There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 390 H295 Take advantage of the front and respect later!

Chapter 390 H-295 Take advantage of the front and respect later!

In Lou Tie's unbelievable eyes, a black shadow extended from Fang Che's feet and broke straight into the shadow of Lou Meng's Miao Frog Flower.

Then, the fist wrapped in flames fell directly on Bulbasaur's belly.

After all, Bulbasaur is not a super Bulbasaur. It does not have the characteristic of thick fat to weaken the fire damage, so it was beaten by Marshado and lost its combat ability with just one blow.

When Bulbasaur lay down, Marshado slowly emerged from Bulbasaur's shadow.


Lou Tie screamed in surprise. He couldn't understand why Mashado appeared from Fang Che's shadow and why Mashado listened to Fang Che's orders.

It's impossible for a little kid to conquer a complete fantasy beast!

Lou Tie knew that Fang Che owned Meltan, but he didn't even know about Genesect, let alone Marshado, Kyogre and Cosmog.

Xu You knew that Fang Che was accompanied by a Machado, but he did not expect that Machado would obey Fang Che's orders so much.

With such a Mashaduo, Fang Che could even defeat the six main aces of the Ghost or Fighting King in a regular challenge match.

In other words, Fang Che now has the power of a heavenly king?

Xu You glanced at Fang Che inexplicably. He felt that it was a pity. Fang Che was already bound to Zhao Wanxi, and his daughter could not compare with Zhao Wanxi. Otherwise, he would definitely let his daughter compete with Fang Che. Get closer and closer.

This is the Royal Envoy!

Although Mashado is not in the orthodox order of mythical beasts, he is the messenger of the Phoenix King, and he is a phantom beast on the same level as Entei Raikou Suicune and the others.

Fang Che, who owns Masha Duo, is worthy of being called a divine messenger!

Again, since the establishment of the Elf Alliance, a real divine envoy has never appeared.

Neither the former messengers of the Black and White Dragon nor the twelve divine generals of the Shadow Regiment lurking in the dark are the divine messengers recognized by the alliance.

The father-in-law of the first royal messenger...

When Xu You thought of such a famous name, he envied Zhao Qiansun from the bottom of his heart.

"Fang Che, if you let me and my grandson go, I can give you the Lou family's century-old inheritance!"

Seeing that Bulbasaur also lost his fighting ability, he was left with only a half-invalid Boss Cordora. Originally, he couldn't defeat Xu You, but now he has another one who can command Marshado. Fang Che and Lou Tie could only helplessly beg Fang Che for mercy.

He wanted to exchange the Lou family's hundreds of years of foundation for a glimmer of hope for him and Lou Shan.

Fang Che curled his lips and said, "Mr. Lou, are you dizzy? In this situation, if I tell you to let you go, will you be able to escape?"

"I originally thought that targeting the Lou family would cost some money and take a lot of time. Who would have thought that Mr. Lou would actually seek your own death?"

To be honest, Fang Che originally wanted to use one to three years to compress the Lou family's development environment, and wait until he had fully grown up before he could personally deal with Lou Shan and Lou Tie.

But what Fang Che didn't expect was that Lou Tie's apprentice Gao Xiu directly exposed himself and handed over the evidence of Lou Tie's crime.

With such a breakthrough, let alone a year, if the Lou family can survive for one more month, it will be regarded as dereliction of duty by everyone in the security office!

Lou Tie remained silent. Didn't he know the risks of doing so?

Of course he knows, but the interests behind this are really too great.

As long as he succeeds, he is equivalent to controlling an alliance, and that is an alliance's resources!

Even if it is just a small alliance, it still has huge real resources, not to mention the elven secret realm they control.

Relying on the king's army, the Lou family has obtained a lot of rare elves. Otherwise, how could Lou Shan become a gym-level trainer so easily with the resources of Anhe County alone.

"In addition, there is another thing that you didn't seem to have considered, old man." Fang Che raised a finger, his eyes filled with a mocking smile, "If I deal with you, I can also get a lot of the Lou family's foundation." !”

Fornicating with underground forces in an attempt to subvert the alliance.

With such a serious crime, Lou Tie would not have thought that the Lou family's legacy could be preserved.

According to the relevant information provided by Gao Xiu, there are more than 500 people in the Lou family from generation to generation, and no one is innocent. So the order Xu You received this time was to "ransom the house"!

"If you want to destroy the Lou family, it depends on whether your teeth are strong enough!"

Seeing that the communication was ineffective, Lou Tie was about to get angry. He was cruel and threw several elf balls.

As the elf ball exploded, a naughty thunderbolt that looked somewhat similar to the elf ball appeared in front of Fang Che and Xu You.

Xu You's pupils shrank, and Sure enough, Weng stood in front of him instantly.

Lou Tie wants to play Big Bang!

"Come out, Swampert."

The moment he saw the spirit released by Lou Tie, Fang Che directly released the giant swamp monster without thinking, and he also threw the high-level ball a little further. As soon as the giant swamp monster appeared, it landed directly on Naughty In front of the thunder bombs.

"big Bang!"

When he saw the Swamp Monster, a trace of panic flashed across Lou Tie's expression, because he knew that the Swamp Monster had the ability to block explosive skills.

However, now that the matter has come to an end, the arrow has to be fired.


Several naughty Thunderbolts prepared to use Big Explosion without thinking, but Swampert had already locked onto them one step ahead.

The moist smell made the naughty thunder bombs feel quite uncomfortable. They kept trying to explode, but they were completely unable to induce any energy.

Xu You breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't expect that Lou Tie, who was at the end of his rope, would directly throw out five gym-level naughty thunder bombs.

You must know that skills like big explosions can hurt enemies across borders. Even the naughty thunder bombs at the gym level can hurt the king-level elves with their big explosions.

Although it did not pose much of a threat to the champion-level elves, Xu You and Fang Che were in danger under the big explosion.

Even with the protection of the elf force field, if the elf failed to come back in time, the shock wave of the big explosion would be enough to injure two people.

By then, Lou Tie would have a chance to escape.

"Hu Di, contain Boscodora. Sun Elf, lock the old guy's actions."

Because Lou Tie no longer had any main battle elves, Xu You unceremoniously asked his elves to take down Lou Tie directly.

Originally, he and Zhao Qiansun discussed letting Fang Che deal with Lou Tie personally, but Xu You was afraid of long nights and dreams, so he decided to take away Lou Tie's ability to resist first.

Hu Di used his petrification technique to immobilize Boss Kedola, while the Sun Elf used telekinesis to directly capture Lou Tie and Lou Meng who was beside him.

At this point, all three elders of the Lou family were defeated.

"Tsk, it seems like my trip here is totally pointless."

Fang Che looked at Lou Tie and Lou Meng who were "hanged up" by the sun elf and complained that even if he didn't come, Xu You could defeat the three elders of the Lou family one against three. The level of the current king is really unmatched.

Xu You walked over and greeted Fang Che with a smile. Although he was Fang Che's elder, after Fang Che conquered Marshado, his status in the alliance would not be lower than his.

"Uncle Xu, many people in the Lou family are ready to run away. Aren't you going to stop them?"

Fang Che looked in the direction of the Lou family's mansion. The Lou family had already prepared to run away when he came. Now they are almost ready to run away, right?

Xu You shook his head, "Don't worry, Gao Xiu provided us with a map of the secret passage inside the Lou family. People from the security office are already guarding the places they must pass through. No matter whether the Lou family chooses to escape from the front or escape through the secret passage, You can’t even run away.”

Fang Che remained silent, looking at Lou Tie with particularly pity.

Good guy, Gao Xiu is afraid that the Lou family will continue to die, so he just secretly collects evidence of Lou Tie's crimes. He has even collected all the information about the Lou family's secret passage. I'm afraid Gao Xiu has been waiting for this day. It’s been too long!

"Let's go, let's go to the assembly point of the security office and take a look. Compared to Gao Xiu, we have already caught a lot of big fish."

This time, Master Zhao directly sent Gao Xiu to the front line to coordinate the overall situation, because Gao Xiu knew the Lou family so well that he knew which ones were big fish and which ones were just little Kalami.



In the dark tunnel, Lou Kui, whose eyes were somewhat dull, was running fast, with a self-destructing magnet monster following him.

The tunnel that Lou Kui walked was completely unknown to the Lou family. It was an escape passage that he personally dug with the elves.

As early as Lou Kui gradually took over the Lou family's affairs, he was prepared for the Lou family's affairs to happen one day.

He knew that the escape routes known to outsiders were not safe, so he personally dug out such a dark tunnel with the elves, but this moment became a life-saving straw in Lou Kui's heart.

The Lou family's mansion must have been targeted, but as long as he could escape outside the city, or to the mountains, Lou Kui would have a chance to escape.

By then, as long as he goes to the Reese Alliance and takes over the King's Army, he will still have a chance to make a comeback.

"The Flame Queen, spray flames."

Just as Lou Kui was thinking about how to break through the security office's blockade, a flash of fire suddenly flashed in the passage ahead.

The self-destructing magnet monster was swallowed up by the flames without any reaction. If Lou Kui hadn't dodged in time, the flames just shot would have been enough to knock him down.


Lou Kui asked in shock, even Lou Tie and Lou Shan didn't know about this tunnel, why would someone ambush here?

Two figures walked out of the dark passage, both wearing the uniforms of the security office.

"Little letter, I just said you can catch big fish here!"

Gao Xiu, who had been waiting here for a long time, jokingly said to Gong Xin beside him, "Look, isn't this a rabbit that has fallen into a trap?"

Gong Xin only felt that it was very magical. He was forcibly pulled by Gao Xiu to this special secret passage. He thought he would not be able to wait for the Lou family who fled, but he did not expect that Lou Shan's father was directly caught in one net!

"Gao Xiu! You traitor!"

Lou Kui glared at Gao Xiu. He never expected that Gao Xiu would lead someone to block his way.

You know, Gao Xiu's growth depends entirely on the support of the Lou family.

Isn't Gao Xiu afraid of being ridiculed and excluded by others?

Facing Lou Kui's angry rebuke, Gao Xiu clapped his hands noncommittally, and the flame queen lizard that had been standing beside him sprayed a ball of scorching flames at Lou Kui again.

Lou Kui was forced back by the Flame Queen Lizard.

The Lou family, like the Fang family, are all steel-type masters. Most of the clan members use steel-type elves, which are more or less weak to fire.

In addition, Lou Kui's trainer talent is not very strong, and his handheld elves are basically stuck in the quasi-king realm, and he is no match for Gao Xiu.

"Gao Xiu! Let me go, and I will definitely repay you!"

Seeing Gao Xiu preparing to kill him, Lou Kui couldn't care less about his previous arrogance. He knelt down to Gao Xiu and begged for mercy without hesitation.

Gong Xin looked at Lou Kui who was kneeling in front of Gao Xiu and remained silent. While waiting for Lou Kui to surrender, Gao Xiu seemed to be talking to himself and told him about the humiliation he had suffered in the Lou family over the years.

Yes, the Lou family provided Gao Xiu with resources for growth, but Gao Xiu gave back even more to the Lou family!

He gave up the credit for working so hard to complete the task to the Lou family members.

He gave the secret treasure obtained through hard work and exploration to Lou Tie as a tribute.

Even the elves with great potential that he had worked so hard to conquer, Lou Tie had to lose one for his grandson!

Under such circumstances, how could Gao Xiu not hate the Lou family?

Without the Lou family, Gao Xiu might just be an ordinary trainer who would sleep peacefully after living an ordinary life.

But because of the Lou family, Gao Xiu became a "hard-working" puppet, a dog that only barked after Lou Tie's ass!

"Lou Kui, would you like to see how you look now? I still prefer your arrogant look before."

Gao Xiu was very calm. He didn't say that the humiliation had cleansed him and his mentality was inflated. On the contrary, he felt that his whole body was much more relaxed.

Without the Lou family as a vampire, he can enjoy life peacefully as long as he makes up for the mistakes he made before.

This was also the promise Master Zhao made after finding out what Gao Xiu had done.

Maybe Lou Tie had a trace of conscience, or maybe Lou Tie didn't want to give up an apprentice who could be promoted to a high position. He just squeezed Gao Xiu, but didn't let Gao Xiu do anything that was considered a violation of the alliance's regulations.

"Xiao Xin, you are a top student at the Imperial City Elf Academy. How would you describe Lou Kui's behavior?"

Gao Xiu released another quasi-king-level Heiluga. Heiluga and the Flame Queen lizard locked on Lou Kui. If Lou Kui made any change, they would attack without hesitation.

Gong Xin shrugged. This time he just drank some soup and shared some of the credit. Unexpectedly, Gao Xiu took a fancy to him and got involved in the Lou family's incident.

"Probably it's just taking advantage of the situation first and respecting it later. It makes you laugh when you think about it."

Lou Kui's arrogant appearance before and the subsequent demeanor of kneeling down when he saw Gao Xiu's murderous intent really fit the term "arrogant at the front and respectful at the back".

Gao Xiu waved his hand, and the Flame Queen lizard struck Lou Kui's leg with the flame whip without hesitation, and Hei Lujia also used black smoke.

After a while, Lou Kui fainted because of difficulty breathing.

"Let's go, take him with us, let's go find Young Master Fang. Speaking of which, Xiaoxin, you seem to be friends with Young Master Fang, right?"

Gao Xiu smiled and patted Gong Xin on the shoulder. It was not for nothing that he brought Gong Xin to share Lou Kui's great contribution.

He hoped that through Gong Xin, he could make friends with Fang Che.

Even if it’s just a glance from Fang Che!



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