Chapter 374 H-269 Are you awake?

Lost World, Temple in the Sea.

In the core area, Kyogre was leisurely contacting the king of their clan.

He had a child, and he was planning to entrust the child to be raised by humans. He must tell the king about such a big matter.

[Child, the king's will will come later. You must remember to cry very loudly. Only children who can cry will be favored in front of the king. 】

Kyogre warned his child very seriously, and the following sentence was based on his experience.

At that time, it was arranged to guard this world. Because it would not be able to contact the main world for many years, it cried in front of King Kyogre. King Kyogre was a very gentle king, and he naturally wanted to punish his people when they were wronged. Give a certain amount of comfort, so Kyogre can easily break through the bottleneck of level 29 and not get stuck until level 49.

Now, in order for his child to have a brighter future, Kyogre very seriously passed on his painful experience of crying to little Kyogre.

Little Kyogre nodded belatedly. Anyway, as soon as the king's will came, he would just start crying and tell Groudon's "crime" loudly.

Kyogre nodded with satisfaction after seeing that his child had clarified the next "mission", and then he opened the liaison king's facility in the temple.

Soon, a blue light appeared in front of Kyogre.

With the appearance of this figure, a majestic and majestic aura also fell on Kyogre and Little Kyogre.


Little Kyogre opened his mouth and was about to cry. However, at this moment, a fishhook came out of nowhere and landed directly on Little Kyogre's mouth. Little Kyogre was caught without any precautions. He was immediately dragged away from Kyogre.

Little Kyogre disappeared so fast that Kyogre had no time to react. It could only watch the projection of the king's power take shape, but its child was taken out of the temple!

Yes, Kyogre can sense the location of little Kyogre. After all, Kyogre is the one who calls the shots in the temple, but it is precisely because of this that it looks confused.

Why would my child be snatched away by a fishhook that appeared out of thin air?

Even the Magikarp wouldn't be able to take the bait with that straight hook!

【Is there anything you need? 】

At this time, the shadow of King Kyogre began to speak. It spoke the pure language of the Kyogre clan, which directly resounded deep in Kyogre's soul.

【king! 】

Kyogre bowed respectfully, and then told the story of how he gave birth to a child and was hunted by Groudon, but was fortunately saved by humans.

As Kyogre's story became more and more bizarre, King Kyogre's brows furrowed more and more tightly.

【Are you awake? 】

The King of Kyogre looked at Kyogre calmly, feeling that Kyogre was dreaming.

Without any external influence, how could Kyogre suddenly give birth?

Why did Kyogre last so long after giving birth to the original Groudon?

Also, a human can actually enter the Lost World and help Kyogre break through the barrier of godhood. This kind of thing has never been heard of, let alone the King of Kyogre.

Kyogre had no way to explain King Kyogre's doubts. After all, it couldn't understand it itself, but it just silently showed its power in front of King Kyogre.

Feeling the aura of Kyogre's breakthrough, King Kyogre fell silent.

It has not appeared in the main world for hundreds of years. Now humans have developed enough to help the gods break through?

If humans really have such abilities, then what are these mythical beasts doing in hiding?

[No, I remember that the human relatives I found didn’t have this ability? 】

The King of Kyogre fell into deep thought, but before meditating, it still directed its power to Kyogre. After all, Kyogre had been so seriously injured before, so he naturally needed to recover.

If Kyogre was allowed to recover on his own, it would take at least ten years to fully recover from the injury. Fortunately, the foundation should not be damaged.

The blue light gathered on Kyogre's body, condensed, and finally integrated into Kyogre's body.

The King of Kyogre was still wondering whether the human dependents he had chosen were a little worn out and whether he should change his dependents. However, before he could think about it for a while, he discovered that something was not quite right with the energy he was outputting!

Kyogre is only a level 50 god, why can he absorb so much energy?

Something's wrong!

Fifteen out of ten things are wrong!

The King of Kyogre released his power limit and injected energy into Kyogre's body at full power. Kyogre didn't understand what was happening at all. It only felt that the energy in its body was constantly increasing. You have to practice hard for it for decades.

【Breakthrough! 】

As the King of Kyogre's energy continued to be injected, Kyogre's aura began to gradually rise. The level that had just been broken through with the help of Fang Che's magical candies was quietly raised by another level at this moment!

Realm of God, level 51!

The King of Kyogre, who noticed Kyogre's breakthrough, asked himself if he was awake this time, and why Kyogre's breakthrough was as simple as eating and drinking water for humans.

What about the bottleneck?

Even if they are not the three major bottlenecks in the realm of gods, this is not how level breakthroughs come about!

[Tell me again the details of how you met that human being. 】

The King of Kyogre feels that the problem lies with the humans Kyogre encounters. It wants to figure out what is going on. If humans really have a way to help the beasts break through the bottleneck without any obstacles, then even it can You may not be unable to commit yourself to humanity!

Kyogre recounted everything that had happened before in detail while recalling it. King Kyogre was silent for a long time after listening, and finally he came to a conclusion.

Fang Che is a man chosen by heaven!

The King of Kyogre, who has followed Arceus to "create" and "destroy" the world countless times, knows very well that every time the world "restarts" there will be some chosen people.

Some of them are talented and intelligent, and with a little effort they can achieve glory that others cannot imagine in their lifetime.

Some people are so talented that even the gods like them are amazed.

[You have no problem entrusting your child to him, I will give it the blessing of the Sea Emperor. 】

After a long time, the King of Kyogre stopped outputting energy to Kyogre. Kyogre's injuries had completely healed, and his level had been raised by one level. If he could let it absorb a little more energy, even without Gai. Oka, the balance of this world will be completely broken.

Even so, it still needs to inform the other side that can't fly, and remind it to give some advice to its family members. The gap between level 50 and level 49 is a huge chasm. If it doesn't cross it, the continent of this lost world will Sooner or later, it will be completely submerged by the ocean.

[Thank you very much, Wang. 】

Kyogre is extremely excited. With the blessing of the King of Kyogre, little Kyogre can gain the racial talent power hidden in his body as long as he reaches adulthood, which is the so-called primitive return.

Whether they can return to their original form is the threshold for qualitative change among Kyogre, Groudon and Rayquaza.

The King of Kyogre left. Before leaving, it scanned the temple with its spiritual thoughts and found little Kyogre and Fang Che, who was looking at it.

It's a pity that the King of Kyogre didn't see anything strange in Fang Che's body. If anything, the aura of the mythical beast on Fang Che's body was too strong.

The third god of the paradoxical world that even the great god Arceus lamented, the god of the sun and the god of the moon of the broken ultimate world, and the dream that I have only come into contact with recently, Kyogre...

This is not to mention the elves such as the bronze bell related to Palkiya.

Fang Che has encountered more mythical beasts than he can count in more than half a year, which is something that ordinary people would never dare to think about in their lifetime.

After leaving a blue orb for little Kyogre, the King of Kyogre left. It was going to find its old enemy, Flightless, and the old man Rayquaza to discuss matters related to Fang Che.

Somewhere in the world of gods that has not yet been discovered by humans, King Kyogre blasted a continent with a source wave. King Groudon, who was sleeping deep in the volcano, was awakened by this source wave. Confused, he found the King of Kyogre and wanted to see what madness this fat-headed fish had gone crazy about today.

Although due to their priesthood, they will fight every hundred years to determine whether the foundation of the world is stable, but it's not the time yet, right?

King Groudon was still very angry when he got up. When he saw King Kyogre, he hit him directly with the Cliff Sword, but before the Cliff Sword fell on King Kyogre, Kyogre The King of Cards immediately soared into the sky and stood side by side with Rayquaza who had just arrived.

The giant lava sword failed to hit its target and could only return to the sea in embarrassment.

King Kyogre ignored King Groudon's expression as if he wanted to eat it. It recounted what happened before at a super fast speed, and then King Groudon and Rayquaza gave King Kyogre at the same time. Wang gave an incomprehensible look.

[Stinky fish, are you sure you didn't fall asleep? 】

The King of Groudon was an old troll as soon as he opened his mouth. He laughed loudly. Even they could not guarantee that the second bottleneck of the realm of gods would allow the tribe to break through. How could a mere human brat ignore the will of the world?

You might as well say that he caught Arceus with the red and white balls to convince King Groudon more.

Contrary to King Groudon, Rayquaza started thinking seriously.

[Is it possible that he is the chosen one in this world? 】

[No, I'm pretty sure he's not. 】

The King of Kyogre shook his head seriously. Following Arceus for so many epochs, the King of Kyogre knew exactly what the Chosen One should look like. He was certain that Fang Che was definitely not the Chosen One, but him. The little girl next to me has a bit of the gift of being chosen.

[However, I saw in him a talent that even the chosen one cannot match. 】

This is something that the King of Kyogre cannot understand at all. It can sense Fang Che's bone age through his spiritual mind. He is seventeen or eighteen years old. According to the alliance agreement between Phoenix King and humans, this is the age at which human cubs first become trainers.

In other words, Fang Che can obtain the elf for at most one year.

In one year, I have come into contact with almost five first-level gods, and the number of gods' elves related to them is too many to count. In addition, plus the main hand-held force that can already form the god's team, this is a lineup that even a human champion cannot imagine.

What the King of Kyogre cannot understand the most is why it cannot see through the "future" of the Fang Che Elf.

For these divine beasts, non-divine elves, who have lived for who knows how long, they can see through their future at a glance, but this ability is ineffective when used on Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi's elves.

It's like the future of these elves is something it can't predict.

Rayquaza's eyes suddenly lit up as it listened to King Kyogre's description.

[Do you still remember that a chosen person appeared in a certain era? 】

Rayquaza danced his body in the sky, and layers of pressure forcibly smoothed the waves of the sea.

[That time was the closest God Arceus came to completing his "goal", but it's a pity...]

Rayquaza sighed, and King Kyogre and King Groudon also recalled. An invincible figure wearing a red vest and a red peaked cap appeared in their minds.

【You mean...the person who fights? impossible! Absolutely impossible! 】

The King of Groudon waved his hands repeatedly. It did not want to believe that Arceus would make the same mistake again after failing once. The man who fought was obviously not the helper of Arceus to achieve his ultimate goal.

The King of Kyogre also denied Rayquaza's guess in his heart. It had come into contact with the Fighting Man who was personally blessed by Arceus. However, Fang Che gave it a feeling that it was indeed more mysterious than the Fighting Man. It was as if there were It was like a pair of invisible hands covering the eyes of everyone who wanted to spy on Fang Che.

Rayquaza grinned. It knew more secrets than its two bratty brothers, King Kyogre and King Groudon.

That era was the closest Arceus came to success. It's not that the people who fight are not the help Arceus needs, but it's that they can't just use the people who fight as help!

[Whether he is a fighter or not, time will tell us. 】

Rayquaza was 70% sure that Fang Che was definitely Arceus' chosen person to fight. Otherwise, it would not be possible to explain the strength of Fang Che's elf.

However, it felt that Fang Che was not just a fighter, but perhaps there were some secrets in him that even the King of Kyogre could not discover.

Thinking of this, Rayquaza felt the urge to "go down to earth" to find Fang Che in person, but this impulse only lasted for a moment.

Apart from Zygeld, the first-level gods are the only streetwalkers like Meng who can enter and leave the main world and the affiliated god world at will.

If it dares to appear casually in the main world, Zigerd will dare to attack it with all its might.

It's not afraid of Zygarde, it's afraid that Zygarde will lead Arceus out of him through a mindless brawl.

Rayquaza is just curious, it doesn't want to be scolded.

[Hey, Xiaoyu, you are so lucky that your tribe can follow that strange person. If I knew of this person's existence in advance, I would definitely let my children follow him. 】

Rayquaza sighed. Now that Fang Che had Kyogre's clan members around him, it was not easy for him to send his child there.

After all, the three of them are connected with each other but they fight with each other. If it also sends a child there, Groudon will definitely send one too.

With four gods in hand and the fate of a third god on his back, even those who fight will fall!



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