a little over a hundred years old. Even if I have the blessing of the Phoenix King, my time is running out."

As if he could see the inner complaints of Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi, President Dongfang waved his hand indifferently. He looked at the sea in the distance with quite gentle eyes.

"I have climbed mountains, descended into deep seas, entered jungles, and set foot in deserts. I have nothing to regret. In the remaining days, let me add fuel to the fire for the arrival of a new era!"



MEGA evolution stimulates the power of ancient elves. Charizard has two forms, X and Y. This means that there must be individuals in the super ancient times who combine the power of X and Y into one.

When summarizing the race values ​​of the XY form, the effective race value is as high as 693!

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