There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 52 A-050 Secret Realm Files!

"Ah, I didn't expect to meet a sticky dragon."

On the way back to his residence, Fang Che was a little reluctant.

To be honest, killing everyone in front of so many elite trainers is a very addictive thing. Fang Che expected himself to climb to at least the fifteenth field, but he did not expect to be defeated in the third level of the seventeenth field. lag.

You know, in order to take care of Fang Tianyang's face, the battle center has given Fang Che a lot of care.

In the arena of the battle center, the battles between trainers are based on points. Only the top ten trainers are qualified to challenge trainers in higher venues every day. Fang Che will be automatically promoted after defeating three people. This is already considered. Breaking the rules.

Fang Tianyang looked at his grandson's unwillingness, and he laughed happily, "You brat, why would you be unwilling to climb to the 17th floor? They are all several years older than you, and they are in the secret realm. It’s been a lot of hard work inside for several years.”

"If it weren't for the fact that your kid's Riolu and Variety Monster are a bit special, I'm afraid even the first opponent's Raichu Pi wouldn't be able to handle them."

What Fang Tianyang said was true. Although Fang Che's battles almost ended instantly, in fact it was just because his opponent didn't understand him well.

Whether it is Raichu, Big Steel Snake, or Ghost Stone, they are all very difficult opponents.

If it were a normal battle, if an ordinary growth-stage elf could survive ten minutes in front of them, it would be considered excellent.

Riolu didn't even reach the elite level, but he killed two generals in a row. The Variety Monster even jumped two levels to defeat the Big Steel Snake. What else could Fang Che be unwilling to accept?

If Fang Tianyang can tell, those elite trainers of the alliance who were defeated by Fang Che should not be reconciled. If they were in the wild, they would have exploded with stronger combat power, but in the center of the battle, they became Fang Che's stepping stone.

Fang Che scratched his head, that's what he said. After all, the feeling of being sniped down by a quasi-god was still a bit bad, which made Fang Che want to cultivate his own quasi-god as soon as possible.

Speaking of which, if the Variety Monster can be upgraded to a higher level, it can be equivalent to the fusion of countless quasi-gods. Unfortunately, if you want the Variety Monster to exert its quasi-god-level combat power, you may have to invest a lot of resources.

After spending a very quiet night at the alliance headquarters, Fang Che finished breakfast and ran to the battle center early the next morning.

The mysterious cave exploration is tomorrow, and there is still one day for Fang Che to fight today. As for the preparations, Fang Che has enough supplies in his pocket to spend three months in the wild comfortably.

"I didn't expect you to come so early in the morning. Do you still want to challenge me?"

In the venue No. 17, a young man with short hair looked at Fang Che who came to the venue in surprise. He thought that Fang Che would relax after yesterday's defeat.

Fang Che shook his head. He didn't come today to challenge the man in front of him.

With the current combat power in Fang Che's hands, even if it were two against one, it would be impossible for him to be an opponent of his Nianmei Lulong. Fang Che came here today because he was interested in the huge trainer resources at Site 17.

With the power of data I in hand, there is no so-called bottleneck for Fang Che's elves. The gap between the growth stage of level 29 and the elite level of level 30 is a difficult one to cross. However, Fang Che only needs to continue to You can gain experience for your own elves through battles.

Now, Riolu is only one-tenth of the experience bar away from breaking through. The experience bar of Variety Monster also exceeded 50% after defeating the Big Steel Snake yesterday, and now it is still 40% short of it. five.

If possible, Fang Che wanted to fill up Riolu's experience bar before setting off to explore the secret realm.

However, Fang Che's thoughts were beautiful, but the reality was a bit cruel.

Most of the trainers in the No. 17 venue are senior elite trainers, and many even have one or two gym-level aces in their hands. You must know that as Fang Xuan's disciple, Lu Qiling only has two gyms. Just level elves.

When facing these elite trainers, Fang Che felt unprecedented pressure.

Riolu's exchange of venues and the special transformation of Variety Monster have been known to the trainers at Site 17. Everyone retained a little room for maneuver when fighting Fang Che, which also made Fang Che The idea of ​​a strong attack was immediately shattered.

In addition, Fang Che could not occupy the battle field alone. His battles required application review. Even if Fang Tianyang's face review took care of Fang Che, he was not able to schedule too many games.

Until the sunset, Fang Che's record for the day was only 11 wins in 19 games, which was more than 50%, but it was far from the goal of harvesting experience that Fang Che wanted.

Among these eleven victories, seven were won by Riolu, and the remaining four were won by Variety, but overall it was still a fruitful day.

In the evening, Fang Tianyang found Fang Che. He threw a file directly to Fang Che, "This is the basic information about the mysterious cave we are going to tomorrow. Take a look at it. We will set off at six o'clock tomorrow morning."

Fang Che looked at the documents in his hand with some confusion. Could it be that there is something strange about this mysterious cave that even Fang Tianyang cares about?

Opening the file, Fang Che saw just a piece of paper with some brief information marked on it, and two photos.

One of the photos was of a seriously injured Alliance explorer who also discovered this cave.

Judging from the photos, the mysterious cave seems to be quite dangerous, because the trainer who discovered the mysterious cave is a gym-level trainer, and even has a quasi-king-level elf in his hand. However, all his elves are in danger. In a dead state, the alliance prohibits expedition teams without a king-level trainer from entering the cave to explore.

"Has even the Quasi-Heaven King been defeated?"

Fang Che rubbed his chin, and then looked at the second picture, which was a flying dragon-shaped elf soaring in the sky, but there were many sharp rocks attached to the surface of its body.

Fossil pterosaur, MEGA form!



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