There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 5 A-005 The perfect secret treasure - the Soothing Bell!

The introduction to Power of Data I is very simple. Although it is still full of spam messages asking Fang Che to recharge, Fang Che still feels that he will definitely make a fortune with the first ten million recharge!

In this world, the improvement of elves' strength needs to be gradual. Both combat and resources are essential.

Without enough fighting, no matter how many treasures you take, it will not help. And if there are no resources, then you can't even fight.

Fang Che does not lack resources, and he also does not resist fighting. It stands to reason that his elf strength will definitely improve very quickly, and with the power of data I, this speed marked as very fast will become extremely fast!

What is improving capabilities through data?

To put it simply, defeat monsters and upgrade!

"Riolu, feel the changes in your body."

Fang Che injected the Power of Data I into Riolu's body, and then he looked at Riolu nervously, fearing that the Power of Data I would cause any rejection reaction.

His worries were unnecessary. Riolu only felt that his strength had improved a lot. He looked at his trainer in surprise. Is this a special power mastered by the trainer?

Just after Fang Che injected the power of data I into Riolu's body, a light curtain that was much smaller than the mall interface appeared in front of Fang Che, with an introduction to Riolu!

"Riolu (male)

Level-21 (Growth Stage)

Qualification-King of Heaven

Characteristics - Mental Power


Moves - flash of lightning, see through, hold on, return double, exert strength, feint, come back to life, wave missile

Move Machine - Sword Dance, Strange Power, Earthquake, Shadow Clone, Stand, Hold, Bluff, Awakening Power (Ice), Rock Break, Hard Hold, Tile Splitting

PS: Intimacy: 175”

"Does it have the potential of a heavenly king?"

Fang Che took a deep breath. If he could understand the wave missile during Riolu's time, then it would be a problem if Riolu's potential was not as high as the King's.

But, has Riolu learned so many tricks?

Fang Che had always let Riolu train with his father's elves. Although he and Riolu were constantly cultivating their relationship, he really didn't pay too much attention to what tricks Riolu had learned.

Riolu is not an elf who shows off his knowledge of new moves. If it weren't for the power of data that allowed Fang Che to see through Riolu, he really wouldn't have known that Riolu was so strong!

"Level 21, does it represent the growth stage?"

It has been five hundred years since elves appeared in this world, and the Elf Alliance has long summarized an official ranking system.

From the lowest infancy stage to the final champion, there are six levels in total: infancy stage, growth stage, elite level, gym level, king level, and championship level.

Of course, between the gym level and the king level, there is a threshold called the quasi-king level. Only by breaking through this threshold can the elf become a powerful being at the level of the king.

There are countless strong people who are stuck at this threshold. Over time, the Quasi-King level has become an unofficial name for those strong people who have surpassed the gym level but have not reached the King level.

Fang Che's parents are both powerful men at the level of quasi-kings.

As for the championship level and above, that is the legendary master level. However, since the establishment of the Elf Alliance, no one has been heard of breaking through the master level, so this has become an unreachable legend.

Even when children dream, they only say that they want to be the future champion, not the first leader.

"To evolve, you need at least 220 points of intimacy. With the intimacy between Riolu and I, we have only had this little intimacy for two years? How do those elves who rely on intimacy to evolve do it?"

Seeing that the intimacy level was only 175 points, Fang Che grinned. He couldn't understand that he and Riolu were eating and sleeping with each other, but the intimacy level was not even 200.

No wonder Riolu hasn't evolved in two years. It's really hard to increase this level of intimacy.

"Let's take a look at what's in the mall. Are there any items that can heal Riolu's eyes?"

Fang Che's expectations for Goldfinger are still very high. After all, you get what you pay for. You asked me to recharge tens of millions, so at least I can get some good stuff!

[Low-level secret treasure - water stone, contains the energy of water and has more impurities. It can speed up the growth of water-type Pokémon and also allow some special elves to complete their evolution. Selling price - 10 ball coins]

Opening the mall, Fang Che discovered that the huge mall interface only had five product grids, and the first product grid contained a secret treasure of the lowest level.

"A low-quality water stone costs around 100,000 Xia Yuan when placed outside. This is not a bad thing in the mall."

Fang Che ignored this useless prop and looked directly at the second grid.

[Wenyou fruit (100), a special tree fruit rich in energy, can help elves recover their physical strength, and can also be used as a raw material for certain energy cubes. The price is -10 ball coins]

The second product is one hundred pomelo fruits. This kind of fruit also exists in the real world and is considered a relatively scarce fruit resource.

According to the official pricing of the alliance, a pomelo fruit costs about 5,000 to 10,000 Xia yuan. Looking at it this way, the pomelo fruits in the mall seem to be 90% cheaper!

Although it feels very cheap, Fang Che has no idea of ​​winning it because his mother is a high-level breeder and there is a fruit forest at home. Although the pomelo fruit is cherished, Fang Che can go directly if he wants it. Fruit picking from trees.

Fang Che didn't like the second prop, and he felt a little disappointed in his heart. Is there no good props in this mall?

As if he wanted to slap Fang Che in the face, when he looked at the props in the third grid, he was stunned.

[Perfect level secret treasure - Bell of Appeasement. After wearing the Bell of Appeasement, the bond between the elf and the trainer will deepen, and the intimacy growth rate will double. At the same time, the elf wearing it can independently comprehend the skill "Repay the favor". Selling price - 500 ball coins]

A secret treasure of perfect quality!

In the real world, the quality of the secret treasure determines its value. Except for the dragon-type secret treasure which has always been relatively high in price, the price of ordinary low-level secret treasures is only about 100,000, and the price of the intermediate secret treasures is almost 500,000.

For high-level secret treasures, the price is generally around one million, but without any special opportunity, it is generally impossible to buy high-level secret treasures with money.

As for the secret treasure of perfect quality, this thing is a treasure that only appears as a major treasure in the auction. You can't get it without 30 to 50 million Xia Yuan!

Seeing the 500 ball coins clearly marked in the mall, Fang Che only felt that the red scarf between the little penguin's neck was so bright!

"Buy it! Buy it! Buy it!"



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