Chapter 403 K-008 Rainbow Rockets!

Sundae did not refuse because she knew what kind of pressure Xiaozhi was under.

"What do you need me to do?"

In the video data of Porygon Z, Udo Sundae asked Xiaozhi in a gentle tone. She helped Xiaozhi sit on the stone bench of the pavilion with a very kind attitude.

Xiaozhi's empty eyes stared at Sundae's cheek, "I want to ask you to guard this place forever."

"Guarding here?"

Yuto Sundae is a little confused. What does it mean to guard this place forever? Where does this refer to, the Academy of Elf Research?

"Arceus used his life to make a prophecy. There are some places of great luck in our world. As long as these places are guarded, those guys will not be able to fully control our world."

"Coupled with the obstruction of Arceus and the divine beasts, one day in the future, we can restore the world to its original appearance."

Xiaozhi's face was full of determination, but when he looked at Yudou Sundae, he was full of guilt, "It's just that I don't know when this day will come, one year, two years, ten years, It’s possible for hundreds of years.”

Yuto Sundae is very smart. She knows that Xiaozhi will not make empty promises. Since she has said the possibility of a hundred years, it means that once she accepts Xiaozhi's request, she will die in this Elf Research Academy for the rest of her life. .


Yudou Sundae flicked the hair on her forehead, her eyes were calm, and there was even a hint of lightness in her tone.

"You have always been carrying it from the front. Now that I need to make a little contribution to this world, I will definitely go all out."

"But, Xiaozhi. If we really win one day in the future, I hope the person who comes to take me out of this place is you."



The subsequent images became blurry again. From the fragmented fragments, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi knew that Xiaozhi left the Academy of Elf Research, and Sundae Udo also relied on the power of his family to become the principal of the Academy of Elf Research.

As for what happened in the outside world, Porygon Z didn't know. Although Yudo Sundae knew about it, he never mentioned it to the students in the school.

The peaceful days were suddenly broken one day. A man wearing a dark red vest and a device like a night vision device appeared in front of Yudo Sundae.

With an extremely powerful gesture, he used a dark black onion-headed elf to instantly kill everyone in the Elf Research Academy, including Yuto Sundae.

The subsequent image went black, and Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi could only hear a curse.

"Damn little devil, was he cut here too!"

When the screen lit up again, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi discovered that the Elf Research Academy was unscathed, and Yuteng Sundae was still drinking tea every day and leading the students to study.

However, compared to Yudo Sundae, whose facial expressions are very flexible, those students seemed hollow, rigid, and somewhat programmed.

Reincarnation has started.

"That was the fantasy beast Celebi just now, right? But why is the color wrong?"

Zhao Wanxi's expression was a little solemn. According to the alliance's records, Celebi was a very peace-loving beast. Even in the first chaotic century when the elves came, Celebi had never hurt anyone.

Even in the following hundreds of years, Celebi has been working hard to restore the forest vitality on the Elf Planet, and is a proper ecological patron saint.

However, the Celebi released by the man in the red vest was full of the desire to destroy. Even through the screen, Zhao Wanxi could feel the deathly aura emanating from that Celebi.

"Dark Celebi?"

Fang Che took a deep breath. The moment he saw the man in the red vest appear, his heart skipped a beat.

Because that's Bishas!

Senior cadre of Team Rocket, Bixias!

That's right, the existence of Xiaozhi means that the elf world also exists.

The Elf World exists, and Team Rocket, an organization that can be called the protagonist among villains, naturally also exists.

Thinking of Xiaozhi's tragic situation before, as well as the devastating crisis facing the world revealed in Yudou Sundae's few words, and Bixias who finally entered the Elf Research Academy, Fang Che made a super bold guess.

Could it be that the ultimate threat facing the elf world, and the pressure of annihilation that Xiaozhi and the others are under, is the Rainbow Rockets!

"If it's really the Rainbow Rockets, then things are going to be really big."

Fang Che began to sort out some of the clues he knew, and finally he discovered that the culprit that caused the destruction of the elven world, and even threatened Tailebagos to cut the world into pieces to protect itself, might really be the Rainbow Rockets.

After all, the Rainbow Rocket Team has the ability to fight across worlds, and it controls multiple mythical beasts. The Rainbow Rocket Team, an extremely large organization, even has the ability to fight multiple worlds at the same time.

[Okay, the story is over. 】

Porygon Z stopped playing the video, and what followed was an endless reincarnation.

Even if one or two people occasionally come in during many reincarnations, they are all sent away by Yudou Sundae, because they are not Xiaozhi.

"Thank you very much for clearing up our confusion."

Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi bowed slightly to Porygon Z. This image data of Porygon Z is so important. If it weren't for the reminder from Porygon Z and Udo Sundae, no one in the outside world would know that the world is facing destruction. crisis.

Porygon Z just smiled and said nothing. It has been reincarnating in this world for too long.

Sometimes, it really wants to talk to Yudou Sundae, but it cannot leave this virtual battle machine. It can even leave this machine only for a short period of time after Yudou Sundae's reincarnation. Independent spirit.

However, after a hundred generations of reincarnation, even if Porygon Z had not thought about training, the students' endless battle information pushed Porygon Z to the realm of God, which was something Porygon Z himself did not expect.

"Porygon Z-senpai, have you ever thought about leaving this place?"

Fang Che put aside his worries for the time being. He remembered his previous "goal" again and tempted Porygon Z to go out with him.

Polygon Z shook his head, [I really want to go out, but since I am reincarnated with Sundae, it means that I also have a mission, although I don’t know what that mission is. 】

[I have a feeling that if I leave the School of Spiritual Research, I will disappear. 】

It's not that Porygon Z didn't think about leaving this place, but when it wanted to leave while Yudo Sundae was in reincarnation, its instinct told it that once it left this world, it would die.

It was impossible for Fang Che not to be disappointed when he heard Porygon Z's words, but it was also impossible for him to ignore the risks Porygon Z had to take and continue to seduce it away.

[Alright, you guys have received the rewards and have finished listening to the story. Let me see you off. 】

Porygon Z glanced at the principal's office in the distance. In a while, Yuto Sundae will be back, and by then the two of them may not be able to leave even if they want to.

With a surge of colorful brilliance, Porygon Z returned to the computer, and a circle-shaped teleportation array suddenly appeared under Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi's feet.

Before the two of them could say another word, the teleportation array teleported them back into the white mist.

Then, the white mist gradually dissipated, revealing the appearance of Yanggu Forest.

“What an unforgettable adventure!”

Zhao Wanxi took out her phone and checked the time. She found that two days and two nights had passed!

Just in time for the white fog to dissipate.

Fang Che scratched his head, "Wanxi, do you think if we tell President Dongfang about this, will he be so anxious that he will have a few more gray hairs?"

Zhao Wanxi thought about President Dongfang's character for a while, and she couldn't help but pat Fang Che's back gently, "How can you miss Grandpa Dongfang so much? Grandpa Dongfang is already exhausted from the alliance, so we can't put any more pressure on him." ”

President Dongfang Shuo has worked hard for the Eastern Alliance. He not only has to single-handedly suppress the small evil within the alliance, but also works hard to find a way out for the alliance. It can be said that he is as busy as a top.

If another crisis of world destruction were placed on President Dongfang, Zhao Wanxi felt that President Dongfang would probably collapse from exhaustion.

"There are definitely many similar white mist worlds on Elf Star, but we have not explored them clearly in the past."

Fang Che clearly remembered something Xiaozhi mentioned in the video played by Porygon Z.

Arceus used his life to make a prophecy that there are many places of great fortune in the elven world. As long as these places are still well preserved, evil forces will not be able to completely control the elven world.

Combined with Yuteng Shengdai's words about the exiled enemies, Fang Che has reason to believe that even after hundreds of reincarnations, those enemies still have not been able to break through the white mist world and completely occupy the elven world.

Even the so-called exiled world is the original elf world, but the land of great luck above was "cut" by Xiaozhi using a special method to become an independent small world. As long as it is not completely replenished, , then the enemies behind them will not be able to achieve their goals.

"Darkrai and Cresselia may know something."

Fang Che recalled the murals in Cresselia Castle, the rise and destruction of the world, and the scene that looked like the collapse of a cosmic bubble was really vivid in his mind.

"Let's go back to celebrate the New Year first, and sort out the information we know, and then ask Grandpa and Uncle Zhao to check the past information."

Zhao Wanxi thought of their next plan very seriously. The Elf Star was so big that it was impossible for the two of them to explore the entire place.

Fang Che also thought that this proposal was okay. He would go home to celebrate the New Year first, and then go to the Dragon Palace secret realm to explore after the New Year, and then go to the small secret realm found by the Liu family.

He always felt that that small secret realm, like the White Mist World, was a place of luck in the elven world.

However, he didn't know which land of destiny the so-called stormy sea corresponded to.

After all, even if you just follow Xiaozhi's route, you have encountered strong winds and waves many times.

Whether it was Chaomeng's counterattack, the storm field created by Chaomeng, or the explosion of Lugia, the changes in the world caused by the three divine birds, they all fit the scene described by Zhao Weimin.

In other words, the birth of Kyogre, the awakening of Mana Fe, etc. are also very consistent with the theme of the ocean.

There were so many that Fang Che couldn't even count them, so he had better wait to go in and take a look in person before making sure.

The white mist incident had been resolved, so Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi naturally had no point in staying in Yanggu Town. The two took the latest flight back to the imperial capital.

While waiting at the airport, Fang Che received a message from Master Zhao.

Although the memory of the missing child in Yanggu Town has not been restored, there is an elf ball in his body. The child has no memory of conquering the elf.

After testing, it was found that the extra elf on Axiang's body was a large armor, which was very well cultivated and had elite-level strength and king-level potential.

The security office is already considering whether to absorb this child as a member of the team.

"Da Jia? It should be his reward after clearing the level."

Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi looked at each other and smiled. The rewards they received were even more precious.

It was precisely because of the need to digest the rewards given to them by Porygon Z that Zhao Wanxi suggested not to go out to make trouble these days and just enjoy the lively atmosphere of the past few days.

After the years have passed, the rewards from Porygon Z will be almost digested. Then it will be good to look for a place of luck similar to the White Mist World.



White fog world.

After Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi left, Porygon Z was still hiding in the computer.

I don’t know how long it took, but a dozen children suddenly appeared in the virtual battle room. They were chattering and looking very unhappy.

[Hey, it’s starting again. 】

Polygon Z was very tired inside. He had watched this scene one hundred and four times, and it was exactly the same every time. It could memorize all the children's lines.

At the same time, in the principal's office, Yuto Sundae appeared out of thin air on the leather sofa, but she seemed to be still in a deep sleep. She was curled up, and with the sadness on her eyebrows, people couldn't help but think To protect her.



The Sun Elf and Gala Gala were guarding Yuto Sundae. They very thoughtfully covered Yuto Sundae with a blanket, but the trembling blanket revealed that Yuto Sundae was in a bad state. good.


Suddenly, Yuto Sundai sat up suddenly. The sudden rise made her vision go dark. Then she saw everything in the room clearly before she rubbed her eyebrows in distress.

She experienced the feeling of being killed again. How long will this painful memory accompany her in reincarnation?

Sun Elf and Gala Gala came close to Yuto Sundae. They leaned on Yuto Sundae carefully, as if they wanted to bring her a little warmth.

"It's okay, I'm okay."

Yuto Sundae gently caressed the Sun Elf and Gala Gala. She looked out the window at the bright white sky and smiled lightly.

"One hundred and four times, Xiaozhi? The hundred years promised have passed long ago."

"But it doesn't matter, I know you will definitely come!"



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